《Warrior's Heir》Chapter 3
Theodore held his hand outstretched for several seconds. Before pulling it back and rubbing the back of his head. "-Cough- Ah, well I see you're not the introductory type. Thats fine, I can work with this." Closing his eyes, The Prince began tapping his chin in thought. A moment later, his eyes flew open, a grin spreading across his face. "I got it I'll call you..."
Squatting down, Theodore rested his arms on his knees, with his face barely inches from hers, he asked. "What are you doing? No sorry dumb question let me try again. Why are you kneeling on the soggy ground?"
As soon as he finished speaking, Anita began to move both her hands. Rolling his eyes, Theodore's left hand flashed, and he held both her wrists in an iron grasp, shocking the poor girl into falling on her rump. "Sorry my dear I am way to lazy to listen to a long conversation in this way I have a better idea."
Whipping her head up, Anita saw the massive grin on the Prince's face and immediately began to panic. What if he likes doing those things that Demon made him do.
Jerking her hand back, Anita was horrified to find that she could not pull away. He is way stronger than he looks. Closing her eyes and trying to make herself as small as possible, she waited, but nothing happened. Opening her eyes, she found the Prince giving her a strange look before he flicked her on the forehead.
"What are you thinking about? Actually forget that I got a fairly good idea, Hold still for a second and this probably wont hurt. To be honest I haven't done this before as I only got this nifty skill a couple hours ago... Three at most, Probably, I am not the best with time."
Although Anita didn't know what he was talking about, she did understand that he meant to use her as a guinea pig to try something out. Not wanting to be part of some experiment, she tried her best to jerk her hands away. Panic began to set in, and tears gathered in her eyes. Still, before she could even blink them away, a large calloused hand clamped down on the top of her head, and she heard him speak in a strange voice that seemed to vibrate the very air.
-Sovereign's right- expel -Kings' curse-.
Anita frowned as a strange feeling of lightness enveloped her mind like something that had its claws inside her brain let go. Another odd thing is she could feel the entity as it left her mind, and it felt -- relieved or may be happy for the child, not sure. After a moment, she got herself back to a sitting position, vaguely aware that the Prince had let go.
Looking around herself in wonder, she felt like she was seeing everything for the first time. Everything seemed somehow more alive and vibrant like it had been shrouded in a grey haze before. A noise drew her attention back to the Prince. He was thrashing around on the ground clutching his head groaning. Hmph, serves you right; maybe I'll watch for a while.
However, after a full minute, the Prince still thrashed about, and Anita began to get worried, so she crept closer until she could reach out and touch the Prince. After poking him lightly a couple of times. Nothing changed. So she grabbed both his arms and forced him to lay still. A moment later, he stopped struggling and lay still. Strange, where is that strength he showed before? How could I hold him down so easily?
Theodore Grimaced slightly as he used the skill and watched the young lady's eyes glaze over as she fell onto her back. With a mischievous smile, he decided to play a small prank on the girl, and as soon as she seemed to regain her senses, he began his act.
A little while later, after putting up a token struggle, he lay back and cracked his eyes a fraction. Finding Anita's face inches from his own worry slowly changing to suspicion. Before she could come to a conclusion, he jerked his head up and planted a kiss on her soft lips. Startling the first reaction he had ever heard from her.
The girliest -Yeep- he had ever heard came from those lovely lips, and it was beautiful. giving her the biggest smile he could before he had to roll to the side to dodge a dagger that stuck into the ground where his leg had been. "Hey a little higher I would lose the chance to have little princess's in the future."
Anita didn't listen, and Theo had to roll the other way then dive behind a relatively wide tree hearing the dull thunk of three knives hitting the trunk. Scrambling to his feet, he looked up, and another grin spread across his face. Bending his knees slightly, Theo jumped, grabbing hold of the branch twelve feet above his head. Fast as possible, he clambered on top, and with one hand on the trunk, stood up.
A moment later, Anita circled the tree with two knives in hand. While she scanned the surroundings, he spun around the trunk, not making the slightest noise. With a silent sigh of relief, he sat down on the broad branch. In less than a minute fell asleep, never noticing the small stream of blood running from a slash on his left bicep.
- - - - -
At first, Anita fumed as she searched the immediate area for Prince Theodore to come up empty. After gathering her knives, she was momentarily pleased when she saw blood on one blade. Only to be horrified a second later when it struck her what she did to the Prince. I am so dead if Dad ever finds out about this. Daddy keeps telling me my temper will one day either get me killed or someone else.
