《The Calling: Awakening》Chapter 10


Chapter 10

A tall man in soft ivory colored robes hurried through the streets of Lundness following what looked like a translucent pixie formed of dust leaves and twigs moving forward in a little whirlwind “Wieland, are we getting close?”

With the sound of rustling and cracking leaves the pixie like creature replied “very close, only a few blocks further.”

A quarter candle mark earlier, Andor received a hurried summons from Hathor’s Patriarch. “The sensitives detected the resonances of a Wild Talent about to have its first emergence here in this city. It has emotional tones associated with despair and anger, so it will likely be a violent one. I need you to get there as soon as possible and mitigate the destruction if possible.” The Patriarch had told him. Without any hesitation Andor called Wieland up and had his elemental friend guide him to the spot, hopefully before things got out of hand.

Andor picked up his pace, moving at a ground eating lope.

“After this next turn it should be straight down the street” Wieland told Andor.

Andor took the corner and saw the various red lanterns hanging, the brothel district. His heart sank. Andor knew that the first emergence usually happened during puberty, and if he or she was in this district the odds were high, given the emotional overtones the sensitives picked up, that this child was forced to be a provider of services rather than one receiving the services.

“Uh oh” Wieland said, sounding like a soft moan of wind through trees. Right after uttering those two words, fire erupted from one of the brothels down the road and one of its walls collapsed. Smoke filled the air, people began screaming. A crowd quickly formed outside the building as patrons, many at least half drunk and less than half dressed streamed from the main entrance. The fire spread quickly, the thatch drying out and bursting into flame rapidly.

“Wieland, do what you can to hold back the fire so everybody can get out safely.” Andor ordered quickly.

“I’ll do my best, but you know holding back fire is rather difficult for my kind.” He answered.

“I know, just do what you can to smother the fires, once everyone is out the building can go it’s already likely to be a total loss. Oh and keep the fire from the liquor, if it reaches that, then there is no chance.”

With an ethereal nod, the little pixie figure flew apart in a burst of wind, and a ribbon like form rippled through the air towards the burning building, expanding and taking on a greyish blue smoky texture as it settled on the fire. Everywhere that cloudlike form touched, the fire dampened down though it didn’t go out completely.

From the hole in the wall at the end of the building a child, naked except for the collar around her neck dragging a chain behind her, stumbled out and staggered towards the growing crowd.


Screams broke out as a living embodiment of fire, a huge panther like feline covered in living flame, with eyes glowing like coals stalked out of the building and padded towards the little girl. Andor prepared to call Wieland back to protect the child, until he saw the cat rub up against her, circling her with affection before dispersing back to the plane it came from.

This must be the one I was stent to find. It’s clear what calling she has, she will be a servant of Corana Andor thought as he started to stride towards the girl. His pace faltered as a balding and somewhat overweight man thundered up to the girl and grabbed her by the chain hanging from her throat and proceeded to ruthlessly beat her. This man was obviously still quite strong even with his progressing years and softening body; he held nothing back as the girls head snapped back and forth under the blows he administered.

After staring in shock at the sudden violence of it, Andor shook his head and darted forward calling to Wieland in his mind to leave the building and come help. As the man’s fist rose in the air to strike again, Andor caught his fist before it could descend. The two men’s eyes met and Wieland formed himself into a miniature thunderstorm behind Andor’s head, miniature forks of lightning flashing, matching the sparks of electricity darting out of Andor’s eyes. The other man’s face went from red and purple with rage to a blotchy chalky white and let go of the child’s chain, letting her slump to the ground where she curled up in a ball.

With his voice tight with controlled anger, Andor told the man “Be gone from this city. If I ever lay eyes upon you again, you will not live to regret it.” Under the acrid smell of the fire, Andor detected the sharp sent of human piss as a wet stain spread down the other man’s leg. Andor let go of the man’s arm and let him stumble away, fleeing in terror.

“Good job Wieland, that’s enough, thank you” Andor mentally said as he bent down to collect the girl in his arms.

“Glad I could help in driving that beast off, is the girl-child well?”

“I hope so, I hope so.” Andor answered.

Andor picked up the girl; she seemed to be mostly out of it mumbling something about a rock and sorry. “Easy girl, easy. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I’ll protect you, you are going somewhere safe” he whispered into her ear. She snuggled unto his chest with a small whimper. “Come on Wieland, let’s get back to the temple and get her to a healer.”

