《Renegade》Chapter two
I stood outside of the bar, looking to the signboard 'Gill's Bar'... and then focus on hearing the noise. That place has always been loud and rowdy. The laughter of rough voices, the mugs clash along with cheer... the commoner ends their busiest day by celebrating at bars... especially those owners of small stalls.
I rub my face gently, " Right, let's go"
Right after entering Gill’s bar, I immediately dash to my regular spot, a place at the right end of the bartender’s desk. With my nimble movement... I easily slip past through these crowds. Plus with my skinny build, that is not even a problem at all.
My eyes did not avert from looking at my favourite spot for drinking and eating. More like, if I came to this bar, it wouldn't enough to call a day if I won't sit at my place and eat my usual order. Heck, I've come into this bar every weekend... and every day if I got the chances. If I don't, I'll make it happen
"Securing completed~!"-- I said happily after managing to secure this sacred seat of mine.
And... there is one more thing to do and that is...
I land my face toward this smooth wooden desk and wrap my head with both of my arms. This is becoming my habit whenever I'm too tired or frustrated.
"Haaaaa...." -- I release a long sigh... making me hear the bartender letting out his small laugh
Although right now my eyes saw nothing but the black pitch, the loudness of cheers and this rowdy situation has streamed rapidly in my ears. Since I can picture that… it makes my head feel heavy and unpleasant. But it has the charms on its own... unlike my 'hometown'
“Rayn… do you need anything?”-- the bartender asked me. His sound is kinda loud, maybe he's trying to surpass these overwhelming noises from those men
Since I came here frequently, it is given to say that I officially become regular. It's not that weird if the bartender knew my name. Besides... there's one more person that I need to see. You could say my day won't be complete without meeting that person.
"Master... where is Yilvia?"-- I'm exchanging his words without meeting his eyes. Not when I'm in this position...
"Well, about that--" his words somehow stuck in a middle way
My ear caught a sound of footwork and stopped right behind me... could it be--
"That's a bad manner, you know. Show your face when someone talking to you~!"
A soft finger has touched my right ear, pinch and pull it up with force. Naturally, my head goes along with this sudden act. It's kinda hurt when you are unable to resist... especially when you're not prepared.
My eyes staring at this person... a long dark brown hair, braided and slick to her left shoulder. A soft-looking blue in her eyes and a bright skin... ah, it's the apple of the eye... Yilvia. Even I can't help by smile whenever I see this lovely girl.
"What's with that smirk? Maybe I should put a bit more heart to it"
"N-no! It's enough...!"-- I accidentally let out my smile
She then releases her hand and sits at the empty seat near me.
Yilvia Mash is the daughter of this bar's owner, Gill Mash, in other words... she's the daughter of that bartender called Mr Gill. As far as I know, the bar operates for more than twenty years... or so I heard it from random people. And in the past five years... I have met her in this very place... right after I finished my first job.
She is the heart of this bar... curing everyone including me who exhausts after working a day with her bright innocent smiles. And I'm not the only one who seeks that 'treasure'... that's for sure.
With her kind nature who easily befriend others, It's not that strange if I had a fit of jealousy feeling welling up inside.
"Finish working, Rayn?"
"As you can see... I am"
"Hmm... does the guild quest this time hard from the usual?"
"Not really. To be honest... I'm not sure to differentiate it. Ever since I stepped down as an adventurer, the guild propose me by making me their guild staff"
"Based on my capabilities, they put me in charge of training the rookies"
"Speaking of that, aren't you a bit too early to retire?"
"I get that a lot. Although I can't make any more profit like I was... but being the guild's staff has it good merit. And most of all, my life is secured. Either way, I've made lots of money during my day as an adventurer. Right now, I just want a simple life and die old with my loved one"
"Do you have one, your lover I mean?"
"No... I don't have one... yet..."
"Then good. If you have one, be sure to bring her to me. I'll decide whether she's good or else"
"You're too gullible, Rayn. Cause of your good-looking, I can see the girls glee in excitement whenever you walk past them. I bet even there are some adventurer girls who ask you to party with them"
"I-I'm good... looking?"-- Oh, Irura! it's so embarrassing when she said it
"What are you grinning?? You are supposed to notice it"
"W-well, you too, Yilvia!"
"I'm what..?"
"You're beautiful, too beautiful...!"
"I-I said... you're beautiful"
"I h-heard that... y-you dummy..."
