《Spirit [Dropped]》Chapter 5 - 2: An Outsider's Dialogue + Side Story
Chapter 5 - 2: An Outsider’s Dialogue
Skystead was a beautiful place filled with life, harmony, and energy. In the morning, you would see the sun peaking through the clouds and the sky turn into a warm gold color. Only in the mornings would the cold, crisp air would nip at your skin. However, when it warmed up, the wind would retain the same amount of coldness, leaving behind a nice feeling.
From the mountain peak, one could see mana-powered machinery zooming through the streets and students of the local schools rushing through. A train filled with passengers going to work and from work would travel across Skystead within twenty minutes. A sturdy machine, it was.
In front of a certain log-house are five children and a brown-haired woman whose looks are average, but if you continued to stare at her, she somehow became attractive. The five children would diligently listen to what she has to say before doing their morning run. This time, the woman increased their run to five miles within a time limit of 35 minutes - their average mile time would be 7 minutes.
However, today’s focus is not on the beautiful children or on the woman. It’s certainly not focused on a blond-haired, blue-eyed man or a charming, red-haired man. In fact, today’s focus is on a cute, brown-haired boy with golden eyes. His name is Ley, and he is currently a month old.
Within one month, the children continued to do physical exercises in the morning, “study” in the afternoon, and cultivate their mana during the night. Ezra made a deal with the six of them, if they continued to work hard, he would reward them by letting them shop at Skystead for a day.
While the children worked hard, Ley could only do one thing - study. (Although, he can now train his mana, with permission from Ezra and supervision with at least one of them). He sometimes felt lonely and like an outsider. It was probably due to his age and his genius mentality.
Sometimes, though, he would feel warm. A deep, hearty voice would tell him to cheer up. The voice told him he was loved, although he didn’t know who it was. Everyday, the voice would come randomly and tell him warm things that left him fuzzy in the inside.
He couldn’t blame the other children, though. They tried their best to include him in their activities, but he only took a fraction of their day. He only saw the others face-to-face during breakfast, academics, lunch, and dinner. However, he would watch them when he had free time, like now.
“Hm… 15 seconds before the time limit, good job.” Atira praised, rubbing the children’s heads and telling them to get breakfast.
Ah, I guess it’s time to eat, Ley thought. During this time, he had to wait for one of the adults to pick him up and take him downstairs.
“Ley,” an enchanting voice called. A certain handsome man appeared in Ley’s vision. “It’s time for breakfast… Ley, what are you doing?”
It was Ezra.
“Thinking,” Ley replied.
“I see…” A small trace of concern on Ezra’s face, however it quickly washed to neutral. This man hides his emotions well, Ley thought.
Ezra picked him up and carried him downstairs.
“Ley!” Lilith exclaimed happily, running over to hold him. Out of the five, he liked Lilith the best. She was warm, cuddly, and felt like a mother. She was also very pretty, but then again, all of them are.
Since a month ago, Lilith became visibly more happier. She came into terms with her parents’ deaths and let her walls down. Although she would appear to be sad sometimes, she was definitely improving.
Ley held his arms out, indicating to Lilith he wanted to be carried.
“Cute,” Lilith smiled.
“Good morning, Ley,” Eve greeted, smiling. Ley liked her smile the most. When she smiled, her eyes would lift up and appear to smile as she was smiling - it was like a double smile (?). He thought it was cute. It also made him feel welcomed.
Over the month, Eve toned down her excitement and became more calm, yet retained the same sharp, yet mischievous personality. Although, he liked it when she smiled more, he felt her smile became more special, because she didn’t do it as often.
“Good morning!” Kai exclaimed. On the other hand, her brother’s excitement went up by a few levels and his curiosity, as well as a desire for an adventure went up. Oddly, he felt like a younger brother, though Ley was younger.
“Good-” a yawn, “-morning, Ley,” Caelus said sleepily. The running didn’t rejuvenate him, like it did the others, but rather tired him out even more. Caelus became more sleepy, lazy, and quiet. Due to his laziness, he would sometimes reply in one-word answers. The upside was that he became more calm, less likely to panic. Caelus would sometimes nap with Ley, too. He liked that.
