《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 12: Tower of insanity (Part 1)


From the other side of the portal, both Isaac and Kyle surveyed the area. What surrounded them is a grassland plain with a dirt road further north. Isaac used his mask again before wrapping his katana in the tattered sealing fabric. Noticing that no monsters are around, they decided to head towards the dirt road leading south. It seems that they luckily teleported in front of Melissa’s group and towards the city of Leylin where the tower of insanity is situated.

After walking silently for an hour, Isaac broke the silence

“Why did you not try attacking them back?”

“You didn’t even use any of your chaos magic” Isaac continued.

“She was the wind hero and she has that strong beastkin maid, we wouldn’t win. It’s better to escape instead” Kyle replied

“No, we can kill them. I’ve studied most of what you can do and based on that. We can kill the wind hero first before moving to the beastkin”

“You don’t understand, that beastkin has a special skill which can make her stronger the angrier she is. The worse is that it has no limit. The wind hero has a myriad of wind techniques and wind spells at her disposal. She comes from a knight nobility, meaning that she was trained at a young age. Her armor is also full of anti-magic properties which weaken most of our spells towards her.” Kyle explained. Although they can fight back and kill the wind hero and the maid, which takes away any chance of revenge. He doesn’t want to do it simply because the retaliation of the kingdom would be too annoying for him to deal with. Killing a sacred weapon wielder is like killing an army. It would weaken their forces. Besides, he wanted to recruit the wind hero since she has the highest potential of all heroes blessed with sacred weapons. He also wanted to recruit the beastkin called Cellica, the future traitor of the world.

Although he doesn’t know why Cellica joined forces with the gods. It might be because she was promised to revive Melissa who was killed by the Blood Emperor Isaac. It was an unfortunate battle since Melissa and her group tried liberating the people of Lederion Kingdom by the Blood Emperor only to fail and die. In his past life, Isaac was a prideful selfish tyrant who only thinks for himself and his goals. He was so prideful that he wouldn’t bow to anyone, even the gods. Now, instead of fighting alone. He would gather strong allies and change the fate of the villains like what he did to Isaac. If he didn’t interfere and saved him, Isaac would still be in the Lederion Kingdom. Chained and tortured until he swears allegiance to the king and gaining deep hatred to the kingdom. Looking at Isaac who stayed silent. Isaac still has a hatred for the kingdom but with the kindness of others, he might not become a tyrant in the future.

“I see, i guess it’s better to run away than fight since we wouldn’t get anything from fighting them.” Isaac contemplated.

“That’s right, it’s also annoying if we will get chased by another kingdom” Kyle smiled under his mask as Isaac nodded.

“So let’s go! we need to receive that title so we can run away easily” Kyle said with an excited tone on his voice.

Inside the white carriage, Cellica and Mellisa sat in front of each other. Melissa drinks some tea before gazing outside the window. She can hear a sigh beside her as she turned around and looked at Cellica.


“Forgive me, my lady. I was not able to kill that man” Cellica said while gazing at the floor.

“It’s alright, i also didn’t kill him. That bastard!” Melissa said as she breaks the teacup in anger. Blood started dripping from her hand as Cellica quickly wrapped her hand in a bandage. Her eyes full of anger quickly soothes as she smiled at the panicked Cellica

“Idiot~ why would i need a bandage if the mage can just heal it” Cellica laughed with her hand covering her mouth

“Hey! i’m just worried” Cellica pouted as she returned to her seat as she chuckles

“It would be hard to find them now, we can only wait for them at the banquet” Melissa sighed

“Is it really alright to kill them? i heard that egos would kill anyone they see but they didn’t use any magic except when they retreated” Cellica said

“You don’t understand Cellica, they are weaker than us at the moment so they retreated. The stronger the cursed weapons are, the more cunning and smart the egos are” Melissa explained. The terrifying bloodlust that has come out from that ego is too strong that she is still shaking in fear from that encounter.

“I see..”

‘Besides, i can’t stop them from entering the kingdom since they will be the envoy of the witch of calamity. I planned on kidnapping them and torturing them to know who killed my father but i didn’t expect that he can cast another portal. The worse is, since the one who is controlling the space sphere become terrified by that bloodlust they were able to get away’ Melissa clicked her tongue before gazing at the window as the grass outside flows with the air of the plains.

After days and days of walking, killing bandits and monsters. The tired and fatigue Kyle and Isaac have finally reached the city of Leylin. With their identities as the shadows, the guards are too terrified to ask for them to stop from entering the city. Since they know that the shadow is all skilled assassins and trusted by the kingdoms. They didn’t ask for their card of residence or permission to enter the city. This is why Kyle uses the shadow’s identity since if he entered the city gates. They would be asked why he doesn’t have any card or permission, where he comes from, what is his purpose in coming to the city, and so forth and so on. It would take days and they might not be able to enter the city anyway. There are only a month before the banquet and at that time, they need to reach and beat the 25th-floor boss.

“Let’s go Isaac” Kyle said as they make their way to the bustling city and through the market where different kinds of food, clothes, and accessories.

“Sir, let me buy one of these meat skewers” Kyle can hear Isaac’s voice behind him. Quickly he turned around to see Isaac gazing at one of the meat skewers as the owner looked terrified at Isaac. Without failure, the owner quickly gave 3 meat skewers to Isaac but Isaac wouldn’t budge since he didn’t pay yet

“w-warrior, please it’s alright. Th-this is free just f-for you” the owner fumbled in his words as his eyes are covered with fear. A masked man with the emblem of the shadow etched at the mask while having a sealed jagged katana. Anyone would be terrified as Kyle shakes his head

“It’s fine, since this man says that it’s free” Kyle said as he grabbed another meat skewers before walking away. Glancing at the owner, Isaac followed Kyle as they head towards the tower of insanity with meat skewers in their hand with their mask lifted upwards just enough to eat.


