《Scion of Shadows》Chapter Six: A Conversation with the Gods


Madeleine walked through the huge doorway of the Temple of All Gods. The Temple was shaped like a giant semicircle with a large central space and a multitude of alcoves, each with an altar dedicated to a particular god. The ceiling soared several stories up. Marvel arches supported bronze and gold detailing, including a central mural depicting the night sky. It was said that gears and machinery moved parts of the mural to accurately reflect the sky on certain days. The Academy was actually in possession of another such mural, often used to teach Astronomy when the sky was cloudy..

In the open central area was a statue of a man riding a horse. Flames spouted from the horse’s nostrils. The man held a large sword straight up in the air, seemingly raeching to the ceiling. In his other hand was a shield with a carving of the Celtic Triskelion. The statue’s base was carved out of black glass made to look like waves, as if the horse was riding on water. A plaque set in the base said in breton, Latin, and Greek:

Gralon Meriadoc, first King of Ys

Maddie wandered around the temple, looking at the various altars. The Greek and Roman gods were given places of prominence, as were the Celtic gods. Lugus, Bran, even the Green Man had altars. Off to the side was an altar to Caelestis Brigantia. The goddess of the Brigantes, while not popular, was still revered as the patron of those descendants of the North Kingdom who had come to Armorica generations ago.The statue rose above the altar, larger than life. It was composed entirely of dark grey basalt. On Brigantia’s head was a bronze crown. She was armored with real bronze armor and held in one hand a spear and in the other a globe. Out of the base were carved the skulls of her enemies, some of them crushed beneath her feet. Maddie knelt down before the altar and sent her prayers to the goddess of her people.


“She is a powerful goddess. More so than most realize,” said a voice behind her. She jumped up, startled at the silent approach.

“Who are you?” It was the same man she had seen that first day at the Academy. He was dressed all in black. His black military cloak was fastened at one shoulder by a Gorgoneion, an amulet representing a Gorgon’s head, meant to ward off evil. A spear was strapped to his back, it’s tip gleaming even in the distant light of the temple. A gladius was strapped to one hip.

“My name is tereus, son of Mars. And you must be Madeleine, Brigantia’s own daughter.”

“What do you mean? That I’m descended from the Brigantes?”

He chuckled. “No, Brigantia is your mother just as Mars is my father. He sired me just as she birthed you. Did you wonder why your father never told you much of your mother?”

Maddie stepped back, pressing herself against the altar. “How do you know so much about me? Who are you?”

“I have already told you who I am. And I know so much about you because it is my business to know about those like us. We have many ways of gathering information, from diviners to simple human agents. You are just one amongst many. Many of us are united together in a common cause.”

Maddie turned to the statue of Brigantia and Tereus spoke softly behind her. “Pray to your mother’s statue if you don’t believe me.”

The statue gazed down at her. Then she heard in her mind, “My child, what this man says is true. You are truly my daughter. However, just because he speaks no lies now, do not put your trust in him.”

Maddie dropped to her knees again, this time in astonishment.


“My...mother?” The statue was now silent.

“I have given you this gift of knowing your true heritage. Remember what I said: we are not alone. And we must band together against the mortals that populate this place, or they would overwhelm us with their sheer numbers.”

Maddie looked up at him, confusion written on her face.

“Just remember what I have done and what I have said. We will meet again soon.”

He turned and walked away. Maddie watched as he made his way across the vast space and disappeared out into the daylight. She stayed where she was for a while, her head whirling.

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