《Prison of Towers》Chapter 8
Tower/Floor 1 — 4 Name, Wallice Carmichael (Wall) Race, Human/Male Class N/A HP, 260 MP, 230 AR, 12.3 [5] MD, 7.6 Strength, 21 [5] Physical attack, 105 endurance, 26 [2] Speed, 16 Intelligence, 30 Magic attack 150 Wisdom, 23 Charm, 17 Luck, 13 Perception, 9 Free status point's 3 Free skill point's 3 Skills Modifiers Weapon mastery 1 +10% Attack, Passive Blunt mastery +10% Blunt damage First aid +10% Healing, Passive Stealth +10% Passive. Sneak attack. X3 damage, X15 Fatel damage. Berserk All stats double but lose control. Dash +10% movement speed for 10 sec cost 10 MP Schools of magic. Fire Manipulation Cost Arcane Manipulation Cost Spark 1-1 1 MP Transfer energy N/A Fireball, 16-32 30 MP Spell modifier's Dual casting Damage +100% Cost +50% CT +50% Control magic Cost 5% per second
Having filled my vials, I continued on nothing happened except the occasional group of regular skeletons and another purple one. Until I came across a couple lines cut into the floor. Tossing a coin on them nothing happened looking at the ceiling, I can see slight discoloration in the sandstone almost like a slab of stone used to be there.
I am guessing this is what I heard when I used the lever earlier — yesterday. Leaving it behind I found another peculiar wall on my left I can see light from the cracks and looking through the corridor continues. Guess I must find another lever. A couple more turns and a fight with a purple skeleton later, I finally found my first genuine obstacle. A pit with a narrow 3 inch wide bridge as the only means of crossing. While the pit is only five feet wide and normally I could jump over. This one has a barricade hanging from the ceiling, making it so I will have to crouch down while crossing.
Thanking Dad again for making me practice my balance, I started across the narrow bridge, keeping my eyes on my feet. Only glancing up to make sure no surprises awaited me when I was sure my balance is solid. After I made it across I breathed a sigh of relief doing that on a ten-foot wall is way less scary than over a bottomless pit.
Walking around a U bend in my path I found another group of skeletons but now One had a shield and another a small wand. The rest are still normal ones with nothing in their bony hands. Judging by the fact that the mage in this group is a normal human size, it won't be as tough as the big purple ones.
Casting my fireball, I let it explode against the shield on the front skeleton that blew apart the normal ones, but it left the tank and mage undamaged. The mage started shooting small blue ice shards at me, although they did barely 3-5 damage it still stung. Sprinting at the tank, I got one more fireball off before slamming into his shield with my mace. Between the explosion and the hit from my mace its arm shattered, and it flung backwards knocking into the mage disrupting its cast that exploded in its hands finishing the tank for me.
Grinning down at the mage, I stuck the end of my staff inside its ribcage, loosing a fireball at pointblank range. With the explosion, I forgot to take into account bone shrapnel and ended up harming myself more than the mage did. Swiping the wand from the mage I let the tower take the corpse unfortunately nothing happened. "Shit!" I leaned against the wall and yanked all the bigger bone shards out and pried the rest with my pocket knife. Hmm, not sure how I should feel about the fact, pain is bothering me less all the time.
After picking up 19 copper, I left the now blood stained section of the maze. I better buy more bandages when I get back to the kiosk. At the next junction, I found another stone slab blocking the path to my left. Turning right, I found a lever in a small deadend all by itself with no enemies in sight. Glaring around at the walls and ceiling suspiciously, I still see nothing. Carefully pulling the lever down, I hear grinding stone from the direction of the sealed tunnel.
The rattling of bones let me know a group of skeletons were standing behind the opening door. Hooking my mace on my belt, I conjured two fireballs before stepping into the open passage, throwing the one in my right at the Tank. I watched it for a split second before controlling the one floating over my staff to veer around the distracted tank to explode behind it. Although the Tank survived, the rest crumpled into broken bone shards. After finishing the tank with a single hit from my mace, I took my coppers and moved on.
Battling through two more purple skeletons and another group, I found not only another lever but a treasure chest. Inside the chest I found a single silver coin and a small silver ring. Identifying it with my phone cost me 20 copper. {Ring of regeneration +2 HP a minute} Sticking it on my right ring finger, I felt safer already.
It took me two days to make my way through the labyrinth. I am only sure of that because twice the skeletons respawned on top of me while I was taking a break. During these two days, I made nearly five silver, found a handy sack that is shaped roughly similar to a duffel bag. Currently, it is carrying an extra mace and three wands that create different spells. None of which are useful against skeletons, but did a number on my body. I found another pool of water and filled 10 vials in case of emergencies. I have had to use them on a couple occasions now. Although I was sorely tempted to take a bath in it I refrained not wanting to contaminate the pool.
Now I am staring around a corner at a fifteen foot tall walking cow with horns twisting around its ears before jutting from the top with nasty points. On its back is a massive sword atleast ten inches wide and eight feet long. Of course the tunnel conveniently widens out so it can use it, I ended up abandoning my long sword sometime the day before as it kept catching on things and tripping me up. Looking down at my new leather jerkin, I don't think this will stop that monster from cutting me in half.
