《Great Green Empire》Sugoi! Sugoi!


After he speaks those embarrassing words on the megaphone the pipes real body reveal itself, it's whole structure is like a big capsule and it's and its size is enough to house 4,000 passengers. But just after everyone sees it clearly, don't choke themselves, Flesh is having a free ride on them.

"These morons? are they trying to ferment themselves in the salty ocean?" Rance said thinking about something, "they look like the dried meat we it for lunch."




The people on his side started to kneel and puke after thinking of themselves eating those flesh.

"brat! You are the moron!! your next generation is all moron!!" Kong who always had a silencer on his mouth shout loud, his mouth still has saliva dripping out after puking, while his eyes are full of rage.

"Uncle Kong, what are saying? why not my whole family, but my next generation?!" Rance shot back as he looks like puzzle about the situation of them.

Plack! a fast hand slap his neck brace and pull him like a dog.

"Are you saying that I and Your Mom were same as you?!" with an intimidating eyes Josei look at his son menacingly then look at Ellen and Cherry.

"We should handle him after this is done," Ellen suggested and look at Cherry.

"Yeap! I found a chain that is tied up on the anchor. We need it when we need to show them around next time!!!" Cherry cheer herself up after look at Rance while Josei pulling him up on his neck brace.

"Ohh, old man! put me down, the flesh has noticed us!" He pulls his pistol then shoot the flesh on top of the submarine.

bang! bang! clang! tock! tock!

3 shots two hit on their head and fall down on the ocean while the first get hit on its neck and went straight to the metallic structure of the submarine, sparks shoot out when it collides, attracting the few hundreds of flesh!

"What you moron! don't shoot aimlessly!" Josei shout and throw him down.

"Ouch! why do you to throw me!!"

tatatatata! ta! ta!

"shut your trap and shoot those flesh down!!" Phina with her riffle rain the flesh with a pile of bullets.

tsk! clicking his tongue he picks up his pistol, then pulls out another pistol two times larger on the first one.

Babang! Bababang!! Tatatatatat tat! tat! tat!

Gunshots echoes on the wide ocean, sounds of petal colliding while sparks can be seen clearly. Splashing water every time a flesh drop on the water.

After a few minutes the submarine force open, a person can be seen coming out, "Stop!! Stop!! we need your help! dear pirates, please take us as captives!" a tall old man shouts while jumping around asking for help.

Josei signed them to stop shooting "Rance, wear some life vest and jump to that ship,..."

"...." He looks at his father then said" I-I'm still tired, Briant And Edrick is free, why not ask them to do it" he said looking at the sky, sweating all around.

"..." Josei

"..." Phina

"..." Ellen

"..." others

"pffff ahahahahaha xD what tired?! you just don't know how to swim!!?"Cherry broke the silence, she laughs hard enough to make those watching laugh too. "You keep mentioning you're a Pirate but why can't you swim? aw haha, you can stop dreaming now!!"

"W-who say I can't swim? The reason why I'm so handsome because I eat Angel Fruit of handsome-handsome!! at the same time I lost the ability to swim!!" making up a story to avoid embarrassing himself but instead, it makes the situation worst.


"Shut the fuck your trap, you crazy chuni!!! we only have 30 on our side! Please take us as your captives!!" the man shouts out loud.

"Rance, will you do it yourself or I will push you to the water?" Josei asks him emotionless.

"W--! O-okay okay, I'll do it! prepare the yacht!" He wears a life vest and removes his neck brace (Fvck! Why do I have to do this? I kill the most flesh!!)

The yacht went out, Rance jump on it and went near the Submarine. He pulls a hook and throws it on the submarine.


" Moron!! that's a fvcking metal!! please try again!" like a system notification Ellen shout at him.

Embarrassed Rance throws the hook on their ship, making it connected to the ship won't move around. He pulls his Ax and jumps at the metal chunk, he went to the man and pointed his ax. "Old man, ask your subordinates to come out, I'll protect you!"

