

It was a well-known fact the System has and will always be evolving and developing; especially in the last 300 years. It was documented that the System of today is vastly different from even a century ago with the rise of innovations and new technologies. And so, feeling the euphoria of a potential pioneer, Sam studied and read everything he had available about seeing magik.

Later that evening, the child started the practice of his stances once more, paying attention and fixing every mistake he had been making until after just 5 minutes he was able to see the red mote. Intently studying it while continuing to keep his stances, Sam slowly shifted into beckoning the miniscule particle of creation on to his fingers and imagining a flame being lit.

Unfortunately, before he was even able to move the particle half-way towards him, he missed a step, faltered, and saw it slowly fade away from his vision. Discouraged by his failure, the boy once more tried repeating his practice; this did not prove fruitful however and so the boy left the gym for another evening, his mind racing at the implications of what he might be able to do. He ate his dinner, completed his ablutions, and headed to bed.

This pattern had continued again for the next 3 days; studying, reading, watching, any and everything involving the [Magi] with his evenings spent practicing his stances; memorizing each position his extremities should be at, noting down the breathing cycle, learning how to clear his mind from distractions. Each night he was able to move more swiftly, able to glimpse the red particle faster, and ask it to come closer to him. Until finally the night before he had been able to get the mote to land on the tip of his index. The excitement from his achievement had unfortunately caused the child to fail in his stances once more, resulting in the mote fading away. However, even after the particle had disappeared, Sam was not disappointed; he had actually felt the heat from the point of mana. It was something real, not something in his head that he conjured due to his incessant boredom.


His studies the days prior had been fruitful in letting him achieve a glimpse of understanding of what he had been seeing; the mote or particle was likely a single point of mana, the unit of measurement for magik, and given its color, likely attuned to the aspect of heat or flames. Experimenting and succeeding, even partially, had lifted the boys spirits. And so he once more finished his practices, ate his dinner, completed his ablutions, and went to sleep.

And thus we come to today, past his prior musings and waiting for the clock to tick down until he could leave his cloistered room for practice. He could skip out and leave early; however, his eldest brother had always demanded discipline out of his siblings, and so he would wait and finish his time as is proper for a Hyzaar. Staring at the sparkling waters of the bay drew the boy to the speckled reflection of Solara's rays, seeing it bounce and refract off of the waves, creating a scene of natural peace and beauty. And as Sam watched the clouds shift and the orange-rays sparkle, he saw what he thought were small fireflies dancing across the waves; flowing and moving across the waters after landing from Solara's long journey. He visualized the tiny pin-pricks of light to be his new friend that he tried to interact with for the past week, imagining it laughing and dancing just as the fireflies. He relaxed, the time ticking down without any acknowledgement from him, and slowly, he felt his body responding to move.

Sam felt himself standing, raising himself from his chair, gliding towards the middle of the room, facing the window, and falling into the initial stance of [Solara's Guidance]. He saw the fiery motes of light flash into existence from the rays through his window, and he beckoned as he had learned how to. His body started to flow as he had practiced, moving naturally and instinctively, reaching out and directing the single mote of mana towards his fingers. He saw it fly towards him, undulating and shifting. As he came to the end of his stances, he reached out with his left and accepted it, ingesting the point of mana inside of himself. And just as he wondered why he had wanted to take the magik inside of himself, he felt a burning start to spread from his fingers, down to his hand, up his arm, past his shoulders, through his chest and abdomen before echoing back towards his palms where he felt the burning fire eject and glow, shooting out a ray of light, indistinct, hazy, and hot, for one long, infinite, second, before fizzling out like a short-lived dream.


Sam stood there stunned, his left hand pointed out towards the window where a small blackened point had appeared on the glass, exactly where the burning ray had fizzled out.

"I did it." he said aloud to himself, almost without belief, and just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. And as the realization that he had actually performed an ingression of mana before his inauguration, came to him, a grinning smile etched itself on to the face of the child. Before long, cheerful hollering could be heard from the Hyzaar villa, that of the joy of a child who had accomplished what many thought to be nigh impossible. A prodigious child in the aspect of magik, in the manipulation of fire, and the beginning of the journey with magik for Samuel Vallarus Hyzaar.

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