《The Mutant Mercenary》Chapter 6 - The whole world goes blind


Beyond the forcefield lay a strange prairie. Grey grass, stretched long fields as far as the eye could take you. A fair few trees and other strange plants and assortment of flowers spread throughout the distance, moss and shrooms lay in the shade of the strange, young trees, which also had grey leaves. Although a sparse few animals, there were some small creatures lurking in the trees, and a farm animal or two grazed in the distance. But, in the middle of this beauty, was a huge, metal block with large and small pipes and poles stretching sky high. There seemed to be slits along the top of the metal block and some different few neon lights covering the outside.

Everyone was shocked by the revelation. The workers were told on a more detailed level of what they were to expect, but never anything like this.

Tully hopped off and walked forward, while everyone watched on. His hand reached for the forcefield. As soon as he touched it, electricity sprung up his arm, shocking him. He yelped in pain and jumped backwards. The doctor ran over to him, checking for any damage. There was a burn on his hand. They both looked at each other in shock. All of a sudden, voice rung out from within the praire, and red lights radiated from the cube in the middle.

"You are not authorised to be in this area. You will be extracted for interrigation immediately. Please stay where you are." All the workers looked around. Confusion spread amongst them all.

Tully looked up at Tamina with a look of hopelessness, his face turning yellow like it had done earlier. "It's them, the Vandals. They've come back."

"It's true." A worker said, "I've studied this technology myself. That forcefield ain't nothin' like ours.


"And this." The doctor held up Tully's hand, there was a mark burned onto his hand. The symbol the vandals used for their flags. A simple dash with two circles on top, and one on the bottom. Although, it usually had a larger array of colours, but you can only do so much with burnt, orange skin.

"W-What do we do?" Exclaimed one of the workers, although most of them sat around hopelessly.

"I'm not sure." Tamina looked around, she was fresh out of ideas. "We can try to run, or let ourselves get taken. And considering the technology they have, I don't think we have a choice. Well, you don't." She looked towards Tully, and he looked back, scared and confused. "I'll be back. I swear." There was a kind of sadness to her voice. Then, she disappeared, with a clang on the floor. One of the badges she kept on her coat stayed. Tully stumbled over, picking it up and holding it close. "You better."

"Tully, look!" Shouted the doctor.

He turned quickly, and saw Tamina running through the praire and towards the metal box. Her power! She must've used it to get to the other side. But off in the distance, Tully saw a shuttle heading for them. A Vandal shuttle. Their symbol painted on all sides of it. Tully stared longingly towards Tamina. Watching her while waiting to be taken away.

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