《Tales of Balor》Demons



Awe, c'est l'amour. From my vantage point on the second-story landing, looking over the main floor of my workshop, I watched Stella and Jaxson chase each other around. Stella squealed and giggled like a schoolgirl. Jaxson had a megawatt smile on his face as he tried to catch and tickle her. It was nice to be young. I silently laughed, watching to two. I was happier for Stella than Jaxson. She was overdue for someone to love. I winced when Jax caught Stella and began tickling her. Stella had a pretty pair of lungs that could shatter glass at fifty paces.

I grabbed my satchel and snuck out. After the tickling came to the very loud and vigorous sex. I wasn’t a prude, and I wasn’t against voyeurism per se, but I was a little old for all those pheromones. Today Jaxson and I were supposed to spend the day forging new weapons to replace my stock. But he got distracted when Stella came by for a visit. I didn’t mind. I loved them both and even though we technically had eternity here in BO, I would not impede young love.

I had been meaning to go shopping in town, anyway. No time like the present. I took my time strolling down the road towards town. The town was called New Haven. It was the starting town for Citizens. Players start their adventures in a town called Arlington. Not a very magical name, but the town sure is magical.

Tall stone walls surrounded the town of New Haven with watchtowers at set intervals. They made the houses of wood planks with red shingled roofs. They colored most of the houses either blue or a slate gray. The shops, inns, and taverns were painted in a myriad of colors. Except for one flower shop that had always been colored hot pink.

A passed said flower shop on my way to the market at the center of town. The Market was full of stalls where citizens, players, and NPC peddlers sell and haggle their wares. I stopped at a fruit stall and chatted up the stall owner.

“Hilda, good to see you!” I said with a smile.

She beamed at me. “Harlow good to see you. Here, this is good.” She handed me a large Orange.

I took it from her and sniffed the orange. The tangy citrus scent told me it was indeed fresh. I thumped it with my finger and the sound of a perfectly ripe Orange was music to my ears.

I smiled at Hilda and handed over a few coppers. “Thanks, dear. How have you been?”

“You know me. These withered old bones are aching as usual.” She said, patting her hip.

“You know I can get you potions that help with that.” I reminded her.

She waved her hand dismissively. “I know how much those potions go for. I’m a simple old woman set in my ways. I’d never been able to repay you for your kindness.” She patted my cheek and placed a second Orange into my bag. “On the house.” She pinched my cheek as if I was her grandson, then waved me away.

I smiled and winked at her. In the center of the marketplace was a large, ornate fountain. The Devs made the shape of the fountain abstract. The fountain looks different depending on who is looking at it. For instance, It looks like an ornate flower with elaborate petals. A friend of mine said it looked like a large weeping willow with the water acting like the vines. I’ve heard many distractions from different people. Regardless, there were several stone benches all around the fountain for people to sit and enjoy the view. I sat on one such bench and peeled the Orange.


I sometimes come to the fountain to think or just relax. I plopped the sweet and sour fruit into my mouth and chewed. I hummed to myself, happy and content. I noticed something through the curtains of water and when my eyes focused, ice flooded my veins. Across the fountain on the other side were two figures I hadn’t seen in nearly 50 years.

The figure on the right was a tall man with long black hair and a red mechanical eye in a bronze apparatus set into his face. He wore the same leather shirt, pants, and duster. Sheathed at his back was a black claymore with a red orb in the pommel. Next to him was a short blonde woman. She still wore that leather dominatrix gets up. I could see the two whips that hung from her wide hips. Hips I was all too familiar with. She wore her hair in a ponytail now.

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. “Morgan, Sheela.” Their names escaped my lips with a hiss. My vision went red, and it took all my might not to run over there and kill them. I didn’t though. Fighting in towns was strictly prohibited. If a citizen fought or killed in a town, it was thirty years' imprisonment. It might not seem like much since we live forever, but thirty years in an isolated cell was a whole new kind of torture for virtual immortals.

I took slow, controlled breaths. I needed to get my rage in check. While I did that, I noticed who they were talking to. His name was Douglas Lynch. He was a representative of the US Government. To clarify, the US Gov had no jurisdiction within BO. Since Bo servers were on an artificial island within artificial waters guarded by the best military might, money can buy. They made the argument that since Bo was a Virtual world, the US GOV had no jurisdiction. The politicians tried desperately to take control of BO. Tried and failed. They failed to hack their way into the servers. They failed to bribe their way into the servers. When they tried to gain access by force, they lost three fleets for their trouble.

