《Is This The End?》Prologue


Sometime In the distant future


When people talk about the world ending, it's usually not brought on by a party gone wrong. I guess my mother had been right again, teenagers are fucking crazy. I still remember the day It happened. The Outbreak.

People started going batshit crazy and turning on anyone in close enough proximity. My dad had picked me up and tried to block my gaze, but I had already caught a glimpse of the violence taking place around our home. Donny had run-up to his little sister and kept pulling on her head. Little Arie was barely four and had no chance of fending off Donny's grip.

He gripped her neck with both hands and just kept twisting her this way and that. Sickly, it reminded me of those plastic horses outside the stores that Mom never let me ride. A waste of money, she would tut and keep us moving. Donny had ultimately given up yanking his prize and instead sunk his teeth deep into her neck.

Their parents rushed over to them, but it was too late. Donny had already gouged out the right side of Arie's throat. Mrs. Matthew's had shrieked like a banshee as Arie's head flopped all the back like a ragdoll. Donny just sat down in the street, chewing on the flesh he attained from his sister. He used to tell Arie, you're sweet enough to eat. Somehow I don't think this was what he meant.

Most will remember the first Outbreak that happened up north. I think it was Michigan, but that's not important. What is essential is the party. That party was the biggest their town had seen in years. The party-throwers were sure that their friend was on his deathbed. So, instead of taking him to a hospital, they decided to get him wasted-in case he was on his last leg.


Nobody was entirely sure what happened during the party. One moment their friend was dancing with a girl, and the next was limp on the floor with part of her champed off and being chewed in their friend's mouth. For a moment, everyone held utterly still, but suddenly their friend had gone on to his next target. After that, the party promptly became a bloodbath. It's been said that limbs went flying.

There wasn't a spot on the floor that didn't have a drop of blood staining it. His friends had tried to help him, but he still turned on them, leaving his friends sporting bites of their own. While they strived to save him, some brave souls took the chance to play the hero.

They came at him with broken furniture legs and an occasional pocket knife. They had to resort to slashing his head off when nothing else worked. Poor Bobby died while crawling over to his friends, fangs slamming together. Despite the fact his head was no longer attached, it was a while before he stopped moving and even longer before he stopped breathing.

Unfortunately, most chalked the night off as too much drugs and alcohol. When the Outbreak reached their small town of ten thousand, and people found out about what led to the chaos, nobody argued when Bobby got the blame.

Now, we affectionately call these beasts Bobbies. They are evil personified, they will eat you alive to satisfy their hunger, all while staring you down with those glowing eyes. This instilled something important in the town. A common enemy to focus their sights on.

The no-name town got together and decided to destroy the Bobbies. They thought it necessary as their families were being attacked. Especially when it became easy to see that their government was ignoring the issue. The townsfolk marched into the woods where people had last seen Bobbies running off.


Sadly, the town made a tremendous mistake. They knew nothing about their enemy and were walking into a massacre. Those poor souls had not a chance in hell, for you see, they didn't realize that the more a Bobby ate, the stronger and faster it. Or that these monsters had been feeding for days.

By the end of the month, the town was empty of anybody that before could have been considered human. Once the Bobbies realized that they decimated their livestock, they had moved on to bigger and better places. Now, is this a true story? Who knows? The tale gets more outrageous the farther out west one goes.

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