《Tales of Balor》Taste like chicken



Now it was my turn to shine. Miss Moore and I already had a deal, and when all this was done, she’d be mine. That didn’t stop me from wanting to show off for her. Harlow was a major surprise. I didn’t expect him to come with us or be so handy with that spear. His cooking was to die for. That really threw me. Why work in a hot, uncomfortable forge when you could run a five-star restaurant. I mean seriously, his food was at least five-star worthy.

The plan was to head back out after stowing the Magnite away. Half the day was already gone and finding a Basilisk in the other Zones was going to be dangerous in the day, never mind at night. Basilisk can turn you to stone if you meet their eyes. Even though you respawn at your town’s cathedral, that’s a painful way to go and you don’t die right away. It’s slow suffocation. Not how I like to go.

Death and pain in this virtual reality were the same IRL. The only difference between the two worlds is that Players can change the realism settings and Citizens can’t. Killing, rape, torture, all were the same here as in the other world. Now I’m sure you’d ask why? Why put all that into a game? Well, they didn’t at first.

Balor online started out as a run-of-the-mill MMORPG. But as it grew in popularity, the AMA voted to use it. That meant changes had to be made. If human citizens were going to make a permanent home in the game, then all their rights had to be observed. What does that mean? It means that means no more Moderators or game masters, a complete revamp of the in-game government and law enforcement. To simplify it no one can remotely observe anyone in BO and all crime must be observed and punished by in-game authorities.

If you commit a crime in the woods and no one's around to see it. Then you don’t get punished for it. Sometimes it really sucks, others it’s just what the doctor ordered.

I was pulled from my musings by a sinfully delectable aroma wafting into my nostrils. I was currently seated at a kitchen table in Harlow’s home. He invited us to stay for dinner. I wasn’t going to say no, and Stella understandably didn’t say no either. He was braising meat in his oven, and a large pot of something was being cooked on the stove, and it looked like he was frying tortillas.

He didn’t speak as he cooked, just moved about the kitchen with speed and precision. I marveled at him, at his entire lifestyle. He lived a modest life outside the town when he could live it up like an aristocrat. When I first arrived in BO, I was determined to live my new life to the fullest. I screwed whatever women I want, took whatever job I wanted, and was famous for many of the missions I completed solo. So why did this man and his simple lifestyle niggle at something in me? I’m on top of the world. Why should I feel…envy? That was it. I was feeling envy. WTF?

I shook my head and focused instead on Stella. “How do you know Harlow?” I asked her.

She eyed me suspiciously. “Why do you want to know?”

I shrugged. “Polite conversation? It’ll be some a minute before the food done.”

She seemed to consider my words. “I met him not long after I first arrived. I had fallen in with a dangerous crowd and he saved me.” She spoke slowly as is she carefully chose every word she said to me. “Since then, I come to him when I need my gear repaired.”


“Your just friends?” I prodded.

She smirked and squinted at me. “Yes. Just friends. I didn’t think something like that mattered to someone like you.”

“It doesn’t.” It didn’t really. Did it? When I pictured her and Harlow, I didn’t feel the usual stirrings of arousal. I felt…jealous? I must have hit my head or something. My emotions were playing tricks on me. I don’t get jealous, and I envy no one.

“Dinners ready.” Said Harlow.

I perked up like an eager puppy at those magic words. He placed a small gas burner in the center of the table and placed the pot over it. Next, he placed a platter of shredded meat, another of sliced greens and red tomatoes, and the last had shallow tortilla bowls.

He removed the lid on the pot to reveal a fondue. It smelled heavenly. “What’s all this?”

“My variation on a cheese fondue.” He said and picked up one of the tortilla bowls. He loaded it with the meat and vegetables, then scooped up the creamy cheese with a label and poured it on top. Harlow then ate, making a mess over his plate. Stella and I followed suit. The first bite had my eyes rolling into the back of my head. The meat was savory, the vegetables fresh and crisp, the juicy tomatoes and cheese rounded the dish perfectly.

I had five helpings and almost got into a fight with Stella for the last Tortilla bowl when Harlow presented more. We cleared the platters of all the food. By the time I was done, I had to loosen my belt. I leaned back in my chair and patted my full stomach.

“That was divine,” I told him.

He was smiling as he cleared the table. “I’m glad you liked it.”

“Now I just need to figure out how I’m going to roll myself home.” I laughed.

Stella sighed in agreement. “I shouldn’t have eaten so much, but damn it Harlow your cooking is to good.”

“I have guest rooms you can stay in.” He said after clearing the table. “We’ll be heading to the same place tomorrow, anyway; you might as well stay.”

