《Warrior's Heir》Chapter 8
Michail - Tallia
Overseer Max stepped out of the lift while shading his eyes. He then shouted in a loud, rude tone that he never used when down In the mines. "Alright, you worthless slugs, you have one day off. I expect you back here one hour before light tomorrow morning. Now get out of my face."
The group put on the best sullen look they could muster and wandered off, heads bowed. Meanwhile, Michail and Tallia went toward a small town nearby and spent the next few hours walking between the different shops that were only open this one day a week. While greeting fellow miners that they recognized from other teams.
All of the shop or stall owners came in from the nearby town and villages to trade with the miners, who, despite being prisoners, always had plenty of rare gems and coins on hand.
The two ended their walk around and walked into the mine's local office, where they stood in line for forty-five minutes. A bored male clerk didn't even look up when they got to the counter. "Nametags " Michail took the metal tag from around his neck and placed it on the counter, followed closely by Tallia. The man picked them up, walked through a door in the back, and returned a moment later. "Michail your pay for the week after the ten percent cut toward your fine comes to two silver and seven copper. Did you want it all now or would you like a portion put away in the vault?"
Michail thought for a moment before speaking, "I will take the seven copper but put the two silver toward my debt please."
The man nodded and opened a folder he had in his hand. "Very well that brings your total debt to seven gold four silver." Turning to Tallia. "Here is your weekly salery of two silver did you want any deposited?"
Tallia sighed. "Honestly I want to put it toward Michails debt but I know that's not allowed so just deposit both, and thank you for your time. "Tallia smiled at the man whose lips twitched slightly, but his bored look prevailed in the end as he waved them both away.
Sprinting toward the door, Tallia caught up with Michail, who stood near the gate. "Well what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"
"Let's go for a walk in the woods then find a place to eat and see where things go from there." Michail said as he took Tallia's arm in his.
The following morning they stood with their group before the lift leading to the fifth level of Mallorn mine. One of the older men commented. "Odd its not like Max to be late." Turning around, Michail spotted Max and several other Overseers sprinting their way with large crates on their shoulders. When Max arrived, the group split apart to let the man through.
Max stopped in front of the lift and didn't even look winded. "Alright, you worthless sacks of Kobald crap line up and follow me we are being reassigned to level six. Apparently, the Kingdom is running short of Iron so we get to brave the monster-infested depths... I know what your all thinking; don't we get adventurer parties to watch our backs as a normal mine would? Well, the answer is no because nobody cares about you."
They all stopped in front of the sixth-level lift and stared at it solemnly as if it might swallow them whole. As the miners stared at the lift, three cloaked figures came and stood behind Max. Max turned to the group. Alright, everyone get on the lift. When they all filed inside, everybody watched in suspicion as the three cloaked figures walked in behind them. Max saw their looks. "Relax the company may not care if we live, but I do, I hired these adventures yesterday in Woodhaven out of my own pocket. Actually, all five of the Overseers chosen to go into the lower levels hired a small party to scout the new tunnels."
With a jerk, the Lift began its descent. Max bent down and yanked the lid off the crate. "Veronica and Frank, you are both ex-soldiers so I purchased some basic leather gear, chain shirts, and two swords along with two wooden shields. I will be relying on both of you to watch our backs when the adventurers are not around is that alright?"
They both nodded and replied with their hands. "You can count on us."
Another thump, and the lift stopped. "Alright, ladies and gents let's get our temporary camp set up and see what nodes we have nearby. Michail, Tallia you both will be joining our adventurers as you have the most experience scouting in the mines." The three cloaked Adventurers stepped out first and pulled weapons from sheaths, and left to check the immediate surroundings.
Michail was about to follow when Max stopped him. "Hold up a minute boy did you think I was going to let you both go off without any gear?" After rummaging around, Max pulled out two sets of padded gambisons, two iron short swords, and two wood shields. "Sorry, this is the best I could afford after buying the chain for our two former soldiers and hiring the Adventurers."
Michail looked suspiciously toward the adventurers that we're currently looking through a door into a dilapidated warehouse. "You payed in advance?"
Max shook his head, "No, well, sort of but not to them, the guild requires half the payment upfront. Something about just in case, body retrieval and funeral costs if the mission ended in catastrophic failure."
Tallia frowned. "Do we really have to babysit a bunch of amateurs? They will probably fall into the first pit we come across."
