《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 15: Tower of Insanity (Part 4)


“Hey, how many heroes are there?” Isaac asked in the middle of the day as both of them started eating. Kyle summoned some chairs for them to sit down outside of their tents. Kyle chews the food that he is eating before gulping as he opened his mouth to speak.

“There are 21 heroes currently” Kyle returned on eating the hot stew made of meats and vegetables that can be found on Earth. With the summoning of otherworlders, not all of them received a combat class. Some received a manufacturing class such as farmer or merchant. Using the knowledge from the earth, they recreated things that can be found on earth such as compass, telescopes, glasses, and styles of clothing that people use on the earth. While some of them attempted to find animals that can be easy to reproduce and find while having the tasty flavor of meat that can be found on Earth. There are also condiments created such as soy sauce, cream, cheese and etc that the people living in Aleria happily consumed and bought.

Some attempted to create guns but this mostly fails since there is a specific class only given to the otherworlders that are allowed to recreate guns and add magic to it. This helped the otherworlders who were summoned to have a life despite the dangerous world of Aleria.

“That’s a lot” Isaac muttered while staring at the steak made of cow-like animals found on Aleria. It tastes like a cow and it has a similar texture but the animal is twice as large while having the strength to knock down trees.

“Yeah, but a hero doesn’t mean they are the strongest people in the world destined to kill the demon king” Kyle sips some of the soup while grabbing a piece of meat using his spoon before eating it.

“They are just people who luckily received the class hero in birth or when summoned. Their advantage is that they have the highest talent and affinity to a single weapon or magic type. They also level up faster than normal people” Kyle said before finishing the bowl of stew. A satisfied smile appeared on his face before he summoned a glass full of water and drank it.

“I see, another question. Why do we have to say what type of spell, art or technique, and the name?”

“Because it’s cooler!” Kyle smiled as he gave a thumbs up. Isaac was baffled before clearing his throat and glaring at Kyle.

“Fine! i’m just joking” Kyle laughed before raising his index finger with a serious look on his face.

“The voice of the world or let’s say the status is like a computer. What we type on the keyboard, the computer will analyze it and by using a code. It can decipher it and it will appear on the screen. It’s like that. We tell our spells so the status can decipher it and activate the necessary resources such as our aura, mana, lifeforce, or the power of cursed weapons to create the spell automatically. That’s why just by reading books and understanding them can we use the spell, art, and techniques. One of the things that status decides whether someone can use a specific spell is by talent, affinity, items, artifacts, and understanding of the element. An ice mage cannot suddenly use fire magic just because he read a book. A swordsman can’t use spear art because he is using a sword. This is the most basic basis for the status if one can use the art or spell they wanted.” Kyle explained seriously as Isaac nodded.


Isaac was always confused about why people shout or tell what their gonna do next. Most of the spell names are pretty self-explanatory that’s why he was more baffled why they tell the names. It’s like shouting what they are gonna do next.

“Does that mean I can’t use any spells other than blood magic?”

“No, but it would be weaker than your blood magic. You received the paragon of blood magic so using a different kind of spells will be harder and it will be weaker for you” Kyle suggested

“I see… how many spells do you have?”

“5, the portal, the beam, the storage, the dark sweep and the annihilation” Kyle answered

“We should rest since after we take down the goblin king, the alpha werewolf will mark us, and hiding would be useless” Kyle entered the tent, leaving Isaac outside. Isaac started to get excited once again.

‘I hope the werewolf won’t disappoint since i will be testing it’ Isaac smiled as a blue holographic screen appeared in front of him.

[The Katana Art: Blood Slash has been perfected. Would you like to upgrade it?]


[Please wait……]

[Katana Art: Blood Slash has been upgraded to the Forbidden Katana Art: Rapid Laceration]

Forbidden arts are dangerous since it consumes the user’s health instead of aura or mana. This kind of art is shunned and scorned by the people since it originates from demons and other evil races such as vampires, laracia, and the ogres. The forbidden arts may be dangerous to the user but it’s also stronger than other weapon arts. It is sharper, more refined, and deadly art. The forbidden arts of Laracia, are most popular to warriors and otherworlders who don’t care about their reputation since the drawback only reduces their health for a certain amount in exchange for a sure kill weapon arts. A simple art called the quick draw can be upgraded to lightning draw which can be used to kill enemies faster and without them noticing. A swift movement of their hand until they grip the hilt of their swords before a glint of light appears and killing anyone near them. This is why forbidden art users are dangerous to themself and to others.

Once someone is known to be a forbidden art user, fear and disgust will emanate from the people surrounding them. This is the life of people who will do anything to become stronger and Isaac will be one of them. He doesn’t care what other people think of him, even if he becomes the enemy or hero of humanity. As long as he can get stronger and achieve his goals then he would sacrifice anything.

A couple of hours later, the surrounding area is starting to get dimmer and darker. Isaac and Kyle reached out and opened their tent to look outside. Kyle yawned before stretching his arms while Isaac cracked his neck and his knuckle. They looked around nonchalantly like they are going for a walk. After absorbing the tents and chairs, the dark cube started floating near Kyle as the both of them started climbing down the cliff.

There is a lack of light in the town of goblins since there are no torches around. Still, there are at least 30 goblins walking and patrolling the perimeter. Each of them wielding swords and spears. Isaac and Kyle sneaked silently as they make their way into one of the houses.

Using the dark cube, Kyle summoned a scroll with unique symbols and magical markings. The symbols glowed a red hue as Kyle opened it before a large fire gushes out of the scroll. It burned all the surrounding houses as the goblins screeched while covering their eyes. The black smoke quickly surrounded the area which provided them some cover as they quickly moved towards the castle. While the goblins are busy rolling in the ground and covering their eyes. Isaac killed some of them as the blood started floating around him. Kyle on the other hand has reached the castle. With his hand outstretched and aimed at the castle as the sound of snoring is coming from the inside. A smirk appeared on his face.


