《Dungeon Tower Babel》18 What comes next?
“Uaaaa!” Tasha screamed waking herself up, just to be slapped on the back of her head.
“Shhh!” Demi-Ura shushed the beastkin. She didn't want Tasha to wake up those who were sleeping.
Tasha rubbed the back of her head and whispered “What is going on? Weren’t we fighting the… Sargon, how is he?” She raised her voice unintentionally again.
Demi-Ura pointed at where Sargon was sleeping. “Fine. Sleeping.”
“Ehh? Why Lilith is there with him?” Tasha shuffled closer to inspect the couple. “Is she heeling him? Was he injured badly?”
“No healing, just sleeping. Not enough beds for four.” Demi-Ura answered.
“Hmm, but there is one spare.” Tasha pointed at an unoccupied bedroll.
The roll belonged to Demi-Ura but she didn't use it since she was on a watch. Apparently, they did have enough of bedrolls since one person had to stay on guard, not that Sargon needed to know that. Incidentally, it was now Lilith’s turn to stay on watch. Demi-Ura will be taking her turn sleeping with Sargon next; she had never done so and was quite looking forward to it.
Demi-Ura ignored Tasha and pinched Lilith’s tail forcefully trying to wake her.
“Ahhh…” Lilith moaned erotically. “Sargon, you are being too rough.” She muttered while still asleep.
Demi-Ura furrowed her brows in dissatisfaction and sunk her nails into the lizardman’s tail.
“Shhh-Au au au.” Lilith hissed in pain from her rude awakening.
“My turn. You go watch.” Demi-Ura hissed in her own way.
“Fine, but no need to be so mean though.” Lilith whispered while carefully shuffling away from the bedroll so not to wake Sargon.
“I can keep watch now.” Tasha offered kindly, she didn't feel like sleeping anymore, not after the nightmare she just had.
Lilith appreciated the offer but as a healer, she could not allow that. “No, you need to rest. You have been injured quite badly.”
“I were?” Tasha touched herself all over, she didn't feel in pain or anything. “I was…” she realised once her fingers brushed past the patches missing the fur. Once again the nightmare flashed before her eyes and she caught herself trembling.
Tasha looked at Sargon again as if to dispel her fears. Seeing him sleeping peacefully calmed her down; neither of them seemed to be injured, well not anymore. However, she could not sleep, she still felt restless. Instead, she went to Lilith to keep her company and to find how did they defeat the [Armoured Ant] after she had passed out.
The girls chatted up about everything to the point where Sargon stirred and woke up.
“Morning or is it evening?” He greeted everyone unsure. “Morning Demi.” He shook the woman who was sleeping next to him under the blanket trying to wake her.
It didn't look like Demi-Ura wanted to get up at all.
“Come on, everyone is already out it is just you.” He encouraged her with another gentle shake.
Demi-Ura groaned in dissatisfaction. She felt cheated out of her time sleeping next to Sargon, it seemed that Lilith had more time than her. “Fine. Let’s go.” She knew it wasn't the place or the time to act spoiled; she will get at the lizard next time.
Seeing that Tasha was all better Sargon let a relieved sigh and begun to pack their equipment.
“I will carry it for you guys.” Tasha offered kindly.
“Nah, it will be fine.”
“You carried me here so…” Tasha said somewhat embarrassed “This is the least I can do. You saved my life after all.”
“You saved mine but it was Demi-Ura who saved yours.”
“You killed it. Without you, we would be dead.” Demi-Ura referred to Sargon’s final blow.
“Maybe you’re right. But if not for Lilith’s healings we probably wouldn’t have even made this far…”
“So, I guess we saved each other. Like a proper party would.” Lilith beamed up in a smile.
Demi-Ura nodded in agreement, it was true. Everyone did their best to save their companions and will continue to do so.
The small bearskin didn't wait for their permission and packed all of the stuff on her tiny back, she wanted to be useful. Tasha looked like a small mountain with legs, there was more stuff then there were her.
