《Unprecedented: The Life of Enheduanna, the First-Known Writer》Historical Notes and Glossary of Terms & Characters
Spelling and Pronunciation
Outside of this novel, readers may encounter many variant spellings of the Sumerian and Akkadian names and words used here (for example, the name of the goddess Nin Khursang is also spelled Ninhursag, Ninkhursang, Ninhursanga, and Ninḥursaĝ). Our heroine’s name is typically spelled Enheduanna in English, but I have chosen to write it as En Kheduana to emphasize her title (En) and the KH sound present in the word. I do use the spelling Enheduanna when referring to her as a historical figure, such as in the title and the Author’s Note. Pronunciation of Akkadian and Sumerian words is fairly consistent, though there are some features unique to one language or the other.
Vowels A, E, I, O, U are pronounced ah eh ee oh ooh, as in Spanish or Italian. R is rolled as in Spanish or Italian. SH, pronounced as in wish, is frequently written elsewhere as š. KH is like the ch in Scottish “loch” or Hebrew “Chanukah.” It is often written as ḫ or ḥ. NG is only found in Sumerian words and is pronounced like the ng in “sing.” It is often written as ĝ. Q is only found in Akkadian words and is pronounced as an aspirated K, or K with a small puff of air after it. Some Akkadian vowels are marked with a macron (ā), which means the sound is extended longer than the unmarked vowel (a).
The ruins of Ur or Urim, which have been extensively excavated by archaeologists, are located at modern Tel Muqayr, Iraq, near the city of Nasiriyah. Ur was a port at the mouth of the Euphrates River around the time of our story, but due to receding sea levels it is currently more than 150 miles from the waters of the nearest ocean (the Persian Gulf). Much of the marshland that formerly covered southern Iraq has been drained by man or disappeared naturally in the four thousand years since the Akkadian Empire. Like most Sumerian cities, Ur was destroyed and rebuilt many times over its long history. It was continuously inhabited for some three millennia, being finally abandoned in the 500s BCE. The Great Ziggurat of Ur at the temple of Nanna, one of the most famous and impressive achievements of Mesopotamian civilization, was not built until several centuries after the time of our story.
The precise location of Akkade, the Akkadian capital founded by Sharru-kin, has been lost. For my own narrative purposes I have followed the popular theory that places it near modern-day Baghdad, along the Tigris some 200 miles north of Urim.
Glossary of Terms, Cities and Gods
Sumerian. The rolled cloth headdress of a High Priestess.
Akkadian. A city founded by Sharru-kin as the capital of his Empire. Birthplace and childhood home of En Kheduana and seat of power for the kings of her family’s dynasty. Its patron deity is the goddess Ishtar.
The festival of the New Year, especially associated with Inanna/Ishtar and her consort Dumuzid/Tammuz.
Sumerian for “grandmother.”
Sumerian, “Heaven” or “Sky.” A powerful elder god, husband of Urash and grandfather of Inanna.
The primordial gods who dwell in the Underworld.
A legendary crone who sheltered the fleeing Dumuzid from the demons who pursued him.
Sumerian name for the Euphrates River.
A Sumerian insult. Literally “son of a hyena”.
Sumerian, “Good Son.” The young shepherd god who dies and is born again, consort of Inanna.
“House of Heaven.” The temple of Inanna and An in the city of Unug.
A foreign land to the East. Like Sumer and Akkad, it is made up of numerous city-states. Its people are called Elamites.
The Sumerian name for the Sumerian language (literally “native tongue”).
“Fine tongue” or “high-pitched tongue.” A special dialect of Sumerian used only in certain religious songs and by religious orders of women.
Sumerian, meaning simply “Lord” or “Master.” A High Priest or Priestess. Also Entu, if female.
Sumerian, “Lord Wind.” One of the four ancient gods who created humanity from mud.
Old god of water and wisdom. One of the four ancient gods who created humanity from mud.
A legendary hirsute wildman, companion of the hero Gilgamesh.
Sumerian. A priest-king or (under Sharru-kin’s Empire) priest-governor. The hereditary rulers of some cities, such as Lagash, are styled Ensi rather than the more common Lugal.
Sumerian, “Lady of the Great Below.” The fearsome goddess of death, Queen of the Underworld and sister of Inanna and Utu. It is bad luck to speak her name aloud.
Sumerian. A type of funerary song.
Gala, Galaturra
Sumerian. Galaturra is the diminutive/familiar form, “little gala”. Also “menwomen.” Cultic servants of Inanna. Male-bodied but presenting as feminine, they occupy a third gender category.
Underworld demons of the desert who pursue Dumuzid in the story of Inanna’s descent to the Underworld.
Sumerian. Ghosts.
A legendary hero and demigod who ruled Unug (Uruk) in ancient times.
Sumerian. The private dwelling of a temple’s High Priestess, set apart from other buildings of the temple complex. It is forbidden for men to enter a giparu.