“Morning, Ley,” Orion nodded. Ley respected Orion - a lot. He was hard-working, handsome, and powerful. He was also charismatic, commanding, and had a fierce side of him that could make even Ezra twitch at least once - he witnessed it.
One day, someone stole Orion’s honey, which caused him to go into a rampage, searching for the instigator. However, he just misplaced his honey and, in the end, everything ended well. Although, his rampage caused a commotion in town - someone thought they were being attacked.
Right, honey. Orion became obsessed with honey after their very first visit to Skystead after living in the log-house. He told them he went on an adventure and defeated the demon queen bee (which Ley highly doubted was an actual demon queen bee) who was terrorizing a lady’s honey business, the lady then gave him the most delicious honey he ever tasted. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find the same lady who sold him the honey and tried every honey there was in Skystead, therefore becoming obsessed.
Anyway, back on track.
“Good morning,” Ley greeted, a soft voice coming out. Ley could now talk without using telepathy. He made a theory that he could probably walk within three months or so, but his body would still be the same.
“I made pancakes!” Brent said, laying down plates full of delicious food. “Here, Orion, honey.”
“Thank you,” Orion smiled gratefully, taking the honey.
“So, when do you want to visit Skystead?” asked Ezra, who was currently cutting up his pancakes.
“How about tomorrow?” Orion suggested, dumping an entire bottle of honey on top of his pancakes.
As per usual, everyone agreed with Orion. Well, there was nothing to disagree about. They could’ve gone with any day.
Breakfast ended with Ley eating only half of his food and Kai eating the rest. Kai developed an appetite during the past month, Atira told him he was now a growing boy. Ley saw no differences, he ate before, he ate after.
It was now academics time, or world-domination period. Brent would teach them military tactics as well as glaze over history, science, and math. He also taught them certain, sure-kill techniques without permission.
Ley thought Brent was very laid-back, honest, and sometimes rude. He learned of Brent and Atira’s small antics, they would insult each other from time to time, yet take no offense from it. Brent was also very handsome, which wasn’t very compatible with his crazy personality.
He was reckless with his decisions and asked for the craziest things. He once asked Ezra if he could build a magic missile and send it directly to the ruler of Nereida. Brent also had a thing against Nereida’s ruler, but he didn’t say why he did.
Atira, on the other hand, was hot-headed and perverted. She sometimes thinks people don’t hear her small, self-dialogues, but everyone knew - everyone. Her favorite pastime was to watch strangers and decide who would look good together. Of course, she had her own personal “couples” within the group, but refused to tell anyone.
She was a brute, yet she was kind-hearted - only to children, though. Ley couldn’t think any more of her than Brent, because she was just as crazy. In fact, everyone was crazy in this household. Maybe even Ley.
Lunch would pass by quickly and so would break and dinner. Ley could now join mana lessons - he could spend more time with his fellow apprentices.
As if it were natural, Ley sat in Lilith’s lap. You could say it was her maternal instincts? Her older-sister instincts? As long as it was warm, he was fine. In fact, he would even sit in the brute’s (Atira) lap. She had large breasts, it was soft and comfortable for him.
The children learned how to meditate two weeks ago, it was to help them cultivate their mana and core. The more they meditated, the stronger their spirit - or core - was. They learned that they can strengthen their spirit, and in return, their spirit would strengthen their ki and mana.
During this class, Ley always notices Caelus leaving early, Ezra smiling suspiciously and giving an excuse to Eve, who’s exceptionally sharp, who stares off to where Caelus left.
One day, Ley hoped she would chase after him. This caused Ley to smile, I feel like Atira.
“Ley, what are you smiling about?” asked Lilith, everyone staring at him curiously - even Caelus, who rarely shows his thoughts and emotions nowadays.
“Happy,” Ley smiled widely, a small blush appearing on their faces.
“Yep! Happy,” Ezra smiled, rubbing Lilith’s head.
During times like these, Ley felt the most warm - he felt like he belonged. He knew, at the end of the day, they were family.
Side Story: A Quest for Honey
It was their first time shopping by themselves at Skystead. Sure Caelus and Orion wandered around before, but they never truly absorbed the place.
Skystead was very jubilant and exciting. People were always bustling about, whether they just wanted to take a stroll or they had somewhere to go - people to see. Cars (powered by mana) rushing by and teenagers hanging out.
