《Prison of Towers》Chapter 5
When I stepped onto the third floor I slumped against the wall, gritting my teeth at the pain. Looking at the small arrow sticking from my arm, I winced before reaching over and giving it a slight twist to check if it is in the bone. The arrow spun easily, so that's a good sign it probably means there are no barbs attached. After snapping the shaft off two inches above my bicep, I grabbed my pocketknife. Setting the knife down, I unloosed one of my torches before lighting it with a spark. When I am sure it will not snuff out, I set it on the floor and picked my knife back up and unfolding it, Holding the blade over the fire and flipping it over several times I decide it's as clean as it is going to get. After letting the blade cool, I grit my teeth before cutting a small incision next to the shaft, then sliding the tip down until I could feel it against the arrowhead. Giving the head a wiggle I got it lose from the muscle removing the blade, I grab the shaft and wiggle it out carefully to not cut anymore of the meat.
My phone gave a ding, but I ignored it and just lay my head back against the wall and closed my eyes for a second. Until Dad's voice interrupted. Never leave a wound unattended unless you wish to be a gimp. Groaning, I pull the squashed box of bandages out of my back pocket. Well, the box says they stop infection I hope that's true but to be safe. I picked my knife back up and held the tip over the fire till it is glowing a little. Gritting my teeth again and taking a deep breath, I press the flat of the blade down on the wound. With a sizzle, the wound seals giving off the smell of burned meat. Taking one of the three-inch bandages, I pull the white sheet off and slap it onto the arrow wound. Almost immediately the pain dulled "oh that's nice." Lifting my shirt the arrow that grazed me only left a thin cut that only bled a few drops dropping my shirt back down I ignore it. "Is it okay to close my eyes now, Dad?"
A shuffling sound woke me. Jumping to my feet, I held my knife out in front of me. But no one is in the room with me. Listening closely, I hear the sound again from down the stairs. Pulling out my phone, the time said 00:12. Slowly creeping down the stairs I see at the bottom the archer molerat pacing back and forth in front of the opening. But it acted like the opening wasn't there. Even when I was less than two feet from the enemy, it didn't so much as flinch. The fighter stood a dozen feet away, staring into the darkness of the tunnel. Interesting, do the monsters respawn every day? Flipping my knife to my left hand I reached out when the archer passed again wrapping my hand over its mouth and dragging it into the stairwell. After ripping the bow from its hands I slit its throat gently letting it down to the floor making barely a sound. The body didn't disappear immediately; I had enough time to take the quarrel and belt before it did, however it left no coin behind.
Switching my torches to loops on my right side, I put on the nicer leather belt with the quarrel, letting it hang on my left. Checking on the other, it was still standing and staring off into the distance. "I want that machete." Taking a trusty penny from my pocket, I flick it, hitting the dazed molerat in the back of the head. It spun around in confusion, then walked toward me, probably wondering where its partner went. I came right up to the opening before it stopped, staring at the drag marks left by the archers' feet. After standing, the molerat turned to walk back to its spot. That's when I reached out the same as with the archer dragging it into the stairwell before slitting another throat. I quickly took the belt chain mail and machete before it vanished again, leaving no coin. Taking my prizes back upstairs, I notice the two pieces of the arrow I took from my arm still on the ground. "Damn, I forgot the shield."
To test it, I dropped one of my new arrows on the ground when it sat there, not vanishing for a full minute before I grinned and set my trophies in a pile in a corner. Removing my belts, I pulled the chain mail over my head, which resized to fit me falling just below the waist. The belt I took from the fighter had what looked like a ring with a chunk cut off that he could hang the machete on and use a small leather clasp to fasten it in place. Something rivets it in place so removing it is off the table turning my attention to the quarrel. I see it's got a leather loop they ran the belt through. Sliding it off, I slip it onto the other belt. Finished, I fastened it around my waist to hold the chain mail in place. Tieing my cloth belt around too, I spun it until my torches hung behind me. The bow that also resized to fit my grasp I hung around my torso. Twisting and jumping in place, everything felt secure. Nothing impeding my movement. I wonder if I look like a medieval soldier? maybe if I had a padded leather cap.
