《The Journey of a God: Book 1》Prologue


The night was cold and the rain that fell was heavy on the shoulders of the two cloaked figures. The forest around them was silent but for the downpour around them. They shared a glance and nodded before making their way through the trees, keeping to the darker shadows of the night. One of them fell short, clutching their swollen stomach. The other frantically made his way over and helped them back up, letting them support themselves on his shoulder.

The two didn’t have far to go as they made their way. A clearing appeared before them and they squared themselves before stepping out into the open grass. In the center of the clearing was an archway made of stone. It looked simple but there was a magic barrier around it that resonated spatial power.

Just as the two figures were about to step through the archway, a light appeared overhead and they spun around, hands on hidden weapons. What they found was a man garbed in pure white robes. He slowly descended until he was level with them and stepped toward the laden woman. The man stepped in his way, producing a long knife that he had tucked away under his cloak.

The mysterious man looked into the cowl of the man’s cloak and nodded his head toward the woman, almost as though he was asking permission. Hesitantly, the cloaked man stepped aside, keeping the knife out and at the ready.

Once he was before the woman, the man placed a hand on her belly and smiled. “He is destined for great things. Raise him well.” His voice was melodious as he suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The two stood in confusion for a time, until they heard a distant howl from the forest. The man wrapped an arm around the woman’s shoulders and they made their way through the archway.


With a brilliant flash of light, the two figures appeared on a paved road in a new land that they had only heard of. They stepped out into the road and started walking down it. The man seeming wary of the odd drawings that were in the center and sides of the road. “Why would anyone line a road?” He thought.

Then a pair of lights appeared in the distance. The man shuffled the woman off of the road and they hid themselves behind a tree. If they could see light, then someone was close. They didn’t want to stir up any trouble, having just arrived. They would wait for whoever it was to pass.

After several minutes, the man was getting impatient. If they were taking this long, they were probably looking for something, which spelled bad news for them. He produced his long knife again and maneuvered himself into a crouch as he looked around the trunk of the tree. He frowned when he saw the lights still in the distance. “I don’t know what’s taking them so long, unless they were alerted to our teleportation.” He sat back on his heels as he thought of what they would have to do.

Then they started to hear a low rumbling noise. The man looked around the tree again as he tried to identify what was making such a noise. Then he noticed that the lights were almost on them. He tensed as he got ready for a fight, but he was not ready for what was coming.

A massive metal chariot came flying by. The force of its passing threw him off of his feet and he tumbled back on his rump. He came up to his feet instantly and ran out into the road, thinking that it had been some kind of magic, but he found no opponent. He only saw red lights going in the opposite direction.


“What was that?” He sheathed his long knife again and made his way back to the tree that the woman was hiding. “Are you alright, Christina?”

The woman pulled back her cowl and smiled, “Nothing but a normal pregnancy here.” She said as she slowly rose to her feet. “Was that one of the technologies of this world, Daniel?” She took the hand he offered to her and they started off down the side of the road.

“I believe it was, but I still have no idea what it was.” Daniel answered. “Where is Debi? She was supposed to meet us at the exit of the portal.”

“I’m right here.” A woman said behind them.

Daniel spun around in an instant, ready for another fight. He found himself up in the air with little to no control over what his body was doing. He was simply floating five feet above the ground. “Hey! I thought magic wasn’t supposed to work in this world!”

Debi giggled, “That’s only if you don’t know where to get a source of magic.” She canceled the spell and Daniel landed on the ground in a heap. “The car is over here.”

Daniel rubbed his head and dusted himself off as he stood up, “What the hell is a car?”

“It’s the primary mode of transportation in this world.” Debi explained. “I’ll get you guys up to speed once we’re back at the house. You guys have a lot of homework if you’re going to live here to raise that child.” She started walking off toward the forest as she finished.

“About that.” Christina started, “A strange man said something to us before we went through the portal.”

Debi stopped dead in her tracks and turned around, “What did this strange man say to you guys and what did he look like?” The air around her became suddenly tense, like she had just seen Death himself.

Daniel gulped, knowing that her reaction was very serious, “He was glowing and in pure white garb as he appeared before us and said that our son is destined for great thing. Then he disappeared just as quickly.” He was starting to wonder who the man was now that he thought about it. There was something about him that threw Daniel off.

Debi looked to Christina’s swollen belly and gulped, “That changes everything.” She sprinted off into the night and returned in what appeared to be a smaller metal chariot. “Get in.”

Daniel and Christina shared a worried glance as they made their way over to the strange vehicle. Debi opened the door for them and they shuffled into the back seat. Then they were on the move, much faster than any horse would have been able to move. “How is this possible without magic?” Daniel asked.

“I will answer all of your questions later.” Debi grimaced, “Right now you two need to listen. Your son may very well be, The One.”

Christina and Daniel gulped in unison before looking down at her very pregnant belly. Debi was right, this new revelation did change everything.

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