《Spirit [Dropped]》Chapter 13: Day 1
Chapter 13: Day 1
“It’s so cold!” Eve complained, rubbing her arms. “I thought it was summer!”
“It is summer,” Lilith said, standing perfectly still and calm, despite the cold wind nipping at her bare legs. “It’s morning right now.”
Currently, they were in a line to get inside of the tournament. After they get inside, they have to go through another line, and another line, and another line.
“Argh!” Kai yelled, clutching his temples. “This gives me a headache. I thought we already registered!”
“This is to make sure everyone is here,” Ezra told him, similarly to Lilith, he stood perfectly calm and still. However, he was wearing a jacket and a pair of thick jeans. “They made sure it was in the morning, so it doesn’t overlap with the tournament itself.”
Ezra explained that people from all over the world come to Clarus, just to join this tournament. Although it was for people ages 15 and below, it was still the official rookies’ tournament - the debut tournament.
The top rankers start young, the younger they are while winning, the more fame and ranks they’ll gain. Therefore, starting young was beneficial to them.
Despite letting them join the tournament, Ezra still held a deep hate for the system. He said it was pointless, worthless, and only useful for those gaining fame to conquer the world. (Which is essentially their plan).
Two hours passed of going through lines, reciting through information, and moving onto the next line. This process was truly annoying and overly complicated, it even frustrated Ezra - who was practically impenetrable with his emotions.
“It’s still morning,” Eve said with wonder, she thought of how long they’ve been walking around and how many times her information has examined. Sometimes they even made her check her potential and element again, with unbelief on their faces. A small tinge of annoyance bothered Eve.
“We’re finally done!” Kai shouted, stretching his arms out to the ceiling.
As participants, they were given their own personal room. They could’ve shared, but Ezra paid for the more expensive option - alone and spacious. Which had them thinking, how much money did Ezra have? How and where did he get it from? Though these questions will never be answered, that never stopped them from asking.
Of course, Ezra would smile at them and redirect the conversation elsewhere.
“We should head out,” Ezra said, “Brent and Atira have found our seats for the tournament.
Ezra lead them to the wide and spacious dome, this was the arena for their tournament. It was much larger than the one they rented out, and it could carry 20,000 more people, too.
In the arena itself, there were large platforms scattered uniformly across the ground. However, one platform stood out. It was the largest of all of them and stood exactly inbetween them. It was the main platform.
To fight on the main platform was everyone’s wish in tournaments. It meant you were well-liked, strong, interesting, and entertaining. People wanted to watch you - that enough was important. Those who fought on the main platform were more favored throughout the crowd and were known to be strong, gaining them fame.
Fame was practically everything nowadays. Want to rule a city? Citizens prefer having someone who’s well-known rule. Want a discount? Of course they’ll let you have one, you’re famous! Region ruler? Not to worry, being famous for the strongest person in your region will grant you a spot up there. In fact, the long line of rulers all became famous through tournaments.
Therefore, everyone’s desire was to fight on that simple, yet intimidating platform. Even the children desired it, as they stared at it with wishful looks.
“If we fought on that, it’d be a lot easier to take over the world,” Ley murmured. Oddly, he was given the a-okay to fight on, although they were laughing when they said that. Still, he was allowed.
“It counts more for the higher tournaments,” Eve said simply. A fight was a fight. Whether on that large platform or not. They should continue to do well, even if they’ll never fight on it.
“What’s so special about it?” Kai asked, frowning.
“It makes you look cool,” Orion said simply, causing Kai to look back at it with excitement. Caelus laughed at this.
“Wow! Really?” Dillon asked, too. His face full of excitement.
Gullible, they thought, watching the two boys eye the platform.
“Over here!” a voice yelled, it was Brent. He waved his arms around like a madman, attracting attention from those around him. Some giggled, some glared. Either way, Atira facepalmed himself and groaned in embarrassment.
The children giggled.
“Let’s go,” Ezra said, unfazed by Brent’s unusual behavior. Well, no. This was his normal behavior.
