《An Empire Divided》2 The Lady and the Knight
"If you had evidence, why would you wait so long to present it?" Lady Frey asked
"The Empire was still at war with Zel at that moment, half of Faerun become part of Loire, they would only have one chance at presenting this evidence" Mrs. Ferlin interrupted Frey, the Feydan man, smiled and nodded at the librarian. Mrs. Ferlin was the master librarian of Ciel Rouge by merit, and her age had only given her a keener mind. "That would explain why I spotted Lord Finean among your delegation".
"Right as always master librarian Emeryn" the Feydan bowed amazed at the older lady "we had to first regain order, and as master librarian Emeryn explained, we also needed trustworthy people to back our claims, and even with that we knew there would still be doubts, and it took some time to finally gather evidence from Zel as well" he paused for a moment "And to be completely honest, we benefited from the misunderstanding, the war with Zel was at its climax, we could not spend any resources elsewhere"
Both Mrs. Ferlin, and Frey were once more surprised about the openness of the Feydan young man. Frey did not know what to make of him, he was young, and yet he had come as a war advisor, he knew delicate information and was open about it. He must be very well regarded within the Empire.
"As I said, this will all be made public, I was hoping we could move pass this matter, for I truly wish to hear your thoughts on what we could achieve with our delegation, I understand if after this you have your reservations” the Feydan said and looked straight at Frey’s eyes “And I most confessed, I am incredibly curious about your ideas Lady Lunebleau” Frey blinked quickly and felt the young man piercing eyes on her.
“That you chose the library for sanctuary had already gained my curiosity, but then master librarian Emeryn also seems to regard you highly” Frey could feel how her cheeks were becoming rosier as his eyes were set on her “And I have to admit, I was surprised and glad that you already asked about the most urgent matter, so please, would you mind sharing some of your thoughts regarding the opportunity that presents our delegation?” the Feydan man was looking straight at Frey, almost pleading.
How mistaken had she been that she had deemed his face just pleasant at first glance. Not only had he an enchanting smile, his eyes were mesmerizing, they had a ring like a star in a different color, fey ancestry perhaps? she had not noticed them before because of his smile but as they eyes met, she could not help to feel like they glowed.
"Lady Lunebleau?"
“Frey, dear are you all, right?” both Nord the Feydan, and Mrs. Ferlin were staring at her. ‘Damn she had spaced for a moment’.
"Well certainly, Sir... Nord" she hesitated, he had asked for her to call her Nord, and they should be around the same age, she was a lady, and he had not presented himself with any title, other than him being a Norkrieger, and if it was similar to a Knight that would be the proper way to address him, she made a quick glance at Mrs. Ferlin, who winked at her. The Feydan smiled as she addressed him again as, Sir,
"I believe there is much to gain in matters of trade, if we could reach an agreement" She eyed him for a second, but he looked genuinely interested in her words. Frey turned and saw Mrs. Ferlin, gave her a small nod to carry on.
"I am certain, the most urgent matters in trade would be dealt quickly, we always had an important history of trade with Faerun, which has been interrupted for almost 5 years now, most of our lords would like to resume the trade we had, but I think there is a greater opportunity at hand, and I am afraid we might missed it if we only focus on regaining what we had lost” both Mrs. Ferlin and Sir Nord, where listening attentively to her words "The Fey Danan Empire is large, we should consider trading with it as a whole, not just to reinstate the same commerce we had with old Faerun, don’t you think?" The Feydan nodded at Frey smiling.
"Would you care to be more specific, miss Frey" Mrs. Ferlin said, she was looking at Frey with pride. Mrs. Ferlin had always treated Frey with respect and care, and help her develop her ideas, but asking and questioning. The librarian was giving Frey space to continue her idea.
Frey had always had conversations like this with Mrs. Ferlin, that is why she loved coming to the capital, just so she could talk with her. The Feydan kept his attention on Frey not once looking away from her. Frey thought for a moment, before offering an example, she believed would be appreciated by the Feydan.