Sumerian name of the city of Byblos in modern Lebanon. A distant country to the West, famous for its lumber, a rare and costly commodity in Sumer.
An Eastern mountain tribe, distinguished by their fair hair.
House of Dust
One of the poetic names of the Underworld.
House of the Great Light
The Temple of Nanna the Moon God at Urim.
Mythical monster defeated by Gilgamesh.
Sumerian. Clarified butter, commonly used as an offering.
Sumerian name for the Tigris River.
Akkadian name for the Tigris River.
Sumerian, “Queen of Heaven.” The most important goddess of the South. Daughter of Nanna the Moon, sister of Utu the Sun and Ereshkigal the Queen of the Dead. Associated with the planet Venus (the Evening Star) and identified with Akkadian Ishtar.
Akkadian. A war goddess, identified with Venus (the Evening Star) and parallel to Sumerian Inanna. Patron goddess of Sharru-kin and his family and the city of Akkade.
Kabta and Kulla
Minor Sumerian deities, the gods of bricklaying.
Sumerian. A legendary tree inhabited by monsters.
A Sumerian city where the young Sharru-kin grew up and served as cupbearer to the king. Later, Sharru-kin’s first conquest. Its name is the same in Akkadian and Sumerian.
Akkadian. A mermaid. Feminine of kulullu.
A Sumerian city near Urim and Unug, dedicated to Ningirsu-Ninurta the war god. Unlike many cities, its name is the same in Sumerian and Akkadian.
Akkadian. A female demon who preys on children and mothers.
Land Between Two Rivers
Refers to the region in present-day Iraq where our story takes place, west of the Tigris River and east of the Euphrates River. The literal translation (in Greek) is Mesopotamia.
Akkadian, “Screech-owl.” Commonly called Lilith in English. A female demon who preys on children.
Lishanum Akkaditum
The Akkadian name for the Akkadian language.
A port city in Elam. Its patron goddess is Kiririsha.
Sumerian, “Great Man.” The Sumerian term for the hereditary ruler of a city or cities. Under Sharru-kin’s Empire, Lugals who swore fealty to Sharru-kin became governors of their cities rather than kings.
An Eastern mountain tribe. Their men wear long queues.
Sumerian. A stinging fish, envisioned as a malevolent water-demon.
Sumerian, “divine powers” (I’ve also translated it as “shibboleths”). The signs of civilization and culture granted to man by the gods, including all human inventions, offices and behaviors.
Also “red Musur.” Egypt.
Sumerian name for the god of the moon. With his heavenly wife Ningal, Nanna is the father of Inanna (Venus) and Utu (the sun).
Sumerian name for the city of Nippur, dedicated to the god Enlil.
Sumerian, “Lord of the Good Tree.” A god associated with life and death.
The divine wife of Nanna, the Sumerian moon god, and mother of the god Utu and goddess Inanna. Her name means simply “Great Lady” or “Great Queen.”
Nin Khursang
Sumerian, “Lady of the Sacred Peak.” A mother goddess associated with fertility and mountains.
Akkadian name for the city of Nibru, dedicated to the god Enlil.
Akkadian. A capricious demon who can protect against other demons.
Akkadian name for the Euphrates River.
Akkadian. A mythical giant bull.
Akkadian name for the god of the moon.
Slow River
A poetic name of the Euphrates River.
Swift River
A poetic name of the Tigris River.
Akkadian name for the god the Sumerians call Dumuzid, consort to Ishtar (Sumerian, Inanna).
Sumerian. A type of drum.
A small but ancient Sumerian city near Urim dedicated to the goddess Inanna, former home of the legendary Gilgamesh.
Akkadian name of the city of Urim.
A prominent Sumerian port city in the far South. Home of En Kheduana for most of her life. Its patron deity is Nanna, the god of the moon.
Akkadian name of the city of Unug.
Minor Sumerian deity, the goddess of weaving.
Akkadian. A race of demons.
Sumerian. A priestess.
Index of Persons
Names in bold are real historical figures. Names not in bold are characters of my own invention. Characters known by a religious or royal title (En, Ensi, Lugal) are listed alphabetically by their name with their title in parentheses. Thus En Kheduana is listed under K as (En) Kheduana.
Enheduanna’s High Steward after the death of Dubsang.
(Lugal) Anna
Sumerian, “Tin” or “Lead.” Son of Melemanna. Self-proclaimed ruler of Unug and leader of a rebellion after the death of Manishtushu.
Akkadian, “Many-Colored.” Suitor to the Princess Khedutum, the young En Kheduana, in Akkade.
A priestess of Nanna. Mistress of Litanies in Nanna’s Temple at Urim.
High Steward to Enheduanna in the early years of her Enship.
Akkadian and Sumerian, “Elamite Woman”. A slave woman of Elamite origin, given to Enheduanna by her father as a wedding gift.
