《Siame (Mass Effect fanfic)》CHAPTER ONE: THE BETRAYAL


Sgt Vanessa Ryker, highly recognized and respected among everyone not just the human race, she was well known across all the Milky Way for her accomplishments and what she could do and is willing to do for anyone; If you were in trouble, you were happy to see her boots hit the ground...but today she is marked a rogue Spectre, betrayed by someone on the council suspectedly for killing an important ambassador that would have made connections in this Galaxy stronger, and to add insult to injury blowing up his cruise ship with civilians to cover her tracks and all the data packets, along with with what could be her innocence.

Since the days of Commander Shepard, because she is a Spectre she has an AI implant, this was mandatory after so many N7 went off grid so the council could control their people, but since she has TECH training she hacked her implant and turned hers off for now so it couldn’t be traced or used against her, once she unsyncs it from their systems she will turn it back on.

Strayed and wounded...cut off from all contacts and resources, being pursued by everyone, trying to hide yet also bleeding out… Ryker trying to heal her wounds with biotic/tech powers but the pain is too much and she knows she used up too much energy stumbling around, and killing those Krogan behind her… ‘Damn things for being so complicated, for once in her life couldn't things just go right?’ She crash landed her ship, barely escaping those that pursued her. She didn't know where she was, but she knew she was in trouble. The overuse of energy was causing her to black out at points, she needed to find some kind of cover and quick before that happened but her body all but was giving out and she kept falling to the ground unable to go on and started to fade out, all her energy used up, but before she did completely she noticed a bluish figure approach her as her eyes closed.

When Ryker awoke she was in a small shack, there was a fire going in the corner, she noticed she had been moved onto a rolled out cot... trying to shift but pain spikes through, “I wouldn’t move just yet if I were you, you’re still mending.” A woman walks into view, blue... Asari. Ryker, filled with sharp stabbing pain and bright light, fell back asleep, against her better want or judgement.


She came to a while later, it was quiet, she didn't see the Asari around. Attempting to shift again, it still hurt extremely bad but she couldn't stay here, she couldn't involve the Asari any further in this mess more than she already was. Ryker needed to figure out where she was and how the hell she was going to get out of this mess; One thing for sure the bastard that set her up had better hope she never gets her hands on them because if/when she does they’ll have a new thing coming.

Sorting through her omni-tool ‘my AI still isn't working yet and I don't quite have it sync’d off council’s network to use and trust so I'm still on my own’, “Not leaving already are you?”

Ryker turned around faster than she should have and practically fell back, the Asari was so quick and was there in a flash to stop her fall, “thank you” Ryker regained her balance, and braced the counter.

“You're not fit enough yet to venture out there, it's a harsh and hardy world beyond those doors,” she picked up the bags of food she'd set down, “you still need to mend and gather your strength.”

“Where is here exactly?" Ryker steadied herself on a chair.

"We are on the lovely planet known as Pragia, the highly sought after vacation spot." The Asari joked because Pragia was the furthest thing from a vacation spot, something and everything wants to kill you here.

Ryker began to rise from her chair so to leave, " I appreciate all you've done for me, I really have, but I don't want to burden you or cause you any trouble. You don't want to get mixed up in the mess I'm in by accident, I'd hate to bring you into it.”

“I appreciate your concern for my well being, but I am an Asari huntress, I can handle myself if need be, and I do know who you are Sgt Vanessa Ryker and I don't believe what they are saying about you...Which is why I was willing to help you.” She walked over and placed her hand on Ryker’s shoulder and the other hand lifted her face up, “you're brave, strong, loyal, and true...I sense it and I can't see how someone who has done all that you have done for the council and the people in this Galaxy could for one second betray it all in a single instant...You've been betrayed, and framed.”


“It seems you have me at a disadvantage,” leaning back she looked up at her, “for I do not know your name.”

Hesitate she glanced at her, and with one sweet word, “Le'Nassia.” (La-Ness-a)

With supplies in hand they made their way across Pragia, Le’Nassia cloaked them with her biotic shield so not to alarm the Krogan lurking in these parts...Or the unsuspecting or unwanted company. Of all the places Ryker could crash her ship this was the planet she didn’t want but that was her luck, and as her luck was going Pragia made sense to fall in her path; Drug runners, weapon smugglers, pirates, mercenaries, terrorists, and intelligence agents seeking secrecy, no different from her...trying to hide, also explained why she kept seeing so many Krogan, Blood Pack.

Ryker wondered why Le’Nassia was here, was she hunting someone? Finding a misguided soul? She didn’t seem the type that fit into any of those categories of people that normally found their way to this planet. She didn’t seem like she had been injured to have crashed here like she did, and they were heading to what appeared to be a way off the planet, Ryker felt she could trust Le’Nassia but something about her was curious, she was hiding something, deep down, and it was eating at her, and it in turn was eating at Ryker.

Sensing the discomfort Le’Nassia turned and looked at Ryker, “You alright? Do we need to stop and rest?”

“No, I’m alright...are you okay?” Ryker looked her in the eyes, the shock went across Le’Nassia’s face.

“I don’t fully understand your meaning? I’m fine.”

“I don’t truly think you are, I feel you’re worried about something, or someone? I’ve been trying to figure out why it is you’ve been here on this planet, it doesn’t suit you. I can tell something is bothering you and I wasn’t going to pry, but you look like you need it.” Ryker stopped and sat on a rock looking to see if Le’Nassia was going to open up or not.

Le’Nassia debated, she hasn’t know Vanessa Ryker long but she knows of her, and what she can do maybe she could help. Was she in a condition to help though is the question, she was still mending and she would hate to be the cause of any further injury, “If you’re worried about me, I promise I’m alright and I’m willing to help.”

Le’Nassia looked up at Vanessa, ‘could she read my mind? Are my tells that obvious?’ Le’Nassia sat on the rock next to Vanessa, “my sister, Jineya” she pulled up her omni-tool, “she is here somewhere, I’m not sure yet why. She could be here on her own accord or she could be here against her will, but Ryker I need to know either way and I need to know from her why...why would she do this to our family if she choose it, and if she needs help I damn well going to give it all I have to give it to her.” Le’Nassia’s voice trembled at that, but Ryker knew how she felt and what she meant by it because she has done the same on many occasions for people, and right now she was going to do it here.

“That settles things then,” she got up, “Let's go find your sister,” Ryker extended her hand to Le’Nassia. At a smile Le’Nassia accepted it and got up, both checked their side arms and continued up the hill and further into enemy territory.

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