《The Journey of a God: Book 1》Chapter 8: Traveling


As the group made their way through the forest, everyone started to develop a hobby that would occupy their time. Jessica started wood carving with one of the knives that was in the vests, from the military convoy. Jade was looking through the book that her mother had placed in her bag, to her surprise, she could actually read the gibberish that filled the book. Mathos would run a bit ahead of the group or be off into the forest when they camped to practice with his axe. Alex and Jason would transform during the night and train their senses, so that they could be of use to the group, with Seth’s help Alex was able to control his form more easily after a few days of practice. Borris and Ali were rekindling their love for each other, going on walks away from the group and sharing a sleeping bag during the night. Kasakierin did what he always did, patrol. Kaythanos did personal training whenever he had the chance, either with a sword or with the many books that he had packed for the journey. Austin, on the other hand, was doing her level best to learn how to fight, from Anne of all the warriors in the group.

Seth disapproved on the spot, “You shouldn’t bother yourself with her fighting style, your body is not fit for such forceful moves.” He had been walking with Jade and Jessica on his pack at the time.

Austin stepped up next to him with a scowl, “Well then can you think of a better way to get me combat ready, so that I can be of use.” She had her arms crossed and that meant that she was going to stick her ground like a mountain.

Seth glared at her for a second, before conceding, “Why don’t you ask Kas if he’ll train you in the way of the sword?” Seth knew that Austin wasn’t going to give up the fact that she wanted to learn how to defend herself, but he also knew that Anne may yet kill her should the training get out of hand.

Austin walked right up to Kasakierin and clasped her hands behind her back as she looked him up and down. Kasakierin was a short man, just like Seth was, so she had to look down a bit. She hesitated as she saw the sway of his cloak, revealing a rather intricate collection of knives and other weapons that she couldn’t even identify. Then she visibly squared herself and tapped Kasakierin on the shoulder.

Before Austin could even react, Kasakierin sidestepped and twisted her wrist until she was bent over at a ninety-degree angle, from the waist. Kasakierin smiled at her, “Lesson number one, always expect your opponent to know that you’re coming.” Then he let go of her wrist and she straightened. “And yes, I will gladly teach you how to fight.”

Austin rubbed her wrist and smiled, “Thank you Kasakierin. I will do my best to learn from you.” She had her hands at her sides, ready for whatever Kasakierin was going to show her.

Over the next few weeks, Kasakierin taught her a few essential lessons, first and foremost being to never underestimate one’s opponent. He constantly sparred with her and gave her a few opportunities to strike him but fouled her chances at landing a hit every time, to make sure that she understood what failure felt like. He taught her the meaning of footwork and knowing the difference between an advantage and an illusion. He showed her the difference between a parry and a counter, the difference between losing ground and reassessing one’s adversary. He showed Austin as much as he could before they reached the edge of the forest and finally made it to the border of Kazakhstan, but their entry into the area was not advised by Elania.


“The war that is waged here is not of your affair.” She had stated.

Seth and Borris went over some maps that they had produced. The best course of action was to go farther West, so that they could enter into Georgia, making their way through Turkey before going down to Israel. Kasakierin had stated that he knew a seafarer who would take them through the Mediterranean for next to nothing. So, they made their way West.

In the few days that it took them to get there, Jade began questioning Gonza on the effects and uses of Magic, specifically her heretical magic. Gonza was well versed in the incantations of both light and dark magic, so she did her best to answer all of her questions. After only a day, Jade was conjuring her own fireballs that she juggled or enlarged as far as she dared. One fireball in particular was the size of a car, which impressed Gonza immensely.

“You are certainly your mother’s daughter.” Gonza had retorted, but only got a scowl in return from Jade.

“My mother never even told me that I had magic in my blood, let alone the fact that it was the blood of a queen of flames.” Jade crossed her arms and slowly continued to float in her meditative state with the group. She had learned how to do so on the first day of Gonza’s instruction. So that she could practice her concentration, Jade had been levitating herself almost every hour of every day.

By the time they reached Georgia, Austin and Jade were a pair to be reckoned with. Austin could easily take on any soldier of the dimensions, even the ninja council’s guard. Jade had enough magic power to keep a city running, so she could fire the few spells that she knew several times before running out of steam. Both Kasakierin and Gonza were proud of their pupils.