Okay 65 coppers to spend lets see if there is anything new if now Ill grab some more bandages. Turning to the Kiosk, the screen turns on this time starting on the menu screen. Might as well get the identification out of the way sifting through my pocket, I find the ring dropped from the archer — or the fighter not sure which. Spending the copper it showed up as another Endurance +1. Shrugging, I slide it onto the middle finger of the same hand, but it doesn't seem to activate. Taking it off, I stick it on my pinky of my right hand instead, and this time it resizes and the familiar tingly itching happens. Either I can't have the same modifier on the same hand or I am limited to two rings.
On the item menu, they reveal a new item to buy and seeing it makes my eye twitch looking at the ceiling. "Are you reading my thoughts?" [Coin purse max capacity 100 gold. Price -60- copper] Grumbling about extortionists I slipped 60 coppers into the slit on the side of the kiosk, then press the option to purchase the purse. Instead of an item drop in the cubby, I got a ding on my phone. Pulling it out, I see a install line flash by before the homepage opens up. A new app appeared with a picture of a stack of coins. Clicking on it I see a balance of 0, stuffing my hand back in my pocket I pull my last four coppers out when I wave them over my phone they vanish. On the screen, my balance changed to 4 coppers. "Okay, I apologize tower, totally worth the 60 coppers." I suppose I should check my messages now.
Unlocked skills Berserk state +2 Str, +2 End First aid +1 Wis +1 Charm Stealth +2 Spd +1 Luck Sneak attack +1 Spd +2 perception
I have a fairly good idea how I unlocked it, but ill check what it does. Clicking on the info tab for the berserk state, it says if I go below a certain margin of HP I can toggle berserk state doubling my stats, but I will lose myself and attack in a rage. One more reason to work alone, I suppose. It doesn't say I will attack a teammate, but it also doesn't say I won't. First aid gives a 10% boost to healing speed. Stealth gives 10% higher chance to stay stealth'd near an enemy there are some numbers involved to do with perception checks, but im too lazy to do the math right now. Sneak attack is the nicest straight x3 damage if I successfully pull off a sneak attack. Let's see my growth for the last floor.
Tower/Floor 1 — 3 Name, Wallice Carmichael (Wall) Race, Human/Male Class, N/A HP, 120 MP, 150 AR, 3.2 + [2.4] MD, 4.3 Strength, 12 endurance, 10 + [2] Speed, 12 Intelligence, 13 Wisdom, 15 Charm, 17 Luck, 4 Perception, 5 Free status point's 2 Free skill point's 2 Skills Modifiers Weapon mastery 1 +10% Attack, Passive Berserk All stats double but lose control. First aid +10% Healing, Passive Stealth +10% Passive Sneak attack X3 damage, X15 Fatel damage
Not bad, but I bet once I unlock these easy skills I won't be getting all as many quick stat points. I guess that AR modifier must be from my chain mail shirt. I should focus on my archery on this floor; try to unlock a ranged mastery. Well enough standing around time to fight my way through another floor. Checking my phone it is 00:47. 100 hours to the next respawn I wonder if they will respawn on top of me if im on the floor.
This time when I touch the door, I appear in a dungeon with a broken cell door in front of me. Around me shattered remains of old wood furniture are strewn across the cell. Ooh something new I wonder if I'll get something other than rank rats with flammable blood? Dropping my spare belt, I watch it for a while and sigh in relief when it doesn't vanish. I suppose that means whatever I carry into the in-between floor I get to keep. That's cool. Bending over, I pick up my spare belt, loop it back around my waist for safe keeping and move toward the cell door.