How come this conversation turns awkwardly. Both of us lower our heads out of embarrassment. Even I heard Mr Gill giggles when he sees us
I couldn't face her when she's like that... it's too bright for a dweller in the shadow like me to receive.
I wonder why... but every time I'm with Yilvia... all the stress has been rendered with only seeing her smile. That's why her existence is really important for me... otherwise, it will turn completely dark if she's not around...
I want to confess my love to her... but I'm afraid that would hurt her... because I'm in a position that can endanger her anytime in a sudden situation.
Besides... things like this will not last forever. Three weeks from now and when entering the new day of the next month... she will get married. Not with me... but with my good friend, Saver Lithril. He's the current strongest fighter in the kingdom, the grand knight... and he's one of them.
Frustrating to admit... but she would have a better life with him than me. Not that I can say with confidence that she'll fall for me... but things can get better if you choose the best course of action And I reluctantly agree with that point.
"Saver is not with you?"-- Yilvia asking me about that person
"Miss him already?"
"N-no, I was thinking if he's coming with you. It's been a month since I last saw him"-- I see... she's already madly in love with him
"Don't worry. He'll come eventually if it's for you... his sweetheart that is"
"Enjoy teasing me?" she pouting her face toward me... how cute
"Every now and then~"-- she pokes me with her finger upon my answer
Before she'll become Saver's authority... I'll use the remaining time to create this scene and keep it inside my head as a memorandum. This is the only way to persuade my heart to accept the fact that Yilvia and I are not meant to be.
Even so...
I thank you for giving this blessing moment regardless of who I am... Irura
I heard the front door is open and the sound of lively people in here turns a bit quiet in an instant, right after that man enter this building.
Smiling like an idiot, he walks with mighty toward the path that has been cleared by those men. Following him is one woman that wearing priestess attire
"That's weird. I swear this place was rowdy and loud from the outside"--- how clueless that guy can be...
"They are trying to respect you by lowering down their noise, sir Saver"-- a girl that wears a cleric outfit reply his question
"Is that so? how obedient~ hahaha"
"Oh, hey! Rayn! Yilvia!"-- He's waving at us without care his surrounding
Saver Lithril, one of the grand knights. I knew him with the exact time I met Yilvia... and accidentally... in this very bar too. At that time, he was just an apprentice knight with a job as a gatekeeper. Although he might be one of the most powerful fighters in this kingdom... he has a great personality and a kind man...as kind as an angel. I remembered that he sold his armour, the first thing that the princess of this kingdom gave him, all so he could afford a large sum of money to donate to the orphanage.
That's not only the great thing about him. He's born not only with a good personality... but good looks too. I could say that he's the embodiment of the myth hero. But shame to say... he's an idiot when it comes to reading the situation
The three of us would hang out in this place whenever we get the chance. But since Saver had to rotate his workplace, and my job also had a ridiculous sense of timing... we barely did it. Nevertheless, we swear to meet in this place if we got the chance.
"Welcome, Saver and..."-- Yilvia greets them as any waitress do.
"Yep, I'm home! hehehe"
"Sorry if I'm disturbing your time with sir Saver, Ms Yilvia"-- that priestess bows her head to Yilvia
"N-no, you're welcome as well"
"I see... then I take up your offer then. Ah, it's nice to meet you, Rayn Arma"-- I'm just an afterwards huh... and no honorific for me?
"Same as me. Erm, do I by any chance have met you or anything?"
"I'm afraid not. I just know your name through the drunken stories by that man, that's all"-- she points her finger toward Saver, who flirting with Yilvia
"Ah...how should I say, I'm sorry if he's troubling you"
"It's okay. I'm already used to it. You're a polite person as sir Saver describe."
Now that I'm noticing, the four of us has caught some attention from those people. I gave Yilvia a wink, signing her to take those two up to the upstairs quickly... and she nodded. She holds both hands of Saver and that priestess, dragging them to the first floor... while me... of course, I'm following them too.
Looking at my hand... I'd be really happy if the hand that Yilvia hold just earlier would be me...
I say to take them to the first floor but to be honest... it's Mr Gill and Yilvia's house. To be exact... this bar is originally their house.
The moment I arrived, I see they already sat at their respective seat around the table. With four mug drinks, a basket of baked bread and a full bowl of mushroom soup serve as our dinner tonight... I can tell that it was Mr Gill's wife who prepared for us.
But one thing that annoys me is that Saver is already sitting beside Yilvia... which lead me to no choice but to sit beside the priestess.
