《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 19: The start of his plan


The white carriage trudges through the dirt path as the knights and mages followed with their own wooden carriage. It was a bright morning but a little windy as the branches swings while the leaves flutter. An awkward silence remained in the carriage as Melissa is sleeping with her head slump on Cellica’s shoulder. Cellica meanwhile is casually sipping tea while reading a book named the origins of magic.

Deciding to break the silence, Kyle spoke “My lady, what heroic tales can you tell us?”

Cellica glance at him with a passive expression before smiling gently as she closes the book before putting it on the table.

“Well, let’s see. I once killed a 5 headed hydra while protecting a small village near my fiefdom. It was too strong even for me as its head breathes fire and poison everywhere. Luckily i have this girl so we were able to set it on fire and killing it. Honestly, it was tiring but seeing the smile and happiness of my people removed my own fatigue” she smiled warmly before sipping an aromatic tea.

“How about yourself? Sir Roland must have tales of adventures no?’ she suggested.

“No no, i’m indeed trained myself in a way of the spears but i was not as talented as my brothers so i decided to study instead. " Kyle said with a convincing lie. Cellica can see the calluses in his hand so there is no point in lying that he didn’t know how to fight.

“But my guard here has many tales of adventures. He’s skilled with both magic and the art of the sword. He was once a normal citizen before joining the militia test. Once we found out that he was talented. We quickly hired him and ever since then. He has been always my guard” Kyle smiled before glancing at Isaac who is feeling irritated but he cannot let the others suspect their identity.

“My name is Deriam Kalmos. As Sir Roland stated, i was but a normal citizen before joining the soldiers. There was a time where i needed to fend off countless assassinations for Sir Roland. In one dark evening, ten assassins manage to break inside the mansion. Luckily, i was able to hear footsteps outside my room. They mistook the room since i sleep in the room just beside Sir Roland’s room. I burst through the door before wielding my sword as the 5 of them attacked me at once. Using my sword arts and technique, i was able to kill and fend them off just to get hit by a poisoned arrow in the thigh. 3 black hooded figures suddenly jumped towards me but i was able to knock one with my elbow before finishing him off. With my weakened body, i was able to fend the assassinations before losing consciousness from my wounds” Isaac said with confidence in his voice as Cellica clapped her hands in awe.

“How brave of you Sir Deriam. Would you mind sparring with me once we reached the capital?” Cellica asked with a smile. Isaac wanted to say yes but he can see the reluctance on Kyle’s face.

“Forgive me but my job is to protect Sir Roland” Isaac said

“I see..well i hope we can spar on a later date” she replied with a disappointed tone. Kyle secretly flashes a thumbs up at Isaac.

“But you know, lying isn’t a good thing Sir Roland and Sir Deriam or should i say, Isaac and Kyle!” Cellica quickly wielded her sacred weapons while aiming at Isaac’s neck. Kyle was panicking about how she was able to learn their identity. He gritted his teeth as he sneakily summoned a black cube behind his back.


“I will never forget your voice you insolent prick!” Cellica started pushing the tip of the rapier on Isaac’s neck as blood started dripping out. He deactivated the blood rot since it might just burn his clothing. Kyle was more confused, they were using a voice changer function on the mask.

“Now now, how about we settle this like a civilize person shall we” Kyle tried calming the situation.

“Ohh, impressive. We come in without our weapons and you welcome us inside your carriage but now you aimed your weapon at me. We entered here with no malice but here you are. Attacking like a hypocrite that you are” Isaac smirked as Cellica pushed deeper. Quickly, Kyle stands up with his spear faced at Cellica’s head.

“You can’t attack us since we are the envoys of the witch of calamity. We will just silently leave” Kyle suggested but a sudden force blows him off the carriage as a red hair flutters in the air with a red aura surrounding her. A fierce fight is gonna erupt as Mellisaa charged forward. Meanwhile, inside the carriage, a silent but unnerving battle is happening

“Let me ask you, why are so intended on killing us. We never tried killing the both of you nor getting in the way of your goals whatever it may be.” Isaac asked while smiling. Behind his back is a small violet blood spike that he can use if Cellica really tried killing him.

“If you kill us, the witch of calamity can use this as a bargaining chip to use in negotiations and she may even use it as a source of war” Isaac added as he activated the eye of truth and revealing a blue hologram in front of him

[Cellica Von Venir]

Strongest stat: Agility (B)

Weakest stat: VItality (D-)

Most Dangerous spell: Dragon Breath (Wind)

Most Dangerous skill: Wxaq!12423sLoiSSK

Warning! the Eye of Truth can only reveal this information since the user has low proficiency.

