《An Empire Divided》23 Woman and Messages
"Thank you for the meal, what a magnificent dinner” the royal duke said as he placed his spoon on his plate.
"Indeed, thank you Aedrik, and René, you saved the evening" Lady Margaux said happily.
The dinner had gone well, Aedrik’s steaks were well received and had everyone talking about them. Lord Damian in particular, had devoured the food. Even the ladies, who had been a bit skeptical at first, did not hesitate after watching Aedrik and Pan eating their steaks. Frey had also been surprised by the simplicity of the dish, she had also eaten a too much, to her surprise so had Danielle and lady Fleur, the duke’s wife. The dinner concluded on a high note with René’s incredible pies as dessert.
"To be honest, I had my reservations with your steaks, prince, but they had such an intense flavor" lady Fleur added.
"I am glad you like them lady Fleur, they are fairly simple, but I grew accustomed to eating them when I was in the north" Aedrik replied smiling.
"Well, it is official Aedrik, with this now you have my consent to marry Frey" everyone laughed as Danielle placed her silverware on the plate.
"I did not know; lord Percy had returned to his dukedom" The royal Duke asked to no one in particular.
"He went back to help his father, Duke" Lord Damian began explaining, he had accompanied Percy, to the outskirts of the city before he departed "He was not thrilled with the result of today's council, but it was more than what he expected. He needs to rally his men, I also sent one of my knights as well, we all need to get ready" the royal duke nodded. The high noble council had voted on whether Loire would participate fully, on the march against the orcs.
In the end the nobles decided that it was not something were the kingdom should spend so many resources, the Beaumont, Lunebleau, and other minor nobles, would receive supplies, and back up if needed, but that would be all the support Loire would give, however any, claims on orc territory, would be recognized by the kingdom, and left for those who participated inside the campaign. The royal duke had been instrumental in easing the tension between some of the nobles, and the intelligence Aedrik provided with his reports from scouts calmed everyone.
"I must thank you duke, you did a great part in easing up the rest of our peers, having this campaign respected by every noble, is a sign of friendship, or at least it is how the Empire has taken it" Aedrik commented, and the royal duke seemed pleased as well.
"How long do you think the campaign will last?" the duke asked
"The orcs are moving closer to the borders, we are moving quickly, we are still in time to disrupt them, I think we could take care of everything in a month, once we moved inside the warring hills, but I found some of the orc movements making little sense… still once we move we could have a real estimate of what we are up against" The royal duke agreed with Aedrik, the royal spies, had been trying to understand the orc movements, but they were erratic, on orc terms at least "You know, there will be some other time and place to talk about this, duke, but may I inquiry on your take on the trade negotiations instead?" The royal duke was surprised by the change of subject, but Fleur, gave him a small nudge with the elbow.
Lady Liliane, and her daughter Lady Ide, had worried faces, they were from the Beaumont territory, and they had been facing raids lately, Aedrik, wanted to change the subject to be respectful to them.
"You know, I was really surprised, when you proposed the idea of leasing, or renting the rights to certain resources, our western nobles were especially interested in the idea of fishing near the Boreal glades" the royal Duke, had been really surprised when he heard about what had happened in the trade negotiations "I must confess, that it opened many opportunities, and many of the our nobles were very pleased, what you proposed seems fair, may I inquiry about whom had the idea? I think lord Finean, is a great negotiator, but I don't think he had it" that was something that had been on the dukes mind. Aedrik had a gigantic smile on his face at that moment.
"Well, you are right, even though is something we are used to, few people would talk about the possibility or opportunity that it would present, between both nations, and with that I am glad to tell you, it was my fiancée" Aedrik enchanting smile, was lost on Frey, he was holding her hand, and he looked at her as if there was no one else in the room. Frey was red to the ears, she had been blushing, ever since the beginning of the subject, but now, everyone on the table was staring at her.