It quickly turned into an international incident. Most countries in the world had citizens in the many servers, not just BO. In the interest of peace, Onyx, the company that owned and operated the servers, made a few concessions to placate the governments of the world. All servers dedicated to specific countries would have embassies. They gave embassies limited control and knowledge of citizens. Citizens couldn’t travel between servers, and every year a census was to be taken off the Citizens within the servers.

Douglas Lynch was assistant to the Embassy Director. Second in command. He was also a sniveling little rodent. If they were talking to him, that meant nothing good for anyone. I watched them walk down a narrow alley away from the crowds. I raced after them. I opened my inventory and summoned my spy hawk. It was a clockwork hawk that would monitor them.

I lit the fire in its core that would power it. It shrieked as it took off and soared high above me. I secured the wrist unit with the mini crystal viewing screen that let me see what it sees. With the help of my Spy hawk, I followed them to a small, abandoned building. Using my stealth skills climbed to the roof.

In BO espionage missions were a thing as were magical or mechanical surveillance equipment. I preferred Mechanical they were harder to detect than magic. Taking out a custom piece I made for myself, I placed the receiver to my ear and aimed the device at the building below me. Instantly, their voices rang in my ear.


“Listen here. Lynch. Before we do anything more to help you, we want our money.” That was Morgan.

“Payment is forthcoming, mister Morgan. But your services are still required. A final job for you and your associates. Complete it and you’ll receive ten times our agreed price.” That was Lynch. His nasal voice always made my ears bleed.

“You’ve yet to pay us for our last job. Why should we believe you’ll pay us ten times that?” I gritted my teeth. Sheela's voice was melodious. It reminded me of springtime. I hated her voice. Someone so vile didn’t deserve a voice so pleasant.

“Because of Miss Sheela. Your previous services were an evaluation of your worth. We’re prepared to pay your ten times because we’ve determined your worth that much. If you feel your services aren’t worth that much, you’ll receive the agreed-upon amount and we’ll find someone better.”

There was a noticeable moment of silence. Lynch might be a rodent, but he sure was silver-tongued. He had them right where he wanted them. I smirked when I heard Morgan clear his throat.

“What’s the job?”

I could hear the smile in Lynches voice. “Assassinate the King of Balor.”

I almost dropped my equipment. The King of Balor was the most powerful NPC. But why would Lynch want him dead? It made little sense.

I heard Sheela whistle. “That’s certainly a tall order. We’re probably the only two in this world that can do it. If you don’t pay us, we’ll make you suffer in ways only virtually immortal beings can.”

Lynch cleared his throat. “You will receive your payment. On-time and in full. You’re doing a great service for your country.”

I could feel Morgan roll his eyes. “Whatever. Just pay us.”

I heard the door opening and closing. Morgan and Sheela must have left the building. I was about to leave myself when I heard Lynch talking. He must have made a call.

“They agreed to do the job. Yes, sir, everything is proceeding as planned. Yes, The King will be out of the way. Yes sir, once he’s gone, it will be easy to take control of the server.”

Oh, fuck no! I stopped listening at that point and high-tailed it away from that building. My mind spun with what I had just heard. Damn them, they just couldn’t leave well enough alone. I was going to have to do something. Especially since Morgan and Sheela were involved. Not only did I have a score to settle, but I also would not let anyone rob me of my freedom.

When I returned to my workshop, I found Jax and Stella working together to replenish my stock. I smiled bitterly at them. As happy as I was for them, seeing Morgan and Sheela brought back many memories. For the first time in decades, I felt my age. My bones felt brittle, and my limbs were heavy as I shuffled to my bedroom.

I sat gingerly on my bed before I laid my head on my pillow. I lowered my now heavy eyelids and for the first time in 40 years, I dreamt of the past.

50 Years earlier-Balor online

A cool breeze caressed my cheek, prompting me to open my eyes. I stared up at a clear azure sky. I breathed in the clean, crisp air. Sitting up I looked around me. I was in a grass field with a walled town to my left and a green pine forest to my right.

What was I doing here? Then my memories flooded back. My name was Harlow Brendon. 60 years old and diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease. I worked at a steel mill and forged kitchen knives from scrap metal on the side. I had no family left. But my neighbor recommended me for an experimental treatment that could save me.

Less of treatment and more of digitizing my consciousness into a virtual world. I remember I didn’t want to spend eternity living out my generic grind and I didn’t much care for lazing about in a paradise with nothing to do. But living my eternity in a fantasy world where I could do anything and go anywhere sounded like a veritable paradise.

