《Origin》Boring Routine!


Years later...

Aden is eating a roasted eye, it was from a Starswallower's, Ei told him that eating it could improve his mental capabilites, but since he was kicked by Ode to that Swamp, his mental fortitude is higher than ever, so eating the eye could only improve it a little bit.

But even a little bit, if it stacks up, it'll be no better than a mountain!

He had moved into another continent, he got bored in that continent. All can he do is just to watch the protagonist doing protagonist stuff, he didn't like it.

This continent is much more gritty and realistic than the other one. It is harsher, and no status window for the people here. Truly Aden felt sorry for all this people.


Aden walked into an inn, disguising as a mercenary, he ordered an ale while listening to other's conversation. Due to his Telepathy has been upgraded to [Mythical], He became more mentally tougher than ever.

"Hey, did you know that in the south there is a demon king? It is a General-Class one! They said that a drip of blood of his could become a demon itself! I heard a group of hero sealed it, but they had to sacrifice the whole village!"*

"Hey, did you hear that a Flower Queen infested a whole city? It killed everything in the path! The guild put out million of gills for the bounty!"

"Do you hear that an undead god came back to turn the world into his armies? The Eastern kingdom is currently in war with him! Rumor has it that the Hero of the East has a godly ability to smite the dead! And the Undead God can resurrect people at will! Truly terrifying!"

'It's only a kingdom-level creature, why so overreactive?' Aden thought. Having killing Intergalactic creatures for 2 years straight, he can't help but smug.


[ Aden

Level: 2000 (68.8% EXP)

HP: 210000/210000

Mana: 210000/210000

Skills: Wiseful thinking(Master) Mental Fortitude(Mythical) Material Regeneration(Master) Steel Skin(Mythical) Muscle Strength(Mythical) Mechanical Strength(Master) Concealing(Beginner) Areakeep(Master) Telepathy(Mythical) Sword Control(Master) Energy Control(Master) Law Understanding(Master) Space Law Control(Master) Magis Control(Mythical) Magis Comprehension(Mythical)

Physical Prowess: 2000.00001

Magis Prowess: 2500

Title: Old Baby, Evil God, Newbie, Baby Magis, Lawmaker, Star-Eater.

P. Def: 2500(+500 Buff)

M. Def: 3000(+500 Buff)

Alignment: Neutral (No Bounty)


Due to his skills, he could cast 7th Rank Magic spells now! As for Po'l and his enemies' 10th Rank Spells, that was of their magic items, or simply they're just magicians that exceeded his expectations.


'8.000 more then i could go back to Omnicael...'

A man approached Aden and took a seat right beside him.

"Arc! I have heard you slayed the wyvern on the south eh?" The man exclaimed

"Yes." Aden said without a hint of emotion in his face

Ever since he came into this world, he changed his face and named himself Arc, doing mercenary and even hero jobs for the continent, just for boredom, he eventually become an A-Class Mercenary and an S-Ranked Adventurer, aiding the heroes of all nations, but he only do support, as he doesn't want to play with inferior beings that much, he isn't an egotistical person.

"Hey Arc, i got a job for ya..." The man spoke with lesser voice, seemingly to be aware of some eavesdroppers

"What's the catch?" Aden said.

"Kidnap the princess of Phera."

"No, I know how risky it is."

"Nonono, the thing is, the Almighty Guardian of Phera is gone for two weeks, let's say that we head there, eh?"

The man seemed to be optimistic about kidnapping a princess, of course, he is the famous Merc Raider! an S-Class Mercenary with many powers up on his sleeves, he is strong, and cunning!

"Who paid you?"

"The Nifseral, they want to sacrifice her to the dark lord or whatever, I don't really care about them weird people, but the bounty is higher than slaying a dragon! Maybe they'll summon a God or something."

"Come on, I don't deal with the Nifseral."

"Please, bro! After this, we could retire and be rich for seven generations!"

"Who's in the party?"

"I got Maip, Lorren, Pon, and Unhrak as the Main, Lomme and Cret as the support, I just need you to complete the support!" The man begged.

"Then, how much is split?"

"12% Each."

"I don't need money." Aden said.

"Alright, whatever man, if you're interested, just come to me. But remind you that we'll start next week so be fast!" The man then left the bar after paying for his and Aden's drink.

"Merc Raider Pilas, huh."

Then he got approached again by someone, but it was different.

"Ma'am 2 Bottles of Rai'an Please!"

