《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》Chapter 1 : The beginning


Inside a dark room, a young man, barely in his early twenties, sat at his desk, staring intensely into his computer monitor. His fingers typed furiously while his hand swiftly moved his mouse.

A few minutes later, the man stopped typing in the keyboard and with his palm, he rested his head before a sighed escapes from his mouth. A bored expression with his seemingly lifeless eyes.

He muttered “This sucks, i’m bored. This is supposed to be a summer vacation without class but..i really wish i transmigrated to another world where magic exists. Such a boring life” before his eyes, a white beaming light that blinds him erupted from nowhere as he is forced to close his eyes.

Slowly, he opens his eyes to see himself nowhere in his usual room and instead in a medieval lavish mansion-like interior room. He looked around to see other confused people like him. Ranging from a high school student to a late 50‘s grandpa. With different faces, ethnicity, and gender.

There seems to be about 50 to 60 people around him, standing while grabbing their heads or protecting their eyes using their hands and arms. He notices a statue in front of him made of stone and single multi-colored gem necklace hanging on it’s neck. A statue of a beautiful woman with flowing robes that seems to flutter in the wind with a determined expression on it’s face.

Isaac feels like the statue is so lifelike, the statue is very well made with no signs of cracks or any damage. Isaac notices that the people started whispering and muttering to themselves.

Suddenly, knights adorned with iron-plated armor and a claymore strapped at their belts can be seen surrounding the people. Some people started complaining while others started demanding an explanation. Slow but steady footsteps can be heard echoing in the room.

The people shuts their mouth and started to survey the red knight walking with his hand on the pommel of his zweihander. A domineering and crushing pressure descended on the people. Instantly, the people fall to their knees gritting their teeth from the unbearing pressure and some more weak people were pushed to the ground.

“Otherworlders, this is a warning. Complain and be forced to the ground, annoy me and i’ll cut your limb and lastly those who don’t follow my orders will be killed” the red knight said with a rough voice.

The people started nodding their heads without even a single complaint. It seems that strength revolves around the world and Isaac will learn it a hard way.

“Now, one by one. Tell me what your class is” This baffled many people including Isaac, still, he calmed himself before remembering the games he played, animes he watched, and novels that he read.

‘If this is like an anime- splash, a bright red liquid course through the air and the decapitated head of a man in a suit flew for a second before falling to the ground. Isaac’s eyes widened and a sudden urge to vomit overwhelm him followed by shrieks and screams of people around him.


Some tried to run only to be blocked by knights while some vomited to the side. Shivering, he stopped himself from vomiting and tried to think calmly before muttering in a quiet voice.

“S-status..” A bright blue transparent hologram appeared in front of him.

Name: Isaac Jackson

Age: 20

Class: None

Level: 1

Major stats:

Strength: G-

Vitality: G-

Agility: G

Intelligence: G

Mentality: G+

Charisma: G

Minor stats: None

Skills: None

Traits: Vengeful, Caring, Calm Mind

Talents: Minor weapon affinity

He felt like the world crumbled around him. He felt anxious and fear so strong that his mind can barely keep itself. With the mix of the smell of blood and the screams and wails of the people around him. He shivered at the thought of death befalling unto him. Again, he tried to compose himself only to feel despair and the cold breath of death.

“My-my class is magic swordsman” a frail high schooler meekly leaked out. Quickly the red knight noticed it and appears directly behind the teen. Before touching his nape and a faint blue light emerged out of the finger of the red knight

“Nice kid! you’re gonna be a strong knight in the future” The red knight laughed while the people stayed silent in fear of angering him.

“Knight number 556 and 249, escort this kid outside. Make sure he’s safe” two knights emerged from the encirclement and knocked the kid out with what seems to be magic before carrying him while the other one stayed close to them.

They headed to the room where the knights entered before disappearing from the view.

“It’s easy right? shout status and you’ll see what your class is” the red knight snickered.

“Mine says Mage”

“I’m a sorcerer”

“my class is swordsman” Dozens of people stated their class and were preemptively knocked out before being escorted outside. The red knight made sure to touch their napes with his hand and the same blue light emerged before ordering the knights.

‘It seems that thing that he is doing is detecting if they lied or not. Maybe we can only see our status but not the knights.’

“My class is named soldier” a middle-aged man with a large stomach that the brown suit that he is wearing is about to be ripped suddenly shouted.

As expected, the red knight suddenly appeared behind him. Instead of blue light, a crimson red appeared and without hesitation. He grabbed the man’s neck before snapping it. The lifeless corpse weakly falls to the ground with blood splattering everywhere and a sickening thud can be heard.

“Lie and you will die, a nice rhyme if you ask me” the red knight’s laugh echoed through the room.

A couple of minutes later, more people followed suit and said their class. No one dared to lie again after witnessing that. Ranging from farmers, alchemists to unique naming ones such as berserker and dark knight.

