《Dungeon Tower Babel》16 Though Spot
“Screams? We should help.” Lilith urged her party.
“NO!” Demi-Ura had strong objections about this.
“We have to. What if someone dies? Sargon, tell her.”
Sargon had a conflicting opinion about this. The whole deal with spearman Nirah and his party demise wasn't a pleasant experience. However, he still felt that Lilith was right and they should help fellow adventurers.
“It will be alright.” He made a flimsy attempt to persuade Demi-Ura. “At least let’s check it out.”
“Hurry!” Lilith ran towards the distant screams without waiting for others.
The rest of the party scrambled to follow. What they found was a party of three, no make it four, fighting three dozen strong swarm of ants made of warriors and spitters. One of the adventurers was downed and clutching his leg while wailing in pain. The other two were fighter types, one was armed with a spear while the other had a longsword. The last one was a caster, type of an air mage by the looks and quite powerful.
The mage had a magic barrier formed around the party blocking the acid projectiles, while the two fighters were fending off the [Warrior Ants]. This strategy would usually work well but this time there were simply way too many ants.
“Why where are so many of them, where did this swarm come from? I won't be able to keep this for much longer.” Air mage spoke through her laboured breaths; his white robe was drenched in sweat.
“It looks like two or maybe even three swarms joined together, for one reason or other.” The swordsman quested while trying to catch his air; he has just decapitated a huge ant monster.
“What does it matter? We're doomed unless we run!” The spearman sounded as if he was losing his resolve to fight.
“And leave Mike to die here? Never! [Dismember]” Swordsman used the building up rage and channeled it to the monsters, cutting off all of the legs entirely from one unlucky ant.
“Help is here!” Lilith jumped in the circle, seemingly out of nowhere, startling unaware adventurers and moved quickly to the one who was still screaming in pain.
She didn't wait for others to fully acknowledge her intentions and started healing the poor man. She could see bare bone poking out of the hole in his leg, the hole made by corrosive ant spit.
“Another party? Then we are saved.” Air mage sighted in relief noticing other free figures running towards them.
Sargon jumped to assist the warriors while Demi-Ura took the middle between them and the caster; Tasha did not feel competent enough to help so she kept in the rear not to become a hindrance.
“I won’t be able to keep the barrier for much longer. The spitters are the problem. Is any of you a ranger?” The air mage asked hopefully even if it did not look like it; none of their saviours appeared to have a bow or any sort of ranged weapon.
“I'll do it.” Demi-Ura noded to the caster before disappearing somewhere in between overgrown mushrooms.
Sargon saw Demi-Ura appearing at the enemy’s rear, just behind the group of spitters who were lined up in a neet line. She pierced the ants quickly killing four of them and then retreating back into the guise of darkness not to get shot.
“[Confuse]!” She cast her spell, further disturbing the barrage the ants laid on the air-mage's shield. Then she disappeared in the darkness with shadow cloak only to repeat her attack like this for a couple more times.
Meanwhile, Sargon struggled against his ant opponent. The dagger he had was a good weapon but he found his coa to be a better weapon against the [Warrior Ants]; the coa which was still being repaired. Also, his freshly healed leg was cramping up further hindering his performance. Sargon wasn't at his best but regardless of that his help was appreciated by swordsman and spearman fighters.
“I can’t. Take cover!” the mage shouted just before he fell on his knees and the barrier collapsed.
The acid globs reached the party but everyone managed to find cover in time either under a rock or behind one of the giant shrooms.
“We can do this!” Sargon encouraged everyone “Half of them are done.”
“Just a bit more” Swordsman braced for the charging ant warrior.
The party scattered slightly because they had to seek cover against the [Spitter Ants], but they somehow managed to keep [Warrior Ants] from reaching their rear. The acid splashed all over, burning the mushrooms around. Occasionally a spray or a drop slashed away from vegetation hitting the fighters and burning their clothes and flesh alike. A small dropped was painful but nothing they couldn't have handled.
“[Taunt]. Boys I have them, help me out!” Sargon desperately tried to keep the warrior ants concentrating on him so that they don’t reach Lilith or Demi-Ura. He was risking his life doing that, lots of trust was put into two strangers to assist him.
Eventually, Demi-Ura managed to kill most of the [Spitter Ants] and scatter the rest. all thanks to Sargon from keeping [Ant Warriors] distracted so they don’t intercept her. The barrage of acid stopped and it was significantly easier to deal with the warriors. Demi-Ura assisted the fighters blasting the ants from behind with her magic, the outcome of the battle was clear.