Half an hour later, she slumped against the tree in defeat. It was at that moment her foot struck something in the underbrush. Bending over, she sifted around for a second and found a palm-sized stone. Picking it up, her eyes went wide as she held the greenstone in her hands. Relief washed over her as she thought. That's it. The compulsion must have kicked in, and he is back on his way to the mines.
Relief turned to apprehension as she remembered the Prince getting ready to jump into the pond. Okay, calm down, Anita. Surely he won't run into anything that dangerous twice in one day. I can definitely catch up with him in the woods. I mean, he is still barefoot.
Having calmed down, she checked her knives one last time, pocketed the greenstone, slung her pack over her shoulders, and was about to take a step when a loud snort made her look up, her jaw-dropping a second later. She had found her missing Prince sound asleep on a broad branch some twelve feet or so off the ground. Suddenly tears began to fall from her eyes, and the first laugh bubbled up from deep inside. The laughter started small, but soon she was doubled over clutching her sides as tears continued to flow.
Several minutes later, having calmed down, she considered the sleeping Prince. Should I find a way to climb up there? After circling around underneath him for a while, she decided to let the Prince sleep. He has had a bad day. She had belatedly remembered what the Demon had done and shuddered. Hopefully, he has a nice dream.
Having made her decision, she dropped the pack. Might as well practice talking. Sitting down on her knees, back straight like how she sat through endless hours of lessons from her Grandfather and Dad. Anita began slowly sounding out words just as she heard the Outworlders say them and, more recently, the Prince.
Unbeknownst to Anita, the Prince had woke when she began, but he didn't disturb her. he only listened for a time then went back to sleep with a smile on his face. While her voice was rough and raspy, he found it lovely nonetheless. Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that she isn't threatening, ordering, or compelling him to do something.
- - - - -
Brea called Tracy to the carriage window to give out orders. "We shall make camp for the night and finish the journey to the village in the morning." Tracy scrunched up her nose at the smell wafting from the carriage but remained at attention. "That will be all you are dismissed, peasant."
Tracy hurried off. The faster she could escape the smell, the better. Why won't those two ever stop and bathe at a river when they go to these rural villages? Do they not smell themselves?
Coming to the lead scout, she ordered him to continue toward the swamp, a malicious grin forming on both their faces. "Find a small island that will be mostly submerged in a few hours." Most people aren't aware that this particular swamp has rather large tides. Tracy only knew because her best friend used to live deep inside. I am mostly sure these two didn't bother to learn about the region before the usurper sent them.
Turning slightly, she signaled the carriage driver, who nodded once before tieing a scarf over his mouth and nose. The two guards following behind the carriage did the same a moment later. The driver then pulled a small crystal container from a pocket and began sprinkling a near-invisible powder into the small vent behind his seat for those inside to be able to give him orders. Unfortunately, this also meant he had to listen to the racket those two made all day. Wait, no, all week.
Hurrying slightly, Tracy caught back up with the lead scout, not wanting to inadvertently breathe in that dust. Not only is it extremely fast-acting as a sleeping drug, but it is also highly addictive.
The scout got her attention and pointed toward a small island with a tiny bit of mud connecting the two. Nodding, she turned toward the driver, who gave a thumbs up.
"Okay everyone let's get this done as fast as possible. get the planks across then the carriage we will take them away with us when we leave. don't forget everything that was handed out by the Demon or one of her servants must be left behind in case it can be tracked."
A couple of hours later, a group of four naked people stood outside the walls of a village trying to get someone's attention. Pointing at the smaller man Tracy spoke. "Trevor get that skinny ass up that wall and tell me what you see."
Trevor scowled. "Hey, you may outrank me but I'm still your older brother."
Rolling her eyes. "Are you done? good now get moving." You still think that five minutes means anything at our age. Maybe you should have joined the army instead of becoming a thief. Then you might have been able to give orders instead of taking them.
Glaring at the other two did no good; they only grinned and winked at her. "Hey your both former Royal guards isn't that considered insubordination?"
One man grinned before speaking. Yup, if we were still Royal guards, we would be whipped for that, but I'm standing naked outside a village after abandoning my charges in a swamp, so I think we are beyond that now."
Tracy opened her mouth to retort but stopped. "Good point." Turning her attention to Trevor, she scowled as she saw him drop down the other side rather than report what he saw like he was explicitly told to do.
A few seconds later, they heard the latch on the small door lift, and a somber Trevor waved them in. Catching his sister's eye, he shrugged. "Better if you see for yourself."
