《Anchorkin [Rerwiting]》C9 The numbered rats


4 days have passed and unrest is growing on the island, the docks are jam packed with warships, most of them are still wooden, but many are seen to be ironclad or some form.

Many are also built with some semblance of the HMS Monarch. But the cannons are almost a pure clone, with some differences.

Makeshift docks were built around my harbour with my permission, but these were restricted to high rank officials only, that way there’s less chance of them being spies, even then security around my drydock building was super tight, not even Andraid was allowed in without permission.

Many of the high rank officers inquired about what was inside and what my mercenary group was, to Make things easier we were called ‘Steel Angels’ although it was a bit chuuni, many of the merchants are convinced im a god, so having the rest be my angels, kinda plays in a bit, and well, if I’m going to be seen as a powerful figure, having a lame name like ‘girl scouts with gunpowder cookies’ wouldn't seem fitting.


[status change]

[Association: Steel Angels]

[Allegiance set to Royal Alliance]


[Countdown to world war: 14 Days]

That notification gave me a scare, but it was more time than I expected.

Bored, I decided to read some news directly relating to me, deciding to filter some settings, I wanted to know what the Empire knew of me.

‘Unusual ship approaching crescent island accompanying a brig’ (1)

‘The large ship is an ironclad! It's huge!’ (1)

‘The ironclad is far more formidable than even our prototypes; it is carrying an Ironback corpse!’ (1)

‘Upon closer inspection, it seems it has crew in full uniform, a lady and her daughter are leaving the ship, it must be a noble family’ (1)

‘The lord of crescent island is on the second ship, it would seem they were escorting him’ (1)

‘After further investigation the little girl seems to be their leader, her name is Septaria Atima. the previous assumed mother was her second in command Momoi’ (1)

‘The groups name is still unknown, when attempting to ask, they refuse to answer, they seem to be weary of me, I must take another approach’ (1)

‘Seems they made an agreement for a plot of land, they are making a huge expansion’ (1)


‘They built a barracks and are now digging into the ground, they are constructing a so called drydock’ (1)

‘The construction was completed and they are building something inside the drydock, security is too tight to get in, it would be easier to assassinate the king, these guys barely sleep but are always on guard’ (1)

‘Alliance fleets are arriving at the place, they they know we plan to attack here, it would seem as though Septaria is allowing higher rank officials to dock at her harbour, but even the higher ranks are denied access or information of the drydock’ (1)

‘Upon further inspection through snippets of conversations, I have concluded they are making a warship in the building, but from the size, I fear for it’s potential. This assumption is further proven by Septaria saying that her previous ship, which is named HMS Monarch, is obsolete, which is far more advanced than our ironclads’ (1)

‘This figure is too powerful, if she has further influence with the Alliance, it would be suicide to attack them, you must eliminate this figure at once’ (2)

‘Target is in sight, she is alone, will attempt to lure her away to assassinate’ (1)

‘Stay vigilant, she may be weary, don't treat her like a child’ (2)

And just in time, he appeared. Fortunately, the crew members are mentally connected to me, and security is on their way.

“Hey ma’am, I heard you are the leader of that giant metal ship?” (1)

Now that I think about it, why is his name 1? Maybe the name is what they are most commonly known by.

“Yes, why?” (Me)

“I wanted to ask you some questions, as a fellow captain” (1)

He gestured for me to follow him, my guess is that he will keep asking me questions while out of sight, then kill me off when I act suspicious or the information is adequate.

“Sure” (Me)

I shouldn’t act like a child, he might be smart enough to know I’m acting, but I will not act too smart as to make him nervous and act brashly.

“So how old is that ship?” (1)

Trying to guess how much I advanced eh? Well don’t place my development speed with your mortal human standards!

“Roughly 4 years since it was built” (Me)

Technically less than a month, but that would be way too suspicious, if I was to say from when the real thing was built, over a hundred years, no answer would seem real, so I had to say something reasonable, for a lie.


“Fairly new but that’s way too advanced” (1)

Uh oh.

“Well of course, the Steel Angels research department is top of the line” (Me)

“How much did Andraid hire you for?” (1)

“Confidential, we won’t publicize our deals, only who they are with” (Me)

Come on, that's standard for almost all companies.

“I can promise you that my company can pay well over 3 times of what Andraid has” (1)

“While the offer is tempting, we are on a contract and cannot terminate it, we have an honour to uphold” (Me)

When the Empire is honour centered, using Honour as a means to defend my company, it would be harder for them to break it.

“How long does the contract last?” (1)

“Confidential~” (Me)

At this point he was visibly agitated, but it’s too late, you sir are the one who is walking into a trap

“Im telling you, the Empire is going to crush this place, work with us, and you will not know hunger, these Alliance scum are using you for their advantage, once they have no use for you, they will chase you out” (1)

“You mean like how you planned on killing me after you squeezed enough information out of me?” (Me)

He went to pull his gun out but stopped once he realised he was surrounded

“Aah~ the wolf thought he had hunted the sheep, but alas, he did not realise it was the claw of the dragon in disguise, he was the prey all along” (Me)

“You mean you knew all along and I was the one being led into a trap?” (1)

“Correct” (Me)

Oh I think he is trying to figure something out

At that moment he flung his pistol out and fired at me, at that very instant all my men fired at him, riddling him with holes.

“Heh, nice try” (Me)

“but...I shot you…” (1)

“it takes more than a bullet of a sly man, to stop this powerhouse” (Me)

I flaunted my jacket, whilst wearing a sly smile

“Oh and tell number 2 he is next” (Me)

At that moment he had a terrified look on his face

“Yo-you saw the messages?” (1)

I nod, he then collapsed. On the message panel he had a few more messages from the time we walked here

‘Target has took bait, I am leading her to a secluded place to assassinate her’ (1)

‘Question her on the way, get as much information’ (2)

‘Target says the ship is 4 years old’ (1)

‘4 years old? Are you sure she isn't lying?!’ (2)

‘Target says that the Steel Angels have a powerful research division’ (1)

‘That would explain it, see if we can get them to join us, if so, let her live’ (2)

‘Target says they are on a contract with Andraid, they won't disclose anything, and won't leave due to honour’ (1)

‘Threaten her, if not, kill’ (2)

‘I'm surrounded’ (1)

‘Kill her, her death is more valuable than our lives’ (2)

‘She has body armour, I have been shot multiple times, she saw our message history’ (1)

Alert: (1) has ceased vital signs

And through backtracking I have located number 2 to a shabby little hut, it would also seem to have an underground tunnel system, there are multiple guards at every exit

“Mister 2, if you wish to get out alive I would suggest you surrender” (Me)

There was no response, as usual.

“Bust that door down like you caught someone with a cursed search history boys~!” (Me)

“Roger” (soldier)

The armed men bash the door down, unlike modern doors, this hut is made of old wooden planks of varying types, thus, its fairly degraded and would be of use as a rain shelter at best.

Number 2 seemed to have gone down his tunnel.

“Alright whoever captures him alive will get to be the captain of the upcoming light cruiser, the 3 other in his squad captain the torpedo boats, if he is killed, you won't be sleeping tonight sober, I would prefer to have him alive” (Me)

The 3 squads roar with anticipation

“Target has been captured” (squad 3)

“Well done, bring him back” (Me)

Wait I didn’t get experience from killing number 1…

[You do not get experience from your soldiers killing him]

But when I told the pirates

[you told the pirates, they complied]

Ah I see now...

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