《Harukaze 春風》Chapter Nineteen: 閾値
Kazuo strolled down some street parallel to the big main one that lead down to the mall. Kazuo not knowing where the place Haruka actually worked at figured he’d just go look around on the side streets where most of the smaller shops were.
*- Can’t believe we agreed to meet at her job without any of us realizing I don’t even know where the place is… * Kazuo sighed as he looked around at the various places thinking he might see Haruka or some place called “Hayami noodles” or alike. There were some colours starting to appear in the sky and the clouds were coloured bright or dark, depending on which side of any potential cloud you’d be looking at because of the sun closing in on the horizon, which is horizontal. The streets and alleys were therefore dark but if you’d look up you’d see a nice, slightly orange and dimmed sky, that made the feeling on the streets or in the alleys very cosy and spring like. Kazuo didn’t really mind walking down a bunch of streets looking for some girl he knew if it was like this, which it was. He still didn’t know exactly what the two of them would do or if it would get troublesome again but Kazuo figured they’d have fun somehow anyways.
*- Hmm, Haruka has a phone, right? Or does she? I actually have no idea… * Kazuo wondered as he had pulled out his own phone thinking he might be able to contact her but as he realized, he couldn’t.
*- Oh well, this centrum ain’t that big so I should be able to find her at some point… * Kazuo kept on walking down one of the side streets. After a few hundred meters he realized he was closing in on the mall and though he should turn around again but then he heard familiar voices.
“- Hahaha! Really Ryuji! You knew her! “ The whole loud gang were just around the corner with even more people Kazuo didn’t even know.
“- Ahaha! Yeah, we all know her, she’s in our class. “ Kazuo kept himself around the corner and listened in on what they said.
*- Who are they talking about? A girl in our class? * Kazuo stayed out of sight unconsciously at first, almost as a reaction and figured he should keep doing it so that he wouldn’t get interrogated for some reason.
“- Well, I wouldn’t say we “know” her… “ The most familiar voice appeared.
*- Oh, Mabuchi is with them… * It got a little quiet around the corner.
“- Eh, come on Mabuchi! Either you know her or you don’t, right? “ One of the unknown people spoke.
“- That isn’t the issue, the issue is that you almost got us all killed. “ Mabuchi seemed quite serious.
“- Hahaha, you’re good at joking, you! She’s just some girl, let's go ask her again! “ The unknown guy sounded thuggish.
*- What? Who could they be talking about? * Kazuo felt unsure on how serious Mabuchi was due to how seldom Mabuchi actually sounded and was serious at the same time.
“- No, I’m telling you, she beat the crap out of some big guy on the first day of school. “ Mabuchi didn’t seem to raise his voice and Kazuo started to suspect that Mabuchi wasn’t actually serious and had something else in mind, as usual.
*- Nah… Are they really talking about Haruka?! Mabuchi must be exaggerating, there is like fifteen plus of them… * Kazuo was tempted to take a look around the corner.
“- Ah, come on! There’s seventeen of us! We’ll just ask if she wants to do something, she seemed idle anyways. “ Other guys cheered on, including Ryuji and the guys from class.
“- Okey, I wasn’t keen on spilling this but you guys don’t seem to get it… She has a boyfriend, and that guy is not someone you want against you. “ Mabuchi had now switched to scary mode.
*- Huh? Does he mean me? * Kazuo listened on from around the corner.
“- Eh? How come? “ The gruff sounding guy wasn’t as vocal but he still didn’t back down.
“- Well, you can’t talk about this but let’s just say his family name is Shinoda, the Yamaguchi Shinoda that is. “ The line was delivered ice cold, straight out of a movie. Mabuchi sure had talent.
*- EH!? What’s he saying?! He’s definitely leading them on! * There was a brief moment of silence behind the corner.
“- Whaaat! Yakuza?! You serious?! “ The guys seemed shocked, it looked like Mabuchi succeeded with whatever he was trying to do.
“- Hey, quiet down. But yeah… I’ve been to his house… Or castle, whatever you wanna call it. “ The act proved very effective.
