《The Journey of a God: Book 1》Chapter 16: Bonnovalia


The next morning, everyone gathered around in the dining hall with their equipment ready and donned everything that they were taking. Anne and Kasakierin already had everything that they wanted on their person. Jason and Alex donned some leather armor that Condolore had prepared for them as well as long swords for their own use. Gonza and Griffin had made their own armor out of minerals that Gonza had formed using magic. Griffin’s set would morph with him. Mathos picked up a single battleaxe from the pile, which was all that he needed. Jade and Kaythanos didn’t add any new armor because their skin and healing abilities would take over for that. Donovin came in with full camouflage with two long swords strapped to his waist and a fifty caliber sniper rifle over one shoulder. Condolore had a long cotton jacket on over all of his other gear, with two rapiers strapped to his waist. Ali and Borris already had all of their equipment in an extraplanar space that they could access it instantly. Then there was Austin, who wrapped her hands down to her forearms and her feet up to her knees. To everyone else, she looked like a Maui Tai fighter.

Jessica was the only one who didn’t grab or put more equipment on, because she was the most comfortable with her normal clothes. She was a bit worried, however, because a storm was brewing outside and no one had seen Max yet. The light patter of rain that was overhead did not help with her nerves.

Once everyone was ready Condolore looked them all over, “It’s time to get to work.” That was when lightning struck the window behind him and Max came barreling in through the window, with a werewolf in his mouth. Condolore looked over the creature and sighed, “Do you think that you can take them?”

Max looked at him incredulously, before looking to Jessica, “Of course I can.” He said in her mind, striding back out of the window with a loud roar. As he did so, he started to grow even larger than he had been before. He was easily four times larger than any of the other werewolves that they had seen, aside from Alex’s form that is, who was in a class all his own. The moment Max disappeared out the window, everyone heard muffled yelps and the sounds of a scuffle.

“I hope he doesn’t overdo it this time.” Condolore said as he started leading everyone down the main hall to the portal room.

Jade seemed confused, “What do you mean by that?”

Condolore sighed, “The last time he fought so many, he went into a blood rage and started killing everything in sight, even some of his allies.” He turned down the bend in the hallway and noticed that werewolves were gathering on both sides of the hall outside of the building. He motioned with his hand for everyone to stay down as they came through the choke point. Then he looked back to Jade, “He even killed one of his best friends.” He peeked an eye out the window and saw a massive black form bowl over all of the werewolves, tearing them to shreds.

Then the windows behind him burst open and werewolves started pouring into the hallway in front of them. The first to react was Kaythanos, who leaped forward pinning two to the ground, before slicing cleanly across their throats with a single swing. After that, everyone hopped forward into the fray, werewolves falling left and right as if they were simple dummies. Austin was creating holes in their chests with strikes from her fists and feet, some she even reached out and broke their necks. Jade was having fun slicing and dicing with her newfound strength and speed. Jason and Alex were a force to be reckoned with as they were back to back taking out anything that got within their reach. The only person who wasn’t fighting was Kasakierin.


Kasakierin just kept walking down the main corridor as he got to the empty section of the hall. He became surrounded by werewolves , but he didn’t even pay the any mind. Once he was roughly halfway down the long hallway, he gripped the hilt of his long sword slowly and deliberately. In response, some of the werewolves jumped.

Back where everyone else was, Max came pounding into the hall cleaving werewolves in half and killing all that was left. Then everyone moved to help Kasakierin, until Max held out a hand, shaking his head. He looked to Jessica as he explained, “This will show them just how far ahead he is.” Everyone saw the look in Max’s eyes and slowly sheathed their weapons.

Kasakierin saw the interaction and nodded his head to Max as all of the werewolves leaped for him. Kasakierin disappeared and the werewolves landed around where he was until they froze and to everyone’s horror began falling apart. Heads and all other limbs simply started to slide apart, until the hall before them was simply a mass of meat. Kasakierin appeared on the far side of the hall, blood covering his blade. He flicked it once and the blade was clean again, before he sheathed it. He nodded his satisfactory work and continued on through the corridor without waiting for anyone.

Max turned toward the group that was waiting in horror and awe, seeing only Jessica, “Through the years he has become the perfect product of Condolore’s training. Now they know where they would stand in a fight against him. Max turned back down the corridor and ate some of the pieces that were left behind.