Here I am. Paradise. A tinkling sound caught my attention. I looked up to see a small dark shape flying towards me. I took a step back when it stopped and hovered just in front of me. It was a pixie. She wore a little blue dress with cobalt blue hair.

She waved at me with a bright smile. “Greeting Traveler. I’ll be your guide. Welcome to Balor online, brought to you by Onyx, INC.”

“Uh thank you?” I asked. I was still a little disoriented.

“You’re welcome. Before we move on a quick tutorial. First, we’ll view your profile. Think Profile, later you can customize system controls.”

I thought ‘Profile’ as she said and instantly an image of me appeared with what looked like my stats.

“Your Profile is where you can view your stats and skills. Now that we’re here, please choose your Class and Sub Class. Your class can’t be changed under normal circumstances, but you can change your Sub Class regularly if you desire.”

I tapped the word ‘Class’ on my profile and a very long list dropped. There were options such as Knight, Sorcerer, Ranger, Monk, Guardian, etc. I wasn’t interested in those. “Are there any Crafting Classes?” I asked the Pixie.

“Of course. You are currently viewing Combat Classes. Swipe left till you reach Crafting Classes.” She explained.

I did as she instructed and was pleased when I found the list of Classes I wanted. Scrolling down the list, I found the Class I wanted. I chose Weaponsmith.

“Great! Now please choose your Sub Class.”

The List for the Sub Classes was more expansive. There must have been thousands of Sub Classes. It was hard to choose, so I asked the Pixie for a recommendation.

“Oh? No one asked me that before.” A pink blush stained her little white cheeks. “I’d recommend the Factotum Sub Class. It’ll serve you well.”

I nodded my head and chose it. She clapped her hands.

“Excellent. Now my records show you’re one of the Stranded. Travelers who can’t go to other realms. They have instructed me to show you your new home. Come along.”

I raised an eyebrow but followed her. The house in question was out of town. It was a nice two-story with black shingles and white walls.

“You can customize your home's appearance and additions to the house.”

I whistled at the house. “It looks nice,” I commented.

“I’m pleased you like it. Please go inside. The house is completely customizable.”

I walked in and looked around. I might change the living room and kitchen, but everything else seemed to be nice. The bedrooms upstairs were simple but spacious. Maybe I’d start a family. I had the time now.

“Now that you're home, I must go. If you need me, you can summon me.” The pixie informed me.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

She tilted her head at me, and she had a strange look in her eyes. “No one asked me that before either. You’re a strange one. I’m Jinx.” She smiled and waved goodbye before she flew away. This was my life now.

1 Year Later

Sweat four from my forehead as I brought the hammer down the blade I was making. I found a blacksmith who was willing to make me his apprentice. Being able to forge knives was enough to convince him I wasn’t a waste of time. Aron the Blacksmith had me making swords for now but every day I got better. I like Aron. I received 80% of the profit from the sale of every sword I made.

He was a very generous man. He was an NPC but the more time I spent with him, the more real he felt. Most days I forgot he was an NPC. That’s how it was most days. If not for the icons above everyone’s heads, I wouldn’t be able to tell. I wondered if the Devs designed it that way.

When I wasn’t smithing, I was adventuring. I was a proud member of the Adventurer's Guild. I took on solo quests mostly. I just turned level 30. That meant people would be more likely to let me join their parties or join mine.

As soon as I was done with my smithing work, I went home, grabbed my gear, and ran to the Guild Hall to see what quests were available today. I pushed my way through the large doors of the Hall. The hall was usually teeming with activity, but today it was nearly empty. That was odd. I looked over to the Quest board to see a pair of figures, a man and a woman, looking over a Quest poster.

The man looked like a goth punk with long black hair, black leather clothes, and a black leather duster. The woman next to him wore a black leather dominatrix get-up that had my eyes lingering on her generous curves. A pair of whips hung from her waist.

Her long blonde hair hung in golden sheets down her back. I walked up to take a peek at the quest. It was an extermination quest. A troop of kobolds was raiding villages to the east. Well, now was as good a chance as any.

I clear my throat to get their attention. “Hi, folks. I couldn’t help but notice the quest there. Interested in a third member?”

They stared at me for a few minutes, sizing me up, I guess. Then the blonde gave me a sultry smile that turn my blood to lava.