[Minotaur lvl 10 - 500 HP 50% magic resistance] Why magic resistance why not ice or air? I have wands that can throw blades of wind ice shards and one that shoots a small arc of lightning. But no, you have a all encompassing resistance to magic that's bullshit. I think the tower wants me to die here. Or maybe not with all the practice I got in the last three days I can almost instant cast fireball now unless I dual cast. I if I can lure the oversized steak into the narrower corridor, it — 'he' won't be able to do much of anything.
Walking into the corridor I cast fireball as fast as I Can sending one after the other flashing down the corridor. Unfortunately firing them in such a rapid speed I can't use control on them and the beast either side stepped or blocked them with his sword. When my magic fell to half, I stopped having only did 10% damage overall to the minotaur. The monster roared in anger but didn't take the bait and stood in place. Cursing I downed a vial and started walking forward slowly still casting fireballs when I was twenty feet away the monster held out its palm and with an evil grin conjured a fireball of its own. Only his is the size of a basketball.
I sprinted forward, then rolled into a small corridor to my left, narrowly dodging the blast that shook the surrounding walls. Alright distance is not safe time to close in sprinting around the corner I activated Dash closing the distance in a split second I smashed my mace into its knee cap hearing a resounding crack and a roar of pain. Still the beast got me with a backhanded swing with the flat of the blade sending me hurtling into the wall taking half my health away. Damn, I can't drink another vial for another minute atleast. Stumbling a bit I turn in time to see a massive chunk of an iron swing toward my head dropping and diving to the side a barely dodged the strike. Still off balance I I turn and swing my mace I somehow kept a hold of, into the same knee cap again this time the beast went down.
Before I could properly stand the minotaur pushed off with its good leg piercing a horn into my lung, then lifting me over its head planning to throw me into the wall again. Grabbing onto the horn with my left hand as hard as I can while using my right to repeatedly pound on the back of its skull with my spiked mace, eventually it stopped bucking around and lay still.
Slowly sliding my body off the horn, I fell back onto the ground into a spreading pool of both the beasts and my blood. Taking another vial instead of drinking it I dumped it into the gaping hole in my chest feeling the numbness spread I closed my eyes. Jerking upright from my dazed state I look around frantically when I see nothing I pull out my phone it's only been thirty minutes since I found the boss.
Grabbing the handle of the sword, I touched the boss. They left a silver coin and a pair of iron boots behind. Taking off my hiking shoes, I put on the boots then tossed the shoes into my duffel before dragging the massive chunk of iron up the stairs with one hand and the other clutching the still bleeding wound.
Stumbling to the top, I dropped the sword and purchased a box of bandages before slumping against the wall, leaving a trail of blood. Gritting my teeth, I untied my jerkin and removed it, then tore the remains of my shirt off before dumping another vial of the healing water on it to clean it. Slapping on the biggest bandage in the box, I repeated the process, only it was harder on the exit hole in my back. Then leaned my head back and laughed I don't know what I found funny but it seemed my body needed it. Looking at my health, I see that it stopped falling at 3 HP. I don't even care that it's currently 09:34 I am taking a nice long nap.
Skill Level up. Blunt mastery level 2. +20% damage when using blunt weapons. First aid level 2. +20% HP regeneration when performing first aid. Fireball level 2. 32-48 Damage.
So no stat points for leveling skills that's too bad. After identifying the boots, they only gave a +2 AR so nothing special. Turning to the Item shop, I found that I got nothing for this floor. After purchasing the inventory slot I got a ding from my phone knowing it is probably downloading a new app, I ignored it. Upon buying the inventory slot, I noticed that it did not turn gray like the coin purse, nor did the price change. Purchasing another, it still stayed the same and did so until I bought the fifth slot then the price jumped to -1- gold. Hmm, I could get twenty gold from collecting the system's bounty on the twins. Or would they still only count as 1 person?
When the new app finished downloading, I stuck the massive chunk of iron the minotaur carried in one slot and filled the rest with my spare weapons. Leaving my duffel free to hold the 5 boxes of bandages I purchased and the seven remaining vials of water. I must have dropped the three empty vials either during the fight or when dragging myself up the stairs. Bending over again, I pick up my now undamaged jerkin. The self repair function on system made items is handy, but I wish it would clean the blood too.
The fifth floor didn't have a single enemy that I found it was a long boring puzzle with levers and doors. I would pull a lever and one door opened while another closed somewhere else, usually where I needed to go. It took two days and page after page of notes on my notepad. I found a hidden room while lost, though. Inside I found five silver, and I upgraded from an oak staff to an iron staff with +5 magic a minute and +15% fire. Hah, take that Brian I guess your theory about iron interfering with magic is wrong. — I should have drank through college like a normal idiot then maybe I wouldn't remember all the crap he poured into my head.