Weakness: Quick and surprising attacks are effective against her. Her low constitution means that she cannot fight long-lasting battles.

The information is quite useful but it seems that the weakness is only based on her stats and not on her skillsets, spells, arts, technique, style, and talent. Isaac glance at her necklace made of white crystals and black shining gems. Just a glance from it and Isaac is sure that it’s an expensive artifact as well as her red metal bracelets engraved with symbols.

[Ledia’s Promise]

The first queen’s necklace given by the first king of Demer Kingdom before his demise in the battle of blood river against the Lederion Kingdom and the Axis of Darkness. The first Queen Ledia promised that if he survived, she will offer all of her body and soul to the king but the first king never return. As the queen weeps for years before dying.

Spell Speed +3

Spell Empower +3

Double Cast +1

Skill: Tears of Protection (Heales the user for a large amount depending on the sorrow of the user and removes any debuffs and buffs instantly. Can be used 2 times a day)

‘That means that my poison blood spike wouldn’t work, this might be the reason why she doesn’t flinch even when Kyle aimed his spear at her neck. ' Isaac pondered as he continued on glancing at her. Anger quickly rose in Cellica’s heart as she leaned closer to Isaac with her eyes flickering in anger.

“Are you done gazing at my body? not only are cursed weapon wielders evil. They are also lustful demons” she looked at Isaac full of disgust and repulsion.


“Must be pretty nice having artifacts that can cover your weakness” Isaac said while smirking. This irritated Cellica that she started thinking if killing would be better than kidnapping these two cursed weapon users.

“Now, i see that you don’t intend on killing me unlike the last time. What is your plan?” Isaac asked

“I’ll torture you slowly and painfully before killing you and dumping your corpse to the ocean so the fish can at least make use of you” Cellica spat with anger in her tone not befitting of an elegant woman nor an heir of a nobility.

Isaac is starting to think if using the title would be alright since it’s getting annoying hearing a woman full of anger that is directed at him.

‘Don’t use the title yet, we need their help on the next place i’m planning to go’ Kyle’s voice echoed inside his mind. Isaac sighed before leaning on his seat while casually gazing at the window as the sound of weapon clashing ranged outside the carriage.

“Hey! what are you doing?” Cellica asked, her rapier still pointed at Isaac’s neck.

“Relaxing, can’t you see? can you give me a cup of tea?” Isaac asked without taking his eyes off the window

“You!!” in anger, Cellica throws the hot cup of tea towards Isaac as he dodged before kicking the table down, spilling the contents of the tea and spoiling the cupcakes.

“Kyle wanted to talk to you, so i don’t plan on ruining the chances of that happening. Forgive me if i offended you but you should at least respect me…” Issac said as he gripped the rapier as violet blood starting dripping off of his hands. His eyes are full of fury as he glared at Cellica. The violet blood started turning to blood spikes aimed at Cellica. Without casting, its weaker than his usual blood spikes but his blood can rot other beings. Even with the necklace, Cellica would still be forced to back away if the fight happened.

“I was taught that all cursed weapons wielders are demons hiding in human skin. As a kingdom allied with the light, all demons and evil artifacts must be purged and destroyed”

“Is the Lederion Kingdom allied with the light?” Isaac asked

“Why the hell would i tell you?” Cellica scoffed

“Because they are hiding 5 cursed weapons, well 3 since we were forced to wield the sword and the spear.” Isaac shrugged

“What?! How is that possible? after that war in the human continent, all the human kingdoms are allied with the light faction. It’s not possible to hide it from the church nor the church would allow that thing to exist”

“How naive, the priests are even helping them in sealing the weapons and if there are otherworlders without a class. They would weaken the demonic aura so the otherworlders can try controlling it but it’s almost impossible. You should ask Kyle, he’s more knowledgeable than me about that stuff”

“So if i assume that what you said is true then it means that you are an ego, a demon imprisoned inside a cursed weapon. Then i really need to kill you now or rather the otherworlder’s body you are controlling” Cellica pulled back her rapier before stabbing Isaac’s chest only to be deflected by a jagged katana thrown in the middle of them. Quickly, Isaac grabbed the katana before slashing forward but Cellica easily parried his strike to the side before stabbing once again. Isaac quickly lowered his head as the rapier pierced the empty air before penetrating the wall of the carriage.