It took no effort at all to get past the security checkpoint at the border and made their way through the small country to enter into Turkey, where Kasakierin took point, not only knowing Turkish but also knowing where they were specifically going. When they made the border of Turkey, however, Seth realized how much he was carrying on his back. Then his mind wandered to the backpack that his shield had melded into and Seth found something rather interesting and familiar. He pulled everyone off to the side and opened it for everyone to see.

Inside of the bag was an extra dimensional space that was the size of a warehouse. “I already put all of the extra backpacks and bags inside. I’m not sure if there’s actual oxygen inside or not, but there is plenty of space for everyone to hang in here, while one or two of us can go on to the next location or spot.” He looked around the group and Austin was the first one to respond.

“Finally, a better way to travel.” Austin sighed as she gripped the bag and climbed inside, breathing deeply as she wandered throughout the room. “It actually is pretty refreshing down here. What’s taking you so long to look down in here?” Austin was making her way over to a far corner to claim, while everyone else was simply surprised.

Seth raised his eyebrows in sheer confusion as he witnessed Austin’s display, “Well, I just thought that it was a backpack, but I guess it’s a bit more.” He looked around the group and everyone slowly started getting into the bag, until there was only Kasakierin and Seth. “Alright.”


Before they could get moving, however, a hand shot out of the top of the bag and gripped Seth’s shoulder, “If you guys pass a big city, we need to stop and get … uh … supplies.” Austin stated as she slowly removed her hand and slipped down the ladder to the floor of the storage room.

Seth looked to Kasakierin and they both chuckled, “Well, it looks like the girls want to go shopping.” Seth stated, before smelling his shirt and cringing, “A shower wouldn’t hurt though. Jeez, I am rank.” He started walking and Kasakierin joined him in stride. Seth didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of using the other bag before, the one he had received from his parents. He suspected that he was keeping the place untouched as a memento. He would think about that on the road.

The two of them ran for a time, off the side of the road and out of sight, because they both could run as fast as the cars on the freeway. The city that they needed to get to was the port city of Mersin, so that they could decide where they were going to go from there. Seth thought that it would be better to go through Israel, but Kasakierin pointed out that the straightest route was through Egypt, which was linked to the Sahara. Seth simply didn’t want to deal with the civil war that was raging between the police and the local radical groups.

That was when Kasakierin stopped where he was and looked to Seth and crossed his arms, not saying a word. Seth froze when he heard what was in Kasakierin’s head. “I know, I know. I’m far more powerful than I realize and shouldn’t worry about anyone that should come into my way.” He looked over to Kasakierin and found that he was still looking at him sternly. Seth sighed, “I know that I can demolish anyone that gets into my way, but I don’t want to do that. You of all people know what killing another living being that doesn’t deserve it brings with it.” He put his hands on his hips and looked to the sky.

Kasakierin walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Yes, and with the power that you now have, you shouldn’t even have to worry about them.”

Seth sighed, “I know.” The two stood in silence for a time, before Seth chuckled to himself, “We could probably avoid the entire thing if I just ran there.” He looked to Kasakierin and he had his eyebrows raised like he thought it was a good idea. Seth pondered it and came to the decision. “Alright, once we get to Egypt, everyone is hopping in the bag and I’m taking us to Musalon.”

Kasakierin looked at him with a smile, “There you go, thinking with your abilities. That’s how you need to really thing in the future.” He patted Seth on the shoulder and started walking with his hands in his pockets.

Seth smiled and continued on after Kasakierin, “Well, looks like it took someone to tell me.” He looked up to the sky and sighed, “Looks like it’s up to me from now on. I hope that you picked the right guy for this.”

The two of them made their way through to Adana, seeing the size of the city, they stopped and let everyone out of the backpack. Once everyone was out, the girls immediately started pairing up with others and dragging them off to the shopping centers. Inside, the girls went crazy with a wanting for new clothes and other things. Everyone was excited to be getting new clothes, while Kasakierin and Seth were looking for a hotel or another establishment that would let them take a shower. Weeks on the road through a forest did not leave them in a clean state. The only person who wasn’t putting any excitement out was Anne, who shot up to the sky the moment she left the backpack. Seth had made a mental note to see what she was up to, once they were done.