Almost every were surprised by the last remark, Luka and the duke in particular, but not lord Damian. He had watched how her daughter grew, she quickly understood how the dukedom worked, and he had started sharing his ideas with her, she had a different point of view than Luka.
"Wait, if you were the one who came up with the idea, why didn’t you tell us about it?" Luka asked with a hurt look on his face, Frey was confused, ‘why indeed?’. She had started considering the idea, when she heard about the Fey Danan delegation, but it was not until Aedrik asked her to take part in the negotiations that she had started working with the idea, and not until he had shared the information, he had about the trade discussions. She could have talked about it to Luka or her father…
"Perhaps, you just did not ask?" Aedrik said beaming with pride at Frey, and she knew he was right. Her father cared for her opinions, and from time to time he asked her about something, no, that was wrong, she came and discussed her ideas with her father, but neither Luka or her father actually asked her ideas, she gave them. Aedrik wanted to listen to them, after they had just met. Aedrik's answer had Luka, and lord Damian, thinking similar things to what Frey was.
The royal duke as well, was taken aback. He had been thinking ever since finding out the prince had had his fiancée lady Frey, taking part in the trade discussions, that empire had an advantage since they allowed women to take part in everything, Loire was missing half its opportunities just like that.
The three men from Loire at the table, felt ashamed. Lady Margaux, Liliane, René, Fleur, Noelle, Danielle, Frey, Lea, Anne, and Ide were all women of Loire, they listened, cared and loved them, but they did not share the same responsibilities, because they did not allow them too, Frey was making a difference, simply because Aedrik was giving her the space to do so. The three men could feel the gazes the ladies were giving them.
"The Empire regards women with the same importance as men, in no small measure due to our fey heritage, and it has been a constant subject of complaint from our many new members of our empire, but results cannot be denied. We hope in a few more years, no one will frown at whenever a woman wields authority" Aedrik continued, and the three man felt he was plunging a knife deeper inside them "I know Loire, has traditions, but your kingdom, is running at half its strength like this. If you don't want to take Frey as an example, because I am in love with her, then just look at Master Librarian Emeryn" Frey could not catch a breath "She is one of your kingdom greatest scholars, and you seldom consult with her, other than to look for information, you care not for her judgement" and with that, the three man were certain, they needed to do something, anything, Luka and his father exchanged looks, but both were lost, they really listened to their wives, but in the end they were the ones to choose.
"Perhaps, that is something, we can learn from our alliance with the Empire" the royal duke intervened, and Luka and Lord Damian nodded approvingly, good "It is really hard to move from traditions, but a strong example will always shake people from their accepted conventions. It is one more thing to celebrate from your wedding, prince and lady Frey, you will help us, change this idea, and for that let me thank you" the royal duke bowed, Luka and Lord Damian, wanted to hug the man, he had saved face for every man in Loire, at least for this dinner.
"Let me thank you as well, prince "Fleur the duke's wife said "We are grateful for letting Frey take part, and opening a path for other women, but allow me to express my admiration to you Frey, you had the chance and did not back down on it, showing the strength of any women of Loire" Frey felt grateful, for the comment, and it felt sincere.
"From experience I can tell you it takes time" Pan said "Gender equality is part of the imperial laws, but there are still those who try to resist the change, Ran Crete and even those from Faerun, had always find the idea strange, Frey participation with the trade delegation has quickly changed many minds”
"You are still having issues with it then?" Noelle asked curious
"The fey lands always treated their people the same, the northerners had always had woman norkrieger, for them it was not complicated. Ashran respects the powerful, whoever they are. Danan had some reservations, but they had fought against the Empress to respect her deeply, they did not hesitate to adopt the law” Aedrik explained “Ran Crete has been adamant in trying to resist that law, but the empire is pressuring hard on them. Last, we have Zel and what we took of Faerun. Zel is a tricky place, there is still too much discontent, by their laws they had to recognize my brother Levi as their direct ruler, or following our laws, embrace their queen. Faerun is very close to Loire, the empire has empowered several ladies, and encouraged them to take on mor responsibilities but progress is slow. I honestly think Frey work with the delegation will make a fine example for them " Aedrik once more turned towards Frey, like a kid eyeing the last candy on the table.
