《An Empire Divided》21 Threads and Gifts
The old lady was still holding the little girl, caressing her long blond hair. Frey did not know what Aedrik had done, but the worried looked on the little girl had disappeared, even the way the old lady held her was different.
"Thank you, mister," the little girl said to Aedrik, he just smiled.
"I did nothing little Straw; it was you who showed old lady Clotho what you felt. I am impressed by your sincerity" Aedrik asked the little girl.
" Thank you, sir, may I know your name?" the little girl asked a bit embarrassed.
"My name is Aedrik, and this young lady is my wife to be, Frey" as Aedrik explained, Frey gifted the little girl Straw, her best smile and bow, the little girl blushed “Little as you may be, your feelings do not lie, little Straw. I hope this helps you, old lady”
The old lady, turned towards Aedrik, with a complicated look, and then she looked at straw once more and sighed "You did, young le Fay, I thank you truly” the old lady made a small bow, surprising the little girl to her side, she copied what the old lady did, Aedrik however smiled, and stopped her.
"There is nothing to thank me for, old lady, I just showed you what little Straw held inside her, but it was because you also care for her, that you could see it" The old lady eyes grow wide at that moment "I am only glad, I was able to show you" Aedrik turned from the old lady and knelt at Straw eye level "Take care of this old lady will you, Straw?" the little girl was surprised as well and nodded "Aedrik pulled a scroll from his bag of holding, and the old lady almost backed away instinctively, but remained where she was, and Aedrik offered it to the little girl.
"If you ever need my help, little Straw, you will open this scroll and say my name, Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, after you have said that, explain what you need and specially where you are. This scroll is a message spell, and I will listen to what you say, and I promise you, I would do everything I can, to help you" Aedrik handed the little and surprised girl the scroll, and she took it worried with both hands, and then turned nervous at Clotho.
"It is alright, Straw, take it, and thank the gift" the old lady smiled at the worried kid.
"Thank you, mister Aedrik" that was all she managed to say. Frey was surprised but just smiled.
"I do not wish to call upon you unexpected attention, old lady, and I think we have done so" Aedrik told, and half the people in the stands had been eyeing them, the other half were still, displaying their best merchandise, the old lady laughed.
"It is fine, I am a fine thread maker, and one of the best around here " the old lady said "You coming to my stall will not raise suspicion, and I would welcome more costumers gladly, so, thank you" Frey, was still processing everything that had happened, and knew she will need an explanation from Aedrik later, Danielle, was as confused as she, Pan seemed to be still on edge.
"We came here looking for some cloth, but thread is also needed, will you show some to us?" Frey asked, this would ease every other merchant, and she had heard of this stall 'Threads and knots'. The old lady eyes brightened, and her smile changed.
"Bring, the good thread, Straw" the old lady said, and the little girl looked around inside the stall, and came with a small box. The box held several threads and yarns, from various colors, and even some made with several colors, they all looked well made and sturdy "Here are my best threads and yarns, were you looking for a particular color, young lady?" the old lady asked, everything in her demeanor had changed, as if the old lady who talked with Aedrik, had gone inside the stall, and a master merchant had taken her place.
"I am still not certain" Frey admitted
"Then, why not take some basic threads and some with a bit of color, I can see your fiancé likes the northern embroidery" the old lady smiled as she pointed at Aedrik shirt, she had placed several threads for Frey to inspect, they were from discreet colors, grey, pale blue, white, black, a curious jade and some more vivid ones. Frey noticed they were of very high quality, Danielle also came close to look at them, and was surprised by them.
"I'll take these ones then, old lady Clotho, how much would they be" Frey said after thinking about it for a moment, but you never went wrong with high quality thread.
"It would be 3 gold coins, and 20 silver for you" the old lady smile was big. Danielle quickly looked away, they were expensive, but maybe they were indeed worth it. Frey was tinkering for a second, but Aedrik placed the coins, for the old lady to take them "Thank you for your patronage, I am sure, you will find them excellent and lasting" the old lady then gave them a curious bow, and little Straw did as well, it seemed as they did that on any purchase, Frey just smiled.
"May you have joy and happiness" the old lady added, and Frey saw it was a genuine smile.
"Thank you, old lady Clotho" Frey gave her a bow "and you, little Straw" and the little girl gifted Frey a big smile.
"Take care, of this young lady, le Fay" the old lady said to Aedrik, he nodded.
