《Renegade》Chapter four
Warm and strong sunlight descend to my face, and it woke me up with instant. The strange sound keeps ringing in my head… but I force myself to rise from the bed. But of course, with a sudden awake, my eyes were slanted for it, even so… I always scanning to the very inch of this room. That’s how I start my early day with.
And as I thought, all of this was no dream as I saw my blades leaning to the wall. It was no dream at all… which means my daily days as an assassin were true. I always knew this but as much as I desire, I really do hope that my life to this day was no more than a bad dream.
I rise my hip and headed to the bathroom, soaking myself with a cold bath and wash with a rose-smelled soap. The soap itself is for the noble use only, but with my money… I could buy dozens of it.
Finish with bath, I wear a casual attire that perfectly fit for a normal citizen with an average wage, not that I know exactly what kind of clothes the noble wear for their daily necessity. For a safe bet, I also bring two short swords and hang it both to each side of my waist.
“Last night was terrible move… even for me”-- murmuring myself as I neat the inner vest
Remembering yesterday… I could say that I wasn’t myself. Showing to the other of my own weakness… and worst… in front of Velt… my own enemy! Truly… I want to punch myself for being that pathetic.
But that said if I couldn’t maintain the calm demeanour… it was completely shown that I really love her.
My eyes catch a letter and with a bag of coins… firmly placed at the top of the wooden desk near the window. Velt must sneak in to put these items since he’s one of the shadows like myself… I can’t trace his presence… and neither him.
Rustling inside the pouch, I take out the coins and put these on the desk
“... gold coins huh? I guess that noble’s head can be this pricey”
Altogether around 200 gold, as equal to a serial killer’s bounty head. I can only assume that the task giver pours everything in his possession to make that man disappear.
Either way, compared to a ‘his’ personal task, this reward seems like a child’s money. I can get near 2000 gold with ‘his’ single mission, and without doubt… it is something that I do wish to not partake it. That said, it was odd for ‘him’ to accept such a low fund.
Finish counting, I grab the letter and open it with care. The thought of pairing with the other Silvar members is the last thing that I want, especially Venus. But thinking again, the Silvar only dispatch to handle this kingdom is the one ‘eye’, one ‘blade’ and one ‘mid-man’, Which is Velt, me and Maku.
With that, my mind felt at ease. If so, I still need to prepare myself… since the task that I hate the most is to slaughter and not assassination.
I close my view and started to pray---“Irura… I implore your compassion and forgiveness as I’m just a low, powerless being that lives not according to your teachings”
Alright, here we go!
“ Actra’s kingdom has four main gates… and each of them has the captain and his men. I accumulate their strength and it seems that the mass is in their favour. Each gate has thirty men with heavy arms, with ten at the top of the wall and the rest is on the ground.
Your job is to eliminate the captains without raise the turmoil. As for today, Velt cannot provide information for this task since he got another task for himself, so you must head down to the commercial district, meet Troy the owner of the fruit stall… he’s one of us. Says ‘can I get four apples with a silver’-- he will give you the rest of the details. Though if I must add, I'll send my men to watch over you in Velt' stead.
You’re required to finish the mission within one-week from now… exceed it and your life will be exchanged with theirs.
“Serve means loyalty, leave means death. All for ‘his’ sake, and so we shall”
Your executive,
Maku Granigar
---Dispose of the letter after reading-- ”
“Another killing task…”
I release a long sigh, tearing it apart the letter until it cannot be grabbed. My heart was pounding quite fast at first, but after reading the content… a two mixing feels swimming around as both are relief and emotionless
“Mr Rayn, are you wake up?
A sound of knocking along with a soft voice calling me back from the loss of thought. I quickly gather these torn-papers and throw it outside the window, and headed to the door.
As I open the door, a teenage girl with a petite face appears in my view. Wearing an apron on top of her blue-blouse, I can take a hint that she may finish cooking. Fidgeting as she frequently took a quick glare on me, nothing will finish unless I’ll start the talk.
With her, it always likes this, “ Yes, can I help you, miss innkeeper, Anna?”
“M-Mr Rayn, I want to collect the payment…”
“Ah, the payment… wait here for a moment”
I take a fast walk, grabbing ten of the gold coin and head back to her
“Here you go~”-- I drop the coins on her palm
She was shocked by the money I gave. I wonder if it isn’t enough… maybe I should ask
“Is there a problem?”
“N-no, I mean… yes. This sum is too large for a week-price. You could buy a cheap house in any village in the countryside with this amount”
House in the countryside huh, that’s basically my original plan, to be honest. But if I must say, I want to live in that environment with my future pair… and if Irura may, a kids should lively the place.
And then again… it would be an unreachable dream if I continue to live within the Silver. I’ve to find a way to leave without getting myself killed.
