《Evolution to GOD》Where are my Beauties


"Alternate Earth?"

"Yes Host"

"So Basically I am not on earth"

"Yes Host"

"You mean to say I don't know anyone here"

"Most Probably Yes Host"

"What is most probably"

"Means someone you knew maybe on this earth"

"You mean to say I am Fucked "

"Pardon your language but Yes Host"


Breathe in Breathe out!!! I have to take it easy, I have to become awesome, I want my beauties.

"So miss System, how can I become awesome"

"Host you cannot become awesome"

"Huh?" WTF is this

"Host you can only become stronger, there is no awesome"

"Leave it System, You will not understand the pain"

"Host Pain Reception is 100% I don't feel any pain going through host"

'???????' What the fuck is this...

"Leave it System, just tell me about this earth and how can I become normal, I don't want to continue to be a monkey"

I suddenly saw my face in the lake

'Well this monkey is quite handsome' 'I am sure a lot of female monkeys will jump behind me hehe"

"Host this place is also earth, but here all type of lifeforms exist"

"That also exists in the earth "

"Host on this earth there are Humans, Mixed Human, Beasts, Mixed Beasts, Ghosts, Mix.."

"wait wait wait, there is mixed ghost also"

"Yes Host"

"What the fuck!!!!!!, how come someone can fuck the ghost"

"Well tell me system, are there any beauties in ghosts form"

"System:?????What the fuck"

"Affirmative Host"

"I have to check it out"

"Host First have to go through first evolution"

"What is the first evolution"

"Host has to gather some experience by doing some tasks"

'Huh??? What the hell, I have to work here

"Hey Miss System, what are the tasks I have to do, can you give me an example?"


"Affirmative host, For example, Host has to kill the Lion to rule over this Jungle"

WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hey System are you trying to kill me, What the fuck is killing a lion, I haven't even killed a chicken in my life"

"Negative host, I am giving you the final example, the host has to perform tasks to get stronger to kill the Lion"

"You don't say I have to fuck monkeys to get stronger"

"Affirmative host"


AAHHHHHHHH!!!! Where are my Beauties...

Our Poor Alan Got the second shock of his life

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