《An Empire Divided》4 Dance, like no one is watching
Frey's world had stopped, she was lost inside the young man eyes, Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, that was his name. The fourth prince of the Fey Danan Empire was asking for her hand in marriage.
A marriage the King had demanded for the Empire, to become allies. She had met the young man just a day ago, a chance meeting he had called it, and yet, he had come to ask, if she would have him. He was a prince of the Empire, marrying to make the alliance possible was his duty, one he had accepted before he had even come to Loire, a fate he would not get away from, and yet he had come to ask.
Was he trying to seize fate by choosing to come here? Fate or chance had permitted their meeting, that she was high nobility, and could also satisfy the demands of the King was even more fortunate. Was that the reason he had come? Was she a way for him to revel against his fate? And yet, she had felt it in the library, as they had parted, a spark inside her, and now, how his eyes glowed.
NO, he recognized their meeting had been by chance, and he was upset about it, that his decision of coming here, could be tarnished by thinking it had been an opportunity for him to revel, and not what he felt. Would he have come, and asked, if she could not fulfill the conditions the King had demanded? Was she not high nobility?
Be fair Frey, you well know that as much as marrying someone she wanted to, was something her parents would want, if needed be, she would marry because it would benefit the Lunebleau demesne or the Kingdom. I am certain about it, if needed be I would have accepted that fate. He had come to ask; he was willing to place himself at the disposition of the king were she to dismiss his proposal. He wanted time, with me, for us, a chance to get to know each other, to court me.
Indeed, that they had met the way it happened, was enough to be left to chance. His request, and my answer, are ours, and ours alone. How wondrous she thought, as she saw into his eyes, they were a deep turquoise with tones of sapphire, and somehow, they star like ring seemed different from when he saw it in the library, it was different than just few moments ago, the ring on them was not a bright amethyst and it looked sparkling. 'He does not have horns or tail, but he does have a fey feature' that was what he had said yesterday, we he described the prince.
"The color in your eyes has changed, is this the fey feature you talked about, Sir Aedrik?" Frey asked, not parting her gaze from his. His enchanting smile somehow managed to grow wider.
"It is, my lady Frey, a legacy my mother left me" the young man kneeling replied.
"They look... magical"
"They are"
"They are not ensnaring me, are they?"
"If only they had that ability, my lady"
"What is their ability then? beside looking wondrous"
The young man smile stopped, and as if it were possible, he looked even more intensively at Frey, his eyes burning on her.
"I promised, I would be honest with you, my lady. It is a condition very few fey have, it is called being kismet” Aedrik smile reappeared as he explained “For most fey, it is a curse, my mother however, believed it was a blessing, I now found myself agreeing with her. You see my lady, to be kismet, is, to be fated, those few of us who have the condition, cannot hide when we are around someone we care for. Our eyes reveal what our soul feels, for they shine when they look at those whom we love" his eyes were alight.
"And why would that be a curse? if anything, it is an advantage for the recipient of said love" Frey asked with curiosity.
"That is precisely why it is perceived as a curse my lady, for once they have lit up for someone, we are bound to that person forever. We will not feel the same for anyone else" Frey's heart skipped a beat.
"They were not like that when we met yesterday, but ever since we began talking, they began glowing, were you wondering if that would happen, if you proposed me?" Frey was nervous, and she hated that. If what he said was true, he loved her. And he would not be able to feel love for anyone else, she now hated having asked about them.
"I do not presume to understand love, my lady, I’ve only met you yesterday, lady Frey, and you left me mesmerized. I came here because I wanted to, lady Frey, my mind and heart brought me here. I loved talking with you my lady, the way you are, how you think. Even now my lady, you are asking about my eyes before you have even answered my question, and I cannot help but smile about it. That you are the loveliest woman I have ever met, does not help either. From seeing you enter the library and bit your lip embarrassed when master librarian Emeryn asked you to wait, to how you openly asked me about what had happened with Faerun after having just met me. I was taken by how you enjoyed talking about ideas and not to mention the way you look when you blush, or the lovely way you smile, I was enchanted by you my lady " Frey's heart was in an uproar.
"How can you expect me to say no to you, if what you say is true, what kind of person would I be, were I to reject you?" Frey asked concerned she had been nervous all night about meeting him during the ball, and here he had come, and he had brought so many things unrelated to what she was feeling, things that tried to diminish the amazing things she had felt when talking with him.
