《SKYDRIFT》Chapter Eight
Niles could feel the sun’s warmth on the back of his neck as he watched minute dust motes glide down onto his desk. He had allowed Andrew to spend the night on the barge. It wouldn’t have been right, he thought, to have a man who’s been loyal for the past five years spending money getting a room in the city when we won’t be leaving until the following morning anyways.
Niles was happy with a crew count of six even though the barge could have supported eight or even a cramped ten. With Andrew gone The Dusty Maiden’s crew count would only be five now, if he didn’t count Jon and Emma. But they were more like temporary business partners anyway. He wondered if they had enough people for Jon’s mission.
Then he heard Andrea’s voice coming from the main deck. She was obviously dealing with the city agent. He continued to watch the dust motes coalesce onto his desk. Emma’s voice cut in. He couldn’t understand what they were saying but he was sure it had to do with their deal. There was no reason why Emma’s letter wouldn’t work. Being a guardian, Niles knew, garnered certain advantages.
A few minutes later there was a knock from behind the door. “Come on in,” Niles said, expecting Andrew to enter the cabin.
Andrea entered the room instead. “Captain, I have the payment from Daura city,” she said.
“Good. And did we get docked?”
“Actually, no.” She came closer to the desk and put the money down. “We’re ready to go, though I don’t think Andrew has said his goodbyes to everyone yet.”
Niles reached for the money, and then he nodded slowly.
“Niles...?” she asked, curiously.
Niles had already started to split the cut. “Yeah?”
“How come you never told me about your powers?”
Suddenly he felt a quick pang of guilt as he thought about Andrea’s question. His mother had believed he’d attract negative attention from the order, so he’d never told anyone about his powers after making that promise. Until now. “It just wasn’t a good idea for anyone to know,” he said.
“But I know now,” Andrea said.
Niles thought she sounded flirtatious, but he couldn’t be sure, and It would be very awkward if he’d ever read his pilots intentions wrongly. He smiled. “Maybe you’ll get to see me use them later on.”
“You mean during this crazy mission?”
There was a moment of silence. Then Andrea said, “This mission is insane.”
“I know... but we’ve pulled through some pretty rough stuff. I think we can handle it.”
Andrea smiled ruefully. “So... can we stop by Norbridge before we go get ourselves into trouble?”
Niles winced on the inside. Andrea was putting him in a tough position. Again. He didn’t like it. It felt... awkward. Too much was at stake. How would he tell her they wouldn’t be able to go? Even if he wanted to do this for his pilot, he couldn’t. They had a mission to do. “Andrea...” Niles said with a note of regret in his voice. “We’ve already had this discussion, haven’t we?”
She cocked her head back. “No, we haven’t. Things have changed.”
“Things have changed.” Niles said. “They’ve gotten worse.” And it is true, he thought. They have gotten worse.
“Niles, I need to make sure my family is safe.”
“You’re being irrational. There’s...“
“Irrational?” She said, eyes widening. “This is my family we’re talking about, Niles. Even if there’s a chance they’re in danger then I have to go. You know that.”
“If something were to happen—which is extremely unlikely—it wouldn’t matter anyways.”
“If these damned aliens show up, we’re all dead anyways,” Niles said, waving a hand in the air.
Andrea laughed mirthlessly. “I can’t believe this.” She raked her fingers through her hair.
“Yes,” Niles said sharply. “Yes, there are pirates near Norbridge. Yes, they could attack. Yes your family could be in danger... but what are the chances of that, really?”
“Dammit! Niles, I already told you...“
Niles jumped out of his chair and leaned over the desk, his arms spread outward. “And you need to see reason. We can’t go running off to Norbridge because you’re worried.”
Andrea was pacing back and forth in front of his desk now. “Because I’m worried...” She laughed again and then started nodding her head fervently. “Alright. Alright, Niles. Then you give me no choice. I’m getting off your boat.”
Niles felt his eyes bulge just a little as he said, “What?”
“You selfish bastard.”
“Selfish?” he asked, jerking his head back. “Me?”
She stomped toward the door.
“Andrea,” Niles said sharply. “You can’t go.”
“Oh, I can’t? And why not, Captain?” she asked, emphasizing the last word.
“I need you... we need you. You’re the best pilot I’ve ever had.”
“Is that all I am to you, Niles?”
He said nothing. He wasn’t going to grovel and crawl. This was about more than him or her, or her family. This was about saving everyone on the planet.
I’m not selfish!
“Goodbye, Niles... oh, and I’ll need my cut before I go,” she said, reaching over the desk to take her share, her eyes not dropping from his. After she scooped up her share she turned and left the cabin.