Their team’s seats were in the middle row, close to the middle of the arena where the main platform was. They stared at Ezra with wonderment, how much money did he have?
After settling down, more teams and viewers poured into the stadiums. Filling all of the chairs, until it felt stuffy and uncomfortable. Some people opted out to stand up.
Then, a hologram with the number 10 on it appeared in front of them. Cheers and applauds could be heard throughout the dome - it was deafening. However, the excitement boiled in their blood and the beat of the claps echoed in their hearts.
Kai felt goosebumps on his skin. For the first time in 3 years, he’ll be fighting someone his own age - someone he doesn’t know.
“10!” The crowd yelled.
“8!” This time, they yelled even louder. “7!”
“6!” The participants, including Kai and his teammates, joined. “5!”
“4! 3! 2! …”
“1!” A loud burst could be heard, water exploded above them and scattered across the dome. It shined in the light and drizzled over those sitting in the stadium.
“Welcome to the annual rookies’ tournament!” A voice boomed. The crowd went wild.
“I’m Lothar, the host for this tournament!” Lothar grinned, standing on a special platform next to the main platform. The host only narrates the main platform fighters, which is why it’s difficult to gain fame throughout the crowd.
“Before we start this tournament - as protocol, we have to go over the rules,” Lothar shrugged.
He explained that teams must consist of 6 people maximum. For teams who have more members than the opposing team, they must obey the maximum amount - however, they can swap out players. As long as said player hasn’t “died.”
Those who die will get sent out of the platform, they will be checked for any injuries, in case the system didn’t work properly. They are unable to continue in the current match, and another teammate cannot substitute in for those who already died.
If you’re pushed out off of the platform, you will be considered “dead.”
Weapons are allowed, as long as you get it registered. All weapons should have been registered this morning, if not, you can always register it any time of the day.
Cheating of any kind will not be allowed and the team associated with said cheater will automatically be disqualified from the tournament.
Attacking outside of the platform will result in disqualification of the player.
Killing a person on purpose will result in permanent ban. Said person will be injected with a magic that allows everyone in the world to know of their ban. However, if the person accidentally kills another due to a system failure, Eradion will personally pay the dead person’s family.
Of course, failures in systems are rare. It happened only once in the entire history of tournaments.
Participants are to stay in their seats at all times - otherwise, when it’s their turn to fight, they won’t get transferred with the rest of their teammates. The bracelets the officials gave participants should be on at all times. It says your rank, when you’re going to fight, when your next fight is, and your HP - the amount of health given to you is based on the ‘status’ system.
The status system is what adventurers and professionals use. It’s used to hold their data such as how much health they have, the rough size of their mana pool, and their abilities and skills.
“...With that being said!” Lothar grinned, “let the games begin!” He snapped his fingers and a light burst above them, raining down beautiful colors on the audience.
And a flash of light illuminated teams throughout the stadium - transporting them to a designated platform.
Of course, Clarus was sent straight away to the main platform.
Meanwhile, a brilliant blue light surrounded Kai and the others. It was beautiful and if you ran your hand through it, it felt cool - like mint in your mouth.
A screen appeared in front of him - as courtesy of the status bracelets.
Transporting in 3... 2.. 1...
Another light flashed and blinded them. It transported them to a platform near the main platform.
“W-what is this?” Kai stuttered, staring at the screen.
“Oh, this,” Ley quickly tapped on a few names - everyone but him. “Here, we’ll go like this for today. The players that should stay permanent are Eve, Orion, and Dillon. Dillon because of his defense and revenge.”
OK! Processing 3.. 2.. 1...
A light encompassed Ley and he was then transported off of the platform and back to where Ezra and the others sat waiting.
The crowed erupted in cheers and hoots, battles started throughout the arena - and so did Team Ingenium’s.
Team Slayers was an all-boy team. They focused solely on offense, as they had no support, but one defender - however, he, too, attacked the team.