"Don't do that, my lady, please. You asked me for honesty, and I expect the same courtesy. I am sorry, if my curse burdens you, but it is not yours to bare, and never would I want that. I would not have an answer from you, because of pressure. I know it is absurd to say that when I came here and had to explain everything, and yet it is still a simple thing, my lady. I came to know if you would marry me, my lady. I am sorry for complicating things, but in the end, that is all there is to it, lady Frey " for the first time the young man voice and toned changed from gentle to fierce and unrelenting, and yet his eyes had never parted from hers.
"Lady Frey, I am bound to my duties, because of who am I, and I will not shy away from them, would you choose to have me, I would be yours completely, my lady. I once more apologize for not having more time, but I still ask for an honest answer my lady. If you would not have me, do not worry. Do not think about my curse or fate, what I carry is my duty, care not for it. They only thing I would ask of you and your family, is to keep what I have revealed a secret, for that is the least anyone whom the King choses for me to wed, deserves" Frey's heart ached, part of her wanted to turn and look at her parents, but this decision was hers. She looked straight into his eyes, as her heart raced.
"Would you promise to forever be honest with me, Aedrik?" how strange it felt so natural to call him by his name, and he responded with his enchanting smile.
"I do, my lady, and I would ask the same of you"
"Would you promise to always listen to me?"
"I do, my lady, it is your thoughts that brought me here"
“Will you share your duties and burdens with me, as well as accept my own?”
“I would not have it, any other way”
“Do you promise to talk with me, about anything and everything”
“I promise, my lady”
"Do you have anything, that can assure my answer to be the truth?"
The young man smiled and casually took a coin for his pocket, it was made of what appeared to be silver, and placed it on his palm.
"I do, my lady, this coin has a truth checker, it has truth spell inscribed on it, if what you say is a lie, a mark will appear on the surface" Frey looked at the small coin and nodded.
"Your eyes may be perceived as a curse, Aedrik, for you cannot hide what you feel for someone else, but I do not share this idea. If anything, I am envious of them” Aedrik was completely mesmerized by Frey’s words. Frey felt her own heart beating, resounding in every part of her being “I asked for the truth spell, because as you can’t hide what you feel, I wish for my words to be same. I want you to feel as certain of my answer, as I feel when I look into your eyes” their eyes were set on each other’s “Please, Aedrik, ask me again”
"Lady Frey Lunebleau Beaumont, will you marry me?"
"Yes, Aedrik, I love to"
Their eyes were fused together in that moment, Frey could see Aedrik’s eyes burning. He had gotten up and before she could do anything else, he was right in front of her. He slowly, gently, leaned unto her, their eyes were lost on each other’s but for a moment Frey closed hers, and his lips found their way into hers, gently, they kissed.
It was gentle and delicate, it took away the nervousness she had felt, and she felt like burning, at some point he had laid his hands on her waist and embraced her, they parted, a few seconds later which had felt like an eternity for her. As she opened her eyes, she found his, alight, burning and they both smiled. Not once had they turned to look at the coin he had taken out.
They parted from their embrace, Frey felt happy, just looking at him. He took a small necklace he was wearing, and she noticed, two rings were hanging from it, as if they were pendants, they looked to be made of copper and iron.
"When my mother knew, I was kismet" as he talked, he reached for her left hand "she had these rings made for me, they are enchanted. Wearing the ring will let you feel, the bearer of the pair, and they will always lead to each other" he took the iron one of the rings, and place it on her, as the ring rested on her hand it adjusted its sized to fit her, and he offered the other one to her.
"We are blessed son, we can reassure those we love about it, and everyone can see it. Do not fear love, it is one of the greatest things in life, that is what my mother told me" Frey took the other ring from him and place it on Aedrik’s finger as she listened to his words, for a moment, runes appeared in both rings and they became brilliant like true silver, but as suddenly as they had shone, they slowly dulled back to their original form. Frey touched the ring, and she was surprised, she could feel Aedrik’s heartbeat, she laughed, as she felt his was racing just like hers.
"Well, I am sure your cousin Danielle will probably pass out,when she hears what has just happened" Lady Lunebleau voice interrupted the young couple.