I mulled that over. Did I want to stay? I mean, I had nothing against him, but I didn’t really know him. Could I afford to let my guard down in this place? I suppose there were the worst things I could do. Stella was already accepting his offer. Of course she was. They were friends. She obviously trusted him.

Come on Pierce, stop being such a pussy. “Sure. Thanks for your hospitality.”

Harlow nodded and showed us to his guest rooms. He showed Stella to hers first, then me to mine. It was spacious, with a single bed, dresser, and full-length mirror. I wished him goodnight, then readied myself for bed. The room had its own bathroom with a clawfoot tub. Before I went to bed and had myself a good soak.

The bed was soft, and I had no trouble getting to sleep. I didn’t dream. I never dreamed. Even in my past life, I didn’t dream. The doctor couldn’t figure it out. It was comforting in a small way. To me, it served as a kind of proof that I was still me.

I woke to the sun shining in through the crack in the drapes. I peeked an eye open at the offending brilliance, then forced myself up. I yawned and stretched, feeling my joints crack. I hopped out of bed and used the restroom taking another bath before searching through my inventory for something to wear. I chose a blue tunic over black trousers. I liked to keep it simple. Since we were hunting a basilisk today, I’d go with my Paladin armor set. I tapped the icon and silver mithril armor appeared on my body, minus the stifling helmet with its ridiculous blue plume feather.


The armor aside from looking good was damn near op.

Brimir’s Raiment

Type: Plate Armor (Set)

Rank: Legendary

Durability: 1000/1000

Item Buffs:

Poison Resistance: 100%

Fire Resistance: 100%

Water Resistance: 100%

Air Resistance: 100%

Earth Resistance: 100%

Shock Resistance: 100%

Physical Resistance: 100%

Regenerates 50 points of HP every 5 secs

It granted me the armor for being the first to conquer the Dungeon Ymir’s tower. It was the most challenging dungeon crawl of my life. Twenty floors stretch high into the air, each floor deadlier than the last. The last floor was a nightmare. I had to fight five giants while their dwarven minions fired at me with their muskets.

I climbed onto the back of one giant, embedding my sword into his spine. Its body crushed the dwarves. With the little menaces no longer taking shots at me, dispatching the other giants was more manageable. I won’t lie a few times. I was nearly a red smear. But in the end, I came out on top and was granted a kick-ass armor set as my reward.

I don’t wear it often. I’m fine with being op but I like a challenge. But this was a job and basilisks were deadlier than Giants. Even in this life, I took my work seriously. With a last look at myself in the mirror, I exited the room and followed the scent of food to the kitchen, where breakfast was being made. Stella was already at the kitchen table. She looked like she just woken. Her hair was a mess and her head kept bobbing.

The moment a mug of coffee was set in front of her, she came to life. Her eyes focused on the mug and lifted it to her lips downing the contents in one go. I raised a brow as Harlow refilled her mug two more times before she seemed to focus on the here and now.

“When did you get here?” She asked, only now noticing me.

I couldn’t help it I laughed. “I’ve been here a while.”

She blushed and muttered something unintelligible. I chuckled and focused on my breakfast. On a plate before me were three fried eggs, two thick strips of bacon, and buttered toasts. The breakfast was good all of Harlow’s food was good. I wonder if there’s anything he can’t cook.

“Hey Harlow, is there anything you can’t cook?” I asked.

He got a thoughtful expression on his face. “Hard-boiled eggs. No matter how many times I try I either overcook or undercook them.” He shrugged. “Just one of those things.”

I processed that. He was quick to admit his shortcomings. That might not seem like much, but most BO citizens don’t share their personal weaknesses. BO is primarily a combat-oriented VR world. Exploiting your opponent’s weaknesses, whatever they are, is the name of the game. Harlow was an enigma. He didn’t fit into any of the molds I was used to. Most in BO are after fame or glory. I was interested in the good times never-ending. After spending two decades of my life working my ass off, I was in BO to live it up. That and I didn’t want to die.

We ate, chatted over breakfast. Swapping news and gossip. The food was divine last night. I cleared my plate and helped clear the table after everyone was done. I had manners when I remembered to use them. My mother used to lecture me to always remember my manners.

Thirty minutes later, we were gearing up and strolling down the road to the Fairy Gate. I paid the travel price this time. You know, being such a gentleman. Basilisk were zone bosses. Which meant that they’re common. The problem was as common as they are they’re hard to kill. Their size, speed, strength, and petrifying gaze made them difficult. Their inelegance made them formidable. Bosses and Minibosses were very intelligent AI they not only learned but they can strategies before and mid-fight. If the Basilisk lives, it’ll learn from the fight and be that much harder to kill.