Seth had been with Jessica, of course, while she strode around the market area looking for a good clothing store to go into. Once they did find a store, Jessica immediately started trying on dresses and the like, making Seth blush with every reveal of a new outfit. Every time Jessica put something new on, Seth would nod his head, saying that it looked good, but the moment she went back behind the curtain he would shake his head and try to control his breathing. He knew that love was something special but he did not expect for his very breath to physically be taken from him. It didn’t help when Jessica started trying on everything else in the store, from tight short cocktail dresses to long loose dresses that were more like gowns. Seth was flabbergasted at each and every outfit that she tried on. It got to the point that Jessica would play a game with him. She would pop her head out of the curtain and wink, before swinging the curtain wide and seductively strode right up to him, making him white knuckle grip the arms of his chair. Seth would be smiling the entire time she played the game on him, knowing that no matter what happened, they would leave together.

After a time, Jessica finally decided on no less than fifty outfits that she was getting. Luckily, Seth had convinced her to also get some outfits that would be more practical out in the desert that they were headed for. So, Jessica conceded to getting light and more comfortable attire, which Seth found was far more provocative than the dresses.

When Jessica tried on one particular set of tight clothes, Seth felt like his nose would bleed like a cartoon character. She saw the look on his face and blew him a kiss. Seth couldn’t take it. He strode right up to her and kissed her, “You look absolutely amazing.” He said in between breaths.

Jessica twirled around and giggles, letting go of Seth, “Oh stop. I already know.” She shook her buttocks as she sauntered away a few steps.

Seth gripped her wrist and twirled her back around, kissing her again. “So, shall we make our way back?” It had already been a few hours while they were in the store. When Jessica nodded, they bought the clothes with the money that Seth’s parents had in the box that was left for him. Once Seth had everything packed into the backpack, they made their way over to the hotel that was their meeting place. They were the first back to the room, so Jessica passed out on the bed and Seth was left with his thoughts out on the balcony.

“I bet Jade is driving Kay up a wall right about now. She loves shopping like none other.” Seth leaned against the railing as he looked over the surrounding area. It was a beautiful city, with vast markets running in between tall buildings that were either apartments or a series of stores stacked atop of another. “Austin’s probably driving Jason and Alex insane with the amount of bags that they’ll have to carry. She never really did have much of an opportunity to go shopping for bobbles. Griffin’s probably having the time of his life, seeing Gonza in all sorts of attire, which she will undoubtedly choose more provocative clothes than necessary. I don’t even want to know about Ali. She nearly dragged Borris, Kasakierin, and Mathos into one of the many stores that was along the road.” Seth shook himself as he thought of the last person in their group, Anne. “Time to see what she’s up to. Then again, she said that women warriors don’t need dresses, maybe she just didn’t want to shop.”

When Seth looked back inside, Ali was striding in confidently, with a smile that said she had found everything that she wanted. Behind her, however, all three men were laden down with bags full of clothes and bobbles. Borris and Mathos looked like they were starting to feel their limbs cramp up, trying their best to get the gear to the backpack as quickly as possible. Kasakierin was a different story. He stood resolute, almost as if he were on watch and he only carried everything that he needed on the daily.

Seth just chuckled, “Did you find everything alright?” Seth crossed his arms as he asked and strode back into the large room.

Ali immediately made an about-face and nodded her head, “Yes, yes I did.” Then she turned back and was almost skipping over to the backpack. Had could hardly believe how much of a girly girl she was. She always seemed to be the tomboy that joined the army or something.

Not too long after Ali arrived, the other’s started to trickle in. Everyone baring more than they should physically be able to carry and the women completely content with what they were able to get their hands on.

Once everyone was done and clean from a shower, and in the backpack once again, Seth was out on the balcony with the backpack on and Kasakierin seated inside, “I’ll go see what Anne is up to.”

Kasakierin simply nodded his head and turned to the door, to make sure that no one came in while everyone was out. Seth chuckled at how much Kasakierin held to his beliefs and other morals. Then he looked to the sky and shot straight up, into the clouds. Up in the sky, Anne was working on her forms, shadow fighting on the edge of a cloud. Seth walked along the cloud with a bit of a chuckle in his stomach. It made his laugh at the fact that a gaseous form was being used as a solid object.

Seth clasped his hands behind his back and stepped up to her little training area, “We are ready when you are.”

Anne froze and slowly turned to Seth. Then she lunged with an overhead strike as she screamed a battle cry. Normally, the person would be cut in half but Seth wasn’t a normal person and he didn’t need to move to avoid a strike, so he didn’t. The blade just landed on Seth’s shoulder with a dull thud. The blade didn’t even break skin, even though Anne was scowling and grunting with the effort of the attack. Beads of sweat ran down her face and arms.

