《The Exalted Guard》Destruction


The Box was his home. The Box was where he slept. The Box was where all the little kids came to visit him for presents and prizes. The Box was the first thing he remembered seeing when he woke up.

The Box was boring.

He had never liked The Box, with it's red and white stripes on the outside, and cold darkness inside. He constantly hoped for a day when they would let him out of here. That way, he could be with all his friends during the day. He could play with all the kids who loved him, and maybe fix up Mangle. That would be so cool, if it was ever gonna happen.

When he was in there, he felt blind. He didn't know what his friends were doing, if they were making any progress, or if the Purple Man had been caught yet. The only thing that he was sure of, was the music. The same old song that constantly played over and over again. Night after night he was lulled to sleep by the incessant music. It annoyed him. It made him angry. He wanted it GONE.

However, this night was different. Normally, the infernal sound was constantly reset by whatever hapless human happened to be assigned the nightshift. But he could tell the music was winding down to it's final note, and nothing was stopping it. Either the fools had forgotten to wind it up, or they were caught by one of the others. Then again it didn't matter.

'You don't look a gift horse in the mouth, after all,' the Marionette thought to himself, as the music hit it's final note. If his mask wasn't already fixed into a permanent smile, he would be smiling now as he pushed the lid off of his cramped prison with gusto. He lifted himself out of the box, and rocketed down the halls.

'You're mine now, fools!' the Puppet shot through the halls like a laser guided missile, hell bent on reaching the office. He was out, at long last, and he wasn't going back in tonight. No, he was gonna make sure no one put him back in until the morning. Those guards have no idea…..where were the night guards?


This was the office where the guard was supposed to be posted right? The orange tiled floors and walls, the square vents on the left and right side of the room, the massive main door right in front of the desk, the metal desk, with swivel chair, cooling fan, tablet...yes, this was it. All Fazbear night guards were required to be posted here until 6:00 am. The Puppet looked at the clock, it was only about….5:46! He didn't have as much time as he thought!

He resolved to figure out why the guard wasn't in the office later, as he heard the distinctive 'click-click' of a flashlight being switched on and off. The Marionette slowly began to float his way down the dark hallways of the restaurant. No need to rush their demise after all, especially if the others had at least one of them cornered. The Puppet could certainly sympathize. There was something specifically weird about that second guard, Mike, he thought his name was. It's not every night that two employees are put together on the same work shift, at the same time, on the same nig-

The Marionette shooks it's head. There would be time to think about that later. He was coming up on the area he had heard the clicking sound come from. Keeping to the shadows, he crept his head around the wall…...and if he could drop his jaw, it would be banging on the floor right now.

To say Mike was shocked would be an understatement.

"What the hell…." he spoke out loud to no one in particular.

There was a rapid knock on the door, "Mike, what happened?"

"To be honest Jeremy, I don't know." Mike knew he shouldn't just stand there like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, but what else could he do?! He had literally punched through solid metal and wires, without a scratch put on him. And that golden glow was more than a little disconcerting, even though it had gone away by now.


It took Mike a bit, but he suddenly realized that Freddy, Bonnie and Chica were still standing right in front of him. Looking up, he saw Freddy examining his arm, well, the mess of wires and broken metal that used to be his arm. Now, Mike knew that robots couldn't show any kind of emotion in their face except for the ones plastered on by whoever the heck made them. And he also knew that robots couldn't actually have any kind of feelings whatsoever. However, by looking at Freddy's face, he was pretty sure the old bear was having a couple of conflicting emotions.

Confusion, from the fact that Mike had just done what was universally considered impossible.

Surprise, from the fact that what Mike did had actually worked.

And anger, from the fact that he had just lost his right arm.

How did Mike know that, because that was exactly what he was feeling about himself right now. Except replace anger with a small sense of pride.

'How in The Virgin Mary's name did I do that?' Mike was not religious, he just needed a colorful curse. 'Seriously! There is no logical way I should've been able to do that, and that's coming from a time traveller! The only way for something like this to happen and make sense is…...that's it!'

While Mike was having his revelation, Freddy began showing the missing appendage to his partners. The chicken and bunny didn't really see the problem. Freddy was still functional, and as such their mission was the same: Kill the night guard. Bonnie did however raise his missing arm up to show the group, as if to say that he and Freddy were brothers now.

The three child entertainers turned their gaze back to Mike, who was having a massive giggle fit. Confused, but not the least bit intimidated, Bonnie lunged at Mike. Just as Bonnie's claw reached Mike's face, Mike grabbed it mid-air.

He lifted up Bonnie's arm, which lifted the animatronic with it. Once the robot was well above his head, Mike looked up at Bonnie, with a manic grin on his face. His eyes were narrow, and as he held up the bunny with his right hand, he looked down at the closed fist that was his left hand. The silver Zippo lighter was still intact, even after the impact from Freddy's fist. Mike balled up his left hand, and kissed the knuckles.

Bonnie only had one moment to process the information his system was currently receiving, when Mike's fist connected with his stomach. Then his face.

Bonnie shot across the hallway, only stopping when he collided with Freddy, who happened to be in the projectile rabbit's path. The only thing that stopped Freddy from falling over, was the fact the servos in his legs worked overtime to keep the bear standing.

Mike's crazy smile, wide enough to cover his entire face, was still on as he observed his handy work. "I get it now!" he yelled out, loud enough to echo across the dark building. "This is all just a dream! And if this is a dream, then I can do WHATEVER I WANT TO! And what I want to do right now, is rip and tear you animatronic bastards, until the only thing you'll be good for is the scrap heap!"

Unbeknownst to Mike, his eyes had taken on a golden glow, as his set them on his prey.

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