《The Calling: Awakening》Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Soft, I was enveloped in softness like clouds pressing all around me. The surface I lay on gave gently underneath me. My head was propped up on more softness and I was covered in softness. Where am I? I haven’t felt this comfortable since I was a boy. Faded images of my mother tucking me into my bed, of my father reading to me as I drifted off to sleep drifted through my mind. Tears leaked through my closed eyes as I remembered the warmth and love my parents gave me. their features were blurry, but the memory gilded them in a soft golden glow. I missed them so much; it was so hard surviving on the streets, with no one to take care of me, no one to help me except for Cat.
The thought of Cat shot through my mind and brought me fully awake. I opened my eyes but otherwise kept very still. The room was fairly dark, just the hint of morning light turned the room from complete darkness to shades of grey. I focused on my hearing, what started off as silence and a ringing in my ears slowly shifted. I started to pick up other sounds surrounding me. the light shifting of cloth, creaks of rope, and deep breathing told me I wasn’t the only one sleeping in this room.
The chaotic and danger filled events of the previous day gradually filtered into my mind as I remembered where I was and how I got here. I remembered being brought through the city to the Temple of Corana. The evening rites were underway, I had been exhausted from the day’s events, as were the men who had been sent to bring me in. I was brought to the Acolyte dormitory, given a plain pastel robe to put on in the morning and told to get some sleep and that in the morning I would be summoned to the Assayer of Affinities, whatever that is, and my fate will be decided. I didn’t particularly care for that phrasing, but if it got the collar off my neck and gave me the opportunity to get away and find Cat, I’ll go along for now.
A short time after I awoke a deep reverberating gong resounded from deep within the temple, a sliver of sunlight broke over the horizon and the rooms occupants stirred. Nearly a dozen boys ranging from a few years younger to a few years older that myself groggily rose from their beds, cleaned their faces in the wash bins on the other side of the long but narrow dormitory. After washing they pulled off their sleeping gowns and pulled on plain pastel red robes, the same as the one I was given the night previously. Not knowing what else to do, I followed suit, washing my face and hands then pulling on my own robe, the weight of my collar still dragging on my neck. The robe was soft and clean, I had forgotten how that feels.
Several of the boys glanced at me with quizzical looks on their faces, but didn’t say anything to me, though I did hear a few talking amongst themselves something about a test they had in lessons later today. I shook my head in bemusement, the worry one of them had over something as simple as a test in lessons. They seemed to be on their way to breakfast, one of the younger boys, rather gangly looking was complaining over being hungry he was probably in the middle of a growth spirt and managed to trip over absolutely nothing before scrambling to his feet, face a bit red from the embarrassment when one of the older boys chuckled.
They all left, walking in single file. Since no one had come to take me to this Assayer person, I decided to follow these boys. Might as well try to get a meal out of this place before I needed to cut and run. They walked out of the dormitory and through a couple halls and into a large dining room. The room had a stained glass dome, depicting Corana as a Phoenix, as a beautiful woman and the sun itself, each covering a third of the dome. The light from the dome cast itself onto a series of long tables with benches. The men and women seemed to be grouped by the color of their robes, the palest on one side of the room to the darkest and more fire like on the other.
The dozen or so boys I walked with sat at the table to the farthest left, boys and girls in pastel reds sat at this table. The nice and neat line of boys broke apart and they sought out friends to sit with, and the table mixed even further. I saw an open seat at the end of the table, a quiet looking girl with spectacles on sat on the other side, completely focused on her bowl of porridge and mug of goats milk.
Servants walked the tables, bringing laden bowls of porridge and mugs of milk to the new comers. When I sat down a servant brought one for me as well. It looked like standard porridge, some kind of ground and boiled grain, but it also contained bits of dried fruit and a clear yellow syrupy substance on top. I picked up a spoon from the table and gingerly tasted this substance. It had a rich sweet taste that I liked. I stirred the contents of the bowl and tasted it; it was the best porridge I could remember ever having. I ate quickly, keeping my arm curved around the bowl protectively, something this good had to be kept safe and eaten quickly before anyone else had the chance to take it from you. I then downed the milk, it was sweet and clean tasting, nicely chilled and refreshing. A perfect accompaniment to the filling and wholesome breakfast these soft priest types seemed to enjoy on a regular basis.