When I squeeze my way through the broken bars, I stop heart pounding. A skeleton down the hall is staring at me — I think anyway, hard to tell without eyes. Moving to the side, the skeleton's head follows my movement, yeah it sees me. So anyone wants to take bets that there is going to be no sneaking around the monsters that see magically? Strange that it hasn't charged yet is it like the boss molerats that never attacked until I closed to a certain distance. Hmm, arrows are fairly useless here and my machete is only marginally better good thing I brought clubs with me. Reaching to my back, I grab a torch and after removing the blood-soaked rope I am ready to begin.
Shuffling closer slowly, I see that its eyes are not entirely black, there is a tiny white flame burning in each socket. When I estimate im about 20 yards from the skeleton it trudges closer, but I see no weapon in its hands. Above its head it says [skeleton lvl 4 - 100 HP]. "Oh, that's new I get a number now." This will be an excellent test. According to my status, my attack is about 66. When it's nearly here, I step forward and give a light swing, only putting half my weight in. Then I step back out of its reach and walk back a couple steps. [Skeleton lvl 4 - 75 HP]. A quarter that sounds about right, I suppose. I assume the skeleton also has a base AR for defense. Stepping in hard, I give it a full swing with all my weight and quickly step back again. [Skeleton lvl 4 - 13 HP], Okay, assuming I hit my full 66 damage that would make its AR 4. The skeleton looks bad with most of its ribs broke so I put it down, even if it is already dead no sense letting it suffer.
After picking up my copper I look above me, there is a small crystal dimly glowing above my head giving a little light. Turning to my left I can see several more, 1 every fifty feet with a skeleton standing beneath them. Between each lit intersection, there are 3 cells on either side of the corridor unlike the one I came from they are intact. Walking to the closest, I peer inside. There is a small cot with some rotted straw, a broken chair and a small hole in one corner, presumably for relieving oneself. Trying the gate it's locked, not that there is anything inside im interested in. To be safe, I checked the one on the opposite side it looked the same only the chair is intact. Turning back to the skeleton I head toward it club raised after disposing of it and picking up my copper I check the rest of the cells around but still find nothing of interest.
This went on for another dozen fights before the skeleton's started holding broken rusty swords. That didn't slow me much, what slowed me was when I found a small sack inside a locked cell. After an extensive examination of my surroundings looking for a key, I ended up using two of my torches to lever the gate off its hinges. That seems like design flaw, that's my opinion, anyway. But I suppose armed guards would make a good deterrent. When I tried to pick up the sack it crumbled leaving behind 13 coppers. That's handy, these skeletons aren't very lucrative to hunt, since they stand in groups of 1.
Around my 30th skeleton, my phone gave a ding pulling it out I turned the screen to my face but all I got is a low batterie message with a blinking 1%. Looking around, the only enemy I can see is my next opponent down the corridor holding his nearly full length short sword and a half a shield. Frowning at it, I backtrack to the previous cell I unlocked and went in, sitting on the mostly solid cot. Thinking back to the diagram on the charging plate, I imagine it on my palm. When I think I have it I pour magic in feeling it course through my arm into my palm. A blue glow surrounding my phone let me know something is happening. Since my phone hasn't exploded, I assume it's working to be safe I stopped the flow after only a second and looked at the screen. My phone now had a 2% charge. Grinning, I continue my spell until I feel my magic lake run dry. Turning my phone back on it has a charge of 56% now. I also see I have a couple messages.
Unlocked Skill's/Spell's Blunt Mastery, +1 Str +1 End +10% Blunt damage Arcane Manipulation, +1 Int +1 Wis +1% Arcane Energy Transfer, +1 Int +1% Arcane Discovered magical discipline without a teacher, scroll, or book. +1 Luck +1 Wis +1 Int +1% Arcane Discovered a magical spell without a teacher, scroll, or book. +1 Luck +1 Int
I think this place is trying to force me on the path of magic. But I won't give up on my goal to be a magic swordsman. Imagine if I could carve that heat diagram onto a sword. I could make it on fire or atleast let off a heat haze that would look cool. Sure it might catch me on fire too, but im sure if I get my fire attribute high enough I could take it. Standing up, I wipe the dust off and continue my way through what I dubbed the dungeon floor. This floor while still boring did atleast turn a corner every once in a while. The first time I saw a corner I assumed it was the end of this floor, but when it was an ordinary skeleton, it dashed my hopes.