Everyone turned to Condolore but Borris and Ali, “What the hell was that?” Jade asked, still covering her nose because of the smell.

Condolore sighed as he started making his way through the maze of freshly cut flesh. “That was a noble monster that I created a long long time ago. Even I only just realized how much he has improved since I gave him my training. I wouldn’t even stand a chance.” He kicked a couple pieces to make more room and continued on through the mess, “We need to move if we want to get there in time to meet Seth.” He started running down the corridor and everyone followed suit, doing their best not to get caught up in the gore at their feet.

At the end of the corridor, they opened a door to find Kasakierin and Max on either side of a swirling pool that was standing upright. Kasakierin waved toward the portal, “You guys go ahead, we’ll watch the portal until everyone gets through.”

Condolore nodded without even slowing his stride, leaping into the portal. One by one, everyone started leaping into the portal after Condolore. That was when Kasakierin saw a werewolf coming through the main door. He gave Max a nod to enter the portal and he stepped through it.

The werewolf leaped for Kasakierin and he punched it in the face hard enough to cave in its face. He chuckled as he backtracked into the portal.

Everyone landed on a hilltop in between two pillars, none of their eyes leaving the portal until it dissipated. When the portal was gone, they all turned around to look over the empty valley below them. Then they all froze as they saw Seth appear down in the middle of it, facing toward a mountain that was off to the groups right. Before their eyes, the mountain rose up and shook from side to side, revealing the massive head of a dragon. No one dared to even breath as the dragon’s head slowly swung over to look at Seth, head tilting to one side so that he could see Seth better. Then the dragon nodded its head and slowly moved back to where it was. The dragon shook his head once again digging its head into the ground and making it look as if the mountain had simply had a landslide. Seth turned away from the dragon and waved up to them. Then he teleported to right in front of them.


Austin raised a shaky hand and pointed toward the mountain, “I-is that a uh dragon?” She seemed to be in a state of terror and excitement.

Seth chuckled, “Yes, he’s an elder that I came in contact with and he agreed to be on our side should anything happen to the stability of the dimensions. The elders are reasonable as are the adults, but the youngsters are brash and angry almost all the time.” As he said it, a young red dragon came flying over the ridge and blew a pillar of flame straight at the group. Everyone braced themselves, but the flame never reached them. Seth had lopped his head off without even a seconds thought. The body landing not twenty feet away from them. Seth clapped his hands together and chuckled, “So, who wants lunch?” Kasakierin and everyone else shared a glance and shrugged. “Good cause I would have had to eat him all by myself.” He strode forward and started dragging it down the side of the hill, like it was a sack of potatoes and nothing else.

As everyone started walking down, Seth waved his hand and the skin came flying off of the dragon and tanned in an instant. The skin flew over to Seth and disappeared into his pack. Then he lit the body aflame and started waiting for it to cook. He also manipulated the earth under their feet and fashioned chairs, tables, as well as a canopy to cover them. Everyone was happy to take a seat and wait for some food, except for Kasakierin and Condolore. They made their way off to the side of all the furniture, looking toward a single column of smoke in the distance. Both of them had lived in the dimension before, so they knew exactly where they were. Seth noticed their absence and made quick work of quartering and dicing up the meat of the dragon, so that everyone that wanted to start eating could. Then he strode over and joined them.

Seth stood in between the two of them and sighed, “Yes, that is Kanatown and , yes, that is close to where your daughter is being kept in Tentoral Tower.” He could feel the urge that both of them had to sprint straight for their loved ones, leaving the group to fend for themselves. Seth stood inn front of them before they took off toward Kanatown. “Tomorrow everyone will go to Kanatown and you can stay with Annabelle, Kas. Everyone else will either be staying at the inn or with someone that Condolore knows.” Then he turned to Condolore specifically, “Tomorrow, I will be going to scout out the area around the tower and retrieving your daughter for you. I don’t want anyone to be placed in unnecessary danger so you will be remaining with the group.” He crossed his arms as he addressed the both of them, “Is that agreeable for you guys?”

Kasakierin and Condolore shared a confused glance before turning to him with smiles on their faces, “That’s perfect for me.” Kasakierin stated before turning back to the group.