“Sure, we could always use an extra hand.” The blonde said. Her voice was melodious. A siren song that fogged my brain and quickened my heart. She was a man killer. I could see that right away. But I didn’t care. It would be a worthy death. “I’m Sheela and this is Morgan.”

“I’m Harlow.” I extended my hand, and she shook it. Morgan gave my hand a firm shake next. He was the quiet sort, only speaking a few words. That was fine. I could appreciate that. Sheela, in comparison, was an absolute chatterbox. It was sweet. On our way to find the Kobolds, she chatted about the weather, current events, IRL, gossip, and intrigue in BO.

To my delight, the moment we found the Kobolds, their attitude became serious. In combat, I try to be flexible in what roles I play. A standard party was six people each performing a specific role: tank, DPS, Support, Strategist, Healer, and Saboteur. Tanks absorb damage protecting the party. DPS (Damage per second) is the primary offense of the party. Support is usually Bards and other Classes that boost party members HP and ATK. The strategist's role isn’t Class-specific; the Strategist is the de facto leader of the party. Their priority is to monitor and direct the party in the fight, The healer is self-explanatory. They monitor the health of the party and heal where needed. Last, the Saboteur actively debuffs opponents during the fight.

Sheela, Morgan, and I were not at a well-balanced party. Currently, my role was as the Tank and DPS. I chose Spearman as one of my Primary weapon skills. That meant I could defend with my shield and attack with my spear. Sheela was Shaman a Hybrid Class; she was the Healer and support. Morgan, despite having a Black Claymore as a weapon, was a Warlock, another Hybrid class. He was the Saboteur and Strategist. Despite the three of us pulling double roles, we worked well together. I Blocked and countered the Kobolds while Morgan would afflict them with Blindness, Petrification, and confusion. Sheela healed my wounds and boosted my HP and stamina. Her whips were deadly as well. She could have filled the DPS role, but asking her to fill three rolls is low. At least all six roles were divided equally between the three of us,

We slaughtered the Kobolds with no casualties on our end. We split the reward three ways with an unexpected bonus for me. When we parted ways, Sheela followed me home and rocked my world.

The next two years were just like that. I’d get better at my smithing, then do some monster hunting with Sheela and Morgan. Then it was back to my house with Sheela for mind-blowing sex. Till one day it all came to a devastating halt.

It all started like any other day. I woke up early to head to the forge. I was nearly ready to open my forge and maybe a shop. I was done mass-producing weapons and was now making custom pieces for specific customers. I had just finished up work when I saw Sheela standing outside. She beckoned to me. I smiled and went to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. Our lips met in a passionate kiss. She ended the kiss and gave me a sultry look.

“Hey, handsome.” She cooed.

“Hey yourself. Do we have a quest, or are you here to see me?”

She pretended to think about it. “Both.”

I chuckled and kissed her again. She always made me feel like I was drunk. As we walked towards my home to collect my gear, a thought entered my mind. ‘I love this woman.’ I can’t say I was surprised. I’d been married once. I knew the signs. I had suspected my feeling for some time, but it wasn’t until now that I was certain of it.

When we were in the privacy of my house, I pulled her into my arms. “I love you,” I whispered into her ear.

Her eyes were wide. In them, I saw a flurry of emotion. Happiness, sadness, longing, fear, and many others I couldn’t even recognize. I held my breath for a moment, wondering if she’d reject me, but she pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “I love you.” She whispered back. I felt my heart soar. I held her in my arm, breathing in her scent before I reluctantly let her go. I donned my gear quickly and, with a spring in my step, headed to the Guild building to meet up with Morgan.

Morgan was waiting for them outside the guildhall. “Took you long enough.” He held up the Quest sheet. I took a moment to read it over.


Save Dao Village

Detail: Dao village is being plagued by bandits from up the mountain. Slay the bandits and save the town.

Rank: B

Death Penalties: Not applicable

Success: Slay all the Bandits

Failure: Fail to protect Dao Village.

Reward: 100,000. +50 Positive standing with Dao Village. +25 Guild points.

I whistled. “Nice pick. Let’s do it.”

Morgan grunted and rolled up the parchment. Our maps were updated, and we took a Fairy Gate to the village. Of course, the Gate dropped us off miles from the village, but we didn’t mind the walk. It gave me and Sheela time to be together. We chatted, and I snuck quick kisses. I was so blissfully oblivious that I didn’t notice the storm brewing and when it finally landed; it caught me by surprise.

Dao village was average-sized, with thirty houses, a general store, a stable, an apothecary, and a forge. The people looked worn down. It was to be expected if they were at the mercy of bandits. The village elder, an old man with a long white beard told us the bandits had a stronghold up in the mountains.

