《B.L.A.N.K- The search for the meta》Cheater?


The third and final round began and my opponent appeared from the dark of the tunnel.

He was wearing leather armor, was medium size and carried a two-handed greatsword.

I charged him, not wanting to give him the advantage. The gate was maybe 20 feet away and I sprinted directly at the man. He drew back his sword and I saw the weapon shimmer. He was preparing to use something like power attack or slam. As I drew into the edge of his range I dug my feet into the sand and jumped back.

I felt the air from his attack as it sliced in front of me and smashed into the sand. As soon as my feet hit the ground I pressed back forward with all of my strength activating rapid strikes. I struck the sword twice in succession as I moved the length of the blade, with the third attack aimed at his wrist.

You have dealt 29 damage!

The gauntlets blocked some of the damage but I had succeeded in my main goal. The force of my blows on the sword and wrist had knocked the man off balance. He tried to steady himself but I had already activated power attack and slashed into his neck. Blood spurted from the wound and he dropped to the ground, dematerializing into nothingness.

You have dealt 60 damage!

Ding! You have slain your opponent.

Ding! You have passed the third round.

Ding! Congratulations you have passed the trials.

Ding! Your class is now Sword Adept.

Ding! Sub-skill rapid strikes have now been upgraded to the next tier.

Ding! You have broken a new world record! Would you like your name recorded in the hall of fame?

"Huh, world record? " I thought to myself, "Should I? Eh, why not. ".



Ding! System announcement!!

Player Thorn has broken the record for lowest level to complete the first class change at level 0! His name will be recorded in the hall of fame.

A moment later the sounds returned from the arena around me and I finally realized what a commotion I had caused. At the end of the first round, I had returned back to my child form and beat a guy up with my wooden sword. I couldn't hear the audience but they had fully recognized me as " The Demon Child" from the viral video. They had called their friends and now the arena was packed, full of people cheering and equally as many jeering. Some people yelled out "Demon Child! We love you!!!" and others yelled " Cheater! Cheater!".

I scanned the crowd but the prince and the avatars were nowhere to be seen. I didn't know if they were ever even there.

The announcer spoke, " Congratulations hero, you have passed the trial, please exit to your left. ".

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