"I will, old lady, may you have joy and happiness" Aedrik gave the old lady a bow, and she replied with one "Take care, Straw, and don't forget my name, be patient with the old lady, she may be wise, but as one grows old, sometimes one forgets to be gentle" the little girl, blushed and nodded at Aedrik, and with that they left the stall, Threads and Knots. The merchants were curious, about what they had talked about, they had intended to listen to their conversation, but if felt as if they words were far away.
"You may stop you spell young fey, and you take care of your cousin" The old lady said to Pan, who was behind Aedrik, he almost jumped when the old lady call on him, he thought she had not noticed his confusion spell, but she had, Danielle brows went up when she heard that as well, and quickly walked faster to reach Aedrik and Frey.
"Well, what that was all about?" Danielle asked, and Frey was curious as well, they were on their way to the cloths merchant Frey wanted to take Aedrik to.
"That old lady is a fey" Aedrik began explaining, that much Frey and Danielle had supposed "A very old, and powerful one, she was once known as the thread witch" both Frey and Danielle, almost stopped walking, the Thread Witch, was a story some parents told their kids.
"Then, why don't we call in the guards or something" Danielle asked worried, and Aedrik slowed down a bit.
"She has done nothing here Danielle, for how you looked at her stall, I understand she has even built up some reputation as a thread maker here, but I could not see a trace of magic in any of the threads she has for sale"
"But she is a witch" Danielle said still worried
"Have you met many witches, Danielle?" Aedrik asked her, very calm, Danielle denied with her head "I have, my mother was one, believe me, she will not harm anyone, unless they try to rob her stall" Danielle was at a loss for words, and Frey as well. The witch queen of the Londen Woods, Morgana le Fay, the Empress of the Fey Danan Empire, a grand name, and Aedrik's mother.
"Clotho left the Londen Woods, when the fey joined the Empire, I don't know how has she been here, but please, do not push her, she has done nothing, I understand, your concern, but it was by chance we found her" Aedrik said, but Frey could still see Danielle was worried.
"Aedrik is right Danielle, witches, are not what most people make of them, and even though I was taken aback, there was not a single ounce of magic on her goods" Pan intervened.
"Then why were you nervous, when she offered a deal for Aedrik" Danielle replied.
"Witches, are known for offering deals, for some is an important part of where their power comes from, but not every witch does needs it, but a witch will only offer a deal, if one comes seeking for it, knowing she is a witch. I sought her out Danielle, hence why she offered, that is why it is important as well, to leave her be" Danielle was surprised, Frey remembered some of the witch’s tales explained something similar to what Aedrik said.
"The Empire and Loire are now allies, Danielle, perhaps you are right, it is still something that needs to be handled with care" Frey intervened and everyone turned to her, Danielle surprised as well as Pan, but Aedrik just smiled at her enchanted "Luka told me, René invited Fleur and the Royal Duke to the state to dinner, perhaps, Aedrik could talk with him, he is a mage after all, he will understand better and decided from there" Danielle nodded happy with the idea, Pan, just frowned but Aedrik still smiled.
"That is a wonderful idea, I will let him know, and you can witness it Danielle, but I believe, they should already know about her, Loire, has decent mages, and Clotho's magic leaves a big trace when she uses it" with that Danielle calmed down. They had almost arrived at the stall with the old man, who still had a smug face on his competitors, and by now, the other merchants had stopped offering their goods, the two couples were talking amongst each other and had a course set.
They finally made it to the big stall with the old man, several bolts of cloth and weaves were exposed, they were made of wool, linen, silk and luneweave, a textile made exclusively in Lunebleau territory. It was a soft fabric, which protected from cold weather, but smoother than wool. The old man came to greet them ecstatic.
"Lady Frey, Lady Danielle, it is a pleasure to see you again" the old man bowed at the ladies.
"Hi, Master Emile, this is my fiancé, prince Aedrik, and his cousin Pan" Frey introduced the man to the old man "This is our most famous trader, Master Emile Comtois"
"It is a pleasure to meet you prince, and you as well sir" he bowed and Aedrik and Pan did the same "It is a shame you have taken one of Lunebleau finest flowers, Prince" Frey blushed a bit with the comment.
"I differ, Master Emile, Frey is indeed precious like a flower, but on this, she is not taken, for she is an arrow, and I was struck, without it being her intention" Frey blushed a bit more and the old trader laughed.
"I like him, lady Frey. I must confess, I saw you fighting Sir Belmont, and was impressed, Prince, I felt relieved to see lady Frey in hands on someone capable, but after this, I am certain she chose properly" The old man laugh was deep and sonorous. He was an old friend of Frey's father, and he was tasked with selling, on Meury's grand market.