My stomach satisfied I looked up and around, most of the people were talking amongst themselves, and almost all of them were still eating, taking their time over their meal. They probably never had to fight for food, lounging over a meal like that. I thought with a derisive snort. These soft bastards wouldn’t last a day on the streets. They aren’t as fearsome as I thought, they aren’t hunting me. I’ve been afraid all this time for nothing. The old sense of dread at seeing these robed men, after eight years started to ebb from me, a small coal of anger started to take its place, they may not be after me, but they still killed my mum and dad. Somehow some way I will make them pay, but first Cat. Looking around some more, this time with an eye to sneak away I noticed another servant, this one a very young boy of maybe eight or so years, walking directly towards me.
Once the servant reached me he looked at me and asked “Are you Irnoc?”
Looking him over I replied in a cool level tone “Yes, I am Irnoc. Are you here to take me to this Assayer person?”
He blinked for a moment then replied “um, yes I am here to escort you to the Assayer of Affinities. If you are ready please follow me.”
I stood from my bench and followed this young boy to see what fate apparently had instore for me.
I was guided through several more corridors, decorations becoming less opulent and more utilitarian as we went deeper into the heart of the temple. This became more apparent as we descended several levels into the temples basement. The entire way I was memorizing landmarks and turns. You don’t survive in the warrens without learning to retrace your steps.
“What is the Assayer of Affinities?” I asked my guide.
The boy didn’t answer, just kept his head bowed slightly as he walked.
“What is your name?”
No answer
“I know you possess a tongue, you spoke to me in the dining hall. What gives?” I asked, trying to get some answer out of him. But alas, once again there was no reply, though he did quicken his steps slightly. Apparently there is either a prohibition on speaking in the halls, or more likely those sent to the Assayer person aren’t allowed any answers.
After a couple minutes of walking in silence, the boy’s shoulders relaxed a bit and his walk became a bit more natural. I will just have to watch and see what comes next; perhaps this Assayer person will answer me, if he isn’t conditionally mute too. I thought with a bit of sarcasm.
We came to a stop in front of heavy wooden double doors, a golden sunburst was emblazed upon it, and it was surrounded by five other symbols; a brownish stone shaped like a mountain peak, a blue stone shaped like a cresting wave, a clear stone carved in whirls that I guessed was meant to be the wind, a ring of gold and a circle of what looked like onyx. Even I knew these represented the six elements, each belonging to one of the gods.
Curiously I stepped towards the door; I felt the floor shift almost imperceptibly and heard a small gong sound as the doors slowly swung open, supposedly by themselves. I smirked a little, I knew this trick. Cunningly pulled off, but I knew it was simply a pressure plate and counterweights. The best I have seen, but still an old trick.
I looked back at my guide, but he was already darting around the last corner we came by. I only just barely saw the edge of his robe flutter out of sight. He’s a quick one, just not quite quick enough I thought as I silently chuckled. The old disappearing guide trick, the guide suddenly disappears while the guided is distracted by the doors and gong. Supposed to add to the mystery I guess. I shook my head and boldly strode into the room, as I crossed the threshold the dark room bloomed in light as torches lining the chambers walls lit up all at once.
I blinked once at the sudden glare, it wasn’t too bad. The hall was moderately lit so my eyes weren’t adjusted much to the darkness. At first glance the room was fairly bare, no furniture, murals of the six gods decorated the walls, lit well by the dozen or so torches in the room. Glancing around I noticed a lot of glitter and shine coming off the floor. On closer inspection, there was a large ring on the floor made of silver by the looks of it, at least two fingers wide and filled half of the room, it was easily five or six paces across. Within the circle lay a six pointed star each point sharp and just barely touching the outer ring, it looked like it was made of copper or bronze or something of similar hue.
The real eye catcher was the crystal inlays. Each crystal inlay was a large triangle filling one of the six points, each matched the colors associated with each of the gods, ruby, dark blue sapphire, pale blue sapphire, a golden citrine, some kind of clear brown crystal and a very dark crystal ,probably a dark smoky quartz. I wasn’t sure I was right on most of the crystals but each was smooth and rose about an inch from the floor, and was at least a pace wide for each of them. They were huge and all once piece, not many set close together. Even the least valuable of these stones would be worth vast amounts of gold. There was more wealth in this one room than most of the population of the Warrens would ever see.
There was another smaller silver ring in the center of the star, maybe a pace and a half wide. Outside that inner ring; in a variety of metals including copper, gold, silver, and many other metals, lay strange symbols and geometric lines, swirls and strange lettering in a language I didn’t recognize, I didn’t even recognize the alphabet. All together it shimmered and practically glowed in the torchlight.