Today, Orion went by himself, without Caelus or the others.
As he walking down the street, he noticed a pink-haired lady, perhaps in the mid-twenties, running around the park.
“Excuse me, miss,” Orion tugged on her shirt, “are you alright?” The lady, looking pissed, turned to the boy - only to stop herself and to smile at him kindly.
“Yes, big sis is alright.”
Orion frowned, “then why are you running?” This instigated a sigh from the pink-haired stranger.
“You see, boy, I run a honey stall - over there, but lately, bees have been bothering me.”
“How so?”
“They’ve been taking my honey,” the woman grumbled, a hand on one hip. “And I know exactly which hive is doing this!”
“Miss, do you need… help?” Orion asked. Brent told them to never leave a lady in trouble - or a damsel in distress.
The lady paused, staring at the boy. “Do you know how to get rid of a hive?”
“I know of a method, but I’ve never trie-”
“Good enough, you can help.” The lady grabbed his hand and lead him down a path, “it’s over there.” In fact, the stall was directly in front of the beehive.
“Why don’t you just move your stall?” Orion questioned, frowning.
“No! I was there first, therefore I won’t move.” The lady huffed stubbornly. Orion felt his frustration rise, but resisted from taking action upon it. “Now hurry up and help.”
Orion walked closer to the hive. A week ago, Ezra taught them a simple fire spell - strong enough to burn wood. It could also work on beehives.
“Ignis,” Orion muttered, a small flame forming at the tip of his index finger. He raised his arm and pointed it at the hive. “Initium.” The flame moved forward and encompassed the hive, burning it to the ground.
“Perfect!” The lady said happily. “Tha-”
“Not so fast!” Another voice yelled. “Tina, I knew it! You burnt my hive!” An orange-haired woman came into his view, she wore a yellow-black striped dress, similar to what the stranger, named Tina, was wearing.
“Rosa!” Tina yelled. “Darn it, I thought you were gone for the week.”
“Heh, did you think I would leave with your stall in front of my hive?” Tina blushed. “You even recruited an innocent, young boy to dirty his hands for you?!”
“You destroyed my hive, first!” Tina yelled, her blush more visible.
“Gah?! Hey, don’t make me the bad guy in front of this boy!” Rosa yelled back, her cheeks dyed red with embarrassment.
Orion sighed, “can I go no-”
“Orion, defeat this demon, queen bee and I’ll reward you with something!” Tina yelled. Reward? Was it worth it? Of course it was.
“Okay,” Orion turned to Rosa, “ignis initium.” Rosa quickly fell to the ground, rolling around to stop the flames.
She coughed, “you might’ve won today, Tina… but one day- one day!” Rosa transformed into a small bee and buzzed away.
Tina squealed with joy, “thank yo-”
“Where’s my reward?”
“Ehehe, about that… a hug-”
Tina pouted, “fine.” She handed him a jar of honey. Whatever, as long as it’s something I can touch - excluding physical touches.
“Thanks again, stranger!” Tina yelled after him, as he walked away, jar in hand.
That night, as Orion was in bed, he woke up due to hunger - it was his punishment for going to Skystead alone. He remembered he had a jar of honey.
Might as well try it, Orion thought. Well, here goes nothing. He dipped his index finger into the jar and sucked on it.
During this time, the world exploded three times due to the strength and taste of the honey. The heavens called for Orion to join their honey festival and the angels rejoiced in their discovery.
Orion went to heaven that night.
However, the next day, he couldn’t find Tina, nor Rosa. It was as if it were a dream. He searched all of Skystead, yet to no avail.
A sudden determination filled Orion, he swore to find that same honey and eat it one more. From then on, he tasted every honey in Skystead in search of that one honey - the holy honey.
Meanwhile, a small rumor spreads throughout the world of two women starting a cult based on honey - their fanatics desperately search the world for the same taste.
Thanks for reading! Comments are welcomed. :)
Wanted more Ley, lol. I felt I wasn't showing him enough since I introduced him. Also, side story with Orion's new obsession, a small quirk I wanted to add to his personality.
First time skip, although it's only one month. This chapter is more about character development. :P
I need to start proofreading...
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