The group of youngsters, beautiful black, with pointed eyes and bright brown eyes look at him. "We, we will follow you, please as all, every one of our friends and family been dead for weeks they might break the door anytime" the old man look at him pleading.

"okay, go to the yacht! fast, take those children to safety, you got my cover." with that he throws his Ax behind them smashing the flesh's head.


A chill run to the children's spine, they run to the yacht faster the old man. They help each other after they are all on the deck, they look at Rance fighting the flesh alone.

Zwish! swoop! wack! Tab! tab!

He slashes and slashes his ax, he stabs those who far then jump backward, he retracted his ax and posed to make a swing, he hoped forward a little.

-swish-swish-swish- he swings continuously building a momentum look like a berserk's game whirlpool slash, his two meters ax slash every flesh who near him beheading them. Waves and waves of flesh slump on his side. He stops the momentum on the location of the yacht and hop. He runs to the edge of the submarine to find out the yacht is being pulled by Josei, Kong and his former classmates.

"Fvck!!! what about me!!! I'll kill you all if I become a mindless flesh like these!!!" Rance panic and slash those neared him. Sweating hard he stabs and stabs his ax.

"Hold them back Rance, Edrick is on his way!" Phina shouts to calm him down.

"F*ck!! stop joking!! I have enough!! You guys can't treat me as cannon fodder!!" Rance continue to fight the flesh, he slashes forward, then straightens his ax stabbing forward, he stepped forward with his left foot, then lift his ax lift the flesh toward his back. He swipes his ax with the flesh on its tip to wipe the flesh to the ocean.

Splash!! swoosh!!

He slashes back the flesh on the tip sent to other flesh immobilizing them. The fight last for five minutes the flesh is almost wiped out but suddenly the entrance of the submarine cracked.

creak! bang! clang! clang! ting tining! splash

An explosion can be heard echoing on their ear, metal craps shoot everywhere. A big lump of flesh can be seen on the site of the explosion, the flesh is wearing a gas mask, his eyes are red his teeth are big and yellow. * hahahahaha it suddenly laughs out loud! unlike other flesh who only growl, it seems like a bit intelligent. On his hands a big flask containing reddish-black substance, he looks at the ship on his front.


"hahahahahahahhahaha" swooosshh! "Expurosion!!!" with that he throws a flask

"Pfff!! f*ck that. Megu**-chan's become a lump of flesh" Rance shout and charge forward to the location of the lump flesh and stab his ax on the surface and volley up sending his body mid-air and kick the flask lightly to send it back. The flask explodes in from of the plump flesh. Fire rose up burning the plump flesh, the rotten smell on the air replaced by burning meat, but what surprised them, the lump flesh starts to move forward with a fast pace. Rance got surprised that he almost got caught by its charge. He side step then run every time it happens. The flesh charges 3 times already but can't hit him." where's Edrick!? This flesh is disgusting, It fucking dares to imitate my megu**-chan?!"

"He's on the edge. Be careful he can't fight like you!" Josei said warning him.

"Okay copy! stay away first, I'll kill this 'ugly bastard'!" He looks at the flesh with is going to charge, Rance also charge when there's only two meters distance between them, Rance stabs his ax at the surface then volley. The lump charge aimlessly. Rance his ax down making his land faster, he put his left foot in front, lower his body, then he slashes the lump flesh's feet losing its balance and stumble forward, he started to charge on its side. He charged like a knight on a game board "chess" aiming at its neck.




"Stop daydreaming it's dead already!!" said Cherry why laughing.

"Fvck! that's kill stealing!! I'll report you to the GM!!" Rance wants to cry but choose to not to. He runs to the edge and jumps on the speedboat. "Go! we to board the ship!" then look at Cherry, "Get your self-ready! I'll slap your *ss when I get back!"

"Don't you dare! I'll throw your books on the ocean if you dare!" Cherry got shocked, then blackmailed him.

"Yo-your so shameless!"