"I hope you don't mind..."
"Oh, please do. You're too polite... Rayn"-- She gave me a smile after saying that
"Ah... no... it just... I don't want to make other people feel uneasy or uncomfortable"
She then turns away her face and giggles. Seriously... do I speak something funny?
"It seems you're not lying, sir Saver. He's really well-mannered"
"See? I'm not spewing lies. He's a great guy, quite a religious person, and kind to the boot! I guarantee that you'll not feel regret if you make him yours, Fayne. Hahaha"-- This idiot...
"H-hey! I'm just curious, that's all!"-- and why her face looks red. Is she uncomfortable because Saver involves me in teasing her? That's it, one more time and I'll smack his head.
But I have to say... those two looks really close.. and Yilvia is already showing her pout face. It's too cute that even I let out my smile toward this very scene.
Accidentally, my eyes and that girl meet each other... and she began to clear her throat as ready to speak
"I'm sorry for the late self-introduction. My name is Fayne Tidel, age 20 and serve as a priestess for sir Saver's group"
"I-I'm Yilvia Mash, a-also in twenty..."-- calm down Yilvia
"I know. You're sir Saver's fiancee. It's nice to meet you, Ms Yilvia"
"A-a... umm"-- It seems that Yilvia has been defeated by overwhelmed shyness... I guess it's my turn now--
"Rayn Arma, age 23. You could say he's currently a jobless man"-- before my mouth even react, Saver's cut before me and say all of that
This idiot...!
He really gets my nerves easily! and now he winks his eyes as he's helping me to get the mood on. Because of that, those two girls laughing with his uncalled help
"Correction, Saver. I'm still working but not as an adventurer... but as a guild's staff"
"Is that so? my bad. But are they paid you well? if not, why not join my team? I could use your speed in my ranks"
"Is Rayn that capable, sir Saver?"
Both Saver and Yilvia look at each other and came to my surprise... while smiling, they both answer in unison" Yes, more than capable"
"H-huh??"-- I let out a weird response.
"I'm surprised that you knew too, Yilvia"
"Well, I heard it from the customers. They say that he's a B-rank. I'm very happy about it since a lot of people recognize his worth. Even my friend talks about it... too. A lot... actually..."-- Y-Yilvia... that's a scary look you emit there.
"I see...! As expected from Rayn!"-- now, even Fayne looks interested in it.
"W-What about me, Yilvia?"-- Saver looks desperate here.
"Hmm... normal, I guess~"
"Yeah, I agree too, Ms Yilvia"
"Aw, come on~"
Both of them giggles when seeing Saver's reaction. I, too... let out a smile upon this conversation. It is not that great from others' perspectives... but for me, I desire it. An exchange conversation about what we like, eating together at the same table like a family. It's one of my life goals.
And... seeing their face in happiness, laughing without care about the darkness dwelling inside the kingdom... I chuckle a bit about my current lifestyle. The reason may be I've been swayed along with their delight vibe. And they are not at fault. It makes me want to protect them, or those who I cherished. It will go along with my first dream... which is to have my own family.
Right after our introduction, we began to have a small feast to fill us. It may not look as grand as any other fancy food in the wealthy restaurant but Yilvia's mother's cooking is on par with those. It is worth every coin you pay.
After finishing the evening meal, the four of us exchange some interesting stories to lit up the night even longer. For a stater, Yilvia's story is about she found a group of goblins when she searched the herbs at the mountain of the back city... alone. But luckily, she manages to run away and arrived at the garrison's stationery. It was to be expected, Saver scolded her for going there alone....well, I would do the same but I refrain to act so because it was no longer of my responsibility.
Yilvia then got sulked for a while so our storytelling is being halted. Saver tries to persuade her by apologizing and making some funny jokes or facials but none of those work. He's really an idiot...
It takes time but... finally, she's over with. Not because of Saver, but because she wants to hear the stories of the three of us. She said that our stories might make her forget about Saver's action earlier... so we agree... especially Saver, who suddenly stands up with might.
In Saver's case, when he's being stationed at the west district, he found a group of trouble makers that tried to sexual harassment on a group adventurer of young girls. Well, I can guess the rest of the stories. And it ends as I expected... but that story is like putting oil into a big flame for Yilvia. And their argument continues...
Fayne's story is related more to the religious side. Since I'm one of Irura's strong believers, I find it really refreshing... so I frequently ask her a question like how to obtain Her blessing or to live with peace and harmony. We both exchange words heartily as I surprise myself about how well I talk with a girl besides Yilvia.