Seth simply stood there patiently waiting for her to finish whatever she was up to, with his hands still clasped behind his back. Seth knew full well why she was doing what she was doing. Out of everyone aside from Borris, Anne had the worst history with her family and it was partially his fault, for a certain position of it at least. He decided to let her go at it until she had expounded all the energy, she felt like giving.

After several seconds of simply standing there with the blade pressing on Seth’s shoulder, Anne relaxed and took a step back, sheathing her blade. She moved the hair out of her face and sighed deeply, “I am sorry. I needed to let that out or else everyone else would have received it.” She never looked Seth in the face, which was not very common for her, knowing how honorable she is about posture and manner.

Seth sighed, “I know.” He walked to the edge of the cloud and looked out over the country of Turkey. “You were trying to get in contact with your father through prayer, weren’t you?”

Anne tensed and gritted her teeth a bit before calming, “Yes, but …” She didn’t continue until she reached the edge of the cloud, next to Seth, “It’s just been so long since the last time I saw him. Does he even remember me now?”

Seth put a hand on Anne’s shoulder and sighed, “He knows you’re out here. Trust me. It’s just that right now he’s dealing with a lot of changes throughout the dimensions and up in the heavens. He’ll see you again and this time he’ll be proud to see the woman that you have become.” Seth continued to look out across the country as he finished.

Anne turned to Seth and her eyes slowly swelled up until she was crying, leaning into Seth’s shoulder and hugging him. “Why didn’t he want me all those years ago, Seth, why?” She was frantic with tears welling up and rolling down her face.

Seth hugged her close, comforting her, “If I remember the situation correctly, which I usually do, your mother had a killer after her and you were along for the ride. Your mother was injured during a raid and your father was furious. It was an impulse situation and your father believed that the best action would be that of offense. He went after the pursuers with all the anger in his body. If you ask me, he’s still trailing them from the very place that he left you and your mother.”

Anne calmed a bit as she thought of what Seth said, “I guess you’re right.” She was still crying but wasn’t as frantic as before.

For a good while, they both stood there on the edge of the cloud. Then Seth slowly pulled away and Anne shot him an accusing look as she sniffed back the last of her tears. “It’s time we get back to the task at hand.” He pulled the backpack off and unzipped the top. Inside, everyone was almost partying as they looked over all of their new stuff.

Anne sighed and called for her shield, which appeared in her hand. She paused just before climbing into the bag. “I hope that I get to see him soon.” Then she dove into the bag and Seth was left alone once again.

He shouldered the bag and slowly fell off of the cloud, plummeting toward the hotel. He had his hands tucked away in his pockets as he casually fell through the sky. He smiled at the simplicity of the act now. Before, when he was simply a human, Seth would have had to get in a plane and pull a parachute. Seth could do as he pleased now and it made his day.

Just before landing on the balcony, Seth slowed his descent and landed softly. He looked inside of the room and found Kasakierin right where he left him, on the bed. Kasakierin immediately turned to Seth and checked all the straps on his gear. “Alright, are we ready to go? My buddy is ready and waiting.”

Seth chuckled, “Yes, we are ready to go. Lead the way to this man of yours, so that we can cross the med.” Seth started out the door and heard Kasakierin chuckled from behind him. “What’s so funny the moment we set out on this adventure?”

Kasakierin had to cover his mouth as he stepped out next to Seth, “When did I ever say that he was a man?” Kasakierin chided.

Seth just sighed as he realized what was going on. He placed one hand on his hip and the other on the bridge of his nose. “Jesus Kas, who are we going to meet in Mersin?” He wasn’t entirely sure if he remembered who it was that was in Mersin. There were a few people in Mersin, a dwarf, an elf, a vampire, a werewolf, even a zombie that Kasakierin had dealings with and each one could probably get them passage across the Mediterranean.

“You remember Lasar.” Kasakierin crossed his arms in anticipation of the remembrance.

Seth grimaced as he remembered who it was, “That damn Leprechaun, seriously?” He started off abruptly and Kasakierin had no other choice but to follow. “What are you going to offer him to get passage across, because you of all people know that Leprechaun’s only do things for a price.”

Kasakierin tapped the elevator button as they waited for the mechanism, “Well, there are plenty of items in those extra bags that should tally up to be enough for passage. If nothing else I can always convince him the other way.” He flashed a knife to Seth and got a scowl in return.

“You do know that there are more ways to get across the med then bribery and torture, right?” Seth knew that Kasakierin did, but there were honestly times that he didn’t think that Kasakierin could tell the difference.