“Isn’t it too heavy? Let me take some.” Sargon offered to take some of the burden away.
“What are you talking, this isn't heavy at all. This is my class, please let me do it.” She said honestly. Tasha was used to carrying even bigger loads.
“If you say so. Stay at the rear and don’t engage the enemy. I don’t think you will have time to take all of this if we get ambushed.”
“I will keep an eye on her.” Lilith offered.
Tasha wanted to contribute as a party member since she was a poor fighter, but once again she felt inadequate. She didn't want to burden them with her inabilities, but her lack of fighting skills made her think that she does.
Lilith noticed the lack of the usual enthusiastic Tasha’s tail wagging and spoke. She knew why Tasha was upset.
“Don’t worry about it. Maybe you can’t fight good, yet, but you can learn if you want. And as a party we have to cower for each-others lacking’s and faults.”
“I can get better at it?” Tasha questioned herself more than Lilith, she sounded unsure about it.
“Yes, you can! I believe Sargon or Demi-Ura can show you some tricks with a dagger. I would too if I knew how to fight. I am not a good fighter either, remember?”
Tasha wanted to dispute the latter part, in her eyes Lilith was a natural fighter. However, Lilith's words cheered her up and she didn't want to continue to brood over her own inabilities.
“I will get better.” She made a promise.
Lilith patted Tasha on her head like she would a small child for encouragement, her teacher instincts kicked in. This wasn't the first child she had comforted.
Sargon looked at the two knowingly. Lilith was treating Tasha as a kid even though she clearly was not, it looked somewhat condescending. However, Tasha seemed happy and he just smiled wryly.
Eventually, the party found their way out, and without any real struggle. As per usual Demi-Ura didn’t come to the surface. Sargon knew she had her reasons but Lilith was of different opinion.
“About Demi-Ura. I might know why she is reluctant to come out.” Lilith spoke carefully. She felt somewhat bad about doing it behind someone’s back.
“Like I said before.” Lilith leaned closer to Sargon’s ear and spoke in a hush “She is a demon kind, those are not exactly welcome in this city.”
“What do you mean?” Sargon asked Lilith to expand on her explanation.
“Not welcome like… killed on sight. Well, not that normal people would be able to recognise that she is a demon, the knowledge of them is not that well spread around. But veteran adventurers, soldiers and those in temple definitely know about demons and despise them with passion.” Lilith wanted to add that she too still holds that opinion to some extent.
Demons are evil and that is a fact. Demi-Ura was okay in Lilith’s eyes because she was a rare exception, or so she convinced herself. She actually would call Demi-Ura as a friend now, but that doesn't mean that her hatred for demons was gone and forgotten. All of this, of course, wasn't put in words; Lilith knew that her opinion would upset Sargon.
“Hmm… you might be right.” Sargon cupped his chin in thought.
“But she still can come out.” Tasha added her opinion, she overheard their conversation all thanks to her pointy beastkin ears.
The two looked at her and so she continued. “I don’t know what a demon is but if her looks are no good… We can just cover her in clothing. Rogues are all hidey all the time, and she kind of gives that vibe too. No one would suspect a thing.”
“Hmm… you might be right.” Lilith mimicked Sargon from a few seconds ago, cupping her chin.
Tasha giggled at Lilith’s behaviour, ex-priestess was mocking Sargon who was too dense to realise it.
“I will offer that to Demi the next time, now… Now let’s cash in our cores.”
They still had a huge stack of them. The party went to the guild and exchanged them for money. The amount was a small fortune since they had plenty of big cores from [Warrior-Ants]. Well, it would be a small fortune for a single person, but now there were four of them and there were other various expenses too, like equipment repairs. Tasha’s already tattered dress was even more tattered, it barely held on her shoulders without coming apart and Sargon's shirt too had a huge hole by the belly and was blood-soaked, the stain which would no longer get off.
Sargon handed Lilith and Tasha their share of coins.
“Eh?” Tasha reacted with shock to the number of Shekels she received. “Why are you giving it to me?”