“It’s quite a beautiful sight isn’t it” a voice said from behind me.
I spun around and dropped into a crouch, my hand reaching at my belt for a blade that was no longer there. In the doorway stood an old man; He had a long beard that fanned out over his chest, his loose robes didn’t hide his thin limbs and narrow chest. He stood with a slight stoop in his back, and had crystal half-moon lenses in a wire frame perched on his long thin nose. He wore dark red robes that seemed to shimmer, like the red light in a deeply glowing coal.
“Sorry for startling you young man, first sight of this room is always captivating to the new initiates. That’s why I always prefer the boys and girls who are sent to me, to come to this room alone, so they can take it all in.” the old man had a kindly voice and his eyes sparkled with enjoyment at the breath taking room and my reaction to it. I didn’t say anything in reply, it didn’t seem like any reply was needed. I just slowly rose from my defensive crouch and looked him in the eyes.
The old man smiled at me and then slowly walked into the room. “Are you ready to see what destiny awaits you my boy?” he asked when he stood right in front of me. I had walked further than I realized into the room as in inspected the strange design on the floor.
“What do you mean by my destiny? Why was I brought here and when do I get this bloody collar off my neck.” I demanded.
“Patience young man, patience. All will be made clear to you. I will answer all the questions I can. To your first question, you are here to be tested to find which of the gods or goddesses you are most attuned to. This will tell us which temple you truly belong to” he told me in a mildly lecturing tone.
“Attuned to? What does that mean, and why do I need this test. And by the way, who are you?” I interrupted
“Patience, I was getting to that. My name is Kadeem, High Priest and the Assayer of Affinities. We believe you are one of the rare individuals who possess a stronger than normal connection to the gods and the realms they rule. This special connection is granted by the gods themselves, and lets us call upon their servants in times of need, and those servants will perform miracles for us.” He took a breath and continued “you will be taught how to call upon these divine beings later during lessons and also you will be taught our history and many other subjects that will aid you in performing duties to the temples and the gods. We will go into those later, for now we must find where your affinities lay.” And with that he gestured to the inner circle and said “if you would please, step within the inner ring.”
I shook my head, confused. Gods, realms, divine servants, miracles, none of this makes any sense. “I think you must be mistaken, I don’t know anything about these things. All I care about is getting this thrice damned collar off my neck so I can find Cat. She is in danger and I must find her” I was rather intense when I mentioned Cat.
The old man blinked at my intensity glanced past me for a moment, brought his eyes back to me and asked “Is this cat a pet of yours?” he seemed a bit confused
“No, she is a girl I know. She was taken and I must find her. I NEED to find her NOW.”
“Settle down, settle down. Do you know where she is? No of course not, otherwise you wouldn’t need to find her. The best way you can help her, or help anyone is learning your gift, and having one of the gods at your side. Many things are possible when they walk with you and grant you their strength.”
I must have looked about ready to object when he said in a stern tone “please get in the Circle, once we find your affinity, you can have that ring removed. With some training and if the high priests decide that it is important enough, they may help you find your friend. But first this step must be made.” He gave me a brief nudge towards the inner ring.
I took a deep breath. Arguing at this point won’t help Cat, I need to lose the collar or I won’t be able to find her anyways. Taking another deep breath, I stepped into the circle, avoiding stepping on the crystal inlays, and stopped within the inner ring. “Ok, now what” I asked.
The old man waved his hand at the torches around the room. All but two of them went out; both lit torches were mounted by the now closed doors. He then bowed his head and began a singsong chant I couldn’t understand. It sounded like part song and part prayer.
For several minutes nothing seemed to happen, and then a strange vibration started to fill the room. I couldn’t hear it but I could feel it resonating in my chest and felt it in the floor through my feet. The vibration seemed to grow stronger and the very air seemed to vibrate, then the vibration changed pitch, it seemed to gradually rise and fall in intensity changing its pitch all the while. I looked at the man in concern, but his eyes were closed and he seemed oblivious, too wrapped up in his sing song chant.
I looked down and saw that the symbols and designs in the floor began to glow. The glow changed with the intensity and the pitch of the vibration. Gradually all the symbols, the lines and the strange words were all glowing with some kind of power. The old man’s chanting reached a fever pitch and the vibrations were so high I couldn’t hear them again, but still felt them. It put my teeth on edge. Then between one moment and the next, it all just stopped. The chanting, the vibrations and the glowing lines in the floor. My head swam a bit in disorientation, then faintly at first the crystal panels in the floor began to glimmer. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first, but as I looked all around me, the glimmer grew and they all attained a steady glow. Their multiple colors gave eerie life to the portrayals on the walls, causing them to shimmer and dance as though the images were moving on their own.