"Take wool for example, I am sure we traded little of it with the old kingdom of Faerun, but however short it was, someone will try to reactive it, but Loire could provide so much more, and there might be a need for it somewhere else in the Empire, Leven perhaps, Sir Nord?” Frey noticed the Feydan man was entranced by her words, and she blushed a little as he nodded, the Leven territory was the most northern part in the continent.
"You are correct lady Lunebleau”
“Call me Frey, I don’t think our ages are that far apart, it is alright if you call me by my name Sir Nord” Frey blushed as she said that, but she noticed the young man enchanting smile as a response.
“Thank you, lady Frey” had his eyes truly glowed when he said her name, Frey thought.
“You are correct, there is always a need for wool in the north, and as you mentioned before, this might get passed tomorrow. I thank you for your thought lady Frey, I will convey your concern with our delegation” the young man gave Frey a small bow, making her blush even more.
"There is no need to thank me, Sir Nord, it would also benefit Loire" she blushed a bit, many other lords and knights would only humor her when she told some of her ideas, only her father, Mrs. Ferlin and Sir Remy would listen to her for real
"What's more, we always have had our reservations when trading with the realm of Zel even though we shared borders, but now that part of Zel has joined the empire, we should consider exploring the possibilities, what are their needs, and what they could provide for Loire as well. I imagine that with each addition to the empire, your trade network not only expands, but the diversity of products as well. Zel now has access to the entirety of goods produced by the empire, the same its true the other way around, but we could increase diversity if not just cover your needs” by now Mrs. Ferlin had a grin on her face as she regarded at Frey.
"Lady Frey, allow me to thank you and congratulate you" the Feydan said beaming with emotion "Not only what you said is true, and I will see that it is taken into consideration but, you also touched an important point we might miss on our discussions tomorrow” Frey felt truly happy her idea was good.
“Distance” the young man said smiling but Frey was at a loss “The distance between Loire and our recent additions to the empire is shorter" but both women were not sure if they understood what he meant, yet Frey was blushing as he looked at her expectantly.
"I am sorry Sir Nord, what do you mean by it?" Mrs. Ferlin asked.
"Transportation cost, master librarian Emeryn" the man replied, and Mrs. Ferlin understood at once, Frey was still confused. "You see, as you said lady Frey, the empire trade network is very vast and diverse, however with our growth there comes and extra cost for transportation, but if we had ally closer” Frey eyes went wide open as she understood what he had meant.
“We could provide those same goods, at a lower cost if we decrease the transportation cost” Frey was smiling as well now.
“Exactly, and as you said we could pass on these opportunities believing we already fulfill them, not considering that you could solve them at a lower cost. For instance, Zel had always needed iron, we are currently moving the excess produced in Ran Crete to Zel, but the transportation cost makes it extremely expensive. If you could provide with the much-needed iron, we might purchase it from you at an interesting cost, and we would still be creating a saving”
“You certainly took my idea and expanded on it, Sir Nord” Frey said impressed.
“You deserved the credit, lady Frey. I would not have think about it, had you not mentioned it, and that was because I am always thinking on the logistics required in keeping a supply line for our soldiers, hence why after you mentioned the shorter distance, it made a lot of sense for me” The Feydan said with an embarrassed face.
"True" Mrs. Ferlin said "Sadly, there is not much iron we have to spare, but there are other things, that could do. The simple idea of considering the trade of opportunity as a bigger market for both parties involved, and the chance of creating another by cutting the cost of goods by saving on the transportation cost, should be invaluable for the meeting tomorrow, I believe those responsible on the trade talks, could expand on this subject, but your ideas will had set everything in motion” Mrs. Ferlin said serious “A very fine idea indeed, lady Fey” with that Frey was certain her face had changed color.
"It is a shame about the iron, that would have been incredible for us" the Feydan said.
"Well, there might be a way still..." Frey was frowning as she remembered something her father have said, 'The orcs seemed to have found iron, the last raid had many more armored ones than before'. She turned towards the older lady "Mrs. Ferlin, if I am not mistaken, the records of the Kingdom of Durn, always mentioned iron on the Auvernier mountains..."