"Thank you Aedrik, my sister had always wanted to participate more actively in our politics and now she has the chance, and I have seen you care for her ideas" Noelle intervened as well "I somehow felt a bit reluctant to marry because of this, but perhaps, I should start considering it as well" at that comment Frey, looked at her sister, and she knew she was being honest.
"Please Noelle, first Frey now you, I am the one who has been waiting to find someone to marry, how come you are now so into it?" Danielle said half joking half upset, and most of the people on the table laughed.
“Thank you, but you should stop thanking me, I did nothing. Frey is the one that is doing everything” Aedrik said frowning, but politely
“To Frey” lady Margaux lifted her glass and everyone around the table did the same
“To Frey” Frey was considering going to the bathroom she felt her ears and face too hot.
Frey smiled, and she now understood, something Mrs. Ferlin once told her, "Ideas are powerful Frey, that is why I like reading, Ideas change the world, perhaps not faster than swords, but when they do, the change endures" perhaps she could truly be part of change. being part of change, Aedrik had listened, perhaps it was because he was used to it, but Frey felt, he would have listened to her anyway, and as she turned towards him, she blushed, for he had not taken his eyes of her.
"Why don't we go to the lounge" Luka suggested, as everyone had already eaten, and it would be more comfortable.
"A great idea let’s have some tea" Lady Margaux replied and went to the kitchen.
Almost everyone moved from the dining room towards the lounge, Luka and René were in front guiding the duke and his wife, as they had been the ones who invited them. Lord Damian came behind them and then Noelle, Frey, Aedrik and Pan. Lady Liliane excused herself and so had Ide her daughter. Lea and Anne, stayed to help lady Margaux.
The lounge was the largest room of the estate, a small party could be had there, lady Margaux had it filled with sofas and armchairs, creating a comfortable space to chat and mingle. The north part of the room had enormous windows facing the main garden of the estate, the sun was almost setting, an orange glow shone on the flowers and the small pond at the center of the garden.
Everyone spread to the lounge, as they almost always did, Danielle and Pan, where about to seat together, but after a moment of considerations they changed their minds and preferred to sit alone. Noelle was sitting next to Frey and Aedrik, who managed to take a two seat sofa. Lord Damian had an armchair as his default spot and went to it by instinct. Luka and René sat next to the royal duke and his wife.
"How are you, on the preparations for the wedding?" Fleur asked interested to Aedrik and Frey, they looked at each other for a second, and smiled.
"I think we have resolve most of the more pressing issues" Frey answered politely
"What about the dress? have you visited Bridgette's?"
"I sent my measurements to a seamstress in Lune de Niege, she will work some ideas, but I have yet to decide the fabric"
"Madame Amelié, has caught everyone’s attention, I was hoping, to have her made my dress as well, but now, I wouldn’t want to take her attention" Fleur answered, and Noelle and Frey, smiled about her knowing madame Amelié.
"Who is acting as your representative Aedrik?" the royal duke asked curious, perhaps someone else form the imperial family would come, or they were having a different tradition.
"I am actually waiting for her to arrive" Aedrik said happy, Frey turned to look at him surprised, he knew about it, just winked at her, she rolled her eyes "None of my family would do, so I had to draw on someone else, but I am convinced she would do splendidly, Frey was full of curiosity.
"I did not want to be disrespectful or anything so, I needed someone who would be mindful of your traditions" the royal duke and Luka both exchanged a look, who else did the prince new in Loire, they needed to find out quickly, and have it checked.
