《Is This The End?》Chapter Four


The sun hangs high in the sky, and I can feel the sweat on my eyebrows as it creeps down and comes to rest on the arch of my nose. If it didn’t take so much energy, I would swipe at it. Unfortunately, I need all my focus on lifting one foot over the other.

I think fondly of the car we had ridden in for all of twenty minutes. Sadly it was not meant to be. Or rather little witchy had no idea how to use her powers, not that she saw it like that. So here I am stomping down this road with the temperature being hot-as-hell. Vanessa trails behind me, trying to keep up but obviously not used to going long distances.

“Can you slow down?”


“Why not?”

“We need a place to sleep tonight.”

She scoffs, “And where oh wise one is there any shelter for our weary heads to rest.” I growl and turn to look at her. Usually, this comment any comment really wouldn’t set me off, but I’m still aching from earlier. Especially my goddamn arm. Feels like it's being lit on fire and staying, and the sensation just keeps getting worse.

“Listen out here is what they call it No Man’s Land. Do you wanna know why?” I keep talking, not giving her a chance to answer. “Because out here ghouls, rabid, no sense left in their rotten brains ghouls roam the area. Luckily they don’t have the sense to go lookin’ for more food.” I turn my back on her and keep walking.

“What’s the difference?”


“Bobbies. You said rabid like there’s a difference.”

“Have you ever met a ghoul?”


“Trust me, people don’t act like it, but there’s a difference.” I look at her, and her face is blank but despite always having a smile her eyes are usually devoided of emotion. Didn’t even notice until after an hour of walkin’. Just makes her even more dangerous. “Some Bobbies have lost themselves and will attack anybody. They give themselves away and often starve. You can tell what they are because they’ve become defigured. The other ones are the ones you gotta watch out for. They can smile and seem human all the way until they takin’ a bite of your flesh.

“Oh.” I hum and slow my stride down ever so for her. “Well have you seen one of those.” I give a dry laugh.

“Now do you think I’d still be here if that was the case?”

“I guess not.” The walk gets quiet after that. The silence is thick between us but not uncomfortable. Ever so often, I feel her eyes on me, but I never catch her in the act. Yeah, very dangerous. Eventually, the dust and dirt thins out and leads us to a real road. Vanessa looks at me to take the lead, but I never traveled quite so far this way.

I keep us straight, and eventually, we come to several store outlets and even what was once a mall. Mom used to love taking us to the mall. Would let us loose and we’d run wild. Most parents never would have done something like that. But my mom never worried, though.

Besides, she always had this uncanny ability to know where we all were. I always wondered if my mom was special, or were all moms that great? I guess I’ll never know for sure now.


“What is it?” Is she serious? It seems little witchy lived a very sheltered life. Though I guess that makes sense. Despite the big Outbreak happening just ten years ago, smaller ones had been covered up over the years. The only places that survived were the ones who knew what was happening.

“It’s a mall.” If possible she looks more confused than before. “Umm it's a place people used to gather. Stores. Food. Entertainment. That sort of thing.” She still looks confused. But she nods her head.

“I see.”

“Did you live in a town?”


“Did. You. Live. In. a. town. I didn’t stutter now, did I.” She shoots me a look. “They were like towns in a big city. We’d all gather and just...be. Get it.” She looks off in the distance.

“Yeah I think so.” She looks over to the big hulking building. “Can we go in?

“I don’t see why not. But it’s not going to look the same. One of the first things that got wrecked with pilfering and whatnot in the Outbreak where stores and such.” She looks down a bit, and I think she’s disappointed though she definitely won’t say.

“But I don’t see why we can’t go take a look. Just don’t go thinking this is what this place looked like.” She gives a small smile and picks up her pace.

“Okay.” I lead her through the parking lot and we enter what used to be the food court. She looks around, head twirling like a bird. Looking this way and that. Can’t imagine what she’s thinking. What she sees.

I walk around and plants and vines crumble under my feet. There’s dirt everywhere. A lot of the signs have fallen down or are just hanging on by a thread. A little aways I smell a dead corpse. My mouth waters ever so slightly at that. I subtly walk in that direction and look down. The carcass is old. Probably been here since its destruction.

Not a piece of flesh is left, and I can’t help the disappointment that washes over me. I kick a little at the bones hoping for once my nose is wrong. It’s not. I grit my teeth and have to try my hardest not to kick the body across the room. Instead, I put my foot on the skull and press down. Little cracks form, and eventually, the pressure gives, and it crumbles under my foot.

I hum a little and look down at the mess. I would’ve preferred a meal, but that works too. I rock back on my heels and turn back to Vanessa. She’s inching toward one of the entrances craning her neck to see what’s down the hall.

I stride over to her and put my arm around her neck. I expect her to jump, but she just looks at me with that blank look in her eyes. “Let’s get going. I gotta show you the wonders of civilization now, don’t I?” She rolls her eyes, but I see the smirk on her lips. We walk forward and towards what was once stores.

We go down the hall and don’t stop at many. Vanessa wanted to stop in some type of lotion place, but the smell made me gag, and I quickly pulled her in the direction of a clothing store I saw up ahead. We go into the store, I look around for a name, but everything is broke and faded with time. She browses the racks before pulling a couple off and stuffing them in our backpack.