"Why pray tell, do I have the honor of finding you here my lady, I thought you would choose the fabric for your wedding ceremony directly from our weavers" The old trader asked, it was true he brought the best of Lunebleau here, but for Frey's wedding, the weavers and tailors from Lunebleau, will made something spectacular.
"Aedrik, wants to buy some fabrics, as gifts for his sisters" Frey explained, and with that the old trader smile went wide, a gift for princesses, and Frey had brought him here. He needed to deliver and looked to be up for the challenge.
"Is there anything in particular, you are looking for my lady, a color, or material?" the trader asked with care, two more young men had come near, they were his assistants, they gave them a small bow. Frey turned to Aedrik, but he just smiled back, Frey almost rolled her eyes there.
"We are looking for some bright colors and a few somber ones, perhaps some greys, even black" Frey began telling Master Emile "I was thinking on luneweave and other soft cloths, they are for dresses" as Frey explained, the assistants began placing, different fabrics, they had some in the same grey color but with different patterns.
Pan and Danielle were inspecting some of them, and honestly, they looked good. Aedrik seemed a bit lost with the possibilities, but Frey and Danielle were somehow helping him narrow down the choices. After what felt like half an hour, a grey, pale blue, emerald and mauve fabrics were displayed at the front of the stall.
"You have a wonderful eye lady Frey" the old trader said, Pan was impressed about the fabrics, and Danielle was considering if she should buy one as well.
"What do you say Aedrik, I think these ones are ideal for your sisters" Frey said smiling pleased about her choices and she noticed, Aedrik would probably say yes, judging by how he paid more attention to her than the weaves.
"I like them, but you know, I would also like to buy one for Siv and Fasti, they did well on the events, and I think they might be a nice gift as well" Aedrik said after a moment, and Frey nodded. The old trader began to wrap the fabrics chosen, and his assistants, were preparing for another round.
"Why don't we call Siv, perhaps she could choose the color?" Danielle asked, but Aedrik and Pan were not convinced.
"Siv taste on dresses, are... complicated" Aedrik commented
"That is an putting it gently, she likes mixing colors in the worst way possible, no, you should pick for her, she will like it still" Pan also commented
Frey wondered if what they said was true, she was hoping on getting to know both women, Siv in particular. Danielle helped Frey choose two more bolts of cloth for the other two woman. With that they had managed to find what they had looked for,
"We thank you for your patronage" Master Emile said, and his assistants and him, bowed "I have already notified some of our weavers lady Frey, they are waiting for you back home, so you can check the materials for your dress. Everyone in Lunebleau is already anxious and happy for the wedding ceremony"
"Thank you master Emile, please send my regards to Mrs. Comtois" Frey smiled, and with that, they were done. They had spent half the day at the grand market, and now it was time to head back to the estate.
The Lunebleau carriage was waiting for them at the exit of the market. They were passing the last stall on the market, when Aedrik released Frey’s hand, and grabbed a young man who had passed by her side.
"That bracelet does not belong to you" Aedrik said to the surprised young man, he held by the wrist. The young man had a gold bracelet, with some rubies on it. Danielle touched at her wrist and notice it was hers "Please, give it back, and that would be all"
The young man, eyed, Aedrik, he was taller and bulkier than him, and Pan had already come near them as well, the young man’s options were narrowing quickly.
"If you take that dagger out, I will hurt you" Aedrik in a firm but calm tone. The young man was surprised, he considered what to do, and in the end decided it was not worth it. He stopped struggling and offered the bracelet back to Aedrik. He took the bracelet and released him “Thank you, now, apologize to the lady” the young man bowed fearfully at Danielle, and after a second, ran as fast as he could away from Aedrik, and into the grand market.
Aedrik gave Danielle her bracelet back, and she put it on at once "Thank you Aedrik, I did not even notice when he had taken it from me, is it ok to had let him go?" Danielle had wanted to protest about letting the thief go, but it had been Aedrik who had stopped him.
"He gave it back, people make mistakes, he was young. I hope he does not forget this" Aedrik said smiling, and Frey nodded.
"I think Danielle is right, we should have handed him to a guard" Pan said annoyed.
After the incident they went straight to the carriage. The Fey Danan escort was ridding behind the carriage, two men-at-arms from house Lunebleau rode in front of the carriage. The grand market was not far from the fountain district, where the Lunebleau estate was located.