“Stop!!” Kyle shouted but Cellica quickly grabbed Isaac’s wrist before pulling him towards her before revealing a small sharp knife on her fingers as she aimed it at Isaac’s neck. The rapier is still stuck on the wall of the carriage.

“You stop, i will quickly kill your demon friend if you don’t drop your weapon” she threatened

“Let’s make a deal, how about it?” Kyle said without dropping the spear

“I don’t make a deal towards demons, i vanquish them” she said while glaring at Kyle.

“Wha? How in the world did you think were demons? Is there any sign of us having a demonic aura? no, the only thing that has a demonic aura is our weapons. I sealed the ego of this spear while Isaac seems to weakened and forcefully hibernated the ego of his katana. " Kyle explained

“Isaac says that its almost impossible to control the cursed weapons”

“Oh so you’re believing him? but you don’t believe us when we said that we are not demons”

“I’m only assuming it, it doesn’t mean i believe him but i didn’t say that its outright lies because my information regarding the cursed weapons are limited”

“What do you want us to do to prove that we are not being controlled?” Kyle asked

“Kill yourself” Cellica spat with anger in her voice

“Not only naive but also childish, i worry for your people once you become the head of your family” Isaac butted in but Cellica was not having it as she shoves the knife in Isaac’s thigh before revealing another knife. Surprisingly, Isaac didn’t scream or even react to pain.

‘Hey idiot, react like you’re in pain. She would be more suspicious if you just shrugged a knife coated in pain enhancer’ Kyle voiced rang insides Isaac’s mind as he sighed.

“Aghhhhh!! it hurts!!” Isaac shouted but his expression remained uncaring and deadpan. It’s like he is just shouting just for fun or when someone is shouting in pain but he also shouted, mocking the person itself.

“Ignore that idiot, he has a talent of pissing other people off. The deal I’m giving you is the only way you can revenge your dead father”

“How am i sure that what you’re saying is true and what if the both of you killed my father after all” Cellica says while glaring at Kyle.

“Come on, there’s no way we can kill your father with our current strength and we just arrived in this world” Kyle explained but Cellica looked like she doesn’t believe what he’s saying.

“This is my proposition. I will give you information on who and where you can kill the killer of your father and i’ll help you but after that, you and your maid must become our companion " Kyle said

“Let’s make a pledge if you really mean it but my maid has nothing to do with it so leave her alone.” Cellica said before releasing Isaac. It might be the only chance she has of avenging his father.

“No! Your father would be hurt if he sees that you are making a pledge to demon just to avenge him. I won’t allow it!” Melissa shouted but Cellica didn’t look her way and just bit her lip as her eyes flickered with sadness and sorrow as tears are forming in her eyes.

“I…i will avenge my father no matter what…whatever the consequences, i will do it. I can’t allow someone who killed father to live peacefully” she gritted her teeth while tears slowly fall on her cheek.

“Forgive me but we also needed your maid” Kyle said

“What?! i won’t allow someone to sacrifice themself for my selfish revenge” Cellica said with determination in her eyes

“So you can forget about avenging your father” Kyle said harshly

“Ah!..no…please..you can do anything with my body, make me a slave just help me take revenge on the killer of my father” she grits her teeth but her fist shakes in humiliation and anger, still she would do anything, no matter the consequences.

“I won’t allow Cellica to fall to your hands demon!” Melissa charged forward to Kyle as she revealed a claw on her hands before striking Kyle in the chest. Kyle deflected the strike before stabbing forward but Melissa twisted her body to dodge the attack before jumping back. Her eyes were full of anger.

“No, i don’t want your body. What i needed is your strength…. Both of you.., i need your strength to face the disasters” Kyle said seriously with a hint of fear and desperation in his voice that Cellica and Melissa were taken aback. They can sense that he was not lying.

“I see. We’ll take this conversation once we reach my mansion in the capital but i won’t take my eyes off the both of you. If you do something suspiciously. I kill the both of you. " she glared before gesturing to follow her inside the carriage as Melissa followed her. Isaac walked closer to Kyle.

“Is this a success?, i was holding myself to stop my instinct of killing the both of them so you better not waste my patience” he whispered but Kyle smiled before shrugging

“What am i? a seer, someone who can see the future? i’m not sure if it’s a success but it doesn’t mean we failed. " Kyle whispered back as they followed inside the carriage once again.

‘I mean, i am indeed a seer” Kyle’s laughter rang inside Isaac’s head as he glared at Kyle.

‘This is your punishment for pissing me off” Kyle smiled happily

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