Leaving only Isaac and a blonde teen with squinted eyes. The teen seems to be smiling without opening his eyes, he seems undisturbed by anything and even the death of a man in front of him didn’t faze him.


He stood there smiling with his squinted eyes and with a cunning expression on his face.

‘Hey~ can you hear me?’ Isaac suddenly jolted up by hearing a different voice inside his mind. He looked around and he can still see the red knight ordering the people and other knights. ‘It seems you can hear me. Good, listen to me and you’ll survive’ Isaac surveyed the blonde teen for a second before nodding.

Although he can’t trust him, it’s still better to gather information around to have a better chance of surviving. He also looks unfazed by anything that he seems to know what’s about to happen.

‘I bet you don’t have a class right~’ Isaac’s heart skipped a beat before beating furiously. Sweats started to appear on his forehead and while his hands faintly shake. He glanced at the youth before biting his lips and nodded slowly.

‘Don’t be so anxious, we can get out of this predicament if you put your trust in me and follow what i’ll say okay~’

The blonde teen surveyed Isaac for a bit before smiling and he turned his head to gaze at the red knight with a calm expression. He squints his eyes for a bit before shrugging.

‘It’s up to you really. Listen to a complete stranger or be subjected to something worse than death. You pick’ He gave Isaac a glance before smiling briefly.

‘Do i listen to him? dammit, i thought it would be like the anime and not this hell hole. Dammit dammit dammit! He looks mischievous and sly and really untrustworthy! What should i do?’ The youth continuously smiled. Not knowing what Isaac is thinking or simply didn’t care.

‘Better decide soon, that knight is about to turn his attention to us~’

‘Damn! i’ll trust this guy rather than die!’

“Both of you, what are you doing standing there? Tell me your class or” His sword pointing the headless corpse in the ground before moving his sword to the man whose neck was snapped.

‘Tell him you didn’t have a class’

“I-i don’t have a class” Isaac gritted his teeth while looking at the ground.

“Ooh! hehe, so how about you blondy?” The red knight snickered

“Just the same” The blonde teen shrugged.

“Oh! i see..” The red knight grabbed both of their napes before releasing his hand.

“Hahaha, the goddess really has blessed the Lederion Kingdom!” The red knight shouted with glee.

“Come, follow me” The red knight started walking in front of Isaac while the teen followed behind.

‘Good, you actually followed my directions. Next, we do is follow him calmly and do what he asks. Remember this, even how much pain you feel, whatever horrifying thing you see, whatever disgusting thing you taste and whatever revolting smell you experience don’t despair. Don’t despair and have hope, okay~’

‘What does he mean by that? don’t despair?’

A couple of minutes later of walking around what seems to be a maze of a mansion. The red knight stopped in front of a large black door made of unknown material and oozing with a negative aura. His heart tightened and his hands started shaking but he bites his lips until they bled. His gazed full of determination.

The red knight slowly pushed the large black door and the scrapping of the metal door to the floor is almost unbearable. Inside are five weapons bandaged by some kind of white fabric encased in glass. Every single weapon from an axe, katana, spear, claymore, and a hammer is oozing of aura that gives everyone anxiety and fear. Isaac knows that those weapons are very dangerous by only seeing it.

Isaac is literally sweating from head to toe from fear while his hands are shaking uncontrollably.

‘Remember. DONT! DESPAIR! let’s go team we can do it!’ a sudden chirpy voice rang inside his head before glaring at the youth. It seems that he is messing with Isaac but Isaac didn’t care anymore and simply nodded before glaring at the weapons. The youth just smiled without a hint of fear or anxiety.

“Now now, you might be pissing your pants but if you control these cursed weapons with ego. You can become a tyrant or a monster on the battlefield. Honestly, i’m quite jealous but these weapons can only be controlled by people who don’t have a class that can only be found when summoning otherworlders. Almost at 1 in 100000 chance” The red knight laughed

‘Don’t listen to him, if you fail to control the weapon. Your body will become a vessel for the ego and you will be better off dead. Some even imprisoned in their mind, being tormented by the ego. So good luck!’ He almost lost hope but he will never give up. He needs to survive. Isaac never had a goal besides surviving and now he doesn’t have time to think for a grand goal of killing the demon king or even becoming the strongest human ever. His main focus right now is calming himself and never lose hope.

“Now enough talk” the red knight stated before what seems to be priests with white robes started rushing inside while muttering an incantation. Blue lights started to gather around the staff of the priests which illuminates the glass with pure white light.

Isaac can hear screams inside the weapons and each of them started shaking and bashing the glass as the bandage started unwrapping itself. A few minutes later, the screaming stopped and the weapons fall down to the ground while the glass was broken into multiple pieces. The previous negative emotion turned to pure domineering and rage-filled pressure that descended to everyone in the room. Isaac and the youth were forced to the ground while the red knight falls to one knee. The priests started chanting and the pressure slowly but surely loosens up until Isaac and the blond teen can stand up.

“Now pick your weapon” the red knight wiped the sweat from his forehead while giving a mocking smile.

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