They killed all of the monsters with only minor injuries, but those were injuries never the less. Lilith was done healing the poor man and moved to heal others starting with Sargon.
“We were lucky to be saved by you. Saying just thanks isn't enough.” The air-mage thanked trough his still irregular breath.
“You even healed our friend. How can we repay you?” Swordsman asked Lilith.
“It is fi…” Lilith was just about finish saying that it is fine and that thank you is enough.
However, Demi-Ura cut her off midsentence. “Cores. Give us cores.” Her hand was stretched out and her fingers were motioning for reward.
“You can harvest all the cores from monsters we just killed and we will give half of the cores we have.” Air-mage offered. He was very grateful for their help but he simply couldn't part with all of their income, they had to eat and repair their equipment.
Demi-Ura shook her head displeased, she wanted all of the cores. Sargon jumped between her the air-mage.
“We accept.” He knew that Lilith would have objected Demi-Ura's behaviour if she kept pressing.
They have collected the cores and parted their way with the other party. The poor man once again thanked Lilith still unable to believe at being able to walk. The leg did not look the same and there was a scar, but the hole was closed.
“That. That was scary. We could have died too.” Tasha had finally spoken.
Demi-Ura nodded in agreement. She knew that such risk was not worth it, but somehow neither Sargon nor Lilith realised it. At that moment she became more fond of Tasha, at least beastkin understood it.
“Well we didn’t and we got rewarded nicely too.”
“I still don’t think we should have taken away their cores. I healed them and my healing was free.” Lilith complained.
“I kill. That is not for free.” Demi-Ura added. “He too.” She motioned to Sargon then to the bag full of cores and salvaged acid glands continuing. ”I want cookies. Cores get cookies. That is simple.“
Lilith frowned at Demi-Ura, she didn't seem like a charitable character, typical of demons. However, she had to admit that she only did the healing while Demi-Ura and Sargon fought risking their lives. If they wanted a reward for it it was their right to take it.
“But still...” Lilith still didn't accept it.
“Shall we continue adventuring?” Sargon offered to stave off the friction between the women.
“I have to rest. I have used most of my mana.” Lilith sat down on a broad mushroom cap using it as a chair.
“Me too. No mana.” Demi-Ura mimicked Lilith sitting on a cap just in front of Lilith.
“Okay but please no arguing.”
“Should we like, head back?” Tasha asked not feeling safe anymore like she did an hour ago.
“Is fine. We keep going. More cores.”
“All we need is a bit of rest.” Lilith agreed.
These words were very unlike Lilith's usual self. The reason for that was the sense of feeling alive like never before, this experience was vastly different from that of her previous sheltered life as a priestess. Lilith still felt adrenaline pumping in her blood she wanted to keep going.
“Why Demi-Ura cares so much about the cores and cookies?” Lilith asked unwilling to let go of her dissatisfaction about Demi-Ura.
“You don’t like cores. I'll take your share then.” Demi-Ura tactically avoided answering the pointless question.
“What, no!”
“Your healing is free. I'll take only those from other party.”
Lilith understood that Demi-Ura was after the cores they got as a reward from the other party, not the ones they have gathered so far. Even though she said her healing was free she did not want to give away her share to that woman.
“I give my share to Sargon.” Lilith poked a tongue towards Demi-Ura just to annoy her.
Demi-Ura parroted that childish behaviour and then instructed Sargon “Use it to but cookies.”
“No! He is not allowed to use that for cookies. He has to buy something for himself.”
“Fine!” Demi-Ura got bored of arguing.
Tasha giggled finding the whole ordeal entertaining while Sargon just sighted.
They sat on mushrooms, or under a particularly large one in Sargon’s case, resting a bit more. Sargon used the chance to take out their rations. It was not much, only some black hard bread and water, the staple of newbie adventurers. Then he realised that Tasha had no such supplies so he offered her some.
“Eh, really? Sorry I didn't think we will be going so deep into the dungeon. Thanks.” She thanked and showed black bread in her mouth. It was filling but quite dry.
Sargon saw her struggling to swallow so offered his water pouch.
Tasha hesitated to take it for a moment. She considered it to be an indirect kiss but then realised that Sargon didn't have such reservations and chugged from it greedily. She did not mind having an indirect kiss like that after all. As a comrade, Sargon was quite attractive or so she thought.
