《A Truly Bizarre Collection of Flash Fiction》4. Choices, Choices, Choices


He heard voices all around him as members of the council consulted in low tones with each other.

Sighing, he stood up, straightening his tie and readjusting his glasses. He leaned forward over the table, putting weight down on his fists as his frustration grew by the second. “Quiet down or a decision might never be made,” he said over the other council members.

“My king, I believe that we cannot come to a decision about such an action. It would be fatal to the kingdom. Is there not any other choice?” his First Advisor asked, rising from his seat.

The king sadly shook his head. “If there is one other choice, it is far from this world,” he said.

“Ah, but there is one other choice,” a third man rose from his seat, then jumped up onto the table, “you could forfeit the crown to me.” This man pulled a small gun from his pocket, pointing it towards the king.

Every person stood still and silent, fearing that if they moved or spoke that it would be the end of their king.

“Lien, what are you doing?” the king asked, eyes wide and focused on the weapon.

“Ending the reign of the Pendragons,” Lien said, pulling the trigger. A loud banging sound echoed through the room as a golden light emitted from the barrel of the gun for a split second. Moments later, the king laid in nothing more than a pile of ash. Lien smiled as he suddenly felt like he just became the most powerful man in the kingdom.

“I will lead you into a new era!” he shouted seconds before his own death.

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