“Chaos Magic: Annihilation” the familiar black orb started floating in front of Kyle’s palm. A large surge of pulling force started to happen as the surrounding grass, stones and the limestones of the castle started ripping itself as the black orb started absorbing it. A loud roar pierces Kyle’s ear but luckily he was prepared for it as he was covering his ear. The goblin king has finally noticed the black orb that is slowly becoming larger, as a part of the castle walls is ripped from the building itself. Debris and other materials started raining on the goblin king as every movement of his sways the dilapidated castle. Walls started crashing on it and the ceiling is crumbling before falling on the goblin king. The goblin king roared once again only to be crushed by the weight of the ceiling. Killing it in the process

Blood covered the debris of the castle as the town was deadly silent. The fire is still engulfing the houses but all of the goblins suddenly vanish like they were not suppose to exist. Isaac walked towards Kyle with blood floating around his body. A loud howl echoed through the burning town while under the moonlight, shadows of wolves appeared in the cliff where Isaac and Kyle rested. There are 5 large brown wolves snarling at both of them. In the back is a silver wolf with horns on its head, a flash of lightning crackles around it while its iris glows a dark violet color.

It howled once before the 5 brown wolves charged at both Isaac and Kyle while the silver wolf remained on the cliff.

“Chaos Magic: Dark Beam 5x” Kyle opened his palm while aiming at the wolves descending on the cliff. Five violet rays of light rushed towards the wolves. The wolf on the front was punctured by the rays of light in its chest and on its hind legs as it tumbled towards the ground as blood flies in the air. The next wolf was able to dodge by sidestepping but the other wolves were not lucky as they were pierced in the chest and the head. Killing 4 out of 5 wolves.

The silver wolf merely gazed at its dying subjects while staying on top of the cliff. Isaac rushed the remaining wolf as it tries on clawing him but Isaac jumped back to dodge before rushing once again only to pierce it by his katana before slashing downwards. Cutting it into half as all of the blood started floating towards him. Making a small bloody mist surrounding Isaac.

The silver wolf howled again and another five brown wolves appeared before descending to the plains.

“This alpha werewolf is cunning, it can continuously summon more wolves until we got tired and injured before finishing the job. We also can’t climb back up since it can create lightning strikes to hit us. We also can’t retreat since they can track us easily” Kyle muttered before striking his spear towards the brown wolf, piercing it before pushing it deeper. He removed the spear out of the carcass as another brown wolf lunges with its fangs bared at him but he simply aimed the point of the spear to its mouth. Piercing it from the mouth to the back of its head.

“What do we do?”

“Don’t worry” Kyle summoned a scroll out of its dark cube before opening it. A bright red glowed inside of the scroll and also at the cliff. A smirk appeared on his face before touching the center of the scroll as a large explosion blow off the side cliff. The silver wolf was surprised and baffled as it tries to claw back on top before the ground breaks apart. The silver wolf falls to the debris made of rocks and ground. A wound and bruises on its back appeared as small patches of blood started leaking from its back.

The silver wolf glared at the both of them before howling and charging forward with lightning covering all of its furs. Allowing it to move at a swift speed.

“Chaos Magic: Dark Beam 10x”

“Blood Magic: Blood Spike 7x”

Red spikes made of blood and violet beams of light barraged the wolf back to the debris as it was being pushed back. The wolf howled before a lightning barrier appeared around it, destroying all of the blood spikes and dark beam.

“Dragon Spear Art: Dragon’s Might” a black dragon manifested on Kyle’s spear as it charged forwards towards the wolf. The lightning barely damages the black dragon as it rips and tears the wolf. Still, the wolf fought back as it clawed and bites the black dragon.

“Forbidden Katana Art: Rapid Laceration” Isaac crouched with both of his hands on the hilt of the katana. A red glow appeared on the katana’s edge as Isaac swings the katana so fast that it seems like he only swung the katana once. 6 jagged shockwaves the size of the 2 meters wide flashed briefly before the portion of the cliff and the surrounding area were sliced in half as the cliff collapses. The spear quickly returned to Kyle’s hands as the silver wolf was cut into 6 different pieces before a large part of the cliff falls down towards the carcass. Leaving a trail of debris and smoke.

Isaac feels like his arms are ripped apart as it dangles lifelessly. Dropping the katana while his hands are trembling. Bruises and cuts appeared on his palms as blood started dripping on his arms.

“Blood Magic: Absorb Blood” Isaac weakly muttered as the blood mist around him was absorbed, revealing a red glow on Isaac’s arm and hands as the bruises, wounds, cuts and broken bones were slowly being healed. After his arms were healed, he crouched down to pick the katana as he swings it a couple of times to check if his arms are fully healed.

“What the hell was that?!” Kyle shouted in anger as he walked towards Isaac before grabbing the collar of his shirt. He glared at him full of anger and frustration.

“What? a new weapon art that I created” Isaac looked at him with an aloof and uncaring expression. Kyle released his hands from Isaac’s collar before attempting to punch him only for Kyle to stop midway. All throughout it, Isaac merely stared at Kyle

“Why would you care if i use a forbidden weapon art?” Isaac pushed Kyle’s fist away from his face before tidying his collar.

“You won’t realize it yourself and you will also not believe why i cared” Kyle sighed

‘It’s because of your ability to sacrifice even yourself to achieve your goal, you will continue delving deeper into the forbidden knowledge…until you regret your whole life just like the past me’

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