"For instance, I was going the take on the expenses for the wedding, but I was told, it was expected from the bride family to handle part if not the whole expenses, and my proposition might come out as rude or insulting" Aedrik confessed a bit embarrassed, and Frey was now even more curious who he had found "I also did not know, I had to present proof of my wealth, in order to ease the bride family that I can provide, for their daughter" everyone in the room was a bit confused.
"That is a really old custom Aedrik, not even my parents did that" Noelle said confused
"I would like to, and will give me the chance to show respect for Loire, and your family in particular"
"It will look good, and it is kind of romantic in a way. A proper wedding, respecting our traditions" René said, and Fleur nodded.
The door to the lounge was knocked gently, after a moment one of the guards from th entranced went inside the room “Prince Aedrik, the guest you were expecting has arrived, shall we let them in?” as the man asked, Aedrik stood up.
"I accompany her inside, thank you Laurent" and he went with the guard, Frey was happy about meeting this person, her mother had been adamant on having his representative, Luka was wondering how Aedrik knew the name of the guard…
"Why not choose your mother, Pan?" Danielle suddenly asked
"Even though she cares for Aedrik, my mother is an old fey, and a traditional one at that, I think not only her presence would make many people uncomfortable, but she will also engage in open war about what should be done with the wedding. Levi had the idea as well, and his wedding preparations almost started another war with Zel, no, it is fine like this, you will have a chance to meet her, on the ceremony in the Empire, and that is more than enough" Pan explained, Frey had thought about it as well, were his words true?
The door from the room opened, and lady Margaux, Anne and Lea went inside, behind them some of the kitchen aids, were carrying trays with teacups and kettles for tea, as well as some biscuits. They placed them on a side table, near lord Damian.
"Where is Aedrik?" Lady Margaux asked as she noticed her son in law to be missing, but before anyone could answer her, the door to the room opened once more, and Aedrik make way for Mrs. Ferlin to come inside the room, she was wearing a lively violet dress, and was all smiles with Aedrik. Frey eyes went wide, she understood everything now.
"Please Master Librarian Emeryn, come inside, I am sure, you are already acquainted with everyone" as Aedrik said that the people at the lounge stood to greet to old master librarian.
"Please, Aedrik, we already discussed you should call me Mrs. Ferlin, and it is true, we are all acquainted with each other" she replied as she gave a quick look around the room and paused as she saw the royal duke and his wife.
"Mrs. Ferlin, please come inside, I am sorry, I was not aware you were coming tonight" Lady Margaux was the first to come and greet the old librarian.
"I am sorry as well, my dear, but Aedrik insisted, he wanted to surprise you all, and I admit, I have a liking for the dramatic"
"You have in disadvantage, I am sorry, am I missing something?" Lady Margaux asked confused.
"Mrs. Ferlin is going to be Aedrik representative for the wedding arrangements" Noelle quickly explained her mother, lady Margaux entire posture changed, she was not greeting her old friend, but her counterpart in the wedding negotiations.
The royal duke and his wife were also surprised by the news. Luka sighed, he had been nervous on who else Aedrik knew, that could be his representative, but he knew it had been the Ciel rouge library were he and Frey had met, there was no intrigue in them being familiar with each other, and Aedrik's comment about looking for someone with a vast knowledge on traditions was self-explanatory now.
"Finally, it is wonderful to have you here Mrs. Ferlin, there is much to discuss, and so little time" Lady Margaux said excited.
"Thank you dear, to tell you the truth, I was surprised as well when Aedrik came to talk with me about it, and I just could not resist. I have watched Frey grow, and I would like nothing else than to be part of her wedding" the old librarian said, Frey went and hugged her. They share a simple but lovely history, she was glad Aedrik had chosen Mrs. Ferlin.
After everyone had exchanged their greetings, Mrs. Ferlin ended up sitting next to lady Margaux, Aedrik had gone to sit next to Frey once more. He smiled mischievously to Frey, and she rolled her eyes at him.
