《The power of scrolls》Chapter 2


Devan woke up with aches all over his body, he can hardly move his legs as it would result in a jolt of pain. He suddenly recalled that he knows a potion used to help heal the injured created by the alchemist guild. Pulling out a small rock from his pocket, one of the many he collected, he used his ability to transform the rock into a healing potion.

The rock immediately transforms into a transparent vial filled with red viscous liquid. He downed the contents in one go and immediately the effects could be felt like the various cuts, bruises as well as the pain from yesterdays ordeal magically disappeared. He remembered that a low tier healing potion, one that he drank just now could easily go for the price of 50 silver.

Considering that 200 copper could easily feed a family of four for a week and one silver is worth 1000 copper and 1 gold coin is worth 1000 silver. Healing potions are ridiculously overpriced so only the very rich people could afford such luxury. A working man working every day for 12 hours a day in a week would make just around 500 to 600 copper. Just consider that this is only a low tier healing potion. Imagine how high price the mid-tier and high-tier potions would be.

Devan slowly got out of bed, stretching his unathletic limbs. He looked around the room properly as he wasn't riddled with fatigue anymore. To Devan's inspection, he found the room simple yet elegant, it was clean and quite big. A big large bed snugged at the corner of the wall and a nice desk at the front of the bed at the bottom corner of the room next to the window. The desk was bare except for a large wick of a candle.


Devan stifled a yawn as he walked unhurriedly towards the window. Guessing from the sun's positions, it still seems to be the middle of the day. The hustle and bustle of the pedestrians below filled his sight. He inhaled the fresh air contentedly. 'How refreshing, air not tainted with pollution does wonder to the soul.'

The rumbling of his stomach signalled for him to stop gawking at the streets below and immediately take care of business, mainly his stomach. Devan went downstairs greeted the owner and ordered some food and drinks immediately.

The cost of his food and drinks came about 20 coppers and the meal tasted decent. Not as nice as the food on earth but it wasn't terrible at least.

"I would like to extend the duration of my stay." Devan told the Inn keeper.

"How many days?" the Innkeeper asks as he wiped down the glasses that he just recently washed.

Devan smiled at that. "I'll just pay an extra day and then we'll see."

The Innkeeper simply nodded and Devan immediately handed him the money. Seeing as it was still early, he decided to explore the town shops in order to procure supplies, possibly buy a cart and a horse and possibly some slaves to help him on the journey, he was planning to hit up the capital of the Kingdom which is called Avalon. Since it is the main capital city of the Avalon Kingdom, the city is named Avalon city since the King and his royal family resides in that city.

Devan couldn't wait to visit Avalon city since it is the main capital city of the Kingdom, a lot of rare artefacts and magic scrolls could be found there. Devan then first bought a new set of clothes, after changing into one of them, he asked a random person where he could find a magic store.


Arriving at the front of a large white building, Devan appreciated the grandness of it as he read the name of the store on the sign placed outside the building. 'Mystic Emporium.' Devan smiled at that name while shaking his head gently. He gently pushed the door open and a bell rung as the door was pushed. He was immediately greeted by the sight of rows of shelves filled with all kinds of scrolls in the middle of the building floor. Right beside the entrance was the cashier station where an old man with greying hair was stationed sporting a long greying beard.

The old man smiled at Devan.

"Welcome to Mystic Emporium." said the old man as he flashed Devan with a practised smile.

Devan nodded in response as he briskly walked towards shelves of scrolls awaiting his inspection. He noticed that a number of customers are in the building with him perusing scrolls, wands and staffs along the different section of the store. One of them was a girl wearing a grey-white robe, holding a dark wooden staff and across on her side was a small bag that rested on her hip.

Maybe Devan was staring at her a bit too long as she noticed his gazed and responded back by narrowing her eyes at him. Devan just smiled awkwardly and looked away.

Immolate - Mid-tier 2 magic scroll. Causes the target of the spell to burst into flames. Priced at 10 silver.

Delay- Mid-tier 2 magic scroll. Slows down the targets movement speed. Priced 8 Silver.

Fire Bolt- High-tier 1 magic scroll. Fires a small bolt of fire at a target. Priced 5 silver.

Those were just some of the scrolls that Devan looked out of hundreds of magic scrolls that he browsed from. He's only seen one scroll that was a high-tier 3 magic scroll and it was called Firestorm, it hurls a gigantic ball of fire at a target and will explode upon contact. It was a very deadly spell and so was its price. The shop had only one copy and it was worth 1 gold.

Devan sigh in relief that he didn't need to spend a single penny when using scrolls because of his cheat. 'Might as well buy something here, maybe not a scroll but possibly a magic device.'

Devan headed towards the corner where magic devices were located. Different from magic artefacts that were found in ruins and cannot be created in the present era, because the knowledge of creating artefacts has been lost during the great war. Magic devices were like scrolls but were imbued in a physical object such as swords, staffs, bracelets etc.. and can be used more than once. They can also be repaired by a magic blacksmith, the cost of repairs are quite affordable.

Artefacts, however, are different in that they are limited by how many times they can be used each day but will absorb the surrounding mana in the air to recharge itself. You can also charge them faster by using mana cores taken from a magic beast.

There was a bracelet that caught Devan's eye. It was a slim silver bracelet with a leafy patterned design.

Bracelet of Healing- can heal life-threatening wounds effectively but cannot regrow limbs. Can be used twice before needing to be repaired. Priced 20 gold.

Devan whistled when he saw the priced. 'Oh well.' he shrugged. He used his ability to conjure the 20 gold that he needed and paid for it straight away.

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