The impromptu picnic was interrupted by a faint sound of mushrooms being trampled and toppled over. Everyone perked their ears and looked around. There were too many mushrooms in this forest to see what was going on.
“Raise Tasha on one of the shrooms so she can see better that is going on.” Lilith offered.
Sargon nodded and grabbed a small beastkin without even asking for permission, not that she minded. Sargon pushed Tasha on a mushroom cap, she pulled herself up and gazed into the distance. The cave was only lit faintly by glowing mushrooms and crystals so it was hard to see far ahead.
“Something definitely is going on. I can see multiple mushrooms moving and even being toppled down.”
“At least it isn't bigger than a mushroom. So maybe just more ants?” Lilith guessed?
“How many?” Sargon had to know if they should run or wait it out.
“All of the tall mushrooms are moving like a wave. It is getting very close.”
“All of them!” Sargon explained. They were being swarmed by an army. “Quick we have to run!”
Demi-Ura nodded and rushed to help Lilith to gather their equipment. Tasha jumped straight into Sargon’s arms who caught her and proceeded to run without even putting her down. It was nice to be carried but she felt it was unnecessary, she was able to run.
They ran through the forest aiming for the exit. Sargon hoped they will reach the same one they have entered so not to get lost but it was highly unlikely. There was no time to properly navigate through the mushroom forest.
As they darted past the shrooms they met a swarm of [Worker Ants], the smaller ones they would kill in upper floors often. The ants were busy carrying ant eggs.
“There are hundreds of them!” Sargon exclaimed both in wonder and shock.
“The other swarm we killed must have been scouts or something like that.” Lilith offered her explanation about the previous swarm which was triple the usual size.
“Let’s keep running. It should be alright.”
They avoided the ants to the best of their ability and reached one of the many exits from the mushrooms forest.
“Is this the one?” He asked Demi-Ura who usually was in charge of navigating.
“No, but will have to do.” She urged her party inside the narrow tunnel.
The tunnel widened up as they ran and there were no ants. The party slowed their pace down and Sargon put Tasha back to solid ground.
“Thanks for carrying me. But I can run quite fats you know, even while encumbered. I am in [Burden] class remember?”
“Oh, I did it since… you know short legs and stuff.”
Tasha glared at Sargon for a second but let it go, she knew he didn't mean to offend.
They continued through the tunnel at a much slower pace.
“Are we lost?” Lilith asked nervously.
“It is Babel, labyrinth-like dungeon, after all…” Sargon gave her the obvious answer and continued. “But we are not that deep yet, usually Demi-Ura finds a path leading to upper floors it just takes time.”
“How she does that?” Lilith was surprised to find that Demi-Ura was a part scout in addition to being a caster with fighting ability.
“Patterns.” Demi-Ura said matter of factly.
“Do you see patterns too?” Lilith asked Sargon.
“No, not yet. But again I haven’t spent two decades of my life here like Demi.”
“Oh, I almost forgot about that.”
The conversation slightly confused Tasha. She didn't believe that she understood that correctly, there was no way Demi-Ura was that old. Then Tasha thought that maybe Demi-Ura started adventuring very young, just like her.
“Does Tasha see patterns. You have been adventuring longer than Sargon no?” Lilith asked a slightly confused looking girl.
“No, I don’t. Some in [Burnden] class become scouts and learn how to read the dungeon but I'm still too young.”
“I see so…” Lilith was cut abruptly by Demi-Ura.
“Enemy ahead.”
“Shall we go back, Sargon?” Lilith asked.
Demi-Ura glared at Lilith for asking just him and ignoring her opinion. “No.” she hissed at Lilith.
“Demi is right, we can’t go back. Whatever it is, it can’t be more dangerous than an army worth of ants. Get your weapons ready.”
Sargon pulled his dagger out of its sheath, Demi-Ura tensed her tail muscles and Lilith prepared her claws; they were ready.
Sargon stopped suddenly and whispered.
“Sorry Tasha, I forgot you have no weapon. I hate to ask this but can one of you give her the dagger. Maybe you Lilith since you are our healer so you will be staying in the rear.”
“Take.” It was Demi-Ura who offered her the dagger first. “I want it back.” She added.
Tasha nodded nervously. Her hands were trembling once again and she was feeling weak. Fighting was not something she was used doing but she was ready to pull her weight. She wanted to be useful besides just being able to carry packs of loot.
Demi-Ura was the first one to see the monster as they made the turn in the tunnel.
“Tsk! Tough one.” She clicked her tongue in frustration after seeing what it was.
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