《The Journey of a God: Book 1》Chapter 13: The Beach


After everyone explained what they had found and everything that happened while they were training, Seth stored all of their gear into the bag and leapt down to the ground. Ali, Borris, Gonza, and Griffin all retired to the bag to take a load off before they got even more training. Everyone else stayed outside so that they could run alongside Seth until they either tired out or got to the Mediterranean.

Seth looked over them and smiled, “Looks like everyone is ready to head out.” He turned toward the North and started jogging. Everyone kept pace at first, until he gradually picked up the pace. Kasakierin, Jessica, and Mathos all kept up with him without much effort, but everyone else started to have some trouble keeping up. Austin was the last to start dropping back, making as much effort as she could to try and make up the ground that she’d lost.

As people started to fall, Seth would pick them up with magic and place them into the bag. Austin grimaced when she was picked up and just before he placed her into the bag, Austin held up a hand. “I just need a breather.” She crossed her arms and pouted as Seth sat her on his shoulders.

Seth chuckled as they came running out of the jungle and out onto the planes that were in the Northern parts of the Congo. A herd of elephants were grazing off in the distance and then they were behind them. Before any of them could realize it, aside from Seth. They were running across the vast desert that covered the entire northern part of Africa, the Sahara. Mathos started to sweat quite a bit, so he retired to the bag after a short time. Seth figured that his body was more used to the cold weather of the far North.

After some time, Austin hopped off of Seth’s shoulders and joined them in the final stretch to the Mediterranean. They came to a beach that was in Northern Egypt. Seth made sure to keep away from any people because tensions were high in this area of the world.

The beach itself was rather small, which fit their needs perfectly. Seth was dumbfounded as he looked over the vast waters, as was Austin who’d never seen so much water before. Jessica had an arm around Seth’s shoulders and rested her head on his. She’d seen such things before, but never with anyone she cared about. Kasakierin was the only one not reveling in the experience, he hated water because it restricted his movements. Mathos was neither excited or begrudged by the view, he actually seemed almost void of emotion all together.

For a time, they all simply watched the waters come in, until Jessica decided something, “Why don’t we all have a picnic while we are here, before you take us across the water?” She was looking down to Seth with the end of the question.

Seth chuckled, “Why not.” He placed the bag down on the ground and Austin poked her head in and started giving orders to everyone. As she did, Jessica started pulling Seth down the beach like she wanted to go for a walk.


“I haven’t seen waters like these in a long time.” Jessica began as they walked hand in hand. She was looking Seth over more than the water though. Even at his original height of five and a half feet tall, he was a very handsome young man with a bit of a beard coming on now that he hadn’t shaved in a while.

Seth looked over the waters with a newfound fondness because he could concentrate on the washing of the waved to drown out most of the constant noise that he heard, but he was painfully aware of Jessica’s presence. There was no ignoring the fact that she lit a fire in him whenever she was even around him. “It is a very beautiful sight to behold.” Seth stated as he tried to keep his mind away from certain acts.

Jessica could tell that he was holding back and knew that it was because everyone was directly behind them. She chuckled inwardly and slowly leaned down until her lips were just next to Seth’s ears. “So, what’s on that mind of yours?”

Seth physically straightened like a board and froze, “Nothing!” He blurted out. Then he shook his head and turned to her, only to come face to face with her. He could see a hunger there that matched his own but he also knew that he would never hear the end of it if they went at it in front of everyone. He gulped back the thoughts and tried to calm his mind, but her eyes were locked on his and he couldn’t pull away from them.

Jessica rotated and gently wrapped her arms around Seth’s neck. “Oh really?” She stepped forward a single step and giggled at the blush that came over Seth’s face. In a single motion she had placed her thigh up against his private parts. “Your face says otherwise.” She leaned in the last couple of inches and lightly kissed him on the lips.

Seth gave in and slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, lightly kissing her. His mind was a blur at the touch of her lips and he was at a loss for what to do. Even though he had more memories and experiences than anyone on the planet, when it came to Jessica he always got derailed.

Just as Seth was easing his way into the intimacy of the situation, Jessica pulled him in further and planted her face on his with a fury for more. She wrapped herself around him and rubbed up against him with a fire in her soul. Seth became flustered for a second, but only a second. He made a quick thought and they were teleported to one of the rooms in the dimensional bag.

Jessica tore his trench coat off and tossed it aside while Seth tore her new clothes off with one hand in one fluid motion. Jessica gasped at the sudden nakedness and in that instant Seth lost it. His concentration was gone and he instantly morphed back into his nearly seven foot form. In the process, his pants tore off with his underwear and they were both left completely naked. Jessica giggled and leaped up to wrap her legs around his waist.