Kasakierin sighed and continued walking, “Yes, I realize this and leave it to you to decide our course of action.”

Seth nodded his head and continued walking into the city of Mersin. It was a bustling city, with markets that were filled to the brim with people and goods to be sold. There were markets filled with clothes and markets with food items or toys. Seth was properly dumbfounded when they reached the outer portions of the docks, where people sold whatever they were able to fish out of the sea. Most had loads of ice that kept the fish fresh, but there were others that had massive tanks filled with live fish that they caught the previous day. The smell of the sea was overwhelming as Kasakierin led them through the throng of people. Then he suddenly turned down an alleyway that was almost deserted.

The smell of the sea was completely replaced by garbage and sewage. There were staircases that led to doorways down below the surface, on either side of them, and Kasakierin didn’t stop to even look at any of them. Seth was hesitant at first, but trusted Kasakierin in this endeavor.

Kasakierin continued through the winding alleys until he found a door with a single distinct feature, a clover etched just under the handle. He chuckled and pressed a button that was hidden under the handle. The door swung open and the two of them found a single short man with bright red hair that was disheveled from many days without rest or a shower. He was bent over a low table that was made for his three feet of height, every so often releasing a grown.

Kasakierin and Seth made their way in without even making a sound, Kasakierin on purpose and Seth wholly by accident. They stood behind Lasar for some time before Kasakierin leaned over him and coughed, “What are you up to there Lasar?”

Lasar nearly leaped to the ceiling when he heard the question. He landed on his feet with a dagger in hand, pointed directly at Kasakierin. He didn’t let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Kasakierin, however. Lasar sheathed the dagger and looked a bit grim as he slowly made his way around the table, so that there was at least something between him and Kasakierin. “What can I do for you?”

Kasakierin smiled as he strode up to the table, “A simple request. We need passage to Egypt across the Med. I know that you have a rather special vessel that you use for your goods transfers across the sea.” He picked up a piece of paper and chuckled, “Planning your next heist? I can give you the gear you might need as payment for our passage.” Kasakierin was completely calm as he made the small negotiation.

Seth was still standing next to the doorway, appearing to survey the room. He had been there before, in Kasakierin’s past, but there was something off about the room this time. “What exactly are you planning on taking this time?” Seth asked, more absentmindedly than to actually ask the question.

Lasar looked a bit confused, like he hadn’t noticed him in the room before, “Who are you to ask such a question?” He crossed his arms accusingly.

Seth strode right up to where Kasakierin was and clasped his hands behind his back, “I am Seth Conwell, and it’s nice to meet you. I ask the question because I sense a much darker magic here than the last time that Kas was here.” Seth narrowed his eyes at the leprechaun, “What are you after exactly?”

Lasar dropped his arms to his sides and looked at Seth like he was the messiah. “You’re Seth Conwell? The foretold last generation to be given the power of god?” He slowly sat back on a stool and pondered the possibilities of having Seth as an ally or even a customer. Then he came to a decision and looked a bit more resolute. “I am planning a raid on a dragon’s horde. Specifically, a black dragon’s horde. There is a very special jewel that he has taken, which belongs to me. I am planning on taking it back, with interest.”

Kasakierin looked at the two of them quizzically, “Where are we going with this?” He asked the question more for Seth but was open to an explanation from Lasar.

Seth was the first to speak, “I’m going to give him an item that will allow him to take whatever he wants without much of a fuss.” He took the backpack off and put an arm and his head inside, “Hey, pass me that grey sack over there. Thank you.” Then he came out of the bag with a small grey sack that had a tie on the end of it. He tossed the sack to Lasar. “That bag is magically linked to an interdimensional space where you can store whatever you may wish. In a word, it’s priceless, for your line of work that is.”

Lasar looked down at the bag and thought of all the ways that he could use such an item. “That will do perfectly.” He tossed the bag aside and looked at the two of them across the table with a smile, “We can leave whenever you’re ready.”

Kasakierin chuckled, “As soon as we can.” Then he patted Seth on the shoulder and sighed, “You were right, like I believed. There was more than one way to get through the situation. But, where did you get that sack? I’ve never seen it before.”

Seth chuckled as they followed Lasar to the back of the room, “I made it when we were camping out one night. I was trying to see what I was capable of with magic. I didn’t even think about the bag that I was already carrying.” He patted the strap of his pack as they came to a small entrance that led only where the leprechaun knew. It was small, almost too small for Kasakierin to fit inside.