Max narrowed his eyes at them both. "I want you both with them so they live long enough to learn the risks inherent in working deep underground. They better survive and trust me you will both really like them." Max winked at them and tossed them their gear, before walking away.
Tallia watched him go suspiciously. "He is up to something."
Michail shrugged. "Get ready, if Max says their alright, that's good enough for me."
- - - - -
Theo and party
After getting a round of introductions, the group took a look around. The store was reasonably large, split into four sections, each with its counter. The bakery ran along one wall and is ran by a young woman maybe five years older than Theo. When Theo shook her hand, she seemed to hold on just a little too long for Anita's liking and was quickly intercepted as Anita began asking about her goods.
Next to the bakery is a clothing shop that James ran with the help of his Mom, Ezriela. Just on the other side with a plump middle-aged woman is the general goods market, and further down with a skinny man who eyed the group as if they didn't belong in the shop, is weapons and armor.
Ezriela bent down and checked James for injuries before turning to the group. "He didn't steal anything did he?" When they all shook their heads and sent a bemused look toward the red-faced James, Ezriela took the chance to grab Anita and pull her along into the back room. "Perfect you will be the perfect size to check the dress. The rest of you take a look around I can see two of you need new clothes."
While Theo stayed next to James, Tracy took the furs and walked over to the General store clerk. "Hi do you take furs here?"
Theo watched Tracy begin to bargain with the older woman and decided to look for a new shirt. Moments after he left the counter, the bakery lady walked over. "Hi do you need help finding anything?"
Thirty minutes later, Anita walked out from the back room a new set of clothes for Theo and Tracy. Walking up beside James counter, she watched with narrowed eyes as the bakery lady flirted with Theo while resting one hand on his wrist as she laughed at something the Prince said. "How long has that been going on?" Anita turned to face James
James looked over toward Theo with a feigned bored expression on his face. "I dunno, how long were you letting Mom treat you like a doll?"
Anita didn't bother to answer. She turned to Theo and shouted. "Theo come here and take these clothes."
With a look of relief, Theo rushed over, grabbing the clothes. He passed by Anita following a pointed finger that led to a curtained-off area. As Theo did, he whispered. "Thanks"
A little later, Theo walked out in new traveling clothes, nothing fancy but not threadbare and going to fall to pieces next time he sneezed. Theo walked up beside Anita making sure to keep her between the Baker and himself. Leaning over in Anita's face, he winked, "How do I look? are you falling for me yet?"
Tracy walked over a few minutes later, dropping a new pack at Theo's feet and taking the bundle of clothes from Anita with a thank you. Then, she disappeared into the changing room.
Wrapping an arm around Anita's shoulder, Theo turned to James. "So when do you get off work? I want to check out the Guildhall you talked about. Possibly see about joining up and finding some easy missions once I get back from Mallorn mine."
As he asked his question, he watched an outworlder walk in after looking around, his eyes stopping briefly on Theo. the man shook his head a moment later before walking toward the weapon and armor racks. Theo had no trouble hearing the Man as he spoke in a rather loud voice. "Hey Tom I need a few sets of basic gear. The Overlords sent down a decree that we have to go deeper into the mines and I need to do what I can to protect my men."
While Tom hurried around grabbing up a few items, The Outworlder watched Theo's group absentmindedly, not trying to eavesdrop; he did catch a few things like the fact that they were interested in going to the mines for some reason. Also, their interest in joining the Guild... Hmm, If they join today, I might be able to hire them at a lower price, and for some reason, that tall lad seems familiar. I can't think of any foreigners I have met that looked like him, though.
Tom knocked on his desk to get the man's attention. "Alright, Max that comes to two gold seven silvers and four coppers but I will knock off the coppers since were friends."
Max finished counting out the money before speaking. "So what's with the group of foreigners around Ce... James?"
Tom shrugged. "Some people he met outside town earlier seem like a nice pair of kids. That chaperone though I get a feeling she ain't one to mess with."
Hoisting the crate onto his shoulder, Max waved at Tom and sauntered toward the group. "Sorry to interrupt but I overheard that you need to get into Mallorn mines is that right?"
Theo looked at his group, but they all looked to him. shrugging, he turned to the Man. "That depends on who is asking?
Max blinked at the answer, then laughed. "Sorry, I spend so much time down in the mines I sometimes forget things like introductions. My name is Max; I am an Overseer at the mines and I just happened to be in need of a small party of adventurers to do a bit of scouting in a new mineshaft... You seem really familiar have we met?"