*- This better not backfire on me you scheming bastard… * Kazuo felt mildly concerned behind the corner.
*- Wait… I’m not her boyfriend though… Did I just go along with that?! * The feeling of an exciting realization brewed up inside Kazuo.
“- Ah, well, if what you said is true… Then let’s forget about her, yes? “ Ryuji stepped in and sounded very understanding.
“- Alright then… Let’s hit the mall. “ The gang seemed to disperse.
“- Mabuchi, you coming? “ Kazuo could hear Ryuji’s voice, now from a little further away and decided to peak the corner.
“- No, I’ll actually head home, I’m tired. “ Kazuo looked around the corner and saw Mabuchi facing him but looking over at the guys.
“- Ah, ok, see ya! “ Kazuo slipped around the corner as he realized Mabuchi was going to see him.
*- Umm, that’s not an issue though… * Kazuo thought for himself as Mabuchi came around the corner.
“- Huh? Kazuo what’re you doing here? “ Mabuchi looked at Kazuo suspiciously clinging to the wall.
“- Oh, umm, I was supposed to meet with Haruka but then I bumped into you guys… I guess. “ Kazuo tried to disengage his sneak mode as quickly as possible.
“- Oh, right… I just met her a few minutes ago, you must’ve heard? “ The two of them now stood at the corner with their back against the wall.
“- Yes, I did and I’m pretty damn sure my dad ain't the oyabun of some Yakuza mob living in a castle… “ Kazuo still felt a little concerned about Mabuchi’s play screwing him over and he let it show.
“- Yeah, yeah… I’m sorry, I did it for you though! “ Mabuchi put his arm around Kazuo’s shoulder all buddy buddy like.
“- Uh, in what way? “ Kazuo glared at Mabuchi as he fought his arm of his shoulder.
“- Well, you heard what they said right? They wanted to hit on Haruka! We can’t have that happen! “ Mabuchi somehow, with his buddy buddy power managed to put his arm around Kazuo’s shoulder again.
“- Oh, you don’t need to go to such lengths… She’s not even my girlfriend… “ Kazuo felt a little awkward.
“- Even if you say so, you two are living with each other and meeting up and stuff, that’s enough proof for most. “ The elusive “supportive Mabuchi” had appeared and Kazuo thought he should listen even if unwillingly.
“- You should at least try to keep her to yourself even though your conditions might not allow a full blown relationship. “ Mabuchi patted Kazuo on the back and smiled.
“- Hmm, yeah, I think you’re right, maybe… “ Kazuo was a little distant as he thought and made up his mind.
“- That’s right Kazuo! Go on! I saw her standing just up that street to the right. “
“- Ah, um, see ya then. “ Kazuo started to walk off as he waved goodbye. He walked up the street Mabuchi pointed out until he spotted the short figure with long hair that he associated with Haruka.
*- Haha, guess the rubber band didn’t survive… * Kazuo smiled for himself as he walked up to Haruka. She hadn’t noticed him yet but Kazuo could sense she was annoyed judging from subtle hints.
“- Hah? Kazu! You’re hella’ late aren't you! “ Haruka turned towards Kazuo glaring daggers and in an aggressive stance but due to her short height and overall cuteness it had quite the opposite effect.
“- Oh, sorry I’m not able to automatically know exactly where your workplace is without you telling me. “ Kazuo didn't hold back any sarcasm as he disregarded her aggression.
“- Well! Uh… Um... Ah! You could have asked me! Yeah, that's right! “ Haruka tried to keep her anger justified but was quite obviously struggling as Kazuo chuckled for himself.
“- Haha, you know, you have the opposite effect on me when you act like that. “ Kazuo suddenly looked Haruka in the eyes.
“- Wha…? What'd you mean…? “ Harukas voice became softer and less vocal as she found herself gazing at Kazuo.
“- Well, to me you’re just cute when you act like that. “ Kazuo found some amazing confidence within himself as he watched Harukas eyes widen and her cheeks blush slightly.
“- Wha?! Don't just say it like that! “ Haruka caught up to herself again.
“- Hahah, didn't you call me a tsundere just the other day? “ Daggers started flying again.
