《Anchorkin [Rerwiting]》C11 Final week to war?


I have about 1 week until the war starts, while I could possibly single handedly defend the city from a single invading force, I wouldn't be able to defend from multiple direction sieges.

Thus I need to make multiple detached fleets.

First I will need more people to ‘crew’ the units and more ‘captains’ to command the larger vessels.

This can easily be done by over manning the Devastation.

Then I would have a spare captain for the Monarch and I myself will captain the Brandenburg, of course only if needed, since it’s not a unit, it's a doppelganger, I can despawn those and respawn at will, of course with a cooldown per ship.

With that, I summoned the ship Crew, though it seems not all the crew were spawned, only about 80% of the required crew for all the ships were added, meaning there was a limitation for the crew summoning skill.

With that out of the way, I began to wonder. How much does it cost to design my own Ironclads?

[Ironclad cost is decided by the level of technology you are at, and the price of what the ship would cost to be built by the top 3 major world powers]

[your current level of technology gives you a 20% discount]

Hmm, is it possible to copy an existing one and make changes?


Since it will mainly be shoreline, I decided to make something similar to the Css monitor, but with a sloped turret, and made the cannons rifled.

[Design cost 1,200XP + 20% discount, final cost is 1,080XP. Design blueprint Yes / No]


[Name Blueprint]

Monitor mk II

[Blueprint completed]

[Blueprint unit cost is 1 token, takes 3 hours to build]

Fairly cheap, fast to build too, outdated equipment does have its perks.


Wait, is it still considered outdated if it's advanced for everyone else but me?

Aaah that’s going to give me a headache if I ponder on it for too long.

That aside, I should research some technologies, they do give quite some upgrades.

How much spare experience do I have?

[EXP: 439,600]

Damn thats a lot

What technologies can I research?

[Available tech tree technologies]

[Radar 40,000XP]

[Anti Aircraft 25,000XP]

[Advanced Torpedos 20,000XP]

[Advanced Mines 30,000XP]

[Superior Metals 75,000XP]

[Research Legendary weapon ⅕ 400,000XP (100,000XP per ⅕)]

[Smokescreen 25,000XP]

[Superior Steam Engines 75,000XP]

[Fire control system 50,000XP]

Quite a bunch, what do these even do?

[Radar, allows you to detect enemies with high accuracy at far ranges, specifics are decided by radar size and technology level]

But I have a radar from daily spin?

[you require this to use that item]

Fair enough, what about the rest?

[Anti aircraft allows you to spawn anti aircraft on a ship, ships will not spawn with their respective AA guns without this technology]

[Torpedos allows you to equip your ships with torpedoes of higher quality, this increases their range, explosive yield and reduces their trail’s visibility]

[Advanced mines will be much more devastating and are less likely to misfire]

[Superior metals makes the materials of the ship much more lighter and stronger]

[Research legendary weapon allows you to complete the blueprint at a high cost, the cost is cheaper the more fragments you research]

[Smokescreen, allows your ships to use the smokescreen skill, by churning out thick clouds which obscures vision]

[Superior steam engines makes your ships much faster, accelerate faster and produce less natural smoke]

[Fire control system allows your ships to have much higher accuracy, coordinating fire for more effective bombardment of the enemy]


Hmmm, I will research Superior Metals, Superior Steam Engines, Advanced Torpedos and Anti Aircraft

[Research the following?]

[Superior Steam Engines 75,000XP]

[Anti Aircraft 25,000XP]

[Advanced Torpedos 20,000XP]

[Superior Metals 75,000XP]

[Total cost: 175,500XP, (195,000 with a mass purchase discount of 10%)]


[Purchase completed, you now have 264,100XP remaining]

I will save it for now, if I get more modules I may buy the legendary shards

[Place order on legendary shards once you have enough to buy shards?]

Do you mean buy them all when I get 400k or buy 2 when I get 2 more shards?

[which would you prefer?]

I’d rather the second option


Back at my barracks, I saw Andraid looking around pacing frantically. Upon seeing me he ran towards me with a distressed look in his face.

“They made a move, even though we predicted it to be a week” (Andraid)

I was severely confused, it was supposed to be a week according to my console, upon looking I realized the issue, on the screen, one of the biggest problems for me has arrived

[Nemesis has spawned]

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