"Hey, Arc, the heroes of the south needs you, they said that they want to slay the Demon King tomorrow, everyone could get anything they want except for some things, 48 has joined, all high-ranking too, I suggest that you join."


"Sure, when? and what about you?"

"I already joined, and the time is 3AM for the briefing at the Office Guild Stairs 2."

"Alright, sure."

The man left soon without even paying the tab, Aden was forced to pay for his order.

'Goddamn sly fucker.'


Aden entered the Office Guild, after asking which room they're in, he entered it.

Inside, there are 48 People from all races like Dwarves, Lizardmen, Dragonkin, Humans, Elves, Goblins, And Orcs.

All of them dressed with different armors, some wore what looked like an expensive looking Light Armor, some wore Bulky Armor, Covering every vital parts, and all of their weapons are truly Legendary, by their standards. Compared to them, Aden paled in comparison, he only wore a Medium Armor, with an Elegant bow and a Staff with a blue crystal at its tip.

"Ah, Arc, Welcome! Sit, Sit." The Hero spoke

He was pretty familiar with the hero, he had partied with him before, and even saved some of the people in his party from danger. That's why the Hero is pretty polite to him.

"ah, thanks."

"I presume that everyone knows Arc here, the Magician, he'll lead the supporting teams, and he'll buff us." The Hero said

"Sure." Arc said without any expression

And then they discussed the strategy to defeat this demon king, once and for all.

"Be careful, he has a blinding might, you'll be blinded for exactly 2 hours, that's not good. Do everyone got their Unblinding Potion?" One of the Hero's party asked

"Yes" Everyone replied

"Alright, we'll set out at 7, and we'll camp at fort Massani, near the Demon Grotto, after that, we'll continue through the Rand's Hill, and then Post Lovien, we'll attack it 2 days after resting." The Hero said carefully.

"Alright," Everyone agreed.

"Come, prepare! We got 4 hours to prepare! we meet at the Outskirts of this Kingdom." The Female from the Hero's group exclaimed

Everyone left the room, Aden left the Guild to buy some Potions, and then slept at the Meeting Point. Of course he didn't actually sleep, just entering the Safehouse

"Ei, have you got any deals on those Rank 7-9 Spellbooks?"

{I got it, It's about spatial and the 5 Elements, no Law Spells is under 50Million Points, someone is buying all the cheap spellbooks, currently the market only consist of those 50Million or above.}

"Damn, how much for spatial law books?"

{100Mill, if you could sell an Eyeseeres's eyes, you could get fortune easily, your level is ok, but the Eyeseeres is rare. I already spreading my satellites seeds all across the Intergalactical space but nothing seems to have come out.}

"Damn, tell me if there's some."


Aden then practiced in his free time. Long after that Aden was woken up by The Hero.

"Aden, wake up, we'll go now." The Hero spoke

"Okok." Aden said

"Remember, this one is more dangerous and more powerful than the Dragon, so be careful." The Hero reminded him.

Aden recalled his memories killing the dragon, it was weak as hell, it's not even level 20 in Hisydema! After slaying the dragon, he immediately pretended to faint as he supported most of the party, it'll look weird if he didn't faint out at all.

"Alright, I got it Dew, you should worry about your teammates."

"Of course I am! no one's so easygoing as you! Sleeping before journey?"

"Yes, you know what is my schedule after meeting right?"

"Yeah, buy potions and then sleep." Dew, the Hero, replied with a mocking but playful tone

"Come on, don't be so disrespectful to your senior." Aden spoke with a playful manner

"You looked like my age even though you're a great magician!" Dew replied

"I'm forever young, you know." Aden replied with a smile

Dew couldn't really think that what Aden said was true, sure there is a longevity potion, but that doesn't make your appearance much younger!

"Alright let's go, everyone is waiting." Aden told Dew out of his blank expression thinking, it was his habit to do that

"Alright, I'm coming!" Dew shouted to the rest of the party

Aden then journeyed with the party, he could go there instantly and kill the Demon King, but it's not really his habit to destroy another protagonist's adventure

'With spatial law, I could return to Earth easily, but it's so expensive! Even on the official store!'

'Or should I seek the power of the Beginner Island?' Aden thought

{I suggest not to return to Omnicael immediately, you could get slaughtered easily there, that's why I suggest you to level up to 10.000 before coming back, and as for the power... Many people sought for it.}

"Alright, so I can kill Higher Level Beings now?"



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