They grinned as they chose their players, excited to see who their opponents were. After all, for the first match, you aren’t told who you’re up against. This method was used to eliminate those who couldn’t adapt quickly. (Of course, the losers of this match would fight those who lost, too. That way, they can evenly rank themselves).
“Let’s destroy them,” their captain grinned at them, he was a young boy of age 14. The rest were similar in ages, the youngest being 9.
“Right!” They agreed, shouting.
As the members teleported to their platform, they saw their opponents waiting for them. However, they felt shocked. All of them were young! A strange feeling creeped in the pit of their stomachs, they were very… beautiful.
“Greetings,” a charming, black-haired boy smiled chillingly.
“H-hello,” the captain of the Slayers’ greeted nervously, nodding his head.
Start in 3.. 2… 1…
Orion materialized his scythe as he charged towards the oldest boy - their captain he recognized automatically. He swung his scythe at the boy’s head, only to have it blocked by their team’s defender.
Their defender quickly placed a wall of earth inbetween Orion and their captain. Not only that, but small walls appeared throughout their side of the platform. Similarly, Eve set up a barrier on Orion and Caelus, who were fighting on the frontlines.
Caelus trailed behind Orion, quietly fending off those who interfered Orion and the other team’s captain. He controlled his sword to attack a couple members, while slyly taking control of the other team’s weapons and using it against them.
“Michael starts off by attacking Eclipse’s support!” Lothar yelled in the background, Dillon frowned, a flame of annoyance sparking within him.
Dillon materialized his axe, causing people from the stadiums to gasp and whisper - it was large and a brilliant red color. Of course it would catch attention.
He ran towards the enemy and swung his axe at them, a boy with water element quickly blocked Dillon’s attack and gave him a daring look. Dillon covered his axe in earth and jumped at the boy, who did his best to defend back.
Getting tired, he threw his axe at the boy, who ducked and glared at Dillon… who came charging at the distracted boy. Dillon punched the boy, who was sent lightly into the air due to the force. Dillon stomped on the ground, an earth pillar shot up at the boy, who blocked, but was sent flying off of the platform.
“Next,” Dillon panted, staring at the other teammates. Orion grinned.
“DON’T FORGET ABOUT ME,” a loud voice boomed, catching everyone’s attention in the stadium, including those from different teams and matches.
Kai appeared in the air, upside down, next to him was a floating Caelus who rolled his eyes. He materialized his guns and shot down at the other team. The sound of the sonic booms echoing throughout the stadium.
“Crap!” One of the boys cursed, watching as their health chip away at an alarmingly fast rate. He, too, was a long ranged user. “Kylus, defend me!” The boy named Kylus quickly set up an earth wall in front of him.
The boy concentrated his mana in both of his hands, the wall crumbling by the seconds. Finally, determined, he stepped out from behind the falling wall of earth and released a his charged skill.
A strong, beam of fire shot at the two boys in the air. One who was controlling and taking away their weapons, the other laying down heavy sonic booms. He watched as the two boys stare casually beam before returning to their job.
The boy frowned and wondered why they weren’t reacting. Before the beam reached the boys, a golden shield appeared in front of them, it glowed momentarily before shooting the fire back at its caster.
“Shoot,” he cursed running to the right and dodging his own attack. He looked at the opponent’s side and saw two girls. One of the girls was sitting on the shoulder of a pink rabbit, using some sort of magic to push his teammates back. The other girl, he guessed, was their support and defender.
“Guys,” he pointed to the girls. They nodded back at him and two other people, besides him, charged towards them.
“Lilith,” Eve said calmly, she gestured to the boys. “Fire boy is there, too.”
“Oh,” Lilith sighed, getting off of Rhett. “Rhett, go fight. Hm… you can use a little of my mana to deal with them.”
“FINALLY!” Rhett laughed heartily and jumped at the boys, leaving a small depression in the ground. One of the boys screamed in surprise, seeing a pink rabbit attacking them.
