《Is This The End?》Chapter Fourteen


I rub at my tongue as though I’m trying to get out the toughest stain in my favorite shirt using only a washboard. The sand is rough and frigid on my palm. For a moment, I contemplate taking a handful and using it to get the dreadful taste out of my mouth. I’m sure it wouldn’t be that bad. I jerk my head up as I hear the telling sign of footsteps crunching through the sand.


“That was awful.” I get up and point a finger at him.

“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”

“How would you know? You ain’t the one eatin’ it.”

“True, but I know other Bobbies that eat it just fine. It’s about adjusting your palette.” He leans down and picks up the jackrabbit that was just barely still breathing. Tough little fucker. “Try again.” I glare at him but still reach out and grab the jackrabbit.

I hold the animal softly in my arms, just because I’m killing the thing doesn’t mean I have to disrespect it. Cradling the animal, I kneel down in the sand. Thank you, Goddess, for you blessin’ me with this meal. I once again sink my teeth into the animal. Once I get past the excessive bitterness, I suppose it’s not so bad. It’s like biting into a lemon, I can get used to it, but the flavor is an attack on the taste buds.

This meal is nothing like the humans that I used to chow down on. I shake that thought out of my head and continue on with my meal. I take a couple more bites out of the rabbit’s neck before it’s heart stops. Lasted a lot longer than I thought it would. With a motion of my hands, I pop off the carcass’s head. Using my finger, I dig into the meat and yank off the layer of fur that it carries. It’s not a significant problem, but I’m not enjoying the clamps of fur I keep having to spit out.

After that, I make quick work of the head and repeat the process with the body. I finish about half of it before the flavor overwhelms me again. I keep the carcass in one, not wanting it to become breaded with sand, and rub at my tongue with the other. Suddenly something is wagged in my face, and it takes everything in me not to lunge after the delicious scent.

“Thought that might get your attention.” Samuel crouches down a little more than a foot away. “You did well for your first time.” I raise an eyebrow at him

“Are you tellin’ me most can’t stomach the taste.”

“The first few times, yeah.”

“And yet you made me do it.”

“You’re the idiot that hadn’t eaten in months.”

“I was living in a place where food wasn’t that commonplace. Got used to it, I suppose.” I shrug my shoulders. For a second, I can feel perturbation coming from him in waves, why I can’t tell, before the link it shut off.


“Yeah well, finish that off, and I’ll give you this.” Samuel wags the piece of flesh in his hand once more, and I can’t help the way my eyes track the motion. “Unless you don’t want it.”

“I didn’t say all that,” I dazedly respond. I groan a bit before lifting the rabbit back up to my mouth. I do have to give the man props for his incentives, though. He didn’t seem like the bribery type, but I guess that goes to show that anybody can be deceiving nowadays. I bite into a major artery, and blood comes gushing out. It drips down my mouth, and I swiftly use my tongue to sweep it all up. Waste not, want not, and all that.

I smack my lips as I try to get used to the flavor, but it doesn’t work. Perhaps as Samuel says, I will get used to the flavor. One can only hope, but either way, I have a feeling this what most of my meals will consist of in the near future. Probably for the best, considering Nessa. Just thinking of her all alone with the weres, if there were only weres with Samuel, has been rushing to finish my meal.

Most would think that I’m worried about her, but it’s the other way around. Especially with the way that Dewitt had been talking about me, I won’t be too surprised if she took a swing or two. I finish off the last of the rabbit’s foot and stand up. Samuel raises an eyebrow but just throws me the flesh of Wasp before starting the trek back to the others.

I nibble on it as we go, trying my hardest to savor what might be my last piece of human flesh in a while. It’s not even just the taste, but the texture is loads above the rabbit’s. The animal had been stringy and probably would have been tough to chew on if not for my fangs.

“What’s the rush all of a sudden,” questions Samuel.

“Oh just a feelin’ that’s all. Nothin’ for your pretty self to get worked up ’bout.” I flash him a smirk, and despite the site of me being blood-soaked, he has a glint of amusement in his eyes.

“If you say so, Nate.” He walks ahead, muscles going tense and eyes shifting every few seconds. “But you might want to get cleaned up before we get back.” I glance and heave an exaggerated sigh before peeling off my layers. I use what it’s ruined and wipe the blood off of me. “Wow so you can listen.”

“Nah was just gettin’ cold. Had nothin’ to do with you.” I ball up the shirts before throwing them at him. He turns before rolling his eyes and shrugs off his jacket.