Lasar only chuckled as they made their way through the small tunnel, which he was the only one able to walk upright. Kasakierin and Seth were on their hands and knees as they made their way, sluggishly, through the tunnel. “I know that it’s a tight fit for all you big folk but bear with me for a minute.” He continued on at an even pace, so that Seth and Kasakierin didn’t have to hurry themselves to keep up with them.

After a few twists and turns, the tunnel finally leveled out and a door appeared in front of them. Lasar clapped his hands together and the door opened on its own. He stepped through and the others were quick to follow, Kasakierin to get a knot out of his back. What they came to see was a private dock that the leprechaun had made over time. It had several different vessels tied to it, but one in particular stood out from the others. It was made entirely of wood, but a wood that was the color of satin. The vessel also had a complete covering over it, like it was a submarine as well as a boat.

Lasar spread his arms wide as he looked over his masterpiece. “This will be our way over the Med. She’s the fastest vessel in the world, and she can go over or below the water.” He ran up to it in a flash and opened the door to the side of it. “All aboard.”

Kasakierin stretched out his back and sighed as he walked over to the boat. “Just so long as I get a place to sit and relax.”

Seth chuckled as he came out of the tunnel and strode over to the vessel, patting the side of it with a single hand, “May you bring us to the other side at a wondrous speed.” Then he got in as well.

The inside of the vessel was rather intricate, with wood carvings to make up everything except for the engine, which was made of light carbon fiber material. The wood that made up the chairs was rather pliable and relatively comfortable, but the cushions that were on the chairs were very comfortable. Kasakierin was at the back of the boat laid down across a few chairs, ready to relax his way across the Med. Seth sat down in a chair that was beside the driver’s seat.

Lasar closed the door as he got in and immediately stepped up to the driver’s seat. “Make sure that you’re strapped in, or you’ll go flying from those seats of yours.” He stated as he clipped his four-point harness tight as possible and started the engine of the machine. The engine was almost entirely silent. If Seth and Kasakierin’s hearing hadn’t been as it was, they never would have heard the engine at all. “Alright, the trip should only be a few minutes and some change. The magic that I’ve placed on this thing makes it so that it traverses the Horde and not the material plane. The lights will go dark, but that’s completely normal.” He turned the boat away from the dock and immediately floored the throttle. In an instant, the light from the outside went dark and the boat lurched into the realm of the Horde.

The lights weren’t a surprise thanks to Lasar, but after a few moments the boat started to teeter from one side to the other, like they were being hit from either side. Seth thought nothing of it, because he saw the calm look that was on Lasar’s face and knew that everything was just peachy. Kasakierin on the other hand, was seated upright and had his seat belt strapped tight. Seth chuckled when he heard the thought in Kasakierin’s head, “I’m not getting ate by some monsters from the Horde.”

Lasar was focused as they traversed the Horde and finally came to a stop, where there was light once more. Lasar let go of the controls with a sigh and smiled, “We made it in one piece. That’s better than most of the trips that I’ve taken in this wondrous machine.” He looked back to Kasakierin, who had once again taken up laying across the back seats. “Time to get out and continue your epic journey, Destroyer.”

Seth sighed and rose from his seat, “Time to get in the bag yourself, Kas.” He pulled the backpack off and opened the main pouch, to find everyone inside fast asleep. He smiled to Kasakierin, “I think everyone needs some extra training as it is.”

Kasakierin shot to his feet without a sound and winked as he casually dived into the bag. Then, Seth zipped the top up and shouldered it as he opened the exit of the boat. Lasar smiled at him and gave Seth a nod as he made his exit, “I hope to have business with you in the future. If you ever need to travel anywhere, let me know.” Then Seth stepped out of the boat and onto the soft sands of Egypt.

When Seth turned, the boat was gone, without even a ripple in the water. Seth just shook his head, “Shouldn’t have expected anything more. He is a leprechaun after all.” Seth adjusted the straps on his pack and started jogging along through the countryside.

For the first bit, it was simply desert that seemed to have a bit of moisture, but eventually Seth made it to the city of Cairo. He found several protests going on and police that were doing their best to keep people at bay from everyone who was simply trying to go through their day. Since Seth was running faster than sight, he saw everything as if it were frozen for the little time that he was in the city. It was only a second later that he was running across the vast open space of the Sahara desert, but there was something different that caught his attention. There was something pulling him along and he knew that it was important.

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