《Transported to a different world for no reason!》Chapter 3


After receiving the adventurer's card, I kept staring at it intently until Sofia called out to me.

" is there something wrong?"

"Ah, no, it's just I'm thinking which class I should choose."

"There should be an icon near class up, try clicking on it, it should explain each class' characteristics."

"I see, thank you!."

"you're welcome, I'm here if you need any help."

After clicking on the icon Sofia just mentioned, explanations appeared next to each class.

'*Heavy swordsman: This class of warriors is famous for its high defense and the ability to use two-handed weapons. After equipping a two-handed weapon, you will gain +5% attack.'

'*Paladin: Also known as warrior of light, protector of men, this class specializes mainly in defense, this class has healing abilities despite being a warrior class, most of its skills are light based skills.'

'*Dark knight: the opposite of Paladin, warrior of darkness, this class specializes mainly in attack, most of this class' skills are darkness based skills.'

'*Samurai: Samurais are known for their bravery and respect of codes and honor, this class specializes in a fighting style that is over a millennia old, upon equipping the katana swords, you will gain +5% attack, +3% agility.'

'Special class *Juggernaut: This special class is considered a myth, juggernauts are known for their unparalleled affinity with all weapons (except for staffs and books {grimoires} ). Juggernaut receives +30% to attack, and +20% to all other stats permanently.'

"Ok, now I know what I will choose."

"have you chosen your class?."

"yes, I have."

"Good to hear. So, what have you chosen?."

"I chose a class called juggernaut."

"Juggernaut?. Hmmm, Haven't heard about that class before, it must pretty rare."

"I guess."

"Will you start doing quests now that you registered?."

"No, not yet."

"Can I ask you something?."

"Sure; what is it?."


"Is there a book store in this town?."

"If you want to read books, you should head to the library near the lord's mansion, you should find what you are looking for there."

"Ok, thank you."

"Well, take care. If you feel like taking a quest, come to the guild, it should help you increase your rank and earn more coins."

"I will, thank you for your assistance."

I should head to the library that Sofia just mentioned, I need to know where I am, and what I'm going to do.

I arrived at a huge mansion next to it was a greatly decorated 3 story building, on the Signboard was written 'Library' in other world's language.

Upon entering, I was greeted by thousands of books on shelves, the whole building was silent, just what you would expect from a library.

I went to the table where the receptionist was.

"Welcome To The knowledge's fountain."

"Knowledge's fountain?." I asked instinctively to the name of the library.

"Yes, the lord was the one who named this library."

"This lord seems quite passionate about books and learning!."

" you are not from around here, are you?."

"No, I'm not. May I ask who is this lord?."

" The lord is the head of the westguard family and mayor of this town. If you want to know more, there are books about the great noble families of the Acrington kingdom."

" Do I have to pay to read the books here?."

" There are subscription fees, but anyone new gets to use the library for free for their first day."

"I see. Well, can I read some books here?."

" Go ahead. I hope you will find what you are looking for."

After I finished talking with the receptionist, I headed to the interior of the library and started searching for books that might help me.


After one hour of searching, I managed to get books that might help me.

"It seems this library really has a huge amount of books, let's see what I got."

The titles of the books I brought were:

-Myths of the Eaharat.

-The great families of the Acrington holy kingdom.

- Different classes and jobs.

"Let's see."

The First book is called 'Myths of the Eahara', not sure of what Eaharat means, I decided to ask the receptionist.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Receptionist."

"Just call me Kathy, I forgot to tell you my name earlier, sorry about that."

"My name's Wolf."

"So, what do you need Mr. wolf?."

"I found this book."

I handed Kathy the book, she took a deep look at the book and then she asked me.

"What seems to be the problem?."

"I was just wondering, what Does Eaharat mean?."

"It is the name of the world. Shouldn't that be a common knowledge to everyone?."

"Is that so?, I'm not very familiar with this stuff."

"Ok, if you need anything else I'll be here."

After I thanked her, I returned to my table to continue my search.

'Myths of the Eaharat' tells the stories of mythical beings, legendary dungeons.

' The great families of the Acrington holy kingdom' tells the history of each one of the 10 great families of the holy kingdom.

'Different classes and jobs' explains all classes and jobs in this world.

By the time I noticed it, it was already night.

Kathy called out to me "Mr. wolf we are closing."

"Sorry for taking too long."

"I hope you found what you came searching for."

"I did find something useful information, but I need to search more."

"Well, you can always join our library's community."

" I'll think about it."

"OK, good night and hope to see you tomorrow."

After returning to the 'Honey claw inn' and having dinner, I started to sort out the information I got after lying in bed.

" First and most important thing I learned today is: this world is called Eaharat.

I am in the Acrington holy kingdom. Westguard is one of the 10 great noble families of the holy kingdom, each great family rules a specific region. I Haven't found anything about juggernaut class, all I did find was a story about a being called jauggernaut. I need to frequent that library more to learn everything I need to know."

After waking up, and having breakfast at 'Honey claw inn' I decided to head to the guild to try and learn more. On my way I met with the captain of the knight order of Westguard Family.

"Ah sir, excuse me."

"Yes, how can I help you?."

"I just wanted to thank you for the other day."

"The other day?."

"yes, when you rescued the captive civilians from the beastkin prison."

"Ah , you were among the prisoners?."

"yes, I was."

"I see. Well no need to thank me, I was just doing my job."

"I heard the lord's daughter was kidnapped by the beastkin, is that true?."

"Well, yes, that happened."

" I see, is she alright?."

"Yeah, she is fine."

"I have another question."

"Sure, what is it?."

"Why did you hand those gold coins?."

"The little lady insisted that we give gold to the prisoners, she said that they helped her when she was in prison."

"I see, well give her my regards."

"will do."

"Ok, take care."

After I finished talking to the captain, I headed to the guild.

My plan for today was to do my first quest as an adventurer and to test the class I chose in actual combat.

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