“Mr Rayn?”-- oh, that woke me up from those thoughts
“Yes, and I was thinking… those amounts are for to extend my payment”
“P-please wait. One night equals to ten silver including bath and three meals a day. If you gave ten golds, which means, uhh--”-- she’s looks puzzled, counting using her fingers with careful
Oh yeah, I forgot. I gold equal to one hundred silver. And I just hand her a huge amount of money without thinking.
“... It’s five months with five days”
“Really? Wow you’re good at calculation, Mr Rayn”-- she claps her hand with her sparkling eyes
“So, we have a deal?”
“Definitely! I’ll give it to mom right away~! oh and please head down to the first floor for breakfast”
“Umm, Anna?”
“Yeah?”-- she stops in a midway
“That cloth, is it the new one? Because you look good on it”
“Hehehe, thank you~ let’s go, Mr”
“After you…”
“hehehe”-- she starts walk mixing with hops leaving me who walk with a rather slow.
Needless to say, Anna has grown into such a fine girl. The first time met her was five years ago, her height was around my chest. And now, she almost reaches my eyes. This sixteen years old teenager turns into such a cutie. I was wondering why I’m not noticing this. How time flies so fast--
“Wait a sec, doesn’t that sounds like I’m stop growing?”
Nah… I don’t care. As long as I reach my first goal, the rest will come in line.
As I went downstair, Anna waving at me… signalling me to sit with her. Since all the tables are occupied, I respond to her signal with a slight nod. I am grateful for her thoughts.
I labour my hips onto a wooden chair, and sit it with a firm and ease myself. I rest both of my arms on the table. A mug that filled with drink comes to my sight. My nose caught the scent of the sweet and sourness of grapes. I want to take a sip, but I’ve to wait for my meal first.
“Mr Rayn, do you have work today?”
“I’m not sure, maybe I don’t have it for today. But to make sure, I want to head to the guild first”
“So you don’t have a job today!? You can accompany me to the commercial district for today then, what do you say?”-- she sounds overjoyed, didn’t she?
I could only show her a bitter smile, “Let me confirm it first--”
Before I could finish my sentences, a group of three young adventurers appear on my right. Judging by their appearance, the lead one is the warrior… while the other on his back are thieve and a mage. Other than that, the mage seems wearing proper equipment.
But the most distinguished for now is the glare from the warrior himself. It’s a glare that I can call an intent to harms others if necessary, and he emits it right now. As for the other two, they may have been told to stand behind him to intimidate me.
Even they are youngsters, they’re still an adventure with some skills. It would worth for me to take a cautious and preparing myself for any worse.
“Oi, rotten eyes. You sure take your time with ease huh?!”
Instead of exchanging words, it’s best for me to stay silent and observe on what act that he will show, “………….”
His face becomes annoyed by my response, “Hey I’m talking to you!”
[ Pow...!! ]
Well, that plan has backfired…
He kicks the table from below, causing the mug hops and land near Anna, spilling the drink all over the surface, and the remnant splashing to her cloth. It stings me a bit since that bright smile has now vanished and even more, I was looking forward to drinking it while having breakfast. And Anna became stumble by his abrupt action, causing her to scream a little.
But I’m not worried about that. It’s the people in my surrounding. Most of them are the youngsters and the one who lives in this inn. Since almost all of them are guy, they must have come here to see Anna, the star of this inn… and the good foods that serve here.
And no exception for this guy as well, except that he has a short-tempered according to my observation. The other guy also stood without making many moves. Maybe among their peer, he’s the leader. I can only guess since there is no proof.
Anyway, I had to stop him for any needless act in further. It could bring a problem to Anna’s family and business.
I took the mug from the floor, “It is not nice for you to kick the table like that. The drink has done nothing wrong”
“Well, you do, rotten eyes!”
“Tell me then”
“Well, You’ve pissed me off. And that’s enough for me to teach you a lesson”
“That’s the unreasonable excuse I ever heard. Please conduct yourself a good manner in befitting of someone who protects the people”
“Don’t tell me how I do things. When I saw something I don’t like, then it became my enemy. You’re the same as well!”
He clenches his fist and smash it to his palm, with a nasty smirk and eagerly to do something that he plans. The other from his back only giggles. I wonder what’s so funny about a person’s drink has spilt?
Either way, Anna should have a bright day as she always does. And now he soils it her starting with a fit of ugly jealousy. Such a brat! I’m not gonna let that guy off until he apologises.
“Apologise to her. You make her look this miserable in the first place”
“Hah! As if! It is you who should apologise to me and her! She wouldn’t in that situation if you not around”
If he’s is an adult, I already make him criplpe both arms and legs for the rest of his life. I grit my teeth to suppress my anger from committing such an act, and still to shape my words as soft-spoken as I can.