After heading deeper to the city, in the middle of the city is a black tower that reaches the clouds. Adventurers and templars surrounded the tower as tourists gaze at the majestic tower of insanity. With stores left and right, it seems that it was a safe tourist attraction rather than the tower of the former demon king. Still, since no one can enter besides cursed weapon users and demonkin. The security is pretty tight since they are classified as the forces of evil. A lot of demonkin attempted to enter only to be blocked by the templars and even if they were able to enter. No one has ever returned back. So there have been no demonkins attempting to enter the tower ever since.

“We should head to an inn to take a rest, we will enter the tower once it’s nighttime” Kyle said while glancing at the tower before looking around for an inn.

After reaching the inn, Kyle and Isaac gazed at the terrified owner of the inn. The inn was a wooden medieval large house with tables and chairs on the first floor and rooms on the second floor. It is clean and there are merchants and normal people eating in the first floor

“How much for a night? ” Kyle asked. Luckily some bandits tried attacking them but they were weaker than the knights so they easily killed them. Moreover, they have a couple of gold and silver in their pocket which solves their lack of money. Since the bandits didn’t know that the mask Isaac and Kyle use is an emblem of the shadow organization, they didn’t hesitate in robbing them.

“20 c-coppers per night per r-room” the owner said with a forced smile

“So 40 coppers, hmm..i have a silver coin” Kyle said as he handed the silver coin to the inn’s owner. Terrified, the owner quickly gives them 60 coppers in a bag before giving their keys to the room.

There are 5 currencies in this world. Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Royal Gold. Most of them come in the shape of coins. 1 Royal gold is equivalent to 10 platinum coins, 1 platinum coin is equivalent to 100 gold coins, 1 gold coin is equivalent to 100 silver and one silver is equal to 100 copper coins. Royal Gold coins are only used by the kings and high nobles, while the richest merchants mostly use platinum and gold coins but for the normal citizen. They mostly use copper coins and occasionally use silver coins.

“Second f-floor, number 9 for you sir, and number 10 for you sir” The owner gave the key to Kyle and to Isaac before the both of them headed upstairs.

“Remember, once I knocked on your door three times. You need to wake up” Kyle reminded before entering his room as Isaac nodded. Isaac opened to door to be greeted by a bed, a couple of chairs, a desk, and a wooden closet. The smell of wood covers the entire room as the sound of weak inaudible creaking noises can be heard every time he steps in the room. There is a large open wooden window facing the black tower as he sees the citizens walking around and doing their business.

He turned his head towards the bed as he sat in it. He lays the sealed katana in the bed before laying down. Closing his eyes, after days of travel he can finally sleep in peace.

Three knocks are coming through the wooden door as Isaac sees that the moon is finally in the sky. With a stretch and a grunt, he grabbed the katana before heading outside the door to see Kyle.

“Let’s go, i already brought food and water for 2 months with the money we got from the bandits. " Kyle said with a serious tone. Isaac nodded as they headed downstairs.

The streets were quiet and the stores are all close. Torches are the only sources of light as the templars patrolled the area. Isaac and Kyle moved quickly, using the shadows of the trees and buildings to hide as they made their way to the tower. In front of the gate, 5 templars are guarding it. Seeing this, they quietly moved closer. Once Kyle can be certain that his spell would hit, he dashes forward and leaving the spear to Isaac. The templars were surprised as they raised their weapons. Kyle stopped in front of them before he stretched his arms sideways and opened his palm.

“Chaos Magic: Dark Sweep” he muttered before a black ring appeared around his body. With a terrifying speed, the black ring expanded hitting the templars. The sickening sound of armor being pierced and the shout of pain coming from the templars jolted Isaac forward as he rushes towards them. He unsealed his katana as it revealed its jagged spikes.

“Katana arts: Blood slash” the blood converges around his blade as he swings forward creating a red shockwave towards the templars where the dark sweep hits them and splitting them into two as the blood flies in the air as a clinking of their armors hitting the ground and the thud from hitting their bodies to the ground can be heard. Isaac looked at the corpses calmly as he moved past them.

“Let’s go” Isaac said before Kyle followed him.

The swing gate is made with bars of unknown black material. Past the gate is a large opening with stairs heading up. Kyle slowly opens the gate as there is no response. Usually, anyone trying to enter will be pushed by a magical force but the gate opens without any resistance as a loud piercing squeaky sound nearly destroyed their ears. While covering his ears, Kyle quickly noticed that the templars are rushing towards them.

“Open the door for those who wish to challenge the tower of insanity” a disembodied gruff and rough voice echoed in their ears. Without hesitation, Isaac opened the door as both of them were teleported inside the tower. Before the templars can catch them, the gate shut itself as the magic barrier is in place.

The tower is made of black stone bricks with molds and vines scattered in the walls. Skeleton bones are littered to the floor and old blood stains cover most of the stone floor. The smell of putrid lingers in the room as there are corpses lying on the ground. The torches are lit with fire as it provides light. A dark and brooding atmosphere circled around the room.

“Welcome to the first floor” the same ragged voice said out of nowhere

“Kill 100 skeletons to proceed” the voice continued as the sound of grinding and creaking bones can be heard in front of them. A minute later, 5 skeletons walked slowly with dilapidated and broken swords, with a low growl they charge forward and signaling the start of the challenge.

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