“- Well, How'd you expect me to react when you say I'm cute while looking at me like that?! “ Haruka was clearly trying to not act upset like how she usually did it due to being self conscious.
“- Sheesh, isn't it that temper of yours? “ Kazuo expressed himself calmly.
“- Well… Yes, maybe… But still, people will think we're a couple or something… So try to tone it down. “ Haruka seemed a little strained and slightly embarrassed.
“- Oh right, the whole secret operation thing… “ Kazuo looked up and sighed.
“- Don't tell me you had forgot! “ Haruka made a aggressive remark.
“- No no, I’m aware… Let's go, shall we? “ Kazuo yawned and felt a little restless.
“- Wait, why do you sound so bothered? You know… I have my reasons… “ Haruka got a little quiet again and she looked at the ground not noticing Kazuo had already walked off.
“- Huh? Did you say something? “ Kazuo looked over his shoulder.
“- Oh, um… No, it’s fine. “ Haruka jogged up to Kazuo and adjusted her knee highs. She still wore the skirt she had on for work but had brought a white t-shirt and the optional school uniform cardigan which she had now put on.
“- Ok then, where’d ya wanna go? “ The mood eased up a little.
“- Hmm, if you have some money we could go get some food, I haven’t eaten since lunch. “
“- Ah, yeah, I have some cash, we could go to the place by the river and pick up some food. “ The two of them walked beside each other away from the town centre towards the river that snaked it’s way through the suburbs which tended to be a bit calmer.
“- Oh? I’ve never been there, is it any good? “ Haruka seemed less grumpy.
“- Yeah, it’s actually surprisingly good, I went with Mabuchi a couple of times. “ The conversation continued on but Kazuo’s mind started to drift.
*- What's with her being all kinds of close and then reacting like this when I say she’s cute? * The conversation had developed into something about the river and Kazuo managed to keep up for now.
*- So, she says I’ve got to be careful but she’s the one insisting on physical closeness? What’s the big deal with Kayano anyways? She hasn’t told me yet but is it really that serious when she acts like she does? * Kazuos mind started to get foggy from the thoughts and before he knew it he had forgot to continue the conversation and he realized Haruka was glaring at him.
“- Hey, please be conscious when we tal- “
“- Haruka. “ Kazuo abruptly interrupted leaving Haruka with a questioning look.
“- About the secret you’ve asked me to keep quiet about… “ Haruka quickly realized Kazuo had something on his mind.
“- W-what? “
“- Well, I’m confused… I know that your reaction when me calling you cute like that might be justified but I don’t see it being such a deal compared to how close you seem to be. I have nothing against it, um, I- I like being with you and all but it makes me question why this secret is so important in the first place, it seems like trouble to be honest. “ Haruka stood quiet for a moment leaving a brief silence between them where they had stopped up beside the road.
“- Oh? Um, I d-don’t really… “ Haruka seemed fidgety and avoided Kazuos look, she obviously wasn’t good at handling these kind of things.
“- I- I would like to tell you… But it’s hard to speak about it so directly… A- and also- no, never mind. “ Haruka turned her back towards Kazuo looking away towards the river that had started to become visible from where they stood, it seemed like she asked for a little mercy.
“- Yeah… I get what you mean… but, you see where I’m coming from as well, right? “ Kazuo felt the heavy mood and realized this was the third time the mood had changed during this single walk.
“- Y- yes! I shall think about it; can we maybe get food first? “ Haruka was a little tense but she had that cute, almost sulking like face with some seriousness still mixed in. Kazuo caught himself looking maybe a little too much and thankfully he realizes he shouldn’t call her cute so directly again and decided to be more gentle.
“- Yeah, of course, take it easy, I know it can be hard with… Parents and such. “ Kazuo tried to smile a little which seemed to be comforting enough.
“- Mhm~ let’s go though, I’m starving. “ Haruka started to lead the way.
“- Yosh. “ Kazuo walked up beside her and there once again they walked next to each other. As they walked the last bit Kazuo felt like they were passing over a threshold, relation wise and even though the sun was now close to the horizon, he felt a little warm.
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