We asked the people about the stronghold. Most only knew that there was one. No one knew where it was and that meant it was going to be all that much harder for us to find. But fortunately for us and unfortunately for the town, the bandits had arrived early and emptied the general store of its goods. We had fresh tracks to follow. And we did just that.

The stronghold in question was about a mile up the mountain. It was a simple design. Four walls with a keep. They left the gate open. They were either idiotic bandits or sure that no one would come after them. That made it easier for us.

Sheela used her spell Detect Life in the immediate vicinity. “I detect at least 30 bandits. Most are in the keep, but they're at least five in the guardhouse above the gate.”

“Very good. Here’s the plan. We’ll hit the guardhouse first. Then we’ll split up. Sheela and I will enter the keep and force the bandits out towards you.” Morgan said, pointing a finger at me. “Can you handle it?”

“Course. No worries.” I wasn’t feeling as confident as I sounded, but I wanted to impress Sheela. She looked impressed.

“Good, then let’s do it,” Morgan said before leading the charge. Sheela gave me a long, passionate kiss before running after Morgan, her whips at the ready. Morgan broke through the door to the guardhouse, swinging his claymore. I went low and to the left shield up, spear ready. I impaled one bandit with my spear while Morgan cut three in half with a swing of his claymore. Sheela beheaded the last one with a swish of her whip.

Morgan nodded to me, then disappeared into the keep. I closed the Gate to the fortress to make sure no one got past me. I stood in the center of the courtyard and waited. After ten minutes I was wondering if they were okay, but then a dozen men came running out of the keep, barreling towards me.

I raised my shield, blocking the first bandit's attack before running him through with my spear. I backed up and repeated the movement. I kept my back to the gate so no one could flank me. While I didn’t have Sheela’s buffs to help me, I was at a higher level than most of the bandits.

It was tedious work, but I eventually killed the last bandit that came at me before I noticed more of them running along the ramparts to my right. I quickly raced up the stair to meet them. We fought along the narrow passage. I had the upper hand here with my spear and shield. They tried rushing me, but I used my Shield Bash ability to push them all back and then proceeded to rapidly plunge my spear into their vital spots.

Once again, I stood victorious over my enemies. I was about to turn around when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. I instinctively raised my shield, blocking the blow. Then, all at once, two things happened. Two icons appeared in my HUD. Someone had cast weakness on me. I could already feel my strength draining out of me, but they had boosted my HP regeneration. I had a moment to be confused when my assailant's foot got under my guard and sent me flying back against the parapet.

I looked up and saw. Morgan? My shield and spear had fallen from my hands since I didn't have the strength to hold them. Morgan sneered down at me, his eye glowing with malicious intent. He kicked me hard in the stomach repeatedly. I had enough air to wheeze out a weak, "Why?"

It was then I noticed Sheela was standing just behind him. I watched in horror as he pulled her flush against him and kissed her. Morgan slapped her ass before he turned his attention back to me. "She's mine. This little ruse has played its course, anyway." He viciously kicked me in the face. I heard and felt my nose break.

I met Sheela's eyes, but they were devoid of any emotion. I couldn't expect any help from her. Morgan lifted by the front of my armor so we were face to face. "Did you really think she loved a pathetic fuck like you?"

With those last words, he threw me from the battlement. I fell for several minutes before I landed with a sickening crunch. I landed on a large stone that had a sharp point. It not only severed my spine, and was also sticking out of my chest. That should have killed me and sent me back to the cathedral, but the Regeneration buff was keeping me alive.

The pain was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. I wept like a baby. I'm not ashamed to say it. I choked on my blood for nearly thirty minutes before the buff wore off. Then my HP drained in seconds. When death finally claimed me, a cool numbness enveloped me.

Later. Much later. After I had revived at the Cathedral. I started asking some serious questions about Morgan and Sheela. Questions I had never thought to ask. What I learned tore me apart. The two of them were grifters. They'd con inexperienced players and citizens into forming a party with them. They'd keep most of the loot and items and when they had collected as much as they wanted or the mark caught on they vanished.

What hurt the most was what I learned about Sheela. Seducing the mark was her job. Sleeping with them to keep them happy and unaware of the scam. She had done that. Of course, I was a lucky find. They didn't have to convince me; I offered. Two whole years I adventured with them and I barely made any significant amount of money. But I had been so happy with Sheela, I never noticed.

Never again.

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