* * *

Soft chimes rippled through the corridors as Andor walked to the Patriarch’s office. The walls were covered in beautiful white birch panels pieced together to form subtle murals of the many voices of the wind, from gentle breezes swaying the tops of trees to violent hurricanes and tornados. Soft grey polished stone covered the floors, the patterns in the grain hinting at clouds. The warm scent of beeswax, used to polish the wood, filled the halls with its warm comforting scent.


Andor came to a large set of double doors, made from the palest Rock Maple wood with large pieces of clear faceted crystals set in a stylized whirl wind pattern that glittered in the light of the enchanted globes filling the halls with their soft white luminescence. Andor took the large clear quart knocker in hand and rapped it three times, the sound echoed slightly in the halls.

A tall slender woman with a single long blond braid pulled over her shoulder, striking grey/blue eyes wearing Ivory colored robes pulled open the door slowly after the third knock. “Ahh, Andor. I take it you were successful with your sudden assignment” she said with a brilliant smile. Her voice sounded like smooth velvet with a hint of chimes from her good humor.

“Yes Meja, I was successful in a fashion. Unfortunately the child was injured, but I dropped her off with Abbigail to be healed, she was beaten pretty badly. But Abbi assures me she will make a full recovery by morning.” Andor said, ending with a tired sigh. “I need to give the Patriarch my report and get some rest myself.”

“Erik, sorry the Patriarch has been waiting for your return. You can go right in, and make sure you get yourself a bite to eat before turning in, you always forget after a day like today” Meja gave Andor a brief hug and let him in.

The front office was spare and business like, a simple well-crafted desk and shelves with books, scrolls and records lined the walls lit with more glowing glass spheres and a single whitewood door led to the patriarchs personal office.

Andor strode through the front office and opened the door to the Patriarchs office after giving it one brief knock. The patriarchs office was a large circular room with two large windows opened on the left and right sides of the room, a nice breeze flowed through the room gently ringing chimes, some made of wood, some glass and some metal giving the room a soft melody played by the wind itself.

The Patriarch sat behind a fine grained white marble desk, little figurines of various animals carved from the clearest quartz decorated the edges of his desk and lined several shelves in the room, they glittered in the light cast by yet more glowing glass orbs positioned around the room to put his favorite figurines in the best light. The Patriarch was a fit man for being in his fifty-three years old, his short blond hair streaked with grey, and his tailored pure white robes showed his still impressive physique to good effect. His eyes crinkled with smile lines as he saw Andor enter his office and said “Ah my boy, I trust you were successful in bringing in our latest initiate?”

With a slight bow Andor replied “Yes and no sir. I brought her in; she was fairly battered so I left her in Abigail’s capable hands.”

“She has the Talent does she not? I trust that is why you brought her here.” The Patriarch said.

“Yes sir, she is a Caller, but I’m afraid it’s clear that her talents lie with another temple. Her Calling is for the Watchers of the Eternal Flame. She will likely be our guest for a short time before she must receive the training in her Discipline.”

With a soft sigh the Patriarch nodded “Very well, have a seat and tell me all that has occurred and what fall out there may be from this evenings events”

Andor did as he was bidden and sat down and related everything that happened from the moment he left the temple grounds on this errand to the moment he left the girl in Abbie’s capable hands. “After putting her in one of the beds in the infirmary, I took Abbie aside and explained how she got the injuries, and what other um… damages the girl may have suffered at the hands of her owner and his clients. She may not be well enough to travel for some good time, given the trauma she has likely suffered, though physically she will be as good as new by morning.” Andor finished.

“No need to worry, we won’t send her off until she is sound of heart as well as body. Frigga, the acolyte’s dorm mother, is very good with helping her charges through emotional distress and will likely be able to help this child through hers. And in the process we can train her in the basics of her Calling and the history of the temples and our ways. With some good food, a warm bed, some security and wise council from Frigga and I’m sure she will have a full recovery. Young children are so resilient at times.”

“That is a relief for me sir, I wish we could put a stop to such practices as that child went through” Andor said.

“Unfortunately, the Nobility already resists the influence we already have over them. We must be careful not to push them too far. Eventually we will be able to stop such practices, but it must be done slowly and carefully.” The Patriarch said.

“I understand, and may that one day come soon. If there isn’t anything else sir, I think I will get cleaned up and grab some rest.” Andor said; fatigue filling his voice as his posture slumped a little.

“Yes my son, get some rest and don’t forget to grab a bite to eat. You need to replace what you used today” The patriarch dismissed Andor with a fatherly smile on his face.

Andor got up and with a slight bow left the office.

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