I looked at the old man in confusion, hoping he would tell me what this all meant. His eyes were as round as cart wheels. In the light of the glowing crystals his face still looked grey, and his hands were shaking. Gradually the glow dimmed back to a shimmer, then that shimmer faded entirely. We were left in the faint illumination of the two burning torches.
“Corana’s blessing, it can’t be.” The old man whispered to himself “three hundred years of waiting, Kinathe’s blood returned at last.” He shuddered and took a deep breath, and then he took another. I could see he was still shaking. He looked at me, wonder filled his eyes “my boy, do you have any idea what this means?”
I looked back at him “I have no bloody idea, what was all that. The vibrations, the glowing lines, the glowing crystals. What in the abyss is all this?”
“My boy, it has been nearly three hundred years since one such as you walked this earth. You are truly blessed by the gods. Not just one god, but all the gods and goddesses. You are attuned to each and every Plane of Divinity. It was said you would come, but never. I never expected it to occur in my life time.” His eyes snapped back into focus and his tone turned from that of wonder to that of grim determination. “I must tell the order, they must know immediately.”
“Order, what order? What are you rambling on about old man?” I asked with a touch of impatience “what do you mean by ‘All the Planes of Divinity’ what is this nonsense.”
Taking another deep breath he said “Each priest, of each temple is a Caller. We can call upon the servants of the gods. Each person is attuned to one of the six Planes of Divinity, the realms where each of the gods dwell. On very rare occurrences an individual might have a minor affinity with a second plane, but it is a very minor affinity and isn’t trained. We are trained and belong to the temple of the god or goddess that matches our affinity. For example, every priest of Corana is attuned to her Plane of Divinity, and all her servants embody fire on one way or another. It is her element and what we are blessed with. Instead of you being attuned to one of these planes, or even the rare second plane, you are attuned to each and every one equally.”
“You are telling me, I can whistle up a variety of elemental servants? These things will come at my beck and call?” if this was true, it could be useful in rescuing Cat I thought.
“Yes, if you want to boil it down that far. But you will need training to do it consciously instead of as a reaction to danger or similar circumstance. You’re arrival was foretold nearly 300 years ago, by your predecessor. You are going to save the world my boy, it is your destiny.” He paused for a moment, apparently having a thought, “but you are in danger, so very much danger. There are many within the temples that would kill you outright for being what you are. They fear the changes you will bring, an end to their corrupt ways.”
“But… What... Danger?” I stammered, not making much sense out of all that he said.
“I must tell the order immediately; you must not let anyone know of this. I will let them know you are attuned to Corana, that would be safest.”
“I still don’t know what you are talking about old man, what all this means.” I asked impatiently
“There is no time right now, for now all you need to do is attend lessons like everyone else, you will start to learn how to call on Corana’s servants, and other lessons. Don’t call on any other gods servants here, it will give you away and could get you killed. In a few days I will come to you and bring you to the order, and all will be explained to your satisfaction then.” He said emphatically
“I can’t wait a few day, cat needs me now.” I cried out.
“What happened to this friend of yours? If you tell me everything, I can get the order to look for her while you learn to harness your abilities.” He compromised.
Taking a deep breath I looked at him. “Fine, I will give you a few days. Then I’m out of here regardless.” The old man nodded and I told him everything that happened in the last few days, the short version.
“So you think she was sold into slavery like you were, but instead of being sold as a mine slave, you think she was sold to a brothel or similar place.” He summarized
“Yes, I need to find her; she would rather die than be forced into that trade.”
“Very Well. I will make inquiries based on your description, and find out who bought her and where they took her. This might take some time anyways, so use it wisely and learn what you can. The Order has resources and contacts you won’t have on the street. We can help you, if you are willing to help us.”
“Help you with what?” I asked suspiciously.
“The Leader of our order will explain everything to you once you are brought to him. All your questions will be answered and we will give you what information is available about your friend then as well. Also, I’m sure you realized, but the existence of the Order is secret, so your discretion is needed, more than your own life may depend on it staying secret.”
Feeling like I was about to be set up, but with no other real option available to me I agreed and was taken back to the dormitory section of the temple to have my new lessons arraigned.
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