《Journey Of Destruction》The Roles of Gods and Goddesses


Gods And Goddeses

In the continent of Ezanel,Countless Gods.Goddesses exist,and deities alike.Although such powerful beings exist some of them tend to be reclusive,or completely hidden and unknown.

However there are two types of deities,The Dark Gods and The Holy Gods.The dark gods were said to have created the dark elves,demons and beastmen and other races they created have been regarded missing or extinct. while the Holy gods were said to have created Elves,and the humans and have hidden exeptionally powerful races.The dark gods and holy gods are also believed to have a mutual hatred for each other.

When a child is born there is a chance they may become a representative of a god if chosen.If they are selected by a Holy God then, they will be hailed as a hero,If they are chosen by a Dark God then,they are hailed as a sinner.Only 7 Heroes and 7 sinners can exist at once.Once a hero is found they will be gathered and groomed by the holy church to battle against the sinners.Likewise for the Sinners but they will be groomed by themselves or the Dark Church.

Dark Gods may only choose a sinner among the beastmen,demon's,dark elves and other races they may have created,While Holy Gods may choose among the humans,elves and other races they have created.

In total there are 4 major deities that have the most influence and largest following:

Razen The Dark God Of Judgement

Ephel The Holy Goddess Of Space

Kafe The Dark God Of Fire

Davem The Holy God Of Conquest

Of course becoming a hero/sinner and representative of any of these deities will help obtain a leading position in the team of the 7 heroes/sinners,Blessings and Social Status.


Even though these four powers may have the largest following,this does not mean they are the Strongest.As The number of believers you have does not affect the deities power.However this does not mean these four powers are weak either as to garner such a large influence,The ability to interfere in matters of the mortal realm is neccesary.

The stronger the gods are the easier, it is to bestow stronger blessings,and accomplish trivial matters such as giving villagers a good harvest in order to obtain more followers.

It is not known how gods decide amongst themselves as to who can select a specific sinner/hero.

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