“Last warning, apologize---”
He suddenly lung his fist, targeting my face as his first aim. Though, I evade it with less effort. But comes after his punch, a swing axe-kick perform with a slight speed. And yet again… I dodge it with ease.
“Take my special attacks!!” -- He leaps toward me with loud.
He executes a combo, consist of punching, elbow attacks, swipe kick… low and high and the dangerous one, nut stomping. To total all of it, it should be fifteen executive vital hits. And if this were for those youngsters, they will yield for grunt the pain.
Luckily for him, it is me who deal with this. So I literally evade his attack for as long as it takes. That’s to be said, he plans his attack with a proper chain of movement… which is he is somewhat I call a capable one. A less move, and then a big move, plus with a short step ahead to create the next attack. So he likes chain combos.
“... Y-You shit, stand still, will you…!!”
As I moving around, I also make sure to not collide myself or him with the furniture. And I spare an effort to lure him to attack the empty space so that the table or chairs wouldn’t be disturbed. As I fear, the owner of this inn, Anna’s mother has appeared outside the kitchen. It a sign for myself to end this farce.
After a few set of attacks have failed, he became slower and breathe heavily. His punch now can be easily evaded, even for children. Each of him releasing his attack, he let out a considerable amount of air… and finally, he hit the limit.
It’s only natural that he feels extremely exhausted. Punching or kicking the air is much tiresome than landing a solid hit. The energy that you emit will go scattered when you hit on nothing. Which is why a solid pain can turn into temporary energy, thus conducting someone into delivering his potent and absorbing energy at once… that’s what ‘he’ teaching me.
He kneels on the ground, gasping for air with the bullet of sweats has non-stop dropping. His eyes have widened… with his mouth open up like a fish asking for water. I want this to be the final show for today, but his companion seems doesn’t like the idea.
I guess I had to do this after all…
“I’m sure you guys know Saver Lithril, one of the grand knights in our kingdom. Apparently, I’m his best friend”
“S-stop… your lies… rotten”
“It’s true. Well, I wouldn’t make you believe me but as you went back from your job later, you wouldn’t be surprised if he visits in front of your inn or house with a considerable number of mighty guards. In addition, I’ve witnessed your rude behaviour”
“For what…! I just mess--”
“You disrespecting people, you causing trouble to the owner of business… and me, and most of all, you ruin this young lady’s appearance in this early day. To girls, appearance is their pride and all. Wait till I tell these to him, and you’ll meet your punishment”
“You have an apology to make. Do it now or wait the best fighter comes knocking on your door”
I can tell that he took the bait. His face has turn into pale unlike before which is the look of might and arrogant. It appears Saver’s name came in handy.
He musters all his energy on rise from kneeling, as I can see his body was trembling. His companion offers him to assist, but being told harshly to stand back. This guy has a serious attitude problem.
As he lowered his head, he asks forgiveness from Anna… and she only nods with slight. The warrior then calls out his friends, and they left the premise without betting an eye with me. Figured, the other young adventurers also following his lead to leave the premise.
Occurring to say, he is one of the leaders in his peer.
I went to Anna’s mother, and explain the situation from the beginning. Luck as it may, Anna’s mother and me have known for since I set foot in here, so my words sell easily. She also thank me for giving the advanced fee and protecting Anna from getting unnecessary bruise or injury.
Her words were not flattering me a bit. Because this emotion and kindness are the only things I had as a human being. It all thanks to Irura’s benevolence. Once I went to the mission, those emotions will be kept deep inside… and I’m always fear that I’ll lose them permanently.
“Mr Rayn, are you okay??
Anna asking me after I finish talking to her mother. Her face shows guilty and fright, and her eyes are slowly to look on the ground. Because of an earlier incident, her cheerfulness has been locked.
“Heh, that question should be from my mouth, you know?”
And here I thought she will feeling down for a day. She’s just now giggled by my response.
I’m glad…!
And in order to bring everlasting happiness for her today, one-day spending with her wouldn’t be described as a waste.
“Gear up, today we’ll get busy. So go change yourself for a nice cloth”
“Huh? But you said you had to go to the guild, right?”
“I didn’t say that I had a job to do right? Plus, as for now… I’ve got a beautiful young client who proposes a good mission for today. So I couldn't possibly refuse either way”
With my random reasoning, I finally can see her bright smile again. It worth the effort. A girl in her age shouldn’t make a sad face like that, or she will become like me, rotten eyes like that warrior describe me.
“So this is basically a date, right~!” She stops in the middle of the stair
“It’s as you say”
“Yeay~ hehehe”
I’m happy that she act like usual, and I can assume that this day will be the longest day for us.
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