"Well, yes, my dear Frey, there are ample records of iron on the Auverniers, our Kingdom had once taken control of a mine, but they are not within our borders" Mrs. Ferlin explained.
"These Auvernier mountains, are part of the earstern hill? Orc lands?" the Feydan man intervened.
"Yes, they are, and have been for over fifty years, since what was left of Durn finally disappeared." Mrs. Ferlin explained.
"I know, Mrs. Ferlin, but one of the things to discuss is precisely the situation with the orcs" Frey said with a worried faced "The southeast border has already suffered some raids, house Lunebleau has already sent knights to help the Beaumont’s, and if the reports my father has received are correctly, the Empire has seen a lot worse than us”
"That is correct, lady Frey, hence why I am part of the delegation" The Feydan said, backing Frey claims "I spent some time organizing defenses at our border, before we came. We are going to propose a joint force to deal with the orc threat to the east, we want to push inside orc territory, and retake what the kingdom of Faerun and Zel, lost to the orcs in the last years” Frey and Mrs. Ferlin were surprised by his words, but Frey felt happy her father had at least someone who shared his concerns.
“We could push enough or force tribes to an understanding, your Kingdom could seize part of the Auverniers that way". The Feydan man, was in thought as he spoke, Mrs. Ferlin looked at him thinking of something, Frey was surprised he had taken her idea and used it with his original intent.
"Can it be done?" Frey asked timidly, Mrs. Ferlin also turned to the Feydan man, Sir Nord, was a military advisor after all.
"I believe so, we have a clear advantage. The orc tribes are not working together, not yet, and that will prove decisive if we advance on them, but it would have to be soon, and it will depend on the agreement or countries decide. Supposing we do reach and understanding, it could be done, lady Frey" after a moment the young man said "The most important part would be to ally with a tribe, especially if we want to secure the Auverniers"
"Ally with the orcs?" Frey was once more surprised by his response, Mrs. Ferlin eyes lit up, at once.
"There are several records of alliances with orcs in the past, from many different countries in the continent, my dear” Mrs. Ferlin explained “Our Kingdom has made such alliances in the past, the details were recorded by the Order of the Lily” Mrs. Ferlin smiled as she pointed at the book which rested on the pink chair the Feydan sat a moment ago. Frey’s eyes went wide open, was this Feydan already considering the possibility? Frey look at him much more intrigued.
"The Empire has just made and alliance with the Burning Ice tribe, and I am proud to say we also accepted a tribe as part of the empire, they are part of Leven now” Both ladies were really startled by the young man’s words “It was not easy, but our northern border has seen less fighting ever since, and we welcome every bit of peace for our people" Frey gave another look at the Feydan man, he was tall, but he seemed taller that he was with his really broad shoulders and for all his clothes were loose, he was really well built but he move in a very cordial manner.
"Were you there, when the alliance was made?" Mrs. Ferlin seemed to have reevaluated the young man as well.
"Yes, master librarian Emeryn, I was. It was not my idea though, one of my fellow norkriegers, is half orc, he was instrumental in making the alliance possible. I confess, one of the reasons I had come to the Ciel Rouge library was to look for these records” he pointed at the book Mrs. Ferlin had given him earlier “Your Knights have dealt with orcs once, I wanted to know about it, what had happened. Master librarian Emeryn was kind enough to point me in the right direction, I hoped these records could perhaps ease the minds of your knights, and lords if the idea of pushing into orcs lands was presented"
Frey was impressed, this was a young knight… norkrieger, who acted very differently than most knights her age. Most of them wanted to brag and show their prowess. This Feydan was more akin to the older knights she knew, she thought of Sir Remy, her father companion in arms, perhaps is something that happened after you experienced real conflict? She wondered. Her father said 'A man’s reputation is made by their actions’ a quote from one of their ancestors.
"FREY!" a voice caught the attention from everyone on the library. A young and tall woman with silver hair was approaching them, she looked flustered but relieved. She was taller than Frey, almost as tall as Mrs. Ferlin, she had fair skin but just enough, contrasting Frey’s pale tone, white as milk. She had a daring smile, yet she suddenly stopped as she noticed Mrs. Ferlin gaze on her.