The bag is pretty empty, but the zipper is hanging on by a thread. I look around and there’s no bags around. I look at her before finally opening my mouth. “Hey.” She picks her head up a little and tilts her body in my general direction.

“I’m gonna go look ‘round.” She finally looks me in the eye though hers are chilly.

“Okay. What direction are you going in?” I shrug.

“Don't know. Wherever I can find a big bag.” She nibbles on her lower lip.

Okay. Remember not to talk to strangers, and the duffle will be the best choice.” I gaze at her and try to decipher what she just said. She rolls her eyes and go back to browsing. “It'll make sense. I’ll be that way soon.” She gives me the shoo motion and sends me on my way.

I start walking, and with each step, I can remember how things used to be. Clean and orderly. People bustling about. My mom would hold my hand tight, afraid I’ll get lost in the crowd. I shake my head and continue on my way. I come to a big area with a D, and other faded letters line the entrance I walk through. Some shoes and boxes have fallen to the ground. I trample some of the boxes as I make my way through the place.

I look around and sight the bags I wanted. There are bags upon bags, but many are simple sacks pulled together by a thick stringy cord material. I start moving the boxes and bags and pull out a bag more prominent than the rest.

I dust it off and give the zipper a few tugs. Pretty much in perfect condition. I mean, there are a few holes here and there, but that’s no biggie. On the plus side, there’s enough room for both of us to get so more supplies and clothes.

I leave but pause before making any turns. This will be the best time to leave. She’d never suspect it. Even if she did it could be hours before she comes looking. I mean I’m not entirely abandoning her.

I start walking the dust kicking up as I go, and I nearly trip a couple times over the bigger cracks. I stop, turn back. I groan and yank on my locs with frustration. I scratch at my arm, and the wrappings come loose. I look down and grimace at the sight.

My blood is dark, and there was no light it would appear black. I put my finger down and scrape up some of the blood onto the tip of my finger. This is just great. It’s sticky and has a glue-like resemblance. I scruff my shoes harder against the floor. If Vanessa sees this shit, she would know in a heartbeat. Well, maybe not. Most had never seen a real Bobby before and often don’t know this little tidbit.

I always found it ironic that it’s our blood that gives away. Being this sticky substance. Unless a Bobby has a fresh meal then our blood looks like this. Now I should really leave. I should leave but my damn near nonexistent conscience decided to wake up. This would have been perfect, nobody holding me back. But…As much as I want to, I can’t just abandon her. Even if she did lead the NTSCU to my hideout, she did save my life.

Most people would have taken that car and left my ass. Or even went as I was fighting the NTSCU using the distraction to their benefit. I’m almost to the store when I pick up multiple sounds coming from within. Several people are walking around. I creep closer and chance a glimpse. NTSCU. Shit. And from the looks of things they have Vanessa. Double shit.

I quickly go further and hide behind a rack of clothes. One of the goons looks distracted. If I pounce on him, they’ll have no chance but to let him go. Before I can move, I feel a cold steel barrel pressed into the back of my head.” Get up.” He grabs me by the collar of my first layer and yanks me to my feet. Oh, goddess, please don’t let this scarf fall.

I’m pushed forward, and I see the moment Vanessa sees me as her eyes widen a fraction. A man in front of Vanessa holds out his arms wide as if this is one big show. “Well, now isn’t this better. We’re all together again. Oh, poor Vanessa can’t stay running forever after all, huh.”

She ignores him, and his ratlike face scrunches up, and he jerks her face to the side with the motion of his hand. My muscles tense, and I have to stop the growl that wants to spring out of my chest. If I was loose, I’d definitely be pounding his ugly mug into the ground, not like his looks could get any worse. If anything, he’ll be thanking me for improving them. He starts pacing in the space between us, and his mouth is moving, but I can’t quite believe the words that come out.

“You know Vanessa we all missed you dearly once you left us, I thought we had made a deep bond, didn’t you?” Vanessa’s face becomes colder if that’s possible. Ratface just keeps talking. “I’m afraid this is the end of the line for you, my dear. You and this monstrosity you’ve been using.” If not for the tight situation, I’d show the man precisely what a monster I can be.

Besides, at least I make up for it with my charming personality and willingness to help others. The man goes on and on. I would love to disregard him but the gun aimed at my skull makes sure that can’t happen. He grips Vanessa’s chin forcing her to look at his ugly mug. “You know it’s not every day I get to kill a traitor.” A slimy grin comes over his face. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

He pulls a sleek gun from his side. It looks just like the one I pulled from the goon back in town. He points the weapon straight in her face. I let loose a growl and try to jump at him, but the guy in the back hits the back of my knees, forcing me to head to the ground. Another grips my locs and yanks my head back, forcing a gun under my chin.

Ratface looks at me and sneers as he comes closer. “I think we’ll start with your pet first.” He points his gun straight at my forehead and presses the metal in hard. I see Vanessa behind him struggling to get up. Her eyes are comprehensive, and her mouth tightened onto a straight line. Ahh, I knew she cared. Ratface pulls the trigger and screams ricochet throughout the store.

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