《Beyond the Stars》Chapter 05 : The Arcane Sect


Chapter 05

The Arcane sect was situated at the bottom of a mountain andsurrounded by a huge forest. The only practicable road was coming from the nearest town.

Li Wei finally arrived in front of two huge pillars on which, were sculpted stone animals. A wolf, a crow, a fox and a ferret a bear, an owl, a squirrel a swallow, a rat, a panther even a monkey and so on. It was mesmerizing. Li Wei walked pass the gate and entered the sect's ground.

A huge building or it would be preferable to say four buildings forming a square appeared in front of him. He found himself in front of a 4 meters high door with a smaller one right next to it. He entered and was welcomed by middle-aged man. He had a cloak on, black and gray hair pulled back giving him a dignified look.

"Oh new student I presume. May I see your letter of authentication please?"

Li Wei was lost for a slight moment then thought about the space ring his mother had given him.

There was a lot of stuff in there he would need to sort that out later. He quickly found a piece of paper that he gave to the black clocked man

" Very well go through that hallway and enter the third door to your right," said the man while pointing the left alley.

“Thank you, sir" Li Wei bowed and went in the direction he was told to go to.

He walked to the third door, knocked and entered.

It was a very nicely decorated room. Inside, was a lady in her 40s reading a book as well as a small pillar with a black stone upon it. The lady looked at him smiled put the book on the chair where she previously sat and asked him:


"new student, aren't you? What’s your name?"

"Yes I am. My name is Li Wei. Nice to meet you, " Li Wei said.

"You're early, most students will show up two months from now but that’s nothing to worry about. You will have more time accommodating yourself to this place.”

“If I may ask, miss what am I doing here?”

“You are in the testing room. See that black stone here? Take it in your hand and it will tell you what’s your best element affinity. Meaning, which type of magic you will be best at.”

Li Wei put his hand on the stone right away and after a few seconds. The stone turned to a dark green color with gray spots.

"Oh, you have a double affinity which is Wood and space. Wood is your main affinity and space magic, you won’t be able to learn about it here. It’s very rare and sadly none of the teachers in the Arcane sect know it. Now that this is done take this key go to room 324 which is on the third floor. Settle there and meet your roommate who arrived 2 days ago. His name is Jing Yu."

It took him almost half an hour to get to his room as he got lost but after numerous trials and errors he finally arrived at room 324 and entered.

Li Wei never considered his new self-ugly on the contrary he was quite a good-looking guy, but that kid would be a lady killer later. He had semi long black hair, big green eyes and a white skin that made his eyes stand out even more.

Li Wei made the brightest smile he could muster. He knew how important it was to make friends and had his previous life as a university student to help him make that happen.


" Hey, my name is Li Wei and I'm your new roommate"

"H… Hi ma my name is Jing Yu" he answered in a timid voice while looking down on the floor

"Wow that guy sure is shy" thought Li Wei

Li Wei grabbed both Jing Yu’s shoulders and in the process forced the shy boy to look at him in the eyes.

" We are going to live together from now on so let's be friends!"

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