Frey turned red in an instant, she had completely forgotten her parents were right there, they have heard everything she have said, they had seen everything. Aedrik on the other hand was radiant, he had been startled but he had not let go of her hand.
"I am sorry, lord and lady Lunebleau, as I told you, I would have liked to have time, so that I could ask your permission to court your daughter, alas, I now ask for your blessing, in taking her in marriage” Frey could feel, through the ring how nervous he was, and yet he had still his radiant smile, and his voice had sounded clear and calm.
"Prince..." Lord Damian was finding difficulty at how to call him, which was rare, as he was really calmed and proper.
"Please, my lord, Aedrik is fine"
"Aedrik, I think my daughter was more thorough than what my wife or I could have been” Lord Damian looked at his daughter and Frey felt a knot in her stomach, until he smiled at her “You have my blessing, welcomed to the family" Frey and lady Lunebleau smiled, as lord Damian offered Aedrik his hand.
Aedrik gave Frey a small look, he was smiling from ear to ear, and he took the lord's hand. Frey ran to her mother and both hugged. After a moment Frey turned to her father and did the same. Aedrik was about to bow to lady Lunebleau, but she hugged him, much to the young man surprise. Frey returned next to Aedrik, he hold her hand in an instant, they both could not hide their smiles.
"What will happen now?" Lady Lunebleau asked as everyone calmed down a little.
"I have to get back to your King, I hoped lord Lunebleau would accompany me" Aedrik replied.
"Certainly" the lord nodded.
"The King wants to announce the engagement at the ball. He will give a speech about the alliance between our countries, and he will let everyone know of our engagement at the end of his speech. I think, la..., Frey should arrive with her family to the ball, and after the announcement has been made, we will be asked to open the ball with the first dance" the young man said.
"We will be inquired by every one of our peers, what should we tell them?" lady Lunebleu asked.
"Inquired about what, mother?" Frey asked confused, Aedrik was frowning as well.
"About the wedding my dear, forget about the results of the conference, what everyone on the court will want to know, is the date for your wedding. Where will it be held, and any other details we can provide " the lady explained. Frey felt the butterflies in her stomach were turning into a storm, and then she felt Aedrik's warm hand reassuring her.
“My elder brother had two wedding ceremonies, one in Zel, the other one in the Empire. I think we could answer that, until, Frey and I have had some time to talk about the details, and what she wants, if that is alright with you lady Lunebleau" Lady Lunebleau nodded at Aedrik approvingly "For a date, I would love nothing more than to have it as soon as possible, unless Frey wants something else" as he said this, he turned to look at Frey, who blushed from head to toes, but managed to nod, Frey was looking at the floor, too embarrassed to look at her parents "The first wedding would be here, so I am guessing you would know how fast can a wedding be done" everyone's eyes now fell upon lady Lunebleau, her husband's in particular were conveying a message.
"Yes, a quick ceremony would be best for the gesture of marriage to comply with the alliance, so I would say somewhere around three, perhaps two months..." as the lady was thinking her husband intervened.
"The burning silver star will pass in just over two months" the lady kissed her husband in the cheek.
"Wonderful idea, now we have a date, and a plan, the last thing is the location" the lady continued.
"I would not like to impose, but I would like it for it to be on the Lunebleau demesne, if I am not mistaken, your people celebrate the marriage of their lords, and is a subject of pride for the territory where a wedding takes place", the Lunebleaus looked at the Feydan and smiled.
"That should take care of any concerns, I will inform everyone in this household about these details" the lady took a long glance at her daughter and one another towards her new son in law and nodded approvingly.
"Thank you, lady Lunebleau" the young man bowed.
"Please, Aedrik, call me, lady Margaux, we are to be family, and if we are to become one quickly, we better act accordingly".
"We should head to your King, my lord" Aedrik said and gave a looked at Frey as if he did not want to spend a second away from her.
"We should, the King knew he was imposing the marriage, but he does not take any offense lightly" lord Damian explained.
"He did not want me to wed his daughter, of that I am certain. He would not have offered her, but he was the one imposing the marriage, he clearly dislikes the fey deeply" there were some people like that in Loire, both the lord and Frey knew that, but well they were about to become family "He looked relieved when, I explained what I wanted to do, and my terms" Frey was taken aback, Aedrik would have married, princess Loirain, even though he would not love her, and knowing the King did not wanted his daughter to marry him, a fey. He could have asked for her, the King could have turn to her father, and Frey knew she would have accepted it, because she also understood duty, but he had chosen to ask, he had respected her, and he loved him more, because of it.