The Portal deposited us in the Arizona zone. It was so named for the desert and rock formations that resembled the State. I chose this zone because not many players came here, meaning the Basilisk for this zone would be inexperienced. Rule one in BO always uses what advantages you can.

I led Stella and Harlow to a ravine with a shallow river running through it. Trees and foliage drew on the banks of the shallow river. At the far end of the ravine was a large cave. Inside the cave was a sleeping Basilisk. While it was asleep, we could strategize.

“What’s the plan, boss?” I asked Stella.

“We draw it out.” She pointed to the widest part of the ravine. “We lure over there, and I’ll use my magic to trap it. Then you two kill it.”

Solid plan. “I like it.”

“Let’s do it.” Harlow agreed.

Stella and I found hiding spots while Harlow waited for us before waking the Basilisk. A roar that sounded like an alligator echoed from within the cave. Harlow ran out of the cave and didn’t look back as he ran towards us. Harlow was fast. I guess since he was weighed down last time; it slipped my notice. What didn’t slip from my notice was the Basilisk slithering behind him. It was 90ft in length with blue scales. I hooded the head of the Basilisk like a cobra. Its eyes were yellow, and a pair of fangs protruded from its mouth.

The moment Harlow ran past Stella began silently casting her spell. Thick roots burst from the ground wrapping around the Basilisk holding it in place. That’s when I jumped out of my hiding place. The Basilisk writhed and coiled, breaking the roots. For every root it broke, another took its place.

“Hurry! I can’t hold it!” Stella yelled, sweat beading on her forehead.

I ran forward and swung my sword, lopping off a chunk. The Basilisk howled. Its tail coiled loose from Stella’s roots and struck me with all the force of a semi. I flew and collided with the side of the ravine. I was momentarily winded, but quickly got over it. I looked over my shoulder at the me-sized imprint in the earth and charged down the slope after the Basilisk.

The Basilisk had broken free and was trying to gobble up Harlow. Harlow was fast through he managed to stay a step ahead of its gaping maw. I jumped up onto its back and dug my sword in. The Basilisk turned and tried to strike me when a spear flew through the air, knocking its head to the right missing me.

I pulled my blade from it and hopped off its body. I whistled, getting its attention. Which as lightning it turned to me its mouth ajar. Grimacing, I ran and jumped right into the Basilisk's open maw. It was hot, dark, and reeked! I plunged my blade up and out.

The Basilisk howled. The light gave me enough light to see where I was in comparison to the Basilisk brains was. I twisted the blade and pushed, cutting through skin and muscle till I cut through the brain. An ear-splitting shriek nearly destroyed my eardrums as the Basilisk died. The Great jaws of the snake were closed, forcing me to cut my way out of the Basilisk.

Gag! Cutting your way out of a giant snake sound cool but let me tell you its not. First off there’s little to no air. The blood and saliva coat your armor and clothes ruining them! When my head broke the surface, I sucked in lungfuls of air. I was charging extra for this shit. A shadow fell over me. I looked up to see Harlow looming over me. An ax was in his hand. For a second, I was sure he was going to kill me. He could. My armor and item currently on my body would be his. He raised his ax and brought it down. The blade sunk into the scaled flesh of the Basilisk close to my head. He lifted and brought the blade down several more times, cutting me out of the serpent.

“Jeez boy, you stink.” He said after he cut enough of the flesh away to drag me out. I looked up at this man in wonder. Once again, this man baffled me. I couldn’t wrap my head around him. Any other player or citizen would have killed me and taken my gear. It’s not like I wouldn’t respawn. It was the way of things. PKing or Player Killing was a part of life now.

Instead, he dragged me to the shallow river and started kicking water on me, his hand covering his nose. I let this go on a little since I wanted to get the stench off me. After a minute or two, I stood and held my hands out signaling to stop. I looked over at Stella, who was walking over smirking at us.

“That was crazy.” She said, shaking her head in wonder. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do something like that.”

I wiped some of the water from my face and smirked at her. “That’s nothing. I have stories that’ll make your hair rise.”

“I think the smell is enough.” Harlow teased.

Stella scrunched her nose. “Yeah, when we get back you need to shower.”

I grimaced and nodded in agreement. “With mountains worth of soap. Did you get the heart?”

She beamed and nodded her head. “Yup, some other item, too. We’ll split everything when we get back.”

“Good, let’s get back already. I’m tired as hell.” I told her before wading out of the water. They walked ahead of me to put some distance from the stench. I didn’t mind I hated the stink too. But with this job done, all that was left was to claim my prize. And as I watched the sway of her ass as she walked, it was so worth it.

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