《Journey Of Destruction》Chapter 0: Prologue


"I told you the map was for real james,If you didn't come with me at the last moment you would have missed out on all these treasures!",said a 20 year old looking youth in thin leather armour to a middle aged man dressed in the same manner as him,"Oi Ryley I don't think is such a good idea,We're only D ranked adventurer's....Isn't this too much for us?,After all you got that map from a senile old man." Hearing this Ryley snorted,turned around and glared at James "Bastard! I had the generosity to share this map with you,You still try and back out now!?!?"

Recently Two D ranked adventurers James and Ryley happened to be drinking in a tavern together when a beggar like old man made a noisy entrance going on about how he found a demon's tomb.The people in the tavern stared at this man blankly as if he was spouting gibberish.This was to be expected,As how could a demon be in Krasend,The Ever developing Kingdom of Humans that would not allow even a single demon to cross their borders,Let alone a Tomb of one,Hence this old man was simply seen as senile.Yet this man continously raved about it and had the audacity to bring out a map,Ridiculous!

Just when the tavern owner was about to kick this troublemaker out,Ryley hurriedly got up,grabbed the old man and scurried out of the tavern as if he had just heard his wife was pregnant.James sat there dumbfounded at first but hurried after ryley as he knew ryley must have believed in the ravings of the old man.

Hoping to stop his partner from making a grave mistake,he rushed over only to find ryley studying the map outside the tavern with the old man nowhere to be seen....Seeing this James face darkened."Ryley you damn idiot,How could you let yourself be scammed like that!?!" Actually James wasn't really angry at Ryley,This duo were only D ranked adventurers and had Been stuck at D rank for 2 years.Ryley would jump at an opportunity to break to C rank.Even as ridiculous as it sounded,A Demon's Tomb usually contained treasures and all sorts of Weapons,If the almost non existent chance that this map was Real.Then forget about C Rank,B rank would be simply too easy to reach!Ryley realized this and jumped at this opportunity.By all means Ryley wasn't an idiot at all,He knew even if it wasn't fake,The risks would be incredibly high as a Demon Tomb to actually exist in Krasend had to be the tomb of a Powerful Demon,not to mention heavily guarded.Nonetheless Ryley had been living as lowly a D ranked adventurer for Years now.He would rather die than continue to live in shame and mockery by higher ranked Adventurers.


He also had predicted james reluctance which only further strengthened his resolve."I won't force you to go with me,This is akin to a suicide mission but i've decided either go with me on this suicide mission and get to share the loot or Stay here and be forgotten as i ascend to a A ranked Adventurer after I succeed."James bitterly smiled as he remembered his reluctance to go on this treasure hunt.They had neither run into any demonic beast,guardian or any sort of danger when they entered this underground tomb.Currently they were standing in a dark room,lit up by the torch in James hand.They were surronded by all sorts of gold and jewelry!While Ryley grabbed all he could to Store in his inventory,James face suddenly became pale,Ryley noticing the tension and eerie silence traced where james eyes were staring,What he saw left him dumbfounded..

At the back of the dark room were two peerless beauties,Both of them had perfect hourglass figures,The beauty on the right had Blue hair to her shoulders with what seemed to be an icy cold temperment and expression.While the one on the left had a fierce and sinister expression and long messy black hair that reached her waist.But what both scared this duo was that these two peerless beauties were demons..And they both seemed to be alive,unconscious but alive!"Inspect" Ryley whispered scared silly he might wake them up.

Name Alice Class Demonic Warlord Race Archfiend Level ??? Strength ??? Mana ??? Stamina ??? Status Comatose State Agility ??? HP ????/???? Titles {War Goddess} {The Feared one} {?????} {?????} Name Helen Class Queen of The Tundra Race Ice Valkyrie Level ??? Strength ??? Mana ??? Stamina ??? Status Comatose State Agility ??? HP ????/???? Titles {Slaughterer} {The Ice Queen} {?????} {?????}


Seeing all the Unanswered parts of their status,Both ryley and james realized they were existences not to be trifled with,But why where two powerful comatose demons in a tomb for the dead.As if to answer their question their gaze landed on a black coffin right between the beauties.The duo noticed a change in the two ladies that made them freeze up.Initially the two beauties had their eyes shut,and were not moving resembling two priceless puppets with their strings cut,but suddenly the beauties simultaneously opened their eyes,When both of their gazes landed on the duo,extreme disgust and disdain flashed in their eyes,as if they were looking at two bandits that slaughtered their parents.The ice cube like beauty seemed to be staring at an annoying insect while The Deranged Beauty seemed as if she had come across her nemesis,having the desire to skin them alive and bathe in their blood.Before they could even react the tranquil yet eerie black coffin blasted open!


"WHO THE FUCK DARES DISTURB MY RESTING PLACE"An immature and childish yet intimidating voice filled in the room...

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