After my fight with the 75th skeleton, I upgraded from a banded wood club to a rusty spiked mace. The skeleton also dropped two coppers. It was while I was bent over picking them up I felt a small breeze coming from the nearby cell. During my search of the cell, I found a tunnel dug out beneath the rotting cot after moving it aside; I see the hole is just wide enough to fit my bulky frame. Inside is a four-foot drop onto a small slope leading down into the ground. A message on my phone let me know my perception increased by one. Lowering my self down I crawl down the tunnel occasionally placing my hands into small puddles of what I hope is water. It took me an hour to reach the end; where I found a round chamber with a small chest in the center. Suspicious, I look around the room, a large nest in the back let me know I may not be alone.
When I shuffle closer, trying not to make noise, which is a lot harder now that I have an arsenal dangling off my body. Closing in a massive rat near five feet long comes into view snoring in its nest. No freaking way am I risking that thing's bite. Pulling down my bow I notch an arrow remembering Dad's lessons on breathing taking a deep breath I take aim and when let my breath out slowly as I let the arrow fly. Unfortunately, the moment the twang from my bow made a noise, the rat jerked its head up and the arrow drove into its jaw instead of the eye. On the upside, I pinned the rat's mouth closed, and it still counted as a sneak attack, so it lost over half its health from that arrow. Dropping my bow, I yank the Machete from its ring and prepare for the Rat's charge. That never came as I watched its health continued to fall until it collapsed in its nest dead. Okay, maybe I didn't miss its brain completely.
Stepping up to the nasty smelling nest I nudged the rat which vanished along with the nest leaving a small stack of coppers adding up to 47. Nice now lets see what's in my treasure chest. Lifting the lid a soft click drew my attention to a tiny hole drilled into the bottom of the lid and when I was going to ignore it a small needle suddenly shot out, sticking into my shoulder right next to where my arrow wound is still healing. Yanking it out I stare at the miniscule hole for a second but nothing happens maybe it's not poisoned but to be safe I place a bandage on the puncture. I took out a pair of thick brown leather pants, an iron ring, and 250 coppers from the chest. I took everything from my pockets and then took off my somewhat ratty hiking pants. I put on the leather pants and after checking my status; I noticed my AR rise by a further 2 points. Stuffing the ring in my pocket, I stared at my old pants. Shrugging, I toss them into the chest and return to the cell.
When I reached the 100th skeleton, I found the deadend I have waited for. This skeleton carried a two-handed sword. Although it has nick's and is rusty, I drool at the sight. On its head is a metal helmet that would cover its ears if it had any, but leaves the face open so it won't obstruct vision. So how will I fight this guy unlike the previous skeletons, this guy has a reach advantage? Looking at its stats, it shows. [Skeleton lvl 5, 150 HP] SO it will take a minimum of three full power swings assuming that strange discoloration don't mean it has some extra defense. Instead of the usual yellowish color, this guy has a red tint to him. While I am staring at the skeleton like a creepy stalker it moves surprising me, as none showed any signs of moving until I attacked previously.
The skeleton let go of its five-foot blade with one hand and as I watched in interest, a red glow formed above its boney palm. Three seconds later a baseball sized ball of roiling flame floated above its hand when it raised its hand it pointed at me and the fireball shot toward me almost as fast as the arrow shot from the molerat archer. I Dived to the side, but I still felt the flames singe my arm. Unfortunately, the fireball exploded a half step behind me, flinging me forward toward the skeleton who was charging forward, sword held straight in front, clearly planning to push it through my body. Although I saw it coming, I cannot regain my footing in time and the long blade slides into my chest clear to the hilt. Staring eye to eye socket with the skeleton, I feel like its small white flames are mocking me as I fall into blackness.
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