I noticed that Saver's reaction is kinda shocked. Maybe he thinks that Fayne is a silent type of woman... well your type of thinking is always a flaw.
I took a second glare at Yilvia, and it seems that she was shooting a dagger-like staring at me... thus I end our conversation.
"Now... it's Rayn's turn. What kind of story will you tell us?"-- Yilvia look really scary!
This is a problem for me. I'm from a group full of dark mercenaries. The stories that I'll bring are nothing than killing and blood sheath. Remembering that makes me feel tight and uneasy. It feels worst to tell lies to those people that are kind to you but their view upon me will change greatly once they get the news about the truth.
"Rayn...?"-- Fayne asked me with her worried eyes
I only reply to her worried with a bitter smile. My life was nothing than bathing with the blood of people I killed. It was naive for me to think that I live on the same ground as them.
"I'll tell you guys in advance that this is a story from the bard at the south district"
"There's a man who madly in love with someone that he just met. In his world, she is everything to him. Her kindness keeps him going, her beauty drives him crazy, and most of all, her brightest smile is the only thing he seeks. He swore to protect her and bring the happiness that she deserved. But he soon realises that he's unable to accomplish all of that. So he decided to give this responsibility to a man that worthy of her. It's a crushing feeling for him but in order to secure her future, he had to sacrifice anything and discard everything he has"
Yilvia's eyes did not avert from straight looking to me. It as she knows that this story is about me, her and Saver. Maybe I say it too obvious...
"T-then, what happens to that guy?"-- Saver asking me with a passion eyes
"You mean the guy who gets her in the end?"
"No. I mean the other guy. The guy who sacrifice everything. What happened to him?"
"Oh...he..."-- I noticed that Yilvia and Fayne really focused on my story.
"...He...?"-- both of the girls asked
"He's happy. Be able to see she's married to a good, rich and strong guy... that's all he could hope for"
"Are you serious? that kinda sucks for him. But I really want him to have that girl in the end...~"
"What can you expect? this is a story that I heard from the bard at the south district"
"Is that it? It's kind of a summary for me though. It's too short"-- Yilvia somewhat unsatisfied with my story
"Well, that's what I comprehend from his song. If you actually hear the lyric along with his music... it will take you into that world. I swear it was a heart-touch story"
"Yeah. It sounds interesting"-- Fayne replies without averting her eyes from me
"If you like, I'll try to find him and hire him a couple of hours."
"Really...!? Wouldn't it be hard to find him in the south district? it's the busiest district among the five"-- Fayne's anxiety shows like a day to me
"Don't worry. I got some acquaintance that can locate him with haste. I was an adventurer, remember?"
"I cause you a trouble, Rayn"
"Oh my, you're not. It was just me who wants to try to fill my free time. Besides, the real question is, what day of your off-job? and how should I contact you?"
"I-I'm lived at the central area, but my own house at the east district, so right now I'm living in there with my brother and little sister. And, I-I got a long day-off too"-- she's sound thrill alright
"Then, it's decided. I'll head to your house when I get the bard's available day and meet at this bar.
Right after my story ended, besides Saver... Fayne and Yilvia somehow look really quiet. They even like that from the moment I open my mouth to tell this story. Maybe they lost in thought and deeply immerse themselves deep in this story.
Saver then snaps his finger to catch Yilvia's attention, and she answers him with a stutter. She then decides to call the day off and thus, our long chatting came to an end.
One thing for sure, at the end of the story... those two girls had a different expression toward my story. While Yilvia's face turns red... Fayne looks relieved and calm.
The three of us went out of the building as soon as we pay for the food and private place. Along with us outside here is Yilvia. I think she may want to greet Saver all the way until he disappeared from her sight. Yilvia also offers Fayne to sleep in her house but she respectively declines her offer. The reason that she made as she doesn't want to trouble Yilvia.
Saver went to Yilvia right after Fayne moves away from her. He grabs Yilvia's hand and kisses it... and he did it out of nowhere. Naturally, Yilvia was shocked... and so I, and even Fayne too. He then smiles wryly and bid farewell along with says ' I'll see you tomorrow'. The two of us in froze... while looking at them leaving this place. I didn't know he was this bold.
Well, that's what I'd do if I had a fiancee. Now It's time for me to--
"Rayn... could you accompany me walking? I've something to discuss with you"
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