The sixth floor was full of irritating traps some I found others I didn't good thing I am pretty sure they meant this as training since none of them killed me. I had to remove several arrows and yank many darts from my body. Glad I bought so many boxes of bandages. Once I stepped onto a floor that collapsed dropping me a foot, I got a Couple stone spikes through my foot for that mishap. My favorite was when I had to use Dash to get through a hallway as the ceiling collapsed behind me. As the floor kept me moving non-stop, I didn't have time to look for hidden rooms.
The seventh floor was an obstacle course. Sometimes I jumped from tiny pillars across vast expanses of blackness with the pillars collapsing behind me. Other times I slid along walls on thin ledges. Movies made that look way easier. Turning a 90-degree corner on an eight-inch ledge is far from easy. The final part I had to time my jumps to coincide with flaming hoops I fell several times there luckily I only had to restart from the beginning, of the floor!
It was on the eighth floor where I finally ended my tower run. The floor was a gargantuan cavern with a lake in the center. While I was walking around the lake keeping a wary eye for traps, a blob fell from the ceiling on my head. I tried to rip it off, but the thing was made of acid and when it ate through my cheeks, I felt tendrils shoving down my thought. Before I thankfully blacked out, it felt like someone was using a meat grinder on my insides.
When I came to, I turned over dry retching I can still feel those tendrils worming their way through my body. Looking around rather surprised both times I respawned somebody was trying to talk to me. Guess nobody respawned lately or if they did, they didn't stick around. Turning Further I grinned, it finished my cabin although strangely all my stuff I placed against the tower is neatly stacked against the cabin. Even the massive worktable.
Turning and walking toward where the village used to be, I caught sight of Jessica dozing against a tree. I should test something turning back around, I head to the opposite side of the safe area where Jessica can't see me. Casting a fireball, I watch it splash against the inside of the barrier. Too bad grabbing my bow I somehow kept throughout that tower run, I draw an arrow and let it go. The arrow passes through with ease.
Returning I see Jessica drowsily looking around upon spotting me she jumped to her feet sprinting into the woods. Interesting lets see what they have planned for me. Casually strolling toward their favorite spot, I waited five minutes before Jessica returned, followed by Mary and an unassuming man. Looking closely, I see the resemblance to Jessica turning to her with a raised eyebrow. She puts on a sorry expression, but it doesn't reach her eyes. So she really doesn't care shrugging I make myself comfortable against a tree with an excellent view of their antics. The young man is not old enough to be the father so brother maybe possibly a cousin.
Finaly when they finish tieing the man to a stake Mary hammered into the ground I raise my hand getting their attention. "Why don't you bring the rest over and do this all at once? I don't have time to sit here watching you torture these people one at a time."
Both women freeze, staring at me in shock, but the man continues to stare into the distance like he isn't really aware of anything happening around him. Finaly Mary stands up straight "I don't believe you can stay as cool and uncaring once I begin my work."
"Like I told Jessica these people mean nothing to me I really don't care what happens to them."
A voice in the sky said, "Continue males always act tough at first, but he will break soon enough."
"Oh, is this you ladies' master come to watch the show kinda morbid, isn't it?" They ignored me, so I relaxed again and began swiping my phone, checking my stats. A few minutes later the screaming started glancing up, I saw Mary sliding a knife into the man's eye. "Are you an amateur when torturing you should start from the fingers or toes. Starting from vital spots kills the prisoner before you get any information." I suppose you aren't trying to get information. "So what's the hurry it's not like either of us have a time limit?"
Still they ignored me, so I took the time to design a hammock to put in my cabin. Following that, I created blueprints for a chair and a table. Glancing up during a lull in the screaming, there are now three men staked outside the barrier and I see Stephanie pushing a middle-aged woman closer. "Oh, ran out of men already?"
I raised my phone and took a picture of Stephanie after checking her HP it still hasn't raised since I last checked. Damn, I could blow all three into smithereens with one fireball if they group up. After They finish tieing the woman up Stephanie stays and Mary wanders off this time. Jessica is leaning against a tree a few feet away with her head between her knees, her body shaking. But I don't buy it.
Standing I approach the barrier getting Stephanies attention I shrug "I am getting bored." Reaching into the air in front of me shocking Stephanie who takes a step back I pull out my staff giving it a twirl. Not even slowing my pace, I stepped through the barrier while conjuring a fireball before Stephanie even has time to reach for her weapon. I turned her body into burning meaty chunks that rained down on the staked prisoners. A scream in the distance let me know Mary had felt her sister's death. I thought they had to be connected somehow for the system to bring them both.
Jessica raised her head at the noise and screamed while trying to crab walk away from my approach. Grabbing her by hair, I dragged her in front of her family before smashing both her kneecaps and letting her go. After cutting the bonds on the family, I said, She is all yours. As I walked into the woods toward where I heard Mary scream I heard Jessica pleading for her life. They cut her cries short soon enough.
It's strange, I don't feel the least bad about killing Stephanie or leaving Jessica broken to be killed by her own flesh and blood.
In the sky I hear a chuckle maybe in a thousand years I might finally have a challenge to look forward too. I'll be keeping my eyes on you, young Wall.
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