Here at least wear this. I ran up to grab the jacket and push my arms through. It’s one of those classic leather jackets that my dad had owned. The material and thick, from one sniff, I can tell it’s real. The scent of Samuel clouds of nostrils and my senses are invaded. The scent is a musky wooden scent of his that I’m eighty-five percent sure is a sign of shape-shifters or at least werewolves. I swear I know this scent. It feels so familiar I can’t help but to get another whiff to cement the smell to memory. Besides, I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually.


Nessa’s scent hits my nose, and I know that we’re close to where we left them. I almost halt once the rusty tint of blood comes wavering my way. I stalk forward and see the group. Vanessa is the closest to me with her back facing me. I’m met with the view of her muscles tensing and rolling. I stroll up and ignore the rest of them as I nonchalantly put my arm around her shoulders.

“Miss me, Witchy,” I smirk at her before looking her over. Her face is still facing them, and I grip her chin with my pointer and thumb to turn her head. I tilt it this way and that before, I’m satisfied that she is uninjured. I rake my gaze down the rest of her form, but besides the massive goosebumps littering her arms, she seems unharmed.

“You wish, and stop looking at me like that.”

“I don’t’ know what you mean.” I remove my hold on her to shrug off the leather jacket and proceed to wrap her in it. She looks up, and her eyes lighten to show her bright emeralds. I give her a slight smile before pressing my lips in a tight line and pivot to look at the people I had left my Nessa with. I hear footsteps and take a quick glimpse in the corner of my eye. Samuel is walking up, and by the thunderous expression on his face, I’d say shit is about to go down. We can’t just have a beautiful, quiet night can?

“What the hell happened?” Samuel howls. Two of the people slightly lower their heads and catch as their eyes start to glow. “Dewitt. I wasn’t asking for my health.”

“The little girl was getting mouthy,” Dewitt muffles. I finally noticed the blood dripping down his face and sliding down to join the mess on his shirt. It takes everything in me not to reach over and congratulate Nessa on messing up his face.

“You didn’t mess up your hand hittin’ did you.”

“No hit him with a quick strike of my palm, just like you taught me.”

“You taught her that move?” One of the other weres is looking my way. He’s muscular with his arms straining the shirt he’s wearing just by crossing his arms.

“Yea, got a problem with that?” I jerk my head up and tense my jaw.

“No”, he laughs a bit, “maybe ask her not to hit Dewitt again, though. He don’t heal as fast as us.” I nod my head before glancing at Nessa. She has a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Why don’t you ask the woman yourself.” Samuel’s voice rings out loud and clear. I can just hear the underlying growl in his words. Great, he’s pissed.

“She’s feisty, and after their argument, I doubt she wants to go along with my say so.”


“Yeah, she and Dewitt got into it.”

“About what?”

“Well…” His eyes shift to me, and I can already see where this is going.

“She’s upset I called him what he is, a rabid monster,” Dewitt tensely interjects.


“No. Come on I can’t be the only one who sees the obvious Rot signs in him.”

“Dewitt. That’s enough.”

“Listen here, you ass, I said it once I’ll say it again. Nate. Doesn’t. Have. Rot.” Vanessa emphasizes slowly. Her head swishes with each word as if to affirm her point.

“Yeah well, you could have fooled me. You truly think he’s fine after attacking you the way he did.”

“Why yo-”

“It’s fine Witchy. Besides what he thinks, don’t matter.”

“It’ll matter when he rips that pretty little head.” This man just can’t leave well enough alone, can he? Vanessa starts to stalk towards him. At least she tries to as I don’t let her get far before I grab her from behind. My arms completely circle her waist, and I rest my chin on her shoulder. Not the most comfortable position, but it makes her stop in her tracks.

“Nate.” She groans before slightly leaning into my hold.

“It’s fine Witchy. Don’t let him get you all worked up.” I loosen my hold, but don’t let go, the last thing we need is the idiot saying something dumb and she attacking him. Not that I don’t see where he’s comin’ from.

“Dewitt, we’ve talked about this before. Nate doesn’t have Rot.”

“How can you be sure?”

“We’d smell it by Dewitt.” the man from before speaks up with a soft tone. He puts a hand on Dewitt’s shoulder and shakes him slightly.

“You didn’t smell it the last time.” He shakes the hold off and walks closer our way. Nessa leans further back into my chest and spreads her hands. He stops in his tracks, so maybe he has some smarts.

“I’m tired of you grown-ass people acting like children. I won’t continue to deal with this for the rest of the night.” Samuel puts his hands on his hips and strides in front of Dewitt. Nate, strip your clothes. I twist my head tediously his way and blink my eyes a couple of times. What in the hell did he just say?

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