"Lady Noelle, this is the last warning I am giving you” the older Lady voice was calm but sever “Please refrain your shouting in the library, or I would tell the guards to forbid you entrance” not once had the librarian raised her voice, and yet it felt as if she had shouted.
"I am sorry Mrs. Ferlin, we were worried, my sister left the house so early in the morning without telling anyone a thing” Lady Noelle gave a bow to the librarian and a grave look to Frey, who was biting her lower lip “Mother suggested coming here, but father said it was too early, and she usually let us know when she comes here” Lady Noelle explained and turned to Frey “Father has sent our men to look for you all over “ Frey felt a knot on her stomach.
“There are too many new faces in the city with the Fey Danan delegation and all. Cousin Danielle added more coal to the fire with her idea of you being taken by the Feydan prince so he could gorge on virgin maidens’ blood” Frey embarrassment and blushing, was reaching new heights but she almost choked at her sister last remark “Who knows where Danielle hears these stories, but the prince does have fey blood in him, Frey”
"Lady Noelle" Mrs. Ferlin quickly interrupted her "This man here is Sir Nord Stern; he is part of the Fey Danan delegation" she said calmly and with murdering eyes towards lady Noelle. Frey saw her sister blush, and gulped, but after a second, she managed an elegant smile for the Feydan.
"Please to meet you, Sir Nord" Noelle, made an elegant bow. Frey had always been impressed on how incredibly well Noelle could portray herself, not only was she beautiful, but she was elegant. She knew her sister was measuring the young man with what little information she had.
The young man replied with the old knight’s bow he had gifted her when they were introduced and displayed his enchanting smile. Frey still blushing noticed how her sister evaluation of the man changed after he had smiled, and yet, most man turned their entire attention on her sister once she displayed her charms, but the Feydan, was just polite, and after the salute, his eyes returned to her.
"The pleasure is all mine, lady Lunebleau"
"I hope my sister has not bother you, or interrupted your affairs with Mrs. Ferlin" even though lady Noelle loved gossip, she was a fast thinker, she knew Frey loved to come to chat with Mrs. Ferlin, and if the man was part of the Feydan delegations, Mrs. Ferlin may had an obligation to attend him, with his plains clothes, she had guessed Frey had made the same mistake as her, they were both a but impulsive, courtesy of their mother. Mrs. Ferlin sighed relieved.
"Not at all, lady Lunebleau, I have found your sister, lady Frey’s ideas and perspective, incredibly helpful and insightful, as well as Mrs. Ferlin’s" the Feydan man responded quickly, Frey was completely changing colors now, and the young man had not moved his eyes from her, but for all she was blushing she did not look away from him "I am the one who kept master librarian Emeryn from your sister, only to find out, I was missing out on a much richer conversation, and it seem I have managed to keep her entertained enough to worry your family, please convey my apologies to your family" Sir Nord eyes, moved from Noelle, to Frey with his smile from ear to ear, he did not seemed apologetic in keeping Frey from her family.
Their eyes met and Frey was certain the man was surprised she had not backed from his stare, but not in the way those who are used to flirting, try to force a reaction from you. He had looked at her instinctively, and that she responded to his curiosity, only made his smile grew wider if that was possible.
"Not at all Sir Nord, I usually say something before I come here, but you have heard my cousin ideas, I wanted a different kind of conversation for a moment " Frey said apologetic to the Feydan, and Noelle gave her sister an enigmatic look.
"We should be going Frey, father is really worried about you" Frey nodded at her sister "Mrs. Ferlin, I am sorry for my entrance, and thank you for your patience with my sister" she gave a bow to the librarian "And thank you, for listening to my sister Sir Nord, I hope we could see you at the ball tomorrow night" She gave the Feydan a perfect lady bow and turned to look at her sister.
"I am sorry Mrs. Ferlin, and thank you, I will come again tomorrow morning" Frey said finally breaking eye contact with the young man.
"It is alright dear, just tell your mother before coming please" the librarian said, Frey skin was almost pink at this point.