"That may be, but house Lunebleau status will rise, by Frey marrying you. Even though the King knows house Lunebleau has always supported him, he has become paranoid with old age" The lord said concerned "We will have Luka come with us, Percy as well"
"May I leave part of my escort, to accompany the ladies towards the ball my lord" Aedrik asked with caution, he did not want his remark to be taken as an offense "They would be under whom you chose for them to command". The lord looked at the young man for a moment, and then at his daughter and nodded.
"They are welcome, and they would be under the care of Sir Remy. Now we must move, otherwise we will all be late for the ball" the lord take one more looked at his daughter and left, outside the door, Percy and Luka were standing like hawks.
"See you a bit later, Aedrik, and thank you for being as considerate with the situation as it allowed you to, for my Frey" Lady Lunebleau winked at her daughter and left the room closing the door. Giving them a moment of privacy.
"I am sorry, lady Frey" Aedrik quickly said, he grabbed her hands and their eyes met once more.
"Mother is right, you need to start calling me by my name, and I will call you, Aedrik" Frey blushed as she said his name, Aedrik eyes sparkled with the idea.
They were just staring at each other for a moment, they were very close to each other, how strange, her heart was racing and still she felt warm and comfortable as they held each other, their eyes met, and they shared another short kiss.
"You better keep your promises" she said as they parted from each other.
"I will, Frey" Aedrik was beaming "See you later at the ball?". Frey nodded, and he kissed her once more, this time more passionately, he went towards the door, but stopped before opening it. "I love you Frey and will do so until the day I die". He smiled once more and left the room.
Frey was at a loss for words. Her heart had finally stopped beating, and her lips were missing something. She blushed as she recalled what had just happened and laughed. She felt something strange, it was not fear, but a rush. She was happy, and she was looking forward to what would happen.
A moment later, her mother returned to the room, there were just the two of them.
"Your sister is right, that man really had his eyes on you" they both started laughing on that remark, and they hugged again.
"Danielle, poor thing, not only did her cousin managed to find a young man, but he came to ask for her in marry after they just met, that he is a foreign prince, and that the news of your engagement will be the talk of the night, will not help" her mother smiled, and felt how Frey quickly turned pale, and preoccupied.
"I am not sure if I can open the first dance with Aedrik, mom, everyone will be there, not only they will all hear about my engagement to a foreign prince, but everyone will also see us dance, and it will be our first dance together" Frey was quickly panicking "Mom, what should I do?" Frey look almost in tears at her mother, lady Margaux Lunebleau, smiled as she hugged her youngest child
"That is easy my dear” Frey saw a blaze inside her mother’s eyes for a moment “You just have to dance, like no one is watching”
- In Serial305 Chapters
The Dao of Magic
Here I am, sitting on a mountain so far away from civilisation it might as well be the godforsaken arse of the world, about to ascend. Can't wait to leave this crapfest of a planet... Turns out that the higher ups decided that an unaffiliated rogue like me is too big of a risk to let run around free. Seems like this entire cultivation world is a late stage capitalist money making machine for the powers that be in the higher realms, and me stealing the good loot in front of their descendants and sect disciples noses finally pissed them off enough to take action. First, they sent all the sect masters and hidden dao protectors to off me - which failed, obviously. Heh, afterwards they simply bitch slapped me out of their universe though. That is interesting and all, but I just woke up in a valley watching some critters murder each other while trying not to freak out about how bad it smells here.Soo… where the fuck am I? Why is that deer fighting a feathery squirrel? Why am I teaching this baby rabbit saved from a cannibalistic mother how to kick beings in the face with the power of qi?Releases a couple of times a week! Come stalk me through social media and stuff:Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Website | Discord Please check out my released books!The Dao of Magic: Book I - Amazon | AudiobookThe Dao of Magic: Book II - Amazon The Dao of Magic: Book III - AmazonSkeleton in Space: Histaff - Amazon | AudiobookSkeleton in Space: GalaxSec - Amazon Go read my other story; Skeleton in Space. I took the WriTE pledge, which means I will finish it. Or at the very least not drop it or put it on hiatus. Check here for more info.
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