"We have many things to discuss Mrs. Ferlin, and little time to address them all, would you care to start reviewing them with me" lady Margaux asked as soon as everyone had taken their seats.
"I understand that my dear, I believe we should, but would you be so kind as to give me a cup of tea?" Lady Margaux smiled at the old librarian.
The night went on, while the two ladies discussed the wedding arrangements, from time to time, Frey or Aedrik were asked something, and the other one’s present offered their opinion. It was a curious scene, but it felt familiar, even the presence of the royal duke and Fleur, did not stood out, considering there was also a fey man, munching on René’s biscuits as he argued with Danielle and Noelle from time to time.
After what felt like a few hours, it was already late, Mrs. Ferlin, was tired and wanted to go home, Aedrik and Pan, were going to accompany her home. They said their goodbyes to everyone, Frey walked them to the front gate. Mrs. Ferlin gave her a small hug and Pan a mischievous smile. Aedrik gave her short kiss as goodbye.
"You chose well" Frey said as the parted, and Aedrik enchanting smile appeared.
"How would you doubt my choices, I chose you, didn't I?" his eyes were radiant.
"You are right, I am not sure about mine though…“ she smiled at his puppy face “See you tomorrow”
“Can’t wait for it, sweet dreams, Frey, with luck we’ll find on each other’s” Aedrik gave her a small wink, as a last goodbye.
In Svet Cilar, a mage sleeping on duty was startled with the sudden arrival of a message spell. It came from the space meant to receive any report from one of the scouting parties send inside the warring hills, high priority messages. That was enough to wake the mage on duty, he quickly reproduced the content with a duplicate, spell. It was a lesser spell, but difficult enough to earn his designation and station, he took the duplicate report, and called the also sleeping courier next door.
“Scouting report, one for generals Svein and Bretik, on the double” the young man, almost jumped as the mage called him, but he took both and started running to the barracks.
The mage took a look through the embrasure, the communications tower was the second largest of the fortress. The night was clear, he could see most of the courtyard from where he stood. He stretched and prepared to take another nap, at his station. The scouting reports had been starting to come more often, there had been talks about the army being deployed inside the warring hills.
He had doubted them, until the supplies started arriving. He had been concerned after the first report came at night, but there had been no order to move. After a week, he had stopped worrying if the message he received was going to end the waiting. The mage finally decided he needed another power nap, he had not started drifting up, when his door was opened. The mage stood up startled, and sighed, it was only the courier.
“You startled me…” the courier was without air.
“This needs to be sent to, mage Seren, currently at Meury, Loire, immediate delivery for the 4th Marshall, and current commander of the easter army, Imperial Prince Aedrik”
The mage stood there looking at the report the courier had brought back, he took it slowly, wondering.
“It is a long message, I will need to use mana reserves, who requested the massage”
“Both generals signed the order, high priority” the courier answered with a worry on his faces, no sign of his sleepiness anymore.
“Stay clear of the room, long message spell, high priority, inbound” the mage placed the report on the teleportation stations. He checked the runes and added what was needed for the distance and location, he checked for the mage’s Seren location stone, and place it on the marked space.
He took the mana crystal containers, four would be needed to assure the message arrived. He had seldom sent something so far away, he aligned them all properly, rechecked the entire sigils and runes. He prepared the spell, no incantation needed, he felt the pulse of magic through his body, he redirected to the station, a catalyst for his spell, the mana crystals glowed in response, he felt the pull from inside him, the exhaust in his body.
The spell, activated, he felt the contact with mage Seren, after a moment, the connection was established, the final destination rune details appeared, on the station, after a discharge, the entire flow of mana stopped, he breathed in and out, slowly for a moment.
The courier returned to the message room when he heard he had been called.
“Message complete, inform the generals” the courier nodded, and left quickly. The mage massaged his temples, the spell had drained to much. He needed some food, and a mana potion, there was no time for rest. He was sure, more messages were on their way.
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