Seconds later, they all stood inside staring in horror at the scene before them. In a wide circle, the walls of the village surrounded nothing. All the buildings were gone with only piles of bones in their places and a gap in the ground where a basement had been left unscathed by whatever demonic spell was conjured here.
Even the sky seemed angered as a bolt of lightning struck nearby, and a boom shook the lonely wall before the rain began to pour from the sky. "Everyone spread out. Search for survivors, supplies, and for the sake of my sanity some clothing."
Not waiting for their salutes, she walked to the center of the ring where a small basement stood intact, and several kegs could be seen from her position. Must be the Tavern too bad our overlords ruled that ale is a luxury resource and therefore unfit for the lowly peasants. I could certainly do with a good night of getting drunk and possibly forgetting about this crappy world for a minute or two.
As she made her way toward the opening in the ground, she noticed the peculiar position of several of the bones, almost like most of them had been sprinting in a specific direction. That direction also happened to be toward the Tavern where she is heading, intrigued; she picked up the pace. Maybe there will be survivors after all.
Upon reaching the spot, she assumed had been the entrance, she became confused. It looked like a large group was lined up before the door like they were blocking it from someone. Carefully she picked her way forward, doing her best not to step on a skeleton until she was next to two sets of bones side by side. Strangely though, there is enough room between the two for one more, but no bones lay there, nor could she find any footprints leading away in the mud.
Following a hunch, she bent down and sifted through the mud until she found what she was looking for. In her hands lay a small gem, the only thing left of a body when an Outworlder avatar died. She didn't know why but these gems are highly sought after by the Outworlders, so if she kept it on her, the one who died here would come for it no matter where she took it. Should I leave it here? Looking closer at it, she found it to be clear with no traces of darkness. Well, good enough, this Outworlder must be what they refer to as a casual, so I might find out what actually happened here.
Drawing the massive two-handed sword from her back, she unscrewed the pommel and dropped the gem inside. Tracy was about to jump into the basement when a flash of silver from one of the other skeletons blocking the entrance caught her eye. Bending down, she held a small silver pendant designed with a bird covering two chics with its wings.
Tears began flowing down her cheeks hidden by the rain. Tracy gently took the pendant from the Skeleton and hung it around her own neck. After bowing her head to pray, she placed a hand on the skull's temple. Oh, Rachel, you clever and brave girl, I am sorry we didn't find you sooner. Leave the rest to me. I will find the Prince's and keep them safe for both you and the Queen.
Getting back to her feet, shuffling caught her attention. Both the former guards stood heads bowed as they, too, recognized the Pendent. Both were dressed in ragged leather and had small packs slung over their shoulders. One even held a flowery dress in one hand. Glaring at it, the guard shrugged. "It is all we could find."
An hour later, all four stood fully dressed with full packs at the tunnel entrance hidden behind several kegs at the back of the Taverns basement. Trevor stepped in first before yanking a torch from his bag, and another lit it with a flint. After they all dragged the stack of Kegs back into place, they all fell in behind Trevor, who had the most experience skulking around in dark tunnels.
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Binary Blood
So a sad day begins when you wake up to find out you’ve been kidnapped, stashed with a bunch of strangers in a strange place, and you’re riding on a steam train headed God knows where. An awesome day begins when you kill the crap out of a zombie, survive a train crash, outrun a hungry horde and wake up the next day with super powers. A freaky day begins when you die without dying and a tank of talking fluid tells you you’re being recruited as a representative of humanity to decide if they’ll fight in a galactic war or get left in the dust. I love my life.
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You are the son of the Count of Ellandhar, a part of the Kingdom of Merovia. Your life is fun and your country is safe, so you can still play games with your friends every day. But those peaceful days won't last long. Various kinds of threats are waiting in all directions, ready to emerge at the most unexpected moments and destroy everything you have. Are you ready to become your father's successor and become the leader of your country? And if the opportunity arises, will you be able to reach the higher positions, to become the master of your realm? Choose your path wisely. Your fate is in your own hands. This is a choose your own adventure story. At the end of each part, there will be a poll. The story will progress according to the choices you make. --- Support me on Patreon to get access to the bonus chapters.
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♛ Desire makes slaves out of kings Patience makes kings out of slaves ♛___________EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO READ THIS STORY. Laila Bakhash strives to help people. She has everything she could ask for. A roof to live under, a blessed family, best friends whom are like sisters, but most of all she has her religion. Islam. Rafael Cenzo Rey strives to kill people. He has everything he could ask for. Money and power are like his puppeteers to which he can do anything with. He doesn't care and neither does he forgive. So what could it be that makes him care?Only time will tell.Please give this story a shot. With time I will definitely get better.
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