“You are part of this party now, and we share the money equally.”
Tasha felt conflicted about it. She didn’t even contribute that much. Normally those in [Burden] would be paid bare minimum, giving someone like her an equal share seemed odd.
“I don’t feel comfortable taking it.” It took a lot of effort but Tasha refused it, it was a proof of how kind she was.
“It is yours, just take it.” Lilith interjected.
“Still it does not feel right.”
“Look, you deserve it!” Sargon raised his voice with a hint of anger. “You almost died saving me, your clothes are ruined. You need it.”
“You can get some equipment for yourself. A weapon or something like that. Something that suits your style and makes you a better fighter.” Lilith gave a bit of advice about how she should spend it. She thought it would be a waste if this young girl spent it all on tasty food only and other useless things.
“But… I don’t know what suits me. I can’t even fight.” Once again Tasha’s low self-esteem showed.
“Nonsense. You killed those ants with Demi-Ura and blinded the [Armoured Ant], no? You are new at this, unskilled, yes, but you CAN fight. I wouldn’t be alive otherwise.” Sargon reminder her.
“Even so. I don’t know which weapon is the best for me.”
“Why don’t we ask Belish, we are heading there and as a smith he could advise you.”
“Yes.” Tasha agreed with an energetic tail wag. Sargon was right, she can fight. The only thing preventing her from it was her mental block.
The trio went to see the smith.
Belish greeted the group with a raised eyebrow. “Just look at ye, one hell of a battle ya had. Go easy next time.” He handed Sargon his coa. It was fixed, the blade looked like it was brand new. “I was waiting for ya yesterday, ya know, but now I know why ya didn’t come.”
“Yeah… [Armoured Ant] was not easy to crack. Its armour is just so tough!” Sargon complained.
“Ya killed it?” The smith was impressed. “Did ya sell its shell already?”
“How would we even take it off? It's too hard to crack.” Sargon asked Belish in turn.
“Lad, there are ways. I’m surprised ya don’t know. Have a look at ‘dis.” The smith pulled a tool from under the stall. “Crowbar it is.” He showed the tool and explained how it worked. It was specially designed to rip parts of chitin away from ants without damaging it.
Then the smith continued. “I can make armour too you know. [Armoured Ant] is rare so it’s ‘ard to come by such materials, I need t’e chitin for practice. Bring some and I will craft something for ya.”
He handed the crowbar to Sargon. “A loan, don’t lose it.” The tool in question was actually quite expensive since it was made out of quite tough metal.
“Really?” Sargon took it reluctantly.
“Just get me some chitin, alright?”
Sargon smiled happily accepting it.
“Oh, anot'er thing.” He pushed petite beastkin in front of himself. “What sort of weapon would be good for her?”
“A warhammer!” Belish slammed a huge weapon on the stall. The wood creaked from the weight.
Tasha glared at the weapon with her mouth agape, there was no way she could even lift it.
“Ha ha ha ha.” The smith laughed heartily. “Your expression.” He wiped a tear from his eye.
The trio looked confused, the joke went over their heads.
“Ahhh… ya no fun. She's small so a dagger is good.”
“But there is so much a dagger can do against huge ants.” Lilith spoke from experience.
“True… Belish looked over the small girl once more. “look, tis ‘arsh but she’s too small. A weapon shouldn't be heavier t’an she is. A ranged weapon maybe?” He offered, paused letting his words to sink in and then continued. “Yes, if ya go for offensive power a ranged weapon is the best for her. Ya don’t want something dis small anywhere close to combat. One chomp and she’s gobbled up and gone.”
“I get it, alright.” Tasha got annoyed about her height being mentioned every time, she didn't have a complex about it but this was too much.
“A bow. Do you sell any?” It didn't look like it since Belish was a smith and not a bowmaker or even a carpenter, but he asked just in case.
“No, but I can direct ya to someone who does, he’s an old friend of mine.”
The trio listened for directions in attention; it was not too far.
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