Theo scrutinized the man's face for a second, then shook his head while lifting his shoulders. "Unless you spent time in the Tavern down in Blackmoore swamp that's unlikely." To Theo's left and right, Tracy and Anita slapped a palm to their foreheads.
Max laughed at their antics. "Relax your not the first Andorians I have met that have broken the King's Curse. I won't say anything nor would anyone in Woodhaven. as for Blackmoore I haven't been that way in several years so that's not it." A second later, his eyes widened, and a huge grin spread across his face. "Oh this is fate is your name by chance Theodore?"
The tension in the room skyrocketed, and Tracy began inching her blade from its sheath. A booming voice from the door got everyone's attention. "If you value that hand you won't be drawing that weapon in the Guilds shop." At the same time, the three clerks stood straight behind their counters.
A large man standing around six foot three inches shut the door behind him as he eyed Tracy. When she let the hilt go with an amused look on her face, he walked behind James resting his hands on his shoulders. "Well 'son' how much trouble have you caused today?" Then as if it was just an afterthought. "And what wind has blown the famous Tracy Lionsgrave. Or as many still remember her the Bloody right hand of the King, to our quiet town."
Tracy clasped arms with him. "Jamal Harrison, it's been a long time. I see you finally settled down. As for what wind, I am a free agent now, and currently, I am traveling with these two rascals." Tracy indicated Theo and Anita.
Jamal watched them for a moment before speaking in a soft voice. "John and the twins?" Seeing Tracy shake her head Jamal lowered his for a few moments. "Sorry to hear that he was a good man and a good friend... Come on let's get lunch my treat Max you come along too. I met up with a couple of your coworkers and they let me know what's happening at the mine."
Jamal led the group toward the back then stopped. "Margee can you watch the clothes shop for a bit? I need to borrow James." The plump woman nodded then waved them off
Half an hour later, having collected his wife, the group made their way through the crowded streets toward a restaurant Jamal recommended. Theo, having never been outside his small village before, so tried his best to see everything. If Anita hadn't been keeping a tight hold on his hand, Theo would probably have wandered off several times.
Eventually, the three-story wood buildings gave way to smaller but more intricately designed shop fronts and fewer street stalls selling local delicacies. The crowd also became better dressed, seeming more like locals than the assortment of mixed groups in the previous neighborhood. Jamal stopped outside the first brick building Theo had seen, with a sign overhead that read. Haily's Pizzaria.
Two hours later, Theo, James, and Anita followed Max out of Woodhaven with round copper discs hung around their necks. Strangely Tracy chose to stay behind and help Ezriela mind the store rather than climb down into a dark, stuffy mine to hunt rodents or mark nodes on a map. Theo now carried a two-handed sword similar to Tracy's if less ornate of inferior quality. He was wearing a complete set of leather gear dyed in brown and grey. With a full pack slung over one arm.
Anita still wore her green leather sporting her family crest with a grey cloak thrown over it all and held a sturdy oak staff in both hands; however, she still had various throwing knives hidden all over her body. James, who got his gear directly from his family, was kitted out in black and grey leathers with two long knives strapped to his waist with a grey cloak sporting a cowl currently thrown back over his shoulders.
They arrived after night fell, and the guards didn't even bother to stop them once they saw Max. "Hey Max you hired some bodyguards too, huh? well make sure they don't cause trouble."
Max didn't bother answering, just waved. He walked them through the quiet streets of the small village and toward the lifts. "I cant bring outsiders inside the residential quarters Im afraid you will have to camp out here for the night." A final wave and Max left, muttering about a mountain of paperwork needing to be finished tonight.
Looking around, Theo spotted four groups spread out around the sixth-level lift. "Alright we may as well get some sleep I guess I will take first watch." Anita smiled and gave him a light kiss and claimed the second watch while leaving the third for James.
The following morning Theo stood staring at the massive lift made of steel cogs and chains thicker than his legs. He was wondering how the thing held itself up when he heard the familiar voice of Max yelling obscenities at a group of men carrying picks and small packs on their back. Although they walked, heads lowered, Theo saw amused grins on several faces. Shrugging at the strange scene, Theo waved Anita and James over, and they walked over to stand behind Max, who still lugged the massive crate on his back.
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