"Please to be your acquaintance Sir Nord, I thank and appreciate your honesty" she gave the Feydan a bow as her sister had, but hers was a bit clumsier, The Feydan responded with a complicated bow of his own, this one was not what the Loire knights did. Mrs. Ferlin and Noelle both looked curious, at that.
"The pleasure was all mine, lady Frey, it is a shame you and master librarian Emeryn are not part of the discussions, you have an invaluable opinion" the Feydan man, bowed once more, and smiled at her. Noelle was waiting for Frey, she hesitated for a moment before deciding to go with her sister.
"If I may lady Frey, your father is right, there are many people coming to the city, our delegation draws too much attention and even though I can assure you, the prince, does not partake in drinking blood from maidens, may I offer to accompany you to your family, I believe it is customary for your knights to accompany a lady, and it would be my pleasure to hear more of your ideas", the Feydan seemed distress about something, but his smile was genuine. Frey turned towards her older sister; with a longing she could not hide.
"Thank you, Sir Nord, but I am sorry, we already have an escort, some of our men at arms are outside the library" Noelle smiled apologetically at the Feydan and looked at her saddened sister. "Perhaps you could come visit us at our state later, it is near the grand theatre in the fountain district"
"Thank you for the invitation, lady Lunebleau, sadly, I have to discuss some matters with the delegation today, particularly some of your sister ideas” the Feydan did look distressed as he gazed at Frey “However, I will wait expectantly to see you again on the ball tomorrow" the Feydan man made a last bow, and watched as the ladies left, not once leaving his sight off Frey.
"Well, well sister" Noelle was grinning at Frey as they headed back to their state in the capital, they were escorted by two men at arms who walked a few steps behind them "To think cousin Danielle’s idea of walking around the rose square, just to meet a young knight was wrong, she should had gone to the library instead. I can see why you went there so early” Frey was red to the ears; she knew her sister will never let go of this.
"I'll have to admit, at first the man looked rather average, a pleasant face but nothing special, but he does have and enchanting smile, and curious eyes, his voice was nice as well, firm but gentle" Noelle was giggling "And he has a sense of humor as well, he got me on the prince remark there".
"Please Noelle, drop it" Frey was pleading.
“I liked how polite he was, it felt strange to be called lady Lunebleau, but I noticed he called you by your name, why is that”
“I asked him to” Frey admitted and she felt her face getting hotter, as her sister smiled mischievously to her.
"I always thought you did not find interest in boys because you found most your age boring. I was sure you would meet a dreamy scholar, or fragile but pretty lord, and I could have not been more wrong. Your Sir Nord certainly looks built as a Knight, he has the broadest shoulder I have ever seen, even if his clothes tone them down. He must be a sight in plate armor" Noelle was talking nonstop "And he actually liked talking with you"
"HEY, that’s rude, I have way more interesting ideas than you" Frey responded offended.
"That may be my lovely sister, but most young knights only care for giggles, and he seemed genuinely interested in keep talking with you somehow. Well, you do have those two wonderful assets on your vanguard" Noelle laughed as she pointed a bit with envy, at Frey chest area.
"NOELLE" Frey yelled, now turning red from pink.
"Fine, I let the subject rest, but only until we get home and everyone else can know about it" Noelle laughed, and Frey sighed, "You know, his name is funny".
"Noelle, you can laugh about me, but do not disrespect a man’s name, he has no choice whatsoever in it, and if you care it’s a Nordhaus name" Frey reprimanded her sister.
"I know, but what I am saying, is that his name Nord Stern, it means 'North Star' in the northern variant of common, is that not how they call the Feydan prince, just imagine if he was indeed the prince" Noelle said giggling.
"Then we both would have asked to his face, if he drinks the blood of virgin maidens, to say the least" Noelle, stopped for a second, and the continued. Frey, had to admit, her sister may look just like a gossip, but she was smart, sad thing was, few things called her attention.
"Well, that is true, but that would explain, why he was interested in you" as Noelle said that she started running towards their house, Frey trying to grab her, but her legs were shorter, and her sister could run on heels, she sadly, could not.
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