“HELLO THERE!” Rhett laughed, drawing his fist back and punching one of them off of the platform. Just like that, another person was easily eliminated, leaving them with four more people.
Fire boy quickly stopped moving and used his fire to propel him upwards and over Rhett, who busied himself with his other teammate. He quickly ran towards Eve and Lilith, who seemed to be defenseless.
“I’ll take care of it,” Eve grinned, seemingly innocent. She’s been waiting for this the entire match. Eve raised her hand out, her hammer slowly materializing.
Fire boy frowned, the closer he got, the more he felt like something was wrong. Like something bad was about to happen. And then he saw it. The hammer of hell. No, not from a far distance, but rather… in front of his face.
Eve swung her hammer at the boy’s face and sent him propelling out of the platform, into another match that just ended. They were shocked to see someone land in their platform, seeing as each platform was spaced far apart.
They looked towards the platform where he was sent flying from. One word to describe what they saw: chaos.
In the sky were two boys mocking the enemy team, laying down attacks strong enough to crumble their defenses, but weak enough so they don’t automatically destroy the other team. Not only that, but they were waving the enemy team’s weapons around in the air, laughing.
Their captain was fighting with the other team’s captain, who snuck up behind him and pushed him around, before dealing a large blow and disappearing again.
A green-haired boy with an axe was on a rampage, shoving one person around and then leaving to go find another. They also saw a pink… rabbit? Laughing and punching the other team off of the platform.
This continued until the captain was left, who was currently panting and glaring at Orion, who looked somewhat amused.
“Well,” Orion coughed awkwardly. “Bye.”
He picked up the other team captain’s shadow and threw him off of the platform. Ending their match in complete victory.
“That was anticlimactic,” Caelus commented, yawning and stretching his body. He spent the entire time floating in the air, playing with the other team’s weapons. He didn’t worry much about being attacked, seeing as Eve can just block it.
Eve sighed, knowing Caelus and Kai, they would much rather play around then fight seriously. She ended up protecting them the entire match.
“Kya!” Rhett squealed, covering his face. He was currently at the height of 6 feet. “That was so embarrassing! I can’t believe I did that!”
“Rhett is so cool!” Kai yelled, laughing.
They were transported to where Ley, Ezra, Atira, and Brent were at - in the stands.
“Good job,” Ley nodded. “Although, that might’ve garnered some hate.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” Brent grinned, shutting his ‘future plans’ book quickly and hiding it.
“Is that it?” asked Kai.
“No, there are more matches later today,” Ezra said. “You guys were only a portion of the teams that joined this tournament.”
“Then, do we sit here until the next day?” Kai frowned.
Ezra checked his bracelet and nodded, “yep. Next match won’t start until tomorrow. Also, your enemies… the Clarus kids are in the block. You probably won’t go up against them until later this week.”
“Aw,” Dillon pouted.
“Also,” Ezra glared and karate chopped their heads - except for Ley. “Don’t pull what you did earlier ever again. Get things done efficiently and quickly. The strong never bully the weak.”
“Y-yes,” they whimpered.
“Hmph,” he glared, before turning away.
They sighed, today was going to be a long day.
“Winner is Clarus!” yelled Lothar, the crowd cheered. “Alright, next up we have Ares vs. Winifred!”
Orion looked over at the main platform with an interested look. Both teams were a combination of both boys and girls. However, one blue-haired, amber-eyed boy caught Orion’s eye. Orion grinned mischievously as he watched in anticipation for their match to begin.
Zephyrus, known as Zeph, was transported from his seat and onto the platform. He calmly chose who would fight in today’s match and watched as his fellow teammates encouraged them and disappear back into the stands.
He sighed.
Zeph hated being the captain of the team, not only that, but he also the strategist. Why would they push two jobs on one person? Simple, they weren’t competent enough to do it themselves.
The school Zeph joined was called Ares Academy - one of the top 10 schools in the entire world. It was known to produce some of the strongest elementals in the entire region of Eradion. They were pretty much a big deal around here. Especially Zeph, since he was the captain.