Luka and René had invited, the royal duke and his wife to dinner. René was the royal duke cousin, and they got along fine, but they had never come to the estate for dinner, their invitation was a surprise but the prospect of the wedding, and the importance of the alliance prompted Luka and René to invite them. Aedrik, Luka and lord Damian, had discussed as well the necessity of getting closer to the royal duke, that way they could ease any tensions with the royal family.
They talked about the market on the way back, Pan and Danielle, were very vocal about what they disagreed on, which perhaps was half the market, but it had been a curious trip. Frey had hoped to be alone with Aedrik, but she enjoyed what it had turn in to.
She liked how easy was to get along with Pan, and how Aedrik acted the same with Danielle around, even her, she was sometimes reserved when meeting someone knew, but this time she had been very open.
Aedrik had place the gifts inside his bag of holding, and Frey had begun wondering, just how big it was. She had seen him, taking many things from it, and the fabrics, occupied some space. Her father had a nice bag of holding but Frey felt it could not hold as much. Aedrik had given her one, with the documents for the trade discussions and when she had tried to give it back, he told her to keep it, after wondering if she had any.
The bag he had given her, had a decent size, Lea and she had tested how much they could fit inside it, and were pleased by the results. Noelle was jealous of her bag, she wanted one, and had been asking for one to their parents, but this was hers. The first gift Aedrik gave her, she smiled at the thought and blushed, as she noticed Aedrik was watching her with curiosity written all over his face. The carriage stopped; they had arrived at the Lunebleau estate.
“I am a klutz; I should have brought something for your sisters as well” Frey said out loud. Why hadn’t she thought about it at the market.
“Don’t worry Frey, there is no need, if you still want to, we could visit the market again, but I think they would love to accompany you to it, that way it would be livelier” Aedrik said smiling.
“I would pass on that” Pan said instantly
“Well, I am up for it, as well” Danielle replied, displeased at Pan’s response.
“I would like to, but still I should have gotten something for them” Frey said with her head down. They doors of the Lunebleau estate opened, and the carriage was let inside. They all went down and as they were about to head to the house, Aedrik stopped them.
“Something is wrong” Aedrik said in the most serious tone, Frey had heard from him.
“What is it?” Danielle asked worried, after witnessing him stop a thief, and spotting a witch at the market, she was adamant in listening whatever warning he said. Frey was nervous as well, but Pan sighed loudly.
“This is perhaps Aedrik most incredible and unique skill, or the most useless, it depends on the perspective. Personally, I have found his skill a life saver” with every word, Frey felt more nervous about what was going on.
“Aedrik has a sense, a premonition, before he enters a place that has chores, that may be required of him” Frey and Danielle were dumbfound “I know, it sounds strange but is incredible accurate, one time he made us hide inside a three for over and hour, when we went inside the castle, we had avoided the worst. The empress had the imperial heirs help clean the cellar, but we had managed to avoid the ordeal. Incredible, right?” Pan said proudly and Aedrik nodded in response.
Frey was a loss for words. Aedrik was very polite, respectful, and caring, for what she had seen. He was easy going, like talking about almost anything, and even though he was a bit reserved did not shy away from groups, but she did not know what to make of what Pan had just said.
“You, have a what? How? Why?” Frey was trying unsuccessfully to communicate her consternation.
“I am sorry, Frey, but Pan is right. I don’t know why, but it is a feeling, a sensation creeping from the back, whenever there are chores to do” as he explained, he began to understand that Frey was not surprised but was holding something inside, her face quickly changing, ‘Oh, shit, oh, shit’ “I am sorry, I just, that I really don’t like cleaning” as soon as his words left him, he knew he had fucked up.
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My name is Xelean, since I can remember I always saw strange shapes floating in my field of vision. When I asked my parents about it, they looked at me concerned, perhaps thinking that I had a vision problem. Seeing his reaction I quickly said that it was all a joke. However, when I learned to read, I understood a little better what those images with letters were thanks to the following message:'Congratulations soul of the multiversal soul flow!!! You are the soul number 1 Billion that will be born in the world to which you were destined, in consideration and because the current situation of the world, certain benefits will be granted:[User interface][Inspection][Accelerated balanced growth] Sincerely, The Hive.' ---------------------------------------------------- Author Note/Warning:English is not my first language. One of the reasons why I started writing this is to improve my writing skills, so if you see any errors, please leave a comment. In this work there may be similar things/references to different novels (from webnovel and outside of it), role-playing campaigns, movies, anime and manga; since they shaped the idea that I have of the stories and I think that, in part, many of the ideas that I have in mind are consciously or unconsciously inspired by them. Character concepts: https://www.insta gram.com/finlergost/
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