《B.L.A.N.K- The search for the meta》Conundrum


Once Jake and my Uncle picked up their jaws, I told them the whole story.

I left out no details, and by the time I was done my Uncle was pacing nervously.

" I didn't do anything illegal, well except lie about my age, but the game punished me for it. " I explained.

Jake seemed thrilled that his cousin was now semi-famous, be he understood the position I was now in. Which was not a good one.

My Uncle thoughtfully rubbed his chin as he spoke, " This could be a good thing. Since you know the location of the prince you can just give him up. "

I frowned and explained, " That's problematic. If I give him to one guild, I will be making enemies with the others. Leaving me to join the guild for protection, and I don't want to be in a big guild. "

" What's wrong with joining a big guild? There are many benefits." , Uncle Charlie quickly replied.

"That's not how I want to play the game. ", I stated coldly.

He pondered my words and replied, " You may not have a choice."

"I always have a choice, in fact, that is what matters most, my ability to choose. ", I responded. " I've made up my mind, I'm not gonna give Olaf up until I'm done training. "

This surprised both of them, they said in unison, "What!?!"

Uncle Charlie tried to talk reason into me, "Nate, you can't do that it will take days to get your sword skill where you want it. The Five will put a price on your head....they could come after you in real life. ".

I laughed, " They can't. This perfect algorithm makes it impossible to hack. I am perfectly safe. ".


" I guess that's true..", he admitted, " but they can still come after you in game. They can...".

I interrupted him, " What? Kill me back to Zero? Take my stuff? I am already the lowest possible level and have nothing worth taking. I am in a perfect situation to stand my ground. Why should I give up my advantage to suit someone else's needs? ".

Jake and my Uncle we're dumbstruck, but they saw the truth in my logic.

Jake laughed, " Well I can't wait to see the next video! "

We all laughed, but my Uncle Charlie still had a serious look on his face. " You are playing with fire Nate. I hope you know what you're doing. "

" I do, don't worry Uncle Charlie.", I said, trying to comfort him, "Now lets back to lunch before Aunt Zila flips out. ".

We went back downstairs and finished the meal, and after about 45 minutes I prepared to log back in to B.L.A.N.K

I just hoped Olaf was still waiting on me.

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