Still, he hated the attention. He’d much rather be a random person on the team designated to fight the enemy without having to care about whether or not his teammates were working properly. They were dragging him down.
However, if he thought about it, he’d rather not join this tournament at all. Sadly, Zeph was chosen to be captain of the team, due to being the strongest in the entire academy. It was mandatory. And yes, he was 10-years-old, yet he was already the strongest in Ares Academy. They praised him for being a genius. Zeph believed them, too.
After all, at the age 5, when he learned of his abilities, he had full innate potential as well as a rare variant: ice. Not only that, but his spirit was balanced as well. He started his training at the age of 4, so he was fairly proficient in hand-to-hand combat.
He believed he, himself, was one of the only geniuses in his generation. That was, until he joined this tournament and saw how much talent there was in the entire world. He was a fool to believe in himself like that. Zeph quickly realized this and stopped his arrogance before it continued to spread deeper into his mind.
He felt a stare as he stood on the platform, waiting for his match to start. Zeph looked around curiously and finally his amber eyes met scarlet red. An handsome, yet chillingly cold boy stared at Zeph, an arrogant smirk planted on his face.
Zeph recognized him.
He was one of the talents that caught his eye in the first round. That, and his teammates were all unique themselves. Some of them had elements he’s never seen of before, some were using their elements in ways he couldn’t understand, and others were so strong, they plowed through their enemies. Or, in this case, shoved them.
Zeph glared at the boy, but a small grin escaped his cool facade. He wanted to fight him. He wanted to fight him and his teammates. He wondered how strong they could be.
The excitement killed him. Zephyrus never felt excited, he disliked feeling emotions that made him feel impulsive. However, this time…
He might actually like it.
Stellar's Box
WHOOAAAA, WE'RE HERE. Finally, first big arc -tears-
What do you guys think about Zeph? Or any of the newer characters for that matter. How about the fight scene? It wasn't much, but still...
ALSO, quick advertisement:
I started a second project that I'll be writing whenever I have bad writer's block with Spirit! (However, I'll still update is regularly).
Re: Heroes' Mount
It'll be written in a lighter tone/more comedic. c:
I tried using tables... takes forever, I stopped halfway. HAHA.
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Beastkin of GRIM
*Note: The current content of this story up to Volume 2 will remain on RR, but further updates will only be available on Scribblehub. Will also be moving to Tapas in the future.* Hovestile is a world of magic, dangerous monsters and conflict. Earth is a world of science, dominant humanity and endless strife. In an uncertain future, tensions escalate between the nations of Earth as resources fall into perilous scarcity. Cities collapse into anarchy as governments tremble at the world's crisis. Boundaries blur from neglect and outright scorn. In sheer desperation, mankind turned to the stars...and failed. They resorted to more grounded technology and accessed a world known as Hovestile. Hundreds of candidates were carefully chosen to enter this world with plans to prepare for colonization, but contact with the humans of Earth was immediately lost. Over time, the people of Hovestile welcomed any assistance to defeat the monsters threatening their lands. Those from Earth were labeled as Outworld Adventurers, humans with the ability to increase their natural abilities through stats. Those born to Hovestile were referred to as Native Adventurers, original denizens with a natural competence for magic.-----------Alphonse Kneller is one outworld adventurer who dreams of making Hovestile his true home. But on his third dungeon foray, he is betrayed by his adventuring party and left for dead. As he begins to abandon hope, two young catgirl demihumans appear before him named Kirie and Asa. Their mother, Rinka, offers Alphonse a precarious gift known as the Construct Contract. Accompanied by the two demihuman sisters as adventuring partners, Alphonse seeks to make further contracts and establish the guild known as GRIM. Cover art is by sushirollw. Check her stuff out! Absolutely awesome: https://twitter.com/sushirollw *This story is planned out as a massive project spanning multiple volumes. Comments are greatly appreciated. Feel free to send PMs.*
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