Condolore just put his hands on his hips as he looked over Seth like he was a prize winning steed. “That’ll work for everyone. I know enough people in the area that getting a place to stay should be easy, but you already knew that, didn’t you?” He turned away before spinning back around sharply, “And if she falls for you, it’s your own damn fault.” As he was walking away, Condolore stopped and bowed his head, “Just make sure that she gets back here safe and sound, please.” He continued on toward where everyone had gathered to start eating.

Seth stood where he was as he watched the group of people that he’d come to hold close to his heart. Only a couple of them knew it, but they were eating one of the only foods that was known to be a delicacy among all cultures. They were all comfortable around each other, which made his heart calm. So many things had transpired so quickly in his life that he felt as though he was growing away from the group, which terrified him. The only thing that still showed him that he was human was his contact with others. He turned away from them and stared up into the open sky, darkening into twilight. He was putting up his guard because there were far more dangerous creatures out at night than in his home dimension. Then he felt more than heard footsteps behind him.

Jessica hugged him from behind and buried her head in his hair. “I missed you, you know.”

Seth turned around and pulled her into him, “I know. I’m sorry that I couldn’t get back sooner.”

“Well, don’t take so long next time.” Jessica giggled as she looked down into his eyes. Seth could actually feel how much stronger she had become just from a simple touch. As Jessica pulled away from him, she whispered, “That’s how strong I am now, so watch out.” She gave him a wink as she slowly walked back to the group and the food that was more delicious that she had thought. She was swaying her hips as she went, making it extremely difficult for Seth to concentrate.

Seth couldn’t help but gawk as she went back to the dinner. He smiled as he turned back to the forest that he was going to be traversing over the next day. Once again, Seth had lost his train of thought because of Jessica, and he enjoyed the feeling. He crossed his arms and sighed, “Finally some peace and quiet in this thick skull of mine.” Seth closed his eyes and breathed in the cool night air. “I guess we’ll see about the future.” Seth turned and walked over to the semicircle around the campfire next to the dragon carcass.

A storm was in, so Seth grew evergreen trees to form a canopy above their heads. He could see the pairing that was going on in the group as they sat. Borris and Ali had rekindled an old flame. Jade and Kaythanus had taken to potion that he’d left them and were enjoying each other’s company. Austin seemed to be getting close with Mathus. Griffin and Gonza were as close to each other as they had been since the start.

The others, aside from Kasakierin, were content to be alone. Anne was especially keen on living on her own so that she could pray more often for her father to accomplish his task. Alex and Jason were tight to each other and wanted to understand their own lives before bringing someone else into their lives. Seth was proud of everyone as they got along as a team. Not a single person was left out of conversation and everything was smooth. Condolore even introduced Donovin to everyone that he hadn’t got a chance to meet. He knew that it would be difficult to get everyone onboard with his plan.

That was when Seth stood to get everyone’s attention. “Ok everyone, tomorrow I will be going to Tentoral tower. In the meantime, I want all of you to find a place to stay in Kanatown. Kasakierin and Condolore have been here before, so they can help you find lodging.” As Seth stopped, he waited to make sure that everyone understood the situation.

Jessica stood and crossed her arms with a frown, “What’s at Tentoral tower?” She was more demanding an answer than actually asking a question.

Seth glanced over at Condolore and saw him nod his agreement. “It’s not a what, it’s a who. Condolore’s daughter is imprisoned there.”

Everyone froze where they were and slowly looked to see what Condolore was thinking. Their gazes were met with silence as they saw the stoic look that came over his face. They all knew how precious family was. One by one, everyone of them volunteered to accompany Seth to rescue Condolore’s daughter. They were all insistent until Condolore stood and everyone went silent, “No, only Seth will be going on this mission. The rest of you are not ready yet and Kasakierin has business to attend to.” Most tried to protest, but Condolore’s stern glare averted all of their demands. “I entrust this to Seth and Seth alone.”

“No offense to all of you but you would only be in the way.” Seth stated as he looked over the group of them. Then his gaze fell on Kasakierin, “You can ask Kas here if you would like another opinion on the matter.”