Seth chuckled as he caught her and made his way onto the bed, their mouths locked together in the heat of passion.

Everyone outside of the bag were either chuckling or laughing when they saw that Seth and Jessica had teleported away. The only one that didn’t was Mathos, who continued his near emotionless state. Jade and Austin were the ones who were laughing the most before starting to gossip between the two of them.

While everyone started spreading out, they all started to relax and gather around in a kind of circle around the bag. Kasakierin was at the edge of the water and a few of them were wondering what they were doing. Austin and Jade went over to Ali to try and figure out what was going on.

Ali just sighed as she rested her head on Borris’ shoulder, “If it’s what I think he’s doing, he is trying to get in contact with the love of his life.”

Austin gasped and Jade seemed confused, “Not to sound mean, but Kas has a wife?” Jade looked out to Kasakierin and then back to Ali with a rather befuddled look on her face.

Ali chuckled, “Yes, as hard as that is to believe, he has a wife that resides in another dimension. He had to leave her behind because of his past. If he had kept her around, she would have been killed or died of exhaustion. Every so often he tries to get back to her so that they can have a reprieve.” She reached up and ruffled Borris’ hair with a giggle. “It’s rather romantic when you think about it.” Then she slid to the side and laid her head in his lap.

Austin and Jade sat in silence for a time as they thought about it and Austin did think that it was rather romantic. Jade was thinking about how she didn’t have anything like that. She looked around the group of them until her eyes fell upon Kaythanos, who was doing push ups off to the side of the group. She smirk at how much effort that he was putting into his training, until she realized just how fit he was.

Jade’s face reddened as she realized that she was checking out his body. Since he had taken off the weights, he was on a whole other level than the rest of them, mainly because he’d been training all his life and had already been build for combat. She gulped as he eyes wandered over his abdomen and then his chest. She had to look away when she looked higher because he had seen her and they locked eyes for a split second.

Austin noticed the quick look and then how red her face was. “Hey are you alright?” She placed a hand on Jade’s shoulder to comfort her and was surprised when Jade physically jumped from the touch.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Jade nearly shot up to her feet and shuffled away a few feet. She was shaking a little bit with her eyes wide open and she was fiddling with her hair.

Austin was confused until she looked in the direction that Jade had been looking. Then she chuckled and had to cover her mouth with a hand. She knew that Jade had always wanted to find that one person that she could have a relationship with, and she also knew that Jade was really shy when she liked a guy. She thought about how to help in the situation but eventually decided to let it take its course.

In the meantime, Gonza and Griffin were cuddling on their own blanket. Griffin had his wings wrapped around her and Gonza was still completely naked in her golden form. She had her head resting on his bare chest as they snuggled together on a thick wool blanket. To them they were the only ones there in that current moment.

Closer to the water, Kasakierin looked out over the sea with sadness in his eyes. He’d tried without any results to contact his love. She was farther away than ever before and the mental link was strained to its limit. He wiped his face with a sweaty palm and grimaced, “How am I going to get along without you, my love, my Annabelle. I hope that soon I will get to see you again. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold out without you.” He clasped his hands behind his back and sighed as he took in the sea breeze. His thoughts were constantly on how he would be able to contact her so that his worries would subside.

As the group was relaxing, the tide rocked back and forth on the sands. The breeze was calming for everyone as the salty air washed over their senses. Then a kind of fog started to roll in and everyone got to their feet. There was something off about the phenomenon.

As everyone started to gather everything up and toss it in the bag, Seth and Jessica appeared next to Kasakierin on the edge of the water. Some noticed that Jessica no longer wore her black blouse with short shorts, but wore a bright colored blouse with flowers on it and tight high water jeans that went down to her mid calf.

Jessica clamped a hand on Seth’s as she saw the eerie fog before them, “Do you know what’s causing that?”

Seth chuckled, “That would be the mixture of temperature and precipitation in the air.” He waved his arms out wide, “Resulting in a rather thick fog. No magic to be found, aside from that of the Mediterranean itself.” He strode over to the bag and everyone that was gathered around it. “Alright, it’s time that we move out. Everyone hop in.”

Once everyone was inside, Seth shouldered the bag and started walking out onto the water. He chuckled at how easy it was and how he knew that if anyone was around to see him that no one would ever believe them. He was walking on top of the water as if it were a solid surface.

“Well, whatever happens, we’re on our way Condolore.” Seth started running across the water and headed Northwest toward France.

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