Niles had his hands on his hips. He could feel the veins bulging in his neck. Then the chair got in the way. He picked it up and tossed it at the wall. After a moment he glanced at the chair observing the damage he’d done to it.
There was a tentative knock at the door. “Uh... Captain?” Andrew asked, half leaning into the cabin. “I’ve got my things and I’ll be going now. Just wanted to let you know.”
Niles nodded slowly. It was too bad he was losing a member of his crew. And now I’ve lost Andrea, he thought. In Niles opinion, she’d been the most dependable and trustworthy person aboard his barge. But there was something else he felt as well. It was though as if he were losing more than a pilot and a friend. He was losing something...
Niles breathed out heavily. “I’m sorry, Andrew. Come on in.”
Andrew stepped into the room. “At it again, huh?”
Niles raised an eyebrow. “How much of that did you hear?”
“Quite a bit,” Andrew said with a wry smile.
“Yeah. Alright then,” Niles said as he put out a hand. “It was good having you on the crew—oh, and here’s your payment for the last haul.” He gave Andrew his cut.
“Thanks, Captain,” Andrew said as he let go of Niles’ hand. Then he left the cabin.
Niles looked back at his desk. He was going to sit, but then spotted the smashed chair and decided to go up to the main deck to let Walter know that it was time to depart. “Walter, you’re piloting,” he said.
“Wait,” Walter said. “Where’s Andrea? I thought I saw her get off.”
“She won’t be coming. Now let’s get moving... wasted enough time here already.”
Walter hesitated for a moment. Then he said, “Alright, Cap.”
Niles moved to the stern of the barge behind Walter and the helm. He was watching Daura shrink as The Dusty Maiden cruised out of the city.
“I’m sorry, Captain.”
Niles half turned to look at Emma, but then he decided to watch the receding cityscape instead. “Get Jon for me, will you?”
“Yeah,” she said flatly.
Niles noticed the momentary pause before she answered him. He knew what he’d asked sound more like an order than a request. She obviously didn’t like being told what to do by someone who wasn’t a guardian.
He could hear her footsteps receding as she went down the companionway. Well too damn bad, he thought. My barge, my rules. She would just have to get used to it because he didn’t feel like being agreeable right now.
Then his thoughts involuntarily drifted to his pilot. Why had he acted that way? He practically kicked her off the barge. It was hard to put himself in her position. He didn’t have family. He wondered if he’d made a mistake choosing not to go to Norbridge for Andrea. In not choosing to go he had lost his best pilot. The others—himself included—could barely even call themselves pilots when comparing to her skill.
“You wanted to see me, Niles?” Jon asked.
Niles didn’t say anything to Jon for a minute or two. Then he turned around, his back braced against the stern railing. “We’re on our way. Just need the bearing.”
“Right,” Jon said. “Well there are two barges. One is The Analaya, and the other The Breabooth. Both possibly have what we need. The Analaya is headed west for Drymote, and the other south to the Jungles of Vestibar. Your call, though I’d suggest we try and intercept The Analaya first before she reaches her destination.” He scratched his chin and continued. “She’s a little closer and if she doesn’t have the information we need, we can always swing back around for a second try at The Breebooth on her way back to the capital.”
There wasn’t much to think about. Jon had already planned the whole thing it seemed, and he obviously had it under control. “The Analaya it is then,” Niles said.