(En) Galusakar
Sumerian, “Great Crescent.” High Priestess of Nanna at Urim before Enheduanna. Great-aunt of Lugal Kaku.
Sumerian, “Leek.” A galaturra or manwoman of Inanna, later High Priestess of the Temple of Inanna and An at Unug.
Akkadian, “Friend.” Third son of Sharru-kin and Tashlultum. Younger brother of Rimush, Manishtushu and Enheduanna, elder brother of Ilaba’ish-takal. Later known by his sacerdotal name of Shu-Enlil.
Akkadian, “Trusting in [the god] Ilaba.” Also called Ilaba. Fourth son of Sharru-kin and Tashlultum. Youngest brother of Rimush, Manishtushu and Enheduanna.
Akkadian and Sumerian, “Heron.” A slave woman originally of Urim, given to Enheduanna by her father as a wedding gift.
Ilum Palilis
Enheduanna’s chief hairdresser after the departure of Zumbu.
Sumerian, “The Touch of Inanna.” A galaturra or manwoman of Inanna.
(Lugal) Kaku
Ruler of Urim and vassal of Sharru-kin. Great-nephew of En Galusakar.
Sumerian, “Perfume.” A galaturra or manwoman of Inanna.
(En) Kheduana
Sumerian, “High Priestess Jewel of Heaven.” High Priestess of Nanna at Urim. Born Khedutum, only daughter of Sharru-kin and princess of his Empire. Sister of Rimush, Manishtushu, Ibarum and Ilaba’ish-takal, aunt of Naram-Sin, great-aunt of Enmenanna.
Akkadian, “Joy.” Also Khedu. Birth-name of Enheduanna.
(Ensi) Kikuid
Ruler of Lagash and vassal of Sharru-kin. Close ally of Lugal Kaku.
A semi-legendary historical figure, the only woman in the Sumerian King List document. An alewife or brothel-keeper who rose to become queen regnant of Kish. Grandmother of Ur-Zababa.
A priest of Nanna in the temple of Urim, head of the Men’s Tablet House.
Akkadian, “He Who Is With Him.” Also Manish. Second-born son of Sharru-kin. Twin of Rimush, elder brother of Khedutum, Ibarum and Ilaba-ish-takal.
(Lugal) Melemanna
The Lugal of Unug and father of Lugal Anna. Died in the labor camps established by King Rimush in retribution for the uprising of Unug, Urim and Lagash.
(En) Menanna
Sumerian, “High Priestess Silence of the Moon.” Enheduanna’s successor as High Priestess of the Moon at Urim. Born Tanittu-Kullatu, daughter of Naram-Sin, grandniece of Enheduanna and her brothers, great-granddaughter of Sharru-kin.
Akkadian, “Beloved of the Moon.” Son and heir of Manishtushu, grandson of Sharru-kin, nephew of Enheduanna.
A priest of Nanna in the temple at Urim, head of En Kheduana’s libation priests. Elder brother of Sagadu.
Sumerian, “Harrier Hawk.” A widow and potter of Urim who shelters En Kheduana. Mother of Shulgi and Urun.
Akkadian, “Word of My Father.” A priestess and/or queen of Urim (despite her Northern origins) hundreds of years before the events of our story. Her tomb in the Royal Cemetery of Ur is known for its riches and for the great number of ladies-in-waiting who died with her.
The eldest son and heir of Sharru-kin. Twin of Manishtushu, elder brother of Khedutum, Ibarum and Ilaba’ish-takal.
Chief Scribe to Enheduanna. Younger brother of Ningtuku.
Akkadian, “True King.” Commonly known in English as Sargon. Conqueror of all Mesopotamia and founder of an Empire. Husband of Tashlultum, father of Rimush, Manishtushu, Kheduana, Ibarum, and Ilaba’ish-takal. Styled King of the World.
Sumerian, “Many-Colored.” An apprentice to the Metalworkers of the House of the Great Light in Urim, lover of Zumbu.
A young boy of Urim, son of Ninninnata and younger brother of Urun.
Akkadian, “I Took Her As Plunder.” Sumerian-born widow of Lugal Zagesi, queen of Sharru-kin. By Sharru-kin, mother of Rimush, Manishtushu, Enheduanna, Ibarum, and Ilaba’ish-takal.
(Ensi) Tuge
Ensi of Lagash during the time of Lugal Anna’s rebellion.
A priestess of Nanna in the temple of Urim, head of the Women’s Tablet House.
(Lugal) Ur-Zababa
Aged king of the Sumerian city of Kish, overthrown by his former cupbearer, the youth Sharru-kin.
A young boy of Urim, son of Ninninnata and elder brother of Shulgi.
(Lugal) Zagesi
Ruler of several Sumerian cities. Last great rival of Sharru-kin, first husband of Tashlultum.
Akkadian, “Mosquito.” A slave woman of Akkadian origin, given to Enheduanna by her father as a wedding gift.
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