"What did you say??"

"No, Nothing nice shot Cherry!! I'll reward you on the bed later." Rance said with a bitter smile on his face.

"W-You will reward me!? okay, okay! I'll get ready!! te he" with the innocent look he runs on the cabin herself.

"You brat! what did you say? what if she really went on your bed?" Phina glare at hi...

"Then I'll satisfy her with the reward!"

"What!? I'll wait for you, get on ship fast!" Phina look at his pervert son then turns around.

Around 10 minutes, Rance the last person arrived.

"Hey! Where's my reward?" Cherry put his hand forward then pout.

(why this little beauty's so dumb) everyone looks at her with a pitiful look.

"Later, we have to discuss something first." Rance looks so serious then went to the new group.

The group of youngster look at him then they got excited. They tun to him then.



"________?" he can't understand them but he can feel the excitement on their voice, they even imitate him slashing his ax.

A 15-18 years old young girl step forward to stop them."Yemete!!" she looks at him with crystal clear eyes "ariga##@% [email protected]$%%%@@$ Sugoi! Sugoi!" she looks like the other kid very excited, she even has her hand sign.

"Hmm? what did they say.?" he looked at the old guy and ask, "did she ask me for s*x?"


hic! haha

the males ex-classmate started to while the Japanese youngsters don't seems understand what he and tilted their head and look at the old guy.

The old man face turned red and embarrass, "W-why do you say?" she only said 'Thank you Older brother, I watch the way you fight. It's so great, Amazing' that what she meant." he looks at Rance and said.

"oh. Is that so, sorry I only hear those word on the movies I watch on the 'Rental Harem'. haha, Your welcome, my father taught spear martial arts, so I'm good in it."

"Oh, I forgot sorry for my rudeness, I'm Ecchi Roman, 51 years old a great chef, I still remember every dish when I was young." He bows respectfully and declares his name.

"Oh, Ecchi, I love those tags!!" Rance said teasing him.

"Haha, please stop teasing this old man" embarrass, he still looks on the floor.

"Haha, don't mind it, Grandpa, can I ask you what happen? and what's with that flesh lump?" Rance said respectful and ask.

"Oh we are Japanese anyway, at first there is no infected on our fortress but our scientist-that lump zombie started an experiment. First, on 2,000 citizens inside the fortress he picks three 30-32 years old male, the inject the prion on them. Only 3 minutes when they started to mutate. Then after days of the experiment, he chops his arm and put some prion on it.

The flesh of his arm started to rot. He then put steroids on that arm, after that, the flesh started to bloat, he is holding few samples but, his favorite anime is on T.V.! he slips and the sample gets on his mouth, then he started to mutate he get his other arm and reconnect it. He then started to bloat, he looks like a tank!, but when I look at him he shouts and charges while shouting 'expurosion'. I stand and run to the main control, to find these guys looking for me." He started to cry, and said with a begrudgingly."If I only have the strength I kill him already, I try to look at the settlement to find out all of them turned into a zombie. We are the only survivors, I try to block the entrance. But It can't contain them, we have been in the room for 3 days. We are so hungry and tired, it's gods blessing we meet you our savior!!" He cried and a kneel down.

"haha grandpa, stand up, it's okay." he looks at Reen, Anna and Niqa "You guys take these kids to a bath. Brother Gelo tells Sister-in-law to prepare food, Mom please prepare a room for them to rest." He looks on his father and Kong, " We need to go too, the sea is not safe anymore, looks like they don't need to breathe."

"Right, charge the ship on it's fastest speed, we don't need the fuel after we went through the portal" Josei agreed with a serious expression.

"Bloom and Cherry make that fortress sink send some explosive those remote control, we don't want to burn our own ship too." Gelo as older than the others, command them and give them some C44 explosives.

Everyone becomes serious, he or she all want to survive so they did not take the situation a joke. " South pole, I hope the cute penguins unaffected" Rance frown and started to murmur to himself.

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