Kasakierin simply nodded his head, “He’s right. Even if I went with him, I’d only be in his way. I’m the most combat proficient out of everyone here and I’d only cause him trouble. We need to find a place to keep all of you in the meantime though.” He sighed as he looked at Seth, “I’ll make sure that everyone gets settled in. I’m sure that Condolore has just as many connections as I do. You just focus on the task at hand.”

Once everyone was settled down and began sitting down again, Jessica remained standing with her eyes vibrating once again. Then her brow furrowed and she glared at Seth with her arms crossed. “Could I have a word with you? In private?” She had her hands on her hips as she strode out of the circle of friends.

Seth jumped up and scurried after Jessica like a wounded puppy. “What’s wrong Honey?” A very worried Seth asked.

She was tapping her foot on the ground as she glared at him, her arms crossed to match her furious gaze. “When were you going to tell me about the army that is protecting the tower?”

Seth lowered his head as he realized he forgotten about the army. “After the fact?” Seth carefully said, which was the truth. He knew that if he’d lied she would have been even more furious with him. He seemed to be acting more like a child that was in trouble than a godly being capable of destroying worlds. He carefully held one of Jessica’s hands in his and sighed, “I was going to tell you when I got back. There’s no need to worry for me.” He leaned up and kissed her on the forehead as he looked up into her light brown eyes. “I’ll only be gone for three days at most. If I take longer, you can kill me when I get back.” He looked carefully to make sure that she was ok.

Jessica still had her free hand on her hip as she glared down at him. “You had better be back by dinner.” She gave him a quick hug and walked back to the campfire.

Seth still couldn’t help watching her beautiful curves as she made her way. Then he swatted himself in the face, “Come on man, mind on the objective.” He silently screamed at himself and looked up with a glare meant for him, but found Jessica’s glaring face. In a blur, he spun around and silently resigned to his fate. Seth strode over to the campfire and silently sat on the opposite side of Jessica.

Everyone was now looking from Seth to Jessica and back, seeing a lioness and a wounded pup giving each other the silent treatment. “Even though he is practically a god, he still bows before his beloved.” Condelore pipped in. Instantly, everyone started laughing and joking about the situation.

All the while, Seth and Jessica shared a quiet smile, until Seth made a mock bow toward Jessica. Jessica belted over laughing when she saw it, having to clamp her hands over her mouth to stifle the noise. Then she leapt from her seat and into Seth’s lap, smothering him with kisses.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Borris produced a guitar, looking at Ali before he began to sing.

There once was a woman,

Who gave me a thrill,

I stood my ground as a man,

And I felt that chill,

I asked for her hand,

Cause I was a dancing man,

She struck up the band,

And she showed me how,

To really be a dancin’ man.

Everyone began clapping their hands to the beat as they stood from their seats. Some went slow while others went wild. The whole group was having a blast as the tune continued. They kept it going most of the night, until the fire went out and everyone went to bed wherever they lay.

Seth woke up early in the morning and found Kasakierin walking patrol around the clearing. He decided to join him, “How was your sleep last night?”

“Same vision as always.” Kasakierin sighed.

“Do you still see your crash?” Seth asked as he clasped his hands behind his back.

Kasakierin nodded as he slowly continued his patrol, “It’s always the last thing I see before I wake up, like a constant reminder that I’m not from this world.” He looked up at the sky before looking over at Seth. “Why did my race have to be so … gung ho?”

Seth put his hands on his hips and sighed, “For the little time that I was there, everyone was simply set like that. It seemed to just be the way that things always were.” He patted Kasakierin on the shoulder with a smile, “You don’t have to worry though. You weren’t indoctrinated like the rest of the planet. Your parents were kind and just people. They got you out of their against the entire planets government. They believed that their great power was a godsend, but you deem it a curse. I believe in making your own destiny by making your own choices. Take what you have and do the best that you can.”

Kasakierin nodded to himself before tilting his head toward the trees. “You’d better get going. I’ll make sure that everyone gets where they need to go.”

Seth smiled as he turned around and made his way over to where Jessica lay. He knelt down next to her and pulled her hair off of her face. He leaned down and gave her a peck on the forehead, “I won’t be late.” Seth pulled up her blanket and tucked it around her. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He stood and walked over to Kasakierin once again, “Take care of them.”

“She’s stronger than you think, but I will look after her and everyone else. You can be sure of that.” Kasakierin stated as he continued on his patrol.

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