- In Serial7 Chapters
That one time i was killed then i was Transported to an alternative world where i had to fight in a dungeon to survive
man gets killed then he is enslaved then he has to escape but he is a hero that the world has a story about him saying he will come and he will help humans and monster co-exist
8 148 - In Serial98 Chapters
Anarcho: A Cyberpunk Fantasy
Below you can find blurbs for each arc in Anaracho. Fracture Rating (Anarcho, #1) Theeeey’ve done it again! Max and Staxx have just hit the Tower Plaaaza just minutes ago, breaking CEO Tanaka Koji’s safe and baling with what’s estimated to be at least two point three biiiiillion in cash—not to mention the prrrriceless personal relics worth at least a second veritable fortune on the blaaack maarkeeet! Hooowwww do we know it was theeem? They left us clues! “Take it to the max” and “Staxx of cash” left behind, written atop a priceless Remvira painting in lipstiiiick from Koji’s bathroooom no doubt! “I don’t know…” Tanaka says as he scratches his head in evident disbelief while he nurses a broken lip. “One moment I was looking over the quarterly reports and then next thing I know I’m—I’m face down—eating tile and forced by two men at knife and gunpoint to open my safe!” It’s quiiiite a shocker for us over here, too! In case you don’t know, Tanaka Koji is the billionair heir and infamous playboy of the Tanaka Dynastyyy. They say his family’s worth at least four-hundred biiiillioooon and theyyy donnn’t skimp on SEEEECUUURITYYY! Soooo….. what does daad think about allll this? “I want them stopped!” Tanaka senior comments as he shakes a fist. “I am putting up a five-hundred million dollar reward for anyone who supplies information leading to the capture or death of those two thugs!” Weeell, there you have it, folks! Straight from the uuunicorn’s mouth! Again! that’s a whopping five-hundred million dollar reward for any tips that lead to the capture or death of those pesky thieves, Maaax and Staaaaxx! Any tips of information can be sent via public or in-home holo net devices by going to the page displayed—and don’t forget to— Staxx shut off the holo screen. “May called. She wants us to do another job. Tonight.” “You know we can’t. We got another one of our high and mighty overlords to visit at his luxury penthouse.” “That’s what I told her, too.” “Then stop yapping and let’s kick some ass!” “You know, Max, for such a small guy, you’re really intense. Don’t you wanna have some fun?” “Oh… we’re gonna have some fun, Staxx. We’re gonna have some fun...” * * * Hussy (Anarcho, #2) Max and Staxx board the ultrafine space cruiser Chylaxium in an effort to kidnap Kelly Hess, the daughter of the rich—but not a douche—Hess, who wants his daughter returned to him after she ran off with Laiwyn Scorr, a known smuggler and murderer whose evidently using her for her magical abilities to get to her father. Unfortunately it remains to be seen whether the little hussy will come easily. “Max, are you sure about this one?” “You know it’s a favor to May, after what she had to pull to get us outta that Yates thing.” “I know, but… just because you like her doesn’t mean we have to say ‘yes.’” “Come on, Staxx, it’ll be fun.” “Do we get to shoot stuff?” “Definitely!” “What happened to us robbing banks on the six o’clock news?” “Don’t worry—we’ll get to that after we do this thing real quick.” “All right, I’m down.” “Sweet.” * The Landfill Lich (Anarcho, #3) With independent, though highly discredited, news sources siting a dangerous creature killing people on the edges of Life City, Max and Staxx—in their boredom, decide to take up the investigation. They quickly discover that they may be in way over their heads, and that the source of this “terrible monster” or whatever, is in fact due to the carelessness of a mega corp—of course—and headed by—you guessed it—the mages. “Man, I’m so bored! Sure this thing’s even real?” “The bodies are real.” “If the overlords are responsible for whatever’s goin’ on, then somebody’s getting tossed out another window.” “That’s what you always say.” “’Cause it’s the truth, Staxx” “Well let’s check it out and see what we find.” “Takin’ guns.” “Hells yes, Max.” * Rescue Operation (Anarcho, #4) After taking out a Strogaus science mage and the monster he had created, Max and Staxx attempt to contact May—their ally and handler. But for the first time ever, a different person answers their call, indicating an irregularity that bodes ill for not only May, but for them all. “Damn! I wanted to meet May, but…” “Not like this?” “Do you think she’s still alive?” “One way to find out, Max.” “Listen, if this has something to do with Strogaus and that science mage we fed to his own monster, we’re puttin’ these guys in the ground, Staxx.” “Then let’s lock and load.” * Dreams of Forever (Anarcho #5) Max, Staxx and May—three Anarchos—set out to find Lexa a body so that she too can fully become part of the team. But what begins as an innocent shopping trip, soon turns into a storm of bullets after the team realizes what Invera-Tech is really up to. “No way can we let this stand, guys.” “Not like we can’t end the overlord’s dreams of forever with a few bullets.” “Then let’s drop some hot lead on these wannabe gods.” “Hells yes!” “But what about my body?” “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that, Lexa.” “Oh—okay!” “Now let’s tear shit up!”
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Love Among the Gifted
Pride & Prejudice & Superpowers! In this England the gifted have ruled since the Norman’s invaded. How will a series of unexpected attacks in Meryton shortly after the Assembly impact Elizabeth and Darcy? This is a different look at canon with the addition of powers, politics, adventure, and espionage. But the heart of our story is still the rough road to romance for our dear couple. The story is complete.
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Sentinel : Book 2.5
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Breathing Hurts: Short Stories
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Benefits ━━ PETER PARKER
❝We